Old School Magic Edits

Take a trip through time with me, Veeky Forums. Let's go back, way back, to a time when flannel and Doc Martins weren't just for lesbians, Clintons were electable, and Magic Cards were ugly and confusing.

In this thread, we take newer Magic Cards and re-imagine them in the style of cards from the early 90's. Make your own or post ones you've found. The more obtuse the art and murky the wording the better!




My personal favorite


Typos add to the WotC authenticity and are encouraged.

What's the source on that art?

GIS for "Sinister Priest" I think. It was on someone's pinterest account and they didn't list the source.


>Literally satan

To be fair, guy was a dick. I think it fits.

Off the top of my head that kind of wording was never used at any point of Magic. I might be mistaken, but it looks like it's trying too hard.

It's mostly based off Alpha The Hive.

I'm not a fan of the new card design and I still think these throwbacks are ugly as sin

Yeah, can you imagine if actual cards looked that bad? That game would never get off the ground.

>losing -2/-2
>buffing all stuffs

Just made this one. Let me know what you think.

Art's perfect. You forgot the P/T and unless I'm mistaken there wasn't ever a dash between "summon" and whatever it's "type" was.

Thanks, I'll take that out. I'm guessing I saved it right before I added the P/T.

Great art, but lousy text.

It's lose not loose. Missing an apostrophe in "creatures". Replace "it is dead" with "bury it".


Right on.

I acknowledge the typos, that's my bad, but the last part is straight from Alpha Weakness.

this one is really, really well done

Let's go really old school.

Stolen from reddit.

And, from the same guy, Griselbrand.


needs to clarify that the abilities can only be used at sorcery speed

this got me thinking, is the very idea of a 'turn' based on an hourglass? etymologists assemble

I'd pay good money for high quality alters in this style.

Well thank you kindly, user.

Aw shit, you're right. Goddamnit walkers are complicated when you really get into it.

Shit forgot the type

>what are apostrophes



Actually, That will still be an instant. Interupts only affect spells as they are being cast (remember, the stack doesn't exist yet).

Are we going back to the shack user?

Ah, right you are.

I absolutely love Shakespeare quotes on Magic Cards. I wish that were still a thing.


>life loss
it was 'loss of life'

don't forget the rules reminder on the poison counters.

see suq'ata assassin

Also forgot "effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counteract this loss of life."