Would it be possible that non chaos worshiping norscans exist? I remenber reading somewere that some of the tribes of the south opose, or rather ignore, the chaotic powers.
Parker Powell
how come they've doubled the points cost for every unit in 9th age? For what possible reason have they done this?
Hudson Phillips
Back in the old days the chaos worship of Norscans ran something of a spectrum, with the Southerners still being warlike barbarians, but usually only propitiating the Dark Gods and only occasionally being drawn into Chaos Warbands; they still raided the coasts of the Old World, and though many were servants of the Dark Gods, some were less well inclined towards them; perhaps exiles and outcasts from that dark land.
Needless to day Norscans are met with fear and suspicion across most of the Old World, as Chaos Worshippers or not, their longships are feared on every coast where men have been known to tread.
Here's some friendly Marauder Horsemen from Dark Omen, maybe Morgan Bernhardt was just that much of a G.
Brandon Brooks
So that they can balance cheap units without using half points. If they wanted clanrats to be 10% more expensive, it's cleaner to change it from 10 to 11 points than from 5 to 5½ points.
Army percentages also become easier to calculate on the fly. It's more simple to do e.g. 25% of 3000 rather than 25% of 1500.
The core reason behind it might be because they want to differentiate themselves from WHFB slowly but steadily.
Luis Wright
Glad someone came along for fantasy. I'm doing a game of WFRP in Mousillon, would anyone have any advice for a fist time GM? maybe some starting level plots?
Nathan Thomas
thanks man
William Rivera
The Old Worldwill never die!
Brody Roberts
Aiden Allen
allows for finer tuning, I guess. 5- and 10-point options are less punishing ones now, without going into full-on retaded shit with stuff costing 2/3/6 points like in older editions, leading to non-round point totals.
Charles Fisher
what those two guys said, plus I believe they wanted to kick people out of that 2000 pts stereotype a bit. many people grew too accustomed to a set point number, and were unwilling to try other game sizes. now that all point totals are new, people may try other game sizes - maybe even self-same 2k points, which is roughly old 500pts games, making game more accessible for newbies.
Jackson Cooper
Carter Cruz
what the hell happened to that plastic landsknecht deal? Is Warlord ever gonna release them?
Eli Stewart
What do you guys think of 9th age 1.2? I'm liking it so far, I wish magic was a little more dynamic. I don't think it makes much sense for my beastbros to have evocation.
Chase Edwards
I like it. I never liked monotheme armies, so their removal didn't hit me as hard.
I can field more characters now, especially playing Skaven, which is really nice, since I'm character model junkie.
Cosmology looks really cool.
I dislike some lore choices (Shamanism for Skaven, Evocation for Beastmen, meh), but overall it looks great.
Ayden Rivera
True. Old World is best classic fantasy setting.
Jacob Roberts
I like Lizardmen, Empire, Skaven, and Tomb Kings.
The model counts are too ludicrous for me to actually commit to.
Easton Johnson
Relly liking kthe BRB changes. Kina liking the new Magic. Unsure about the army books. Pretty pissed about how went about the change, basically noone including most staff saw such big changes coming this late into development.
Parker Baker
Anyone know a good enemy within download link?
Jaxson Morris
Unlike 40k, there is not a single uninteresting Fantasy faction.
Wyatt Stewart
agreed. except Chaos. and Bretonnia. and Ogres. and Greenskins. and Lizardmen.
Cooper Sanchez
What in the Old World is more interesting than the Empire?
Chase Martin
everything else? apart from Bretonnia, that is
William Hernandez
Explain why you think so in detail please.
Jaxson Reyes
once you get past German names instead of English ones, Empire is just your old Generic Human Kingdom/Empire with Knights, Wizards, some Steampunk, Corrupted Nobles, Church of Not!Jesus, attacked by Spiky Evil Guys, etcetera, ecetera, etcetera. Heck, even Bretonnia is sliiiiightly more original, and would've been more interesting if it had at least something more than noble knights, inbred peasants, arthurian legends in not!France. Don't get me wrong, most factions in GW are very generic, but Empire takes the cake. The fact it's forced everywhere and is most exposed faction - as befits the Generic Human Kingdom - doesn't help either.
Dominic Scott
it's also Friends With Dwarfs And Elves, and the Main Uniting Force For Good. and it's enemies with Undead, Orcs and Goblins, etcetera. Just as befits the Generic Human Kingdom.
Gavin Allen
Explain why other factions cannot be dumbed down and overgeneralised like the humies and are in fact more interesting.
Kayden Scott
>Generic Human Kingdom Remind me please, since when "Generic Human Kingdom" starts mean "historically accurate human's state"?
