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MtG Pauper
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it is not that overpovered, bolt kills it
Bolt kills it, but unless they're tapped out and have no mana floating they can go off in response.
>Want to build a shitbrew using Pestilence and Cemetary Gate on MTGO.
>Homelands isn't on MTGO
So I have a decent mono white Soldiers deck that can deal with most decks in the meta and easly outvalue Monoblack and fly under MonoBlue I have techs to deal with almost every deck in the meta exept for one.
Mono White mirror. Cycling Gempalm avenger is useless, Holy Light does nothing and Sunlance is completely dead in the sideboard. Tokens just eat my deck away, halp.
Bumping the best format.
fuck yeah i'm scum.
I know very little about pauper but atog has always been one of my favorite creatures. Is this legit?
Yes, Atog was printed as a common in Antiquities.
Affinity makes up around 11% of the MTGO pauper meta.
Yep, Atog is very legit.
I've been thing about replacing it for Reckless Fireweaver and get some free slot, not sure what to place in Fling slots, probably bolt?
Atog just feels like the better choice over Fireweaver. Yes, it's passive damage, but the Atog can just pull out wins on its own.
Tested a different MBC list on Friday, I didn't enjoy it as much as my usual one. Lack of Witches and Oubliettes really weakens Grey Merchant.
I see the dies to removal meme is still alive and well.
Any suggestions for a poor user wanting to get into pauper?
Pick your poison:
Really, there's very few expensive Pauper cards. Chain Lightning and Oubliette are the only two that come to mind. and they only see play in very few decks.
Everything else should be really easy to get.
Those are pretty sweet lists, user. Been thinking about getting my playgroup into pauper. Affinity looks pretty good, though I have to dock you for not using the Mirridon version of atog
Could I see your list and what you're struggling with?
Serrated arrows is the first thing to come to mind.
This is the current deck.
I'm also testing Palace Sentinels that would replace Daru Cavaliers, both are amazing against heavy removal decks.
Do you really only have 17 lands?
Missed the steppes. But that's still only 20. How often are you able to hit the top end of your curve
I hardly have trouble with lands. The curve is low and it gets even lower with Ballyrush Banneret;
You also might be looking at Gempalm Avenger, that I will never cast unless under extreme conditions
Any advice on this shitbrew? So far Gempalm Polluter and Cemetary Recruitment have been a helluva drug in conjunction.
I'll try again.
>Affinity looks pretty good, though I have to dock you for not using the Mirridon version of atog
The Mirrodin version is Uncommon, and has the Uncommon rarity symbol. I'd rather not have that.
But Antiquities didn't have different rarity symbols, so unless it's for anything other than aesthetics purposes there's not much point to it,
That said, I think Antiquities Atog looks much better than Mirrodin Atog has not only a better frame than Mirrodin Atog but also better art.
Pretty horrible list.
it existed before Thermo-Alchemist did, and I don't like Needle Drop.
I'm testing a Kaladesh list with Cogsworker's Puzzleknot, Sky Skiff, Renegade Freighter and Fireweaver.
So far results are pretty okay.
I've replaced the Metalcraft Elf with the Metalcraft Human that has flying because I went Jeskai instead of Temur.
Where's my format of only uncommons and commons?
Only uncommons.
I mean it's in the uncommons all the fun is.
And all pauper staples are just mistakes by development, they should hav been uncommons anyway.
Holy shit user. Are you drunk?
Peasant is not really played by anyone, which likely has a lot to do with cards like Force of Will being uncommon, meaning that anyone that is so inclined could just as well play Legacy.
There's still zero reason to run Flame Rift and all the reasons to run Keldon Marauders since (ofc assuming it resolves) it's a 2cc deal 5 or deal 2 and gain 2-4 which is crucial in aggro mirrors. Dangerous Wager is also pretty bad compared to just running 2 cycle lands since unless it's your last card in hand and you hit 2 bolts and/or Fireblast every time it's worse than having lethal burn and Faithless is unplayable after turn 3 especially if you draw one. I can see why you don't like Needle Drop but with the draw it's essentially another bolt even without comboing with Thermo-Alchemist.
I've never understood why they allow cards that were common once. If wizards reprinted it as uncommon or more, doesn't it means it could be too powerful?
recommending you to look into Guardian of the Guildpact, Razor Golem and Suture Priest
It means it might be too powerful at common in the set it was printed at uncommon in. Not too powerful in general.
Plus some commons are just better than uncommons. Commons isnt just power level.
Used to play pauper all the time.
Groups moved on to Noble though. Which I kinda like, since it allows you more room for variation. But you've got to sort of dumb it down a bit or you can build some pretty over powered decks.
Fucking elves.
I've been testing a similar list on mtgo, but replacing the Frogmites and Tooths with Galvanic Blast and Lightning Bolt.
So far I like it reasonably. It feels really solid against Delver lists and can definitely put up a race against other aggressive decks such as Burn. But it does feel rather weak against more controlling opponents like MBC, and it's definitely painful when they have the Mox Monkey in their sideboard.
I guess it's a meta call.
man I run soldiers too and I love Thraben Inspector. It's the card Pauper Soldier ever missed. I used to ignore card drawing so much in the past
My meta in the LGS got so control heavy that I tried Temur Battle rage instead of Fling. It offers less "oops I win" moments, but it has lots of synergy with all the 4/4s, and has less blowout risk in case of counterspells.
my problem with pauper is that I tried it because it was cheap, and to run from over the top things like affinity
It's not like I want things dumbed down, but rather would not like to get into "watch and cry" scenarios