Which weapon or pair of weapons would you select from pdf related, and why?
Which weapon or pair of weapons would you select from pdf related, and why?
If shields are a thing I'd take the 1-handed piercing blade, light constant jabs while they wind up for an attack or try to maneuver around my defense.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)
I'm a roleplayer, I don't pick gear by mechanics even if it gimps me.
Second dice as d3 for second weapon (if applicable).
>Straight Blade 2H
2h curved for top crits
Oh wow I'm retarded and didn't read the first part (the most important part).
I'd use a Curved 1H and Piercing 1H.
I could use the Piercing light attacks to do the most damage for the least cards and the hard attacks with the Curved if my hand is good and follow up with a light Pierce to another or the same target.
Straight sword 1H. I like the look of straight swords and I wouldn't have the physical ability to use a two-hander for more than a few swings. That, and I just love these swords.
I'd take pick related.
Do you feel that this mechanic provides too much granularity? Or not enough granularity? Do you think there is plenty of design space for other distinct types of weapons?
Straight blades seem popular
Some people like the versatility
But some people like the crits!
>1H Curved Sword, twice
It's higher on the damage curve then anything else, especially with a hard attack. Hits harder then any other 1h at medium and even outclasses the 2h curved sword crit.
You'd have to take the same 1h weapon twice.
>You'd have to take the same 1h weapon twice.
You may select the same weapon twice, but you do not have to.
I apparently can not read, my bad.
IF I was being hopeful about my odds but still hedging my bets, 1h Curved+1hPiercing. If I was being realistic, 2HPiercing.
That is the deck of card we a drawing from like? Drawing from a standard 52-card deck?
I would also have done the damage curves differently. Something like curved more consistent damage and best for spamming (playing small matches often) and piercing with the highest potential damage but being more hit and miss (playing large matches less often but for higher effect.) I would rationalize this as slashes being easier to land with reasonably constant effect on targets (pretty much a bleeding wound every where) while poking at people only does significant damage to vitals but they are more damaging if you poke them in right spot (limb pokes = weak but torso poke = dead). I am sure there are other ways to rationalize the damage curves. How are you looking at this?
I would also me careful with damage break points. You seem to be doing hp for mobs by 5's or 10's but weapon damage in increments of 6. The most notable is probably the 2h peirce with 2 shot kills with just 2 pairs verses "standard enemy."
>Piercing Blade 2H
This feels statistically complex because I have to factor in my actual hand size (I don't know what it would be), the odds of having a matching card or 2 matching cards, and the break points of enemies (so e.g. it's important to be able to do 20 damage in an attack semi-reliably).
If two 1-hand weapons work as a straight additive - so 2 piercing blades 1-handed deals 16 damage all the time - then using two 1-handed weapons always seems better.
I would probably use a 1-hand curved blade and a 1-hand straight blade. Minions aren't worth factoring in for damage (unless using two 1-hand weapons means I get to kill 2 minions/round, which makes it even better) so this means:
>At worst I kill a standard enemy in 2 rounds, which I can't ever do better than regardless of weapons
>I kill a standard enemy in 1 attack with medium or better, which is also as good as you can get
>I kill an elite enemy in 5 medium or 4 strong attacks which is also - I think - as good as you can get
My assumption of damage averages might be off but this seems like the statistically best option. I'm not sure using two 1-hand curved blades is worth it even if you will always get combos because your best-case scenarios don't get any better. I suppose I'm not giving regard to how many combinations of light medium and strong attacks you need but fuck that.
This is actually even more complex thinking about it because your weapon combination will affect how often you hold cards. Like with this proposed set-up I probably never use strong attacks against anything that isn't elite, but I always use a medium attack as soon as I have one so maybe that makes it less efficient over the long run?
I think piercing weapons should probably step up damage when you go medium, but not step up between medium and strong. That would make them more interesting to me. I agree with on switching curved/piercing too.
I think it's fine, yeah, but it makes combat quite a separate minigame which you ought to consider. If you're planning to release a game you want to fine-tune your math and there is no reason not to release a special deck of cards for it. Make it playable with normal cards, but for small $ you get a special deck which is more fun (mechanically the base is the same, but the special deck can have room for more complex actions on specific cards like an enemy losing a limb, eye, a riposte, pushing an enemy around, etc.)
I know by te rules of the pdf you re right, but (if you allow me a bit of autism),
two handed swords are generally less tiring to use by a wide margin, actually
No blunt weapon or range for that matter?
I would give him a bow for secondary weapon and mace and shield for primary weapon.
It's a work in progress. I just wanted to test out some of the underlying ideas on you guys before fleshing the idea out a bit more. Obviously, the finished game will have a much wider variety of weapons and customization options.
I tried reflecting that with higher base damage. So it's easier to do more damage with fewer cards with a two-hander.
It's designed for a standard 52-card deck, but I will certainly include a custom deck when I publish my game!
I was looking at this in terms of physical weapon balance (admittedly, based on Schola Gladiatoria videos). Weapons balanced closer to the hilt provide more point control, but weapons balanced farther from the hilt provide more momentum (if I'm understanding it correctly.)