Joshua Miller
What do you guys figure Arabyan magic should look like? Fire/Wind/Alchemical stuff, with some daemon summoning for djinni?
I figure one could kludge the Chaos lore into being the Araby lore, with normal daemons replace with djinn.
Jaxson Miller
If I remember correctly they used summon of wind spirits, not daemons.
Josiah Murphy
I imagine these "spirits" probably count as lesser, unaligned daemons. Was there ever an official ruling on what Kislevite and Arabyan spirits are? They're not human, nor were they ever.
James Morgan
>I imagine these "spirits" probably count as lesser, unaligned daemons Gameplay wise? Probably yes, 6th edition has Kislev lore of magic, but I cannot remember any summon spells.
Asher King
Well, Ice Witches just call on the spirit of Kislev itself to do their magic, from what I remember. Hag witches instead deal with the land's myriad lesser spirits (but not daemons aligned with Chaos, who they despise - in the RPG, Hag Witches even have a pretty unique ability to detect Chaos corruption).
Adam Stewart
You have to go back in your general.
Gabriel Myers
Didnt it have a summon for a ice demon or something like that? I do remenber that you could summon a icewall, a snowstorm and maybe something else
Luke Peterson
so Kislev are Space Wolves?
Chase Thomas
What if all the factions in warhammer were humans? What would that look like?
Cooper Adams
like regular IRL nations but with magic? they are basically all fantasy counterpart cultures.
Brody Hernandez
All those factions are interesting. Chaos Warriors may be boring, but Chaos itself is very interesting. Bretonnia suffers from a lack of attention, but has lots of interesting stuff hidden beneath the Arthurian surface.
Christopher Wood
Chaos HAD POTENTIAL to be interesting, several editions ago, in footnotes scattered across the books. the canon and mainstream version of Chaos is boring as fuck.
Julian Thompson
Read Liber Chaotica.
Samuel Gutierrez
Chaos would be so much more interesting if it was true chaotic with alien morality and logic. Instead we get 4 chaotic evil edge lords whose followers are all some edgy variation of spiky armor and skull wearing crazies that are always evil assholes that eat babies and flay prisoners alive
Aiden Taylor
as I said, editions ago. it's not canon.
Jack Bell
Whatever. It's all fictional. I'll take the parts I like.
Oliver Cox
well, so I take bits of Moorcock's Chaos for my vision of WHFB, which is still my headcanon and doesn't improve the canonic GW Chaos
Justin Nelson
That's because they are an expression of the dark parts of the human psyche. The fact that that translates into evil warriors is disappointing, but the concept of psychic demons finding a way to become embodied in the physical world is interesting. GW didn't take full of advantage of that theme, but they never took full advantage of the lore anyway.
Angel Rivera
There's a difference between not needing an official stamp of approval on all the fluff and introducing your own headcanon.
But why are there no reflections of the light parts of the psyche? why does it have to be all edge all the time? and why do the big 4 chaos gods have domain over pretty much everything even though they only show the evil aspects of it? why aren't there instead thousands of chaos gods representing different concepts, instead of all the gods just falling under the domain of something one of the big 4 does? chaos could be interesting but they shat the bed and made it all edge all the time. even cultist intrigue isnt that interesting
Caleb Murphy
because originally it was supposed to be like you said. an infinite multitude of gods, The Four and Chaos Undivided were absolutely valid and paradoxally (it's Chaos) not-self-contradicting perspectives of Chaos. The Four existed and didn't exist at the same time. Chaos was a single undivided force, and it was an infinity of godlings and daemons. Slaanesh was the youngest, having existed as long as his brothers have - forever. THAT was good Chaos. what we have now is rather generic hell/abyss/twisting nether/whatever with demons and four big bads.
Jackson Ortiz
I wonder how T9A will handle their Dark Gods when they release their fluff. what they did with Sylvan Elves was pretty good.
Jayden Fisher
do Skaven use "surnames"? e.g. would Rakkit Rustblade be a valid Skaven name, or he'd better be called just Rakkit or just Rustblade? or those "surnames" are reserved only for the real big warlords, like Queek?
and do I get it right that Skaven are big on titles and stuff, to sound scarier and more important?
Jeremiah Jackson
>But why are there no reflections of the light parts of the psyche?
The gods of all religions are essentially Chaos gods. They are products of the psyche made manifest by Chaos. This is why, for example, the ancestral gods of the Dwarfs only manifested in the world with the collapse of the Polar Warp Gates. I suspect that may no longer have been true as of The End Times, but I didn't read that shit.
