Kingdom Death: Monster General - /kdmg/

Almost there boys, edition.

25 of November is the next Kickstarter, mark it down.

Alas an update has come from Poots, albeit sad.

Coming from the update on the kickstarter page, link:

But tl;dr for those who are a little busy right now;

>Lantern Festival is CANCELLED. Poots wasn't happy with the product and said that he wouldn't want to push a lackluster addition to the game for only those who beat it.

>The kickstarter will FOCUS on reprinting the CORE game to begin with. Adam has said he cannot disclose anything further.

>A card pack for individually bought miniatures (So for example Black Knight) will be made available.

>A Shirt, Artbook and Painting Tutorials have been / Will be made available before and after the Kickstarter.

>New poses for models it seems and reworked cards - Survival of the Fittest might actually be playable now.

Other urls found in this thread:

So I'm just going to quickly spew my thoughts here, because - while I'm not too sad, I'm somewhat confused.

Poots has outright cancelled Lantern Festival, which, sure okay, if you don't want to release a shit product I'm all for it.

But you can still produce the minis though right? The Wet Nurse for example; currently just a model without any content and probably not going to be in an expansion anyway. So why can't he do that with Screaming Jesus?

Secondly, I'm excited that models that were bought without cards can now have some integration, it'll probably just be standard fare hunts, but hey - gives us less reason to grind baby lions.

It sucks but the same time it doesn't.

People speculated this happening.

Yeah, ambitious decision for a relatively long and difficult game. Like, I don't think I'd get to the point with others to play the expansion itself - but god damn Screaming Jesus would be a nice table/desk piece.

On the news of desk pieces, got Disciple of the Witch 01 for 16 bucks in package, thought that was pretty good.

Might've been a bad time to post the general.

>But you can still produce the minis though right? The Wet Nurse for example; currently just a model without any content and probably not going to be in an expansion anyway. So why can't he do that with Screaming Jesus?

Stick around for a while and you'll get a feeling for how Poots does "business".

I must say that I've played the game quite a bit, but haven't followed the development really before GenCon this year.

At least Poots has the decency to be upfront about it.

I may be the odd man out, but I'd really just like a Lore book about Kingdom Death. With enough Lore to run an RPG in.

Play it on TTS and see how that goes.

If you enjoy it you should pick it up, Mini's are quality and the book that comes with it has a good amount of inspiration to draw from.

I have two friends who own the game, and I actually really like the system, but there's a lot of info missing, and is a resource management game, not an RPG.

Might as well get some kind of discussion going.

Who was your favourite character in a campaign?

I'll start off by saying my second ever savior, as I learnt after the death of my first one how strong they can actually be even without much help from expansions making survivors busted. She was a dreamer of the Lantern which focused on a high spd/acc build to get as many hits off as possible, and tried to get crit rolls to be as low as possible with blue armour affinities + Ambidextrous with Throwing Knives got pretty saucy.

She was just about ready to retire when I went after Phoenix and Her age got reset due to one of either the hunt events or the trap, which I'm still not sure if that's how it should've happened because specific rulings, anyway; I used her for another good portion of my campaign.

There came a point where she just became the Camp elder so to speak, our TeacherDrone so to speak. She had something like 5 or 6 children due to matchmaker, partnered with a mates character who is the same age as her "physically" but is like 60 years younger. And she had a missing eye along with Vestiophobia (Which fucking sucked by the way).

I have this character I named Fryd the first time I played. This character died very spectacularly on his first hunt. So, in memory, we named a new character Fryd and sent him on a hunt. He died too.
each time A Fryd die, we name a new character like him and send him on the next hunt.

Everytime, the new Fryd dies a painful death.

I don´t think that makes Survival of the Fittest any better compared to Protect the Young in Vanilla.
The danger is just too high to lose Survivors instead of getting any after jumping through all those dice rolls to even get to Intimicaty.
It looks like a really nice buff for the People of the Sun though.