I will be more careful about weapon damage, thanks! I'm fiddling around with the numbers a lot right now, but my aim is to balance weapon damage so that a light hit chips off about 25% of a standard monster's HP, and a heavy hit with the right weapon can one-shot a standard monster.
(But I'm not well versed in math, so this is going to be a messy design process.)
Yep, I am totally going for the combat as a mini-game angle. I'm a big fan of 4E D&D, and while I definitely not designing a 4E clone, I am drawing quite a bit of inspiration from it.
Anybody interested in trying out a more recent version?
Sure, post it.
Now, this is a bit more complicated, but it uses the stats and weapon construction rules I want to implement.
Will add ranged weapons and magic weapons later, but I want to nail down the basics first.
>curved blades are for attacking hard targets
>piercing blades are for soft targets
Do you have formations of peasants who punch cavalry charges to death in this setting?
Maybe I should include a column for accuracy bonuses then?
Piercing curved get higher accuracy bonuses for better armour penetration, curved blades get better damage scaling, and straight swords are more middle-of-the-road.
Your art is baller. Are you doing it yourself? Remonds me of Jez Gordon. Strong Dark Souls vibe from this too.
Without the actual weapon mods this is difficult to assess but it looks interesting.
You should be careful with consistency there. If you decide accuracy is represented by one thing, make sure that's how accuracy is consistently represented with your weapons.
Thank you. Yes, I am doing my own illustrations for this. Just digital for now though, until I get a new scanner. Then you'll get to see what I can do in the more traditional media I'm accustomed to.
Straight + piercing combo.
I can deal with hordes of minions and I need 4 cards to one-shot a standard enemy. same as the 2h curved but with 2 weapons, i need 2x2, not 4 of the same.
the minimum output is decent, the maximum output is decent too.
The weapon mods are there. :)
I think I need to make it more clear that the table things are the mods themselves, and not like base templates you attach the mods to.
I mean that 'Straight Blade', 'Piercing Blade', and 'Bastard' are all weapon modifications you can combine together to make your weapon your own.
It will take a bit of fiddling to get everything right. And I'm actually starting mostly with mechanics first and applying flavor that I think best fits rather than designing everything top down. But I'll shoot for consistency, thanks!
My gut reaction is Curved 1h + Pierce 1h. Piercing gives me consistent dps for pumping out a lot of light attacks while I can use the Curved for heavier attacks and finishing off regular enemies a turn sooner (8 + 8 + 4 = 20)
>No choice for 2 Shields.
The weapon mods there are just the blade types. You say pick 3. So do I have a straight curved hammer? The stats don't break down from your weapon types at all - you need to rethink if that's the case.
Two piercing blades, 1h
Highest dps
Got it.
So problems with it so far:
1) Lack of variety/material in terms of weapon mods. Need to fill out the list more.
2) Mechanics are too disassociated from fluff.
3) Math needs work to ensure that medium and hard attacks are worthwhile.
is better
Yeah I'd say that sounds pretty solid.
A halberd always go well with guardians if either of those two are unavailable yet.
Is this for Dragon Forest? I loved the playtest pdf you put out a while ago.
It is indeed! I'm working on my new rewrite.
The basic idea is the same, except for the core mechanic. Over the course of development I've grown increasingly frustrated with the limitations of the d20 system. So now I'm playing around with this card-based mechanic.
There are times where I feel like I'm going too far, though...
The idea behind the weapon construction system was to give players the tools to make whatever kind of weapon they want.
So you can make a halberd by combining the polearm, axe, and piercing blade modifications.
But I still have to flesh out the full list of modifications and make sure that each modification plays well.
That's why I post these threads for feedback. Thank you so much for the feedback! ^^
The card based is cool, keep with it!
Dragon Forest actually inspired me to start writing my own homebrew game, though I've been changing the resolution mechanic over and over again for months now.
On the issue of accuracy,
you could make it a passive stat like those in GURPS.
Something like (DEXĂ—INT)/2 or somethin.
Idk, just an idea.
Two handed straight. The option to adjust for damage and use more force or less is valuable, however, one should not loose so much damage to your weapons lighter strikes.
As for why 2 handed, I prefer two handed weapons.
Glad to hear it! I would love to see your game.
Resolution mechanics can be rough. It may be the central of the system, but it may not be central to your concept. I didn't start writing Dragon Forest with a particular dice mechanic in mind; I started writing it with a vision of doomed supernatural knights fighting for redemption and protecting the surviving remnants of humanity in a dying world. I had specific advancement mechanics in mind for that, but not a dice mechanic.
I started off using d20, but dumped it after I finally got fed up with the constraints.
I started looking at hand management mechanics as a way of modeling fatigue, breath, and patience in combat. It has the advantage of utilizing commonly available gaming peripherals (standard 52-card deck) and drawing upon already familiar concepts drawn from Poker.
If you are having problems with your resolution mechanic than try this:
Clear your mind
Take stock of what you have
Discard the needless
Maybe I should take my own advice here. All this business of calculating damage is getting real busy. Maybe I just need to simplify.