There are lesser Chaos gods: the Northmen worship thousands. They just are not as powerful as the big four. The big four are big because they are a product of very basic forces acting on the psyche - change, desire, decay, violence - and can also interact with the world to cause more change, desire, decay and violence.
I don't deny that a lot more could have been done with it, but the concept is good and there is some good material related to it (see Liber Chaotica). I also don't deny that the dull material outnumbers the interesting stuff, but my only advice can be not to read the dull stuff.
Wyatt Wood
The Mordheim video game gives you randomized names and all Skaven get surnames in that.
For a slightly more canon source, "Uniforms and Heraldry of the Skaven" include a couple of descriptions of minor characters with surnames, such as Scrak Fangsnapper who was a regular clanrat that rose to sergeant (with no indication that his name changed in the process).
Gabriel Campbell
ah, great. more space for fantasy then.
what about titles? would a lowly chieftain tend to call himself High Blood Chieftain Rikkit just to sound bigger?
Lincoln Bennett
Imagine you were making a WHFB MMO. How would you make it now, when your game doesn't have to be a WoW clone, and there's plenty of other games to draw inspiration from?
Brandon Sullivan
Gloria Victis: Old World
Josiah Torres
Liam Rivera
Are there any famous dwarven regiments, apart from Drongs Slayer Pirates? Because with the skaven, elves and empire Heraldry and Uniforms they get famous regiments and so on
Easton Brown
Asking this in Warhammer threads. I assume there's an elf player here
How does the size of the island of blood Magee on gryphon compare to the Phoenix? Similar or big discrepancy?
Pictures would be great but I'll take what I can get
Robert Lopez
not really, they all are pretty... underground.
Lucas Morales
I think the ice witches get a summon ice demon spell of some sort, but hag witches actually transform into one.
Angel Ortiz
I'm sure any Skaven would be tempted to call themselves something more grand than they really are, but that title would attract both wanted and unwanted attention. Everyone below you would want to murder you to get your rank, and everyone above you would want to murder you because you seem to be a threat to their rank. It's a double-edged sword of pride and paranoia.
Grayson Robinson
I could still see a skaven doing it, especially if they've only recently come into a lot of power and are riding the crest of egomania.
A Grey Seer or black rat doing something like that is either a REALLY dangerous rat or so green a vegan would eat them.
Carson Peterson
Definitely, it would fit perfectly into a short story, but it's probably not something for a recurring character or a model in your army because he'd either be dead already or Mary Sue levels of special snowflake strength.
Easton Nguyen
No, Space Wolves are Norsca and a bit of Kislev with the Chaos stripped out.
Xavier James
Alternatively, the PCs keep encountering this rat and both ruining his plans and killing his rivals (he's not a complete idiot, he leads from the back).
Bump for suggestions for an Araby lore.
Nathaniel Davis
Liber Chaotica is so fucking good, still got a dog eared copy
Alexander Phillips
I feel like the assassin is way too high up on the chain of careers for what you get, does anyone else feel like there should be a 'lower tier' Assassin career? Hitman, or Hired Killer, or something?
Aaron Scott
Empire fag here, can confirm.
The biggest problem is'nt even the cost with ebay deals and battalion boxes.(Well, relatively speaking in comparison to GW stuff in general.) The sheer number to paint can be intimidating and I understand it all too well. (I've at least got 120 miniatures of empire to paint at the moment.
Ethan Morales
I just GM'd for my first time using WFRP, as well.
However, I just used a campaign module. If it's your first time GMing, that's my suggestion. Keeps everything nice and simple and orderly, and gives you an idea of what you need to do to create your own campaigns in the future. The WFRP 2e rulebook has a starting adventure, Through the Drakwald, that you could use. Or pick any of the other modules. I used the Enemy Within's starter Mistaken Identity.
Also, if you really want to impress your group -- pick a relatively linear first outing with a limited amount of character names you can remember and then assign each of them a voice, so they all feel like different characters right from the get. Inject humor where possible.
Examples from Mistaken Identity: Philippe Descartes: Flamboyant French Accent (begin with a "hon hon" and it should come naturally). Gunnar and Hultz, Alcoholic Coachmen: Lancashire accents with a slur. Josef Quartjin, River Boat Captain: Somerset/West Country Accent. Max Ernst: Gritty action-man voice.
Charles Davis
well, what if EVERY character in the army had an over-the-top name?
Lincoln Ramirez
There would be constant scheming, backstabbing and absolute havoc. Pretty much the same as usual, in other words.
Justin Foster
>so Kislev are Space Wolves? Nope, Ice lore came from ungols and they are more close to Chogoris.