Early game it'll be bad, sure, but as soon as someone hits 3 courage (during the settlement phase) you basically have the grandmother for each child of the next generation because of matchmaker, but given that the anything below 4 on the intimacy table is death - it's still a great risk yeah.

Phonetically, do you say it Frie-d, Free-d or Frid?

When we chose the name, someone screamed something about the USA in the room. I said freedom and another player wrote Fryd on the character sheet.

I think, Im going to buy/kickstart Kingdom Death and a few expansions.
Suggest me some, or tell me what are the best expansions, and why?

I love the knights.
Dung beetle / Flower / Lion knight.

They are simple additions that don't change the game too much but still have interesting features.

If you can, all. But seeing as though not everyone is made of money;

Some that I think everyone should pick up;
>Manhunter with a bullet, such a good expansion.
>Gorm, quality gear and fun fight
>Lonely Tree, because it can be integrated into every game without much difficulty.

Personal favourites;
>Spidicules, because the fight is fun and the sets + weapons are great
>Slenderman, interesting expansion that not everyone loves but I think is great.

And as said, Knights are an all round great expansion.

Sunstalker and Dragon King are full blown expansions rather than additions so you might want to take that into consideration when looking at buying those two.

Sick, I'm not the greatest at naming conventions - I just do the Zodiac to start with generally and then if I'm watching a TV show or something I'll use the character's first names.

>>Lantern Festival is CANCELLED
What the fuck? so what is the next expansion going to be?


Money really is not a issue for me, but I thought I should only buy few for starter.

How much does Sunstalker and Dragon King change the gameplay?
I have been trying to figure out, but I have not been succesful since Im trying to avoid all the spoilers I can.

How does all the expansions work in general? Are they compatible with each other, like you can use them all same time?

So no more expansion? the game is finished? and we all got fucked?
>lel we doomed the end

>How much does Sunstalker and Dragon King change the gameplay?

Different start and added stuff, without spoiling anything that's about as much there is to say.

They are compatible with one another yeah, but it can be a bit crowded if you want every expansion in one campaign.

Poots recommends 3 expansions per campaign, but I've done it easily with Gorm + Spidicules + Lonely Tree + Slenderman + Manhunter.

>What is Frogdog.
>What is Nightmare Ram.
>What is Ringtail Fox.
>What is Surprise.

>mini expansion with 1 boss
>shipping cost more than the product
>it take more than 3 months for delivery

The Watcher feel kind of easy for an end game boss.

So the Halloween 2016 Twilight Knights are still up, might buy one if Fade/Thief isn't part of the Kickstarter reprints.

You may have cheesed the game to the point he's not a challenge.

>mini expansion with 1 boss
Fuck, how dare a small team only output what they can, right?

>shipping cost more than the product
>it take more than 3 months for delivery
This I can relate to.

I saw this one but it from chinkland so i don't know

Either the EU warehose is incompetent as fuck or something bad happened.
I ordered Fade, Allison and the Role Survivors from the US and two expansions from the EU Warehouse.
Since the EU warehouse is even in my own country I expected to get the expansions pretty fast.
That is not the case, it has been a whole month and I did not even get a info if it was shipped, it is still marked as "unfulfilled".
Meanwhile, I got my US order already this week.

Someone had a similar experience?

No because Australia suck

Is this bootleg?

It looks legit, but 4900 Gil-Runes is a little much considering the exchange rate for JP to AU is a bit shit right now. Thanks for the heads up though mang.

See . No one, and I truly mean this, is as incompetent as Australia Post Dispatch employees.

It's CNY, so it only about 9.45196369 Australian dollars. I just ordered some recast from that store week ago, will post result later if this thread still alive of course

a-anyone in Melbourne?

It's ¥ 49.00

Gone down the Rabbit hole of looking at resales. Might order the remaining Witch with Troupe.

oh, my bad. Probably not legit then, so I might pass.

Bato might be, he doesn't seen to be on though so I can't double check.

There's a lot of lore stuff available on Vibrant Lantern, you can look there for Lore stuff if you haven't already.

