>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Other urls found in this thread:
Need one more girl to make a contract!
>GM or player?
>Timezone/times available
EST, but any American timezone should be fine with me. Will be available weekday and some weekends nights. Wednesday is best for the group so far it seems
Princess the Hopeful
>Contact info
issac.lindenburg on skype, will make an r20 for the game
>Additional info
Become Meguca!
>System Preferred
2e Adnd with the historic greece ruleset
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Thursdays, 7:30-10:30 EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 and Skype
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Second edition is fun and easy, so don't be worried if you've never done it before. We'll be using the 'Age of Heroes' campaign source book, which is basically ancient Greece.
We're starting a BRAND NEW GAME this Thursday. I already have a group of three solid players, and I'm looking for about three more. Don't be a weird asshole. BYOB.
>System Preferred
Pathfinder, Mutants and Masterminds
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Weekends (Fri-Sun) CST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Whatever works I've used it all.
>Contact Info
Skype: cobaltcyanide
>Additional Notes
I will dare not enter any magical realms.
>System Preferred
Pathfinder, Warhammer dark heresy
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Weekdays from 2pm Est to 7pm Est/Weekends from 12pm to 9pm
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20, skype, discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
if warhammer i think i got one more willing to play.
im also willing to play any of the other warhammer rpgs as well
Don't play with this guy, he's with the flake GM.
>he's with the flake GM.
probably just a butthurt player
His players are hyper autistic though.
>System Preferred
Doesn't matter
>Times Available
EET. I would be available for most of the week.
>Method of Play
Roll20 Skype
>Contact info
bassbass6 on skype
>Additional Notes
I have minimal experience with most system but I'm willing to learn.
>GM or player
>Timezone/times available
Pretty much any time from 11 AM to 3 AM, EST, every day.
>Voice or Text
Text, either live or play-by-post.
Exalted 3e or 2.5e, oWoD or nWoD, Savage Worlds, GURPS, aSoIaF, Burning Wheel, Shadowrun, FFG Star Wars, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Apocalypse World, Night's Black Agents, and pretty much anything you want to run other than D&D or Pathfinder.
>Contact info
[email protected]
You can contact me by email or plug that into Skype.
Or Tzer#1352 on Discord.
>Additional info
I'm looking for someone to run a solo campaign. "Wow," you might ask. "Who could be so extraordinarily selfish and narcissistic as to request a solo game?" Well, me- because you'll never get a game if you never ask.
If you're recruiting for text-based group games for any of the titles above, I'm also interested.
>But why you?
I'm a reliable player and a decent writer who can craft characters with believable motivations and ambitions. I'm fine with whatever kind of story the GM wants to tell, but my characters always have clear goals and a desire to achieve them, so they also won't flounder in a sandbox. If there's something specific you want from a campaign, or something you wouldn't want to try with a group, I'm your Huckleberry.
>System Preferred
Pathfinder or similar
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+12 pretty much any time, my schedule is flexible
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Whatever works
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I'm new to TTRPGs but I've played Everyone is John, Freelancer RP, and I've read up a bit on Pathfinder.
Yeah, my general rule is if they're not posting or responding to an ad, it's shitposting that's probably best ignored.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
7:00am GMT+8
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 and optional Discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
It's a mortals game about students discovering and studying the supernatural
>System Preferred
Pathfinder preferred, but fine with anything high fantasy like DnD as long as you can teach me
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any day except Saturday, Friday afternoons, and some Wednesday afternoons.
Other than that, any time afternoon, evening, or night (No mornings).
EST time zone
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, Roll20, Discord, Teamspeak
>Contact Info
Skype: xxthekawaiionexx (Don't judge me)
Discord: Dog#4868
>Additional Notes
I have "decent" experience with Pathfinder as it's the only thing I know since I'm a babby.
I've played Shadowrun once but I admittedly don't like sci fi settings that much because the realism feels restrictive. I've always been a little interested in 40k but would rather not.
Voice or text?
2 Players
>System Preferred
Shadowrun, 40k, WoD, Exalted
>Times Available
Any time on sunday EST/EDT
>Method of Play
Prefer roll20 but can use anything most familiar with Skype
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I'm a rules lawyer who's tired of lawyering so we're looking for rulesets I'm somewhat unfamiliar with. I'm really interested in good, collaborative storytelling over all else.
>System Preferred
Shadowrun 4e/5e. Prefer to play matrix-based characters which seems to be relatively unpopular.
Pathfinder. Play just about everything though tend to enjoy casters.
Eclipse Phase. Only played one game with this system but it's simple enough to have a decent understanding of it. Gravitate to stealth.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT-6. US Central Time. (1 hour behind US East Coast, 2 ahead of US West Coast) Available most weekdays anytime between 4PM and 2-3AM, assuming I don't have an assignment due the next day, and Saturday anytime that's not early morning.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Discord.
>Contact Info
Discord: Phony Name#1142
>Additional Notes
I've been described as being about as wary as a drunk bear. Take that as you will. It leads to some amusing situations ingame.
Text with optional OOC voice.
Request sent
Any day of the week at that time?
Wow Princess the Hopeful, I never thought I would see a game of that.
Sundays. Forgot to add that.
>>System Preferred
D&D 4E/5E, Shadowrun, M&M, FATE, anything PbtA, your weird indie heartbreaker that's still in playtesting.
Honestly I'm pretty flexible here, although I have no experience with earlier editions of D&D, PF, or Exalted/WoD.
>>Times Available
Weekends and evenings GMT +8:00. So weekends unless your game is early in the morning
>>Method of Play
Anything's fine, although I'd be new to roll20.
>>Contact Info
Discord: BrokenGlassFactory #0104
Dis stuff is light, don't be afraid
GM if no one thinks he'll do better
>System Preferred
pdf related, worldbuilding game where players are gods
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+3, we'll agree on the time
>Method of Play
>Contact Info
Dirg #2235 on Discord
>Additional Notes
Fun allowed
question, what is the best system to play a skeleton also is anyone interested in running a game where I can be a skeleton?
This is probably a stupid question but how do things play out when it's just text? I'd imagine it's a bit harder to coordinate and stuff without voice
As long as your typing speed isn't slower than the continental drift it shouldn't be too slow. From my experience text games tend to end up maximizing the IC chat anyways so the lack of OOC chat speed isn't that big of a deal.
Generally text games tend to look like this: