Which faction in 40k is the most 'Grimdark' of them all?
Which faction in 40k is the most 'Grimdark' of them all?
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most definitely chaos, literally designed to be as edgy as humanly possible.
Yeah, but I don't equate Edge with Dark. There's a difference, y'know what I'm trying to say?
Give examples, pls.
>literally designed to be as edgy as humanly possible.
That's not Dark Eldar
That's some awesome art right there.
Aaand that's disturbing!
Meh. Dune did it better and several decades earlier with Axlotl Tanks.
The funny thing is that's just Chaos when we actually get to see what goes on on the planets they conquer.
Dark Eldar are edgy beyond human comprehension. Our weak, monkey brains cannot even begin to grasp the sharpness of the vertices of the higher dimensions they are edging in.
Know that the Omnissiah needs troops, user. And He shall have them.
Man, that's cool.
That's really cool.
They're also super hilarious when their not being edgy.
And sometimes they're both at once.
the imperium of man, and here's why: by and large, the imperium are the "good guys" or at the very least "designated protagonist faction". yes, chaos, the nids, necrons and dark eldar are all dark, edgy shit. but they're the bad guys. even in a noblebright setting, the bad guys can still be dark motherfuckers. the imperium, on the other hand, dresses up like a cross between a nazi and a witch burner and commits genocide on a daily basis, all while still being the "good" guys. that's where the true grimdark quality of 40k comes from
Now somebody edit a small tear coming out of that exposed eye to seal the deal.
Chaos marines, specifically Iron Warriors for two reasons: Daemonculaba and the Unfleshed
Nah man, Daemonculaba is pretty much the ultimate "What the FUCK" thing Chaos can honestly do. It's JUST at the cusp of "trying too hard" to the point where nothing can surpass it without falling down that trap.
Reminds me a lot of the Brood mothers from Dragon Age Origins
Everything made in warhammer has a nice anchor of campiness and self awareness desu.
it wold boil down to whoever didn't read the full story of their decision on the most grimdark. because there is always a silver lining in warhammer I noticed.
people are also very self sacrificing in W40k, hell that's the same with real life. so someone sufffering to be tougher in't all that grim.
but to answer the god damn question - are of course the Eversor assassins. they are pumped with a never ending supply of combat drugs and rage fuel. then put on ice until their next mission so every waking and conscious moment they experience is a literal blood bath always. 100 eversor assassins held off 3 fucking tera chapters with only a single marine coming out alive. they are balls to the fucking walls 24/7. they are one of the harder things to kill in this universe
also they literally ignite into a napalm bomb when their heart stops beating.
>Krieg Trooper
>Holding the body in a way that suggests mourning
>not stripping it's equipment
>not leaving it in the mud as he advances on the objective
>not being nothing but a uncaring fighting machine, another number for his generals to tally in the arithmetic of death
so every krieger is basically Sgt. Todd 3465? Cool.
I can't believe you are unaware of Krieg, but i'll elaborate, just because i enjoy it.
The basic idea behind Krieg is that long long ago the planet's aristocracy attempted to rebel and secede from the Imperium.
Loyal Colonel Jurten and his men said fuck that, but were vastly outnumbered. Therefore Jurten did the only logical thing. He nuked the whole damn planet until nothing was left but a radioactive wasteland and killed all the traitors.
Fast forward a bit. Krieg is still loyal, fanatically loyal in fact, but they are filled with shame. Shamed because at one point a significant portion of the planet tried to turn away from the Emperor. That they were loyal doesn't matter. It's a stain on their honor. It is determined they must make good this failing, that they must repay their debt to the Emperor.
But what to do? It's a Deathworld now. They can't grow crops, and the planet isn't rich in natural resources. They have only one thing of value. The populace. And therefore it is decided they will repay the Emperor with bodies. And thus the Death Korps of Krieg are formed.
Every soul on Krieg is taught from the moment they are born that their only purpose in life is to die for the emperor. Their life has no meaning, no value except that which it purchases when it dies for the emperor. Only by dying for the emperor can they absolve themselves of the debt of their sin. And die for the emperor they will, until such a time as they are told the debt is paid.