>Allison bonus gear and rules
This feels like buying some stupid broken Gun DLC for Call of Duty.
Will all these bonus cards get implemented into 1.4?
Or are they really basically DLC to help make the game easier?

They might be implemented, ultimately it's up to Poots so we have no idea.

I do see where you're coming from with Allison in particular - you shouldn't get that much of a boost from a single event, even if it's to reflect this Devout Spiritual Swordsman.

Percival's I think is the most "fair", and is like Fade who goes from being a nice fair addition to a strong addition if you roll higher than 2. I shouldn't have to explain why that's strong.

I'm off guys, don't let the thread die until all the Eurobro's wake up to sustain the thread :^)

It´s the middle of the day here in Europe on a sunday, though.

Shhhhhhhh, all the cute Romanians are asleep, shhhhhhhh.

So when can we expect any new expansions or at least news on them?

25th of november most likely.

>land of horror darkness with thick womans thirst for survival fighting penis monster
>no rape or any tentacle monster rape event
18+ my ass

Pretty sure any intimacy events with Survival of the Fittest in play count as rape events. Either that or the woman is suicidal and that's pretty dark on its own.

I dunno, the harvest picture looks plenty tentacle rapey to me. Nothing but women are harvesting plants, and a giant tentacly plant creater are scooping them up and is shoving one into its mouth.

>make good looking character with deep lore like fade, the witches
>lol here her random event, she is a skeleton and you got a baby

>the king
>big game hunter
>wet nurse
>dick face god
>lmao lantern festival is cancelled because new player can't play it(????)

It's vore not rape, ithink the game should be more violence

According to my chinese cartoon porn, vore and tentacle rape are not mutually exclusive.

So when i can cast spell like in dark soul?

What is reading comprehension ?

It's cancelled because they didn't manage to make a good expansion out of it, and locking a lot of content behind the end of the game wasn't a good idea (even if I'd love to have the campaign extended).
And since they said they were going to use the figures to do something else, we can expect it to mutate into a mid-game inclusion or a new campaign itself.
And having lore doesn't make good gameplay.

Also refund, so it's not like you were scammed.

'round April if I remember correctly.

Welp, no lantern festival is pretty bummer. I actually have two settlements that were going to be ready for it and I was very excited both to delve into the lore of the king and to see if my survivors could hack it and become truly 'survivors' in this hellscape.

Also I really wanted that twilight cape male figure.

I didn't much care about the scribe, but truly, the idea of the settlement becoming powerful enough to find, then search and potentially begin a tiny war with one of the big societies was fascinating to me. I hold on to one shred of hope, though: Perhaps a fanmade super-endgame could be made, much like a mod for a video game, but that maybe Poots could weigh in a tiny bit when he's not being ravaged by kickstarter funds. Even if it was just hints and musings at what the original plan was, roughly, for a expansion like lantern festival, it could give us a lot of lore friendly ground to build on, and Poots in the past has been pretty cool when I contacted him.

So do we know if pricing is going ti be simular? Im hoping to walk away with the game and an expansion or two for under 200. Is this reasonable?

I seriously doubt it. As Poots has said before: the major cost now that the molds are paid for, is printing books and markers etc. The original kickstarter fucking blew up, and so did the content for the base game, and so also the cost to produce it.

Damn i was hoping since that was mostly done it would lower the price (or keep it consistant) not the opposite.

Poots literally knows nothing about producing a game, keeping inventory, or logistics of shipping so most of the additional cost is his own fault.

The first kickstarter let you take the game home with 100 bucks. If the next will be anywhere near that, it will be a major slap in the face to all those who bought it at full price since then (of 300 last Black Friday). It would be a terrible move, since Poot's chances to sell shit outside of the kickstarters would probably sink. Probably it will go for 300 bucks like the last Black Friday or a tiny little less.

>Poots recommends 3 expansions per campaign,
>Literally Can't make Green Armour with only 3 expansions.
Is poots retarded.

