>It's a campaign setting where evil elves with ivory-white skin dwell among the mountain peaks
It's a campaign setting where evil elves with ivory-white skin dwell among the mountain peaks
So, yuki-onna?
I would not mind dwelling between those peaks myself.
you mother fucker
>It's a setting where wait I think I know this one in fact all of this is a droll and meaningless repetition of existence in an endless cycle of reincarnation and no tuplas or karma will ever give that sweet release from samsara you so desire and you lack the dedication and disciple to forgo your worldly pleasures so there can be no getting off the wild ride and don't forget you're here forever.
>It's a campaign setting with evil elves
I prefer barbaric elves that have stopped caring about nature.
Ivory white skin in mountains? shit, where is this place as i will live there.
Fuck whitey amirite
I prefer the elves being evil because the alternative is losing arable land for their people to survive.
So Skyrim?
>its a setting where all the humans are exiled across the sea to die leaving only the native races to the main continent after a genocidal war
So a worthless threat to not worry about? They are elves so weak stupid and soon to fall to ruin and die out due to gay sex and no repopulation. The real threat this campaign should focus on is anything else that would actually prove a threat to people or at least more of a threat. Like ratfolk being cunts.
There's a Rhaeto-Romance romance cycle about a bunch of mountain elves mastering the art of horse archery and teaming up with one-armed bird people in order to win some war. No idea whether it was vs some invaders or vs the wierdas magician who spent most of his time in the form of the front part of a bisected zombie donkey...it's been years.
>mountain elves
>horse archery
>mountain goat back archery
But you said horse. Goats are dwarven mounts.
I prefer barbaric elves that have started caring too much about nature.
that sounds dangerous
Sure, I'm down with that
I would fuck the evil out of them
As long as they have big, wild hair and eat other humanoids I'm down
That's the plan, yes...
white fur
lithe like elves
hated like elves
They're hated a whole lot worse than elves.
Don't be silly. The Swiss are part of the Germanic family, and according to Tolkien, Germans are pure Orc. If anything, the Swiss are to be considered Snow Orcs.
I'd be down if they were frozen up there to stop them the last time they tried mass genocide, but have now thawed enough to spread their malice again.
That or they're just grinches who are pissed at all that fucking noise the lesser races call music that wakes them up from wintersleep every spring.
honestly, I like elves being unaligned superior versions of humans like high elves in LOTR. i think it makes a really interesting dynamic when there are guys just walking around who are better then you in every possible way
>the only high ground is at a 70 degree incline
>this is fine