>am spiderbard
Fluff me.
Am spiderbard
Spider Bard is a local favorite at the tavern.
Bonuses in Cha checks against Drow. Really, REALLY good at playing/tuning string instruments. Amazing sense of acoustics.
Also, it eats all the more harmful patrons that we don't like.
Spider cannot talk. Mouth not made for manspeaks.
Drums, however, do not require manmouths. Thumpers suffice.
Patterns of drumthumping can communicate ideas.
Magical patterns of drumthumping can communicate a lot of ideas.
Please put the book down, I like being alive.
>Not using a multi-muecked stringed instrument
>with strings made out of spidersilk
You had one fucking job user
Let me play you...
This pleases me. Glam Metal spiderbard. This is my next character
4e Pixie racial stats, but add the ability to 8-wield and spin web. Racial bonuses become +1 dex and +1 cha, with a racial passive called spider senses or an encounter called web spinner. Web spinner, a standard action, can slow an adjacent enemy for a round, while spider senses allows blindvision and infravision 20 ft.
A brightly colored, flamboyant jumping spider would be perfect for glam metal.
Receives 5e-style disdvantage on diplomacy with non-drow.
Fucking hell let's do this Veeky Forums my history paper can wait.
I like this but doesn't the spider also need legs to stand on? I would think you wouldn't be able to use more than 4-6 legs at a time
8-wield should have spider profficient in dual wield but require the feat for proficiency in 4 arms and will never be proficient in 8nweapons.
You can 8-wield if you use Spin Web to hang from a ceiling or overhanging branch.
There is no Flanking when your opponent has more weapons in-hand than directions on the grid.
>There is no Flanking when your opponent has more weapons in-hand than directions on the grid.
Albeit amusing, I agree with .
I don't really see a spider holding 8 things. I think he more likely has eight pairs of boots or gloves.
Otherwise, the spider is restricted to standard dual wield. Disengaging from webbing is a minor action.
+1 cha, +1 dex.
Proficiencies: Perform, Dual-Wield.
Spider's Ferocity (passive): Counts as small-sized for combat purposes.
Spider Senses (Passive): Blindsight 20 feet.
Spin Web (Standar Action) (Encounter): Slow an adjacent enemy of small size or smaller till your next turn.
Hang From Web (Standard Action) (Encounter): Other creatures can enter spider's space as if it was an unnocupied space, but they provoke oppurtunity attacks from Spider by doing so. SpiderGains the ability to Six-Wield. Disengaging from web is a minor action.
Spider can choose either spin web or hang from web, but may not use both.
>8 wield
That would be like strapping a sword to your leg, really awkward.
As seen in the OP gif, actual wielding should be limited to special "arm" limbs.
Spiderbros can't hold their arms behind their backs, and their eyes are positioned to see in a 'dome' around the tops and sides of their heads. Spiderbro can't see his sternum. Spiderbro's brain only really relies on the anterior lateral (front-outside) eyes for seeing movement and for seeing binocular. Only the front-middle eyes are great for details, but the front-outside eyes are okay. The back pair(s) of eyes see in one color or only detect light, and spiderbro has bad depth perception for stuff behind him.
I guess spderbro could spin around on his web, but I think it might be easier to stand on four legs and do stuff with the other four. He can have a bongo harness and drum with his thumpers while he wields!**
*Spiderbro in the OP is a jumping spider. They have nice thumpers and eight eyes. Jumping spiderbro has good eyesight and a big brain, so you know he's hella smart.
It is a spider or a humanoid?
Hand from web reduces speed to 0.
At most give them four arm and four legs. Pedipalps might count as arms, leaving six for the legs as seen whe tarantulas rear up.
Change it up a little and make him like Ananse. Clever and fun, with an emphasis on stories rather than music. He is much better at trickery and traps than straight-up brawling, and is especially devoted to underdogs and heroic last stands.
That sounds really fun actually. Might be my next character.
You are a very much a charismatic gopnik who commits various acts of petty crime with his gopnik friends when he isn't making scratch to feed his bad habits through street performances of a caliber that would normally have you professionally employed if only you hadn't gotten yourself black listed in the entertainment industry for your various misadventures with men's daughters and your crippling weaknesses for gambling, alcohol, fighting, and theft.
You don't care though because you are charismatic, good with you fists and a knife, and the best things in life are cheap.