>The Watcher feel kind of easy for an end game boss.
>You may have cheesed the game to the point he's not a challenge.
Nah he didn't, the watcher is a extremely shitty end boss and by the time you get to him you should be able to literallly rape him into oblivion. He sucks.
The Dragon on the other hand..

Yea, the extra cards are kind of shit and gay.

Poots dropped the ball here.

>Am I gonna get the game for $100 buck like the KS before literally THE GAME was THE GAME.

What do you need for complete Green Armour again?

And I don´t really have a problem with the extra Cards per se, it is just that they are "locked behind" a whole 25 $ model each.

For everything you need; (I'm just pulling from memory)
>A Innovation from the Spider.
>Reagent from old one DKB special boss.
>Manhunter McGuffin
>Gorm poop
>Lion Knight Claw
>Flower Knight McGuffin
For a full set.

Yes people go off about how you'll only be able to make a couple pieces but it's even harder with less monster variety.

>Reagent from old one DKB special boss
If you can beat that, what would you need the Green Armor set for then?
Are you not pretty much unkillable at this point if you can fight against Legendary Monsters?

>Why would you want to make this super cool badass thing?

If you obviously don't play the game why comment..
But no. Not at all. The old one DBK is a special hunt but he's not unkillable. In fact he's easier to kill than a level 3 DBK if I remember correctly.

And Survivors are never unkillable unless you did some shenanigans with Immortal which is pretty much a one in a million.

Just replace Watcher with The Dragon and put it at year 30 and prepare for a ravaged anus.

Well I don´t know how strong the Old One is, so I assumed he was at least on par with Level 3 Monsters which sound ridicolous for my poor first-campaign-mind.
And why risk such a (theoretical) difficult fight if you could handle the Endboss no problemo (or at least so I heard a lot that the Watcher is a push over compared to Level 3 Monsters [which still makes me question why to fight them in general]).

Because it's "fun" to face hard challenges.

and making Green Armour is the hardest challenge in the game.

don't you mean !!FUN!!?

Same problem here.. ordered three expansions over a month ago. Contacted customer service, was told that tracking number will be sent at the end of this week... nothing came. Gonna wait for Tuesday and contact them again, total shit show.

>Not emailing Poots personally to give him endless shit and tell him how useless his staff is.
I thought you guys were KD fans.

I always just mail Poots directly, he deserves it for hiring these useless mooks.

>>Lantern Festival is CANCELLED. Poots wasn't happy with the product and said that he wouldn't want to push a lackluster addition to the game for only those who beat it.
Cancelled CANCELLED or deferred CANCELLED?

Also the OP gave me Anor Londo flashbacks, well played.

From his update "In the future, it is likely that I will create another product that uses the same miniatures but it will not be the Lantern Festival I pitched in the 2012 - 2013 kickstarter."

Glad to see the thread didn't die :^)

I must admit, I was a bummed out that best girl was now dedgirl.

Even if the models are plastic this time round, he'd be real generous to have the base for less than US$250.

>Is poots retarded.
Should preface that this was before Green Armour was announced/released.

>Yea, the extra cards are kind of shit and gay.
Sorry that they're providing content for a product.

I mean, plebs who play hero mode?

>Sorry that they're providing content for a product.
It's largely ignorable content that doesn't actually make the game more interesting.

And that's coming from someone who has most of it.

Don't be a sycophant and apologize for a retard. He made a neat game but Poots is hardly beyond reproach newfriend.

> :^)

So it suddenly on sale again

Fuck, I can't justify ordering just one thing from the Store.

But hey, at least it shows he cares. c:


I too hated the rafters section.

>Not doing the fanmade Amazon challenge where there's 1:5 man to woman ratio of the settlements population.

You've never known fear like almost losing that last dude in your settlement.

>43 remaining
So i buy it?

>1:5 man to woman ratio of the settlements population
what could possibly go wrong?

I wish he was more honest about the lantern festival being cancelled. It was obvious he was going to lose the most money on it compared to all the other expansions given just the models we seen that were to be included.

I also didn't like the explanation that the end game content wouldn't be utilized. Is he going to make endless early/mid game expansions?

Poots knows when he finally comes out with a post vanilla expansion it will sell like hotcakes and for much more than the brain fart that was his 45$ price point.

>>Not doing the fanmade Amazon challenge where there's 1:5 man to woman ratio of the settlements population.
>You've never known fear like almost losing that last dude in your settlement.
Except everyone knows Harem Mode is the best way to play KD because a lot of Hunt Events target males worse than females so you leave 2-3 "breeders" at home and take squads of killer bitches.

Seriously newfriends.

>I also didn't like the explanation that the end game content wouldn't be utilized.
It's a terrible excuse/cop out. The game isn't exactly -hard- and most groups that I know of already reached/beat the current endgame.
>Poots knows when he finally comes out with a post vanilla expansion it will sell like hotcakes and for much more than the brain fart that was his 45$ price point.
It's definitely some shifty shit.

Yes, always buy best girl.

>Not taking a male ammo/utility slave

But yeah, optimally - from the 2 dudes you start with and probably the other guy you pick up from 'The First Day' your best bet is just to stash them in the settlement as baby batter receptacles.

I do see where you're coming from, and I think for the most part he's aware like you said.

I'll probably buy it anyway just for completion sake even if it's going to cost a 1/3 to just under half base game. Any more I'd probably pass.

Anything other than Fade worth buying? i already bought the pinup nurse

>Not buying the Battle Thong
Also Percival is best girl.

>Battle Thong
Don't like her, the scifi version look better
Don't like her art

Alright. This is a long shot, but I figure if any place has a shot at helping me it's here. I *desperately* want to get into Kingdom Death, as do all of my friends. However I am working 8.75 an hour, and most of my money goes towards living expenses, in a few weeks I will be starting a job where I will be making double my current pay. My plea, is that, some kind user will lend me the money for KD, or reserve it for me and allow me to pay them back when I can. I will give you any information you need, I will give you a security deposit, I'll tell you where I live... anything. My friends and I, really want to try this, but none of us have the means. If anyone is interested, or wishes to contact me for further details, I'll be watching for a reply. Blessings, Veeky Forums

Don't forget that in addition to a buff to SotF we are also getting a nerf to saviors.

I let you borrow it if you in melbourne

>dat Pariah
now this is how you Tzimisce

Send an email to [email protected]

>order 1 plus shipping
>40 USD
>order 2 plus shipping
>100 USD
What the fuck man?


Percival is pretty good as said, but not the best girl part.

Table Top Simulator...

Try that first and then buy, that's what I did.
Like, I fucking Love the game myself and I think you should absolutely buy it, but you're dropping a lot of money blindly; so you need to see if you enjoy playing it first.

This too, Saviors could carry games hard, hopefully they'll still be stronger than just normies - but not strong enough to carry showdowns on their own.

>Don't like her art

Then put a pillow over it, Jesus. :^)

Pedestrian taste lad.

That SotF fix is still shit.

I'm approaching the update with trepidation, it's not like Poots is an astute game designer. I mean, you can kinda tell his playtest never went past LY 15 if he even did one at all passed the basic mechanics and stuff.

So i try to recreate Fade, pls don't laugh ;_;

You have to go THICCer


I mean hell, man, I'm working for like $4/hour netto and I can afford this. Get your shit together.

The hell?

>Then put a pillow over it, Jesus. :^)
Not putting art over the pillow.
Kingdom Death daki when?

Breasts are too large in comparison to Fade's. Skintone is too tan, needs to look more sun-starved. Hips not wide enough while thighs might be too thick, maybe.

>Then put a pillow over it, Jesus. :^)
I still can't get over her "official" art. Too cartoony

What the different between resin and hard plastic anyway?

Percival A CUTE.

Her model is really nice though. And if you have her 'dog' she's pretty much required because they look awesome together.