Every single soul on Krieg is beat down, indoctrinated, and drilled from day one. They kill each other in massive battles on the surface to earn the right to go and die for the emperor. They have no names, they have designations. They don't have faces, they have their masks.
They are the Death Korps of Krieg.
Necrons are canonically the most grimdark and evil. This is objectively true.
But how, you ask, can their population sustain this? Surely this cannot be done you say.
Indeed, this should not be possible, would not be possible were it not for the Vitea womb, an Archeotech device found only on Krieg. Nowhere else in the galaxy can you find them, nowhere else are they permitted, and they are permitted on Krieg only because of the immense value of it's Death Korps to the Imperium.
It is the Vitea Womb that bolsters the population of Krieg, sustains this great warmachine by providing it with the never ending disposable bodies that are its life blood. By what process it functions we are not certain, it is known only that by the power of the Vitea Womb Krieg lives, and continues to produce millions upon millions of soldiers ready to die for the Emperor.
I'd have to agree. From the lore I've read, the Ultra Marines are basically inhuman murder monsters and everyone else is a slave to be used up. Oh, and their idea of "boosting morale" is summary execution. I'd rather cheer for the Tau.
Why does the setting have anything else?
what is this heresy?
>A light hearted musical romp about your favourite Imperial Guard Regiment.
>Coming 2018.
My vote goes to Black Templars or Sisters of Battle
There's so much wrong with this picture. Literally any other regiment would make sense but that guardsman is mourning, not advancing. Most un Krieger thing to do.
Krieg fans are a cancerous bunch. They don't like the Kriegs for their fluff, they like them for their looks.
I mean look at the Krieg art and fanfiction. Almost all of it has them acting in non-krieg ways.
Ultramarines don't pull that shit. A whole lot of chapters do though. To top it off they're children snatched up at a young age and indoctrinated while being made a super human murder weapon.
Indeed, tis a terrible blight, but i plan to rectify this by providing at least one piece of write faggotry that gets them right. Or as close as i can. No doubt someone will cry foul, but i'm only human. Still compiling research to make sure i'm on mark, but won't be much longer till posting starts.
I eagerly await.
Thanks, i'll try not to disappoint. On a side note you know what i've realized as i've been reading through the BL for reference material? The Ig loose a lot. First, and only, dedicated Krieg novel i read and they got the shit kicked out of them and lost. Was sad, but i understood what the author was going for. Next couple of books i read to get comparisons, and also to see how other guard regiments and various xeno's were depicted, all had the guard getting the shit kicked out of them and ultimately loosing.
Genestealer Cults. They are bred for the sole purpose of causing mayhem and being eaten and they unknowingly dedicate their lives to it.
Why use kriegrrs for this
Literaly any other regiment would make more sense.
>this guy DOESN'T want to be eaten.
Vore fetish best fetish.
Not him but I prefer doing the eating myself, after chopping and cooking my meal.
I bet you like having consensual sex in the missionary position solely for the purposes of procreation too you sick fuck!
Indeed I do, and I am proud of it!
You could have just said 'brainwashed cannon fodder' and saved some time.
Way less fun that way.
Imperial Guard
Because the Eversors need something to kill
Because Evesor assasins are anti elite soliders. They excell when the people they're trying to kill either attempt to fight back. Or are confident in their skills. However a guardsman regiment will annihilate the evesor. Simply because they can throw enough bodies to keep it occupied enough to take a basilisk canon up the ass. Or to be vaporised by massed hellgun, or plasma fire.
Even though it would butcher the moral of afformentioned regiment. The cost to produce one evesor assasin would not be worth the possibility of breaking the moral of 1 regiment.
I describe the Dark Eldar like this:
"They are a species with a sucking pit for a soul; a pit that must be filled with the pain and suffering of other sentient species lest they whither away, so a key part of their economy and culture is based on sexy gladiator fights.
fucking sick trips
That's awesome in a nasty cyberman kind of way.
I could have sworn I read that they replace the brains every now and then.
It's not that disturbing.
You can even see some strands of muscle left over on his skull!
Nothing but eternal devouring. no sense of right or wrong, life or death, only biomass.
The Inquisition. There's just something dark and possibly corrupt right underneath the surface of a "righteous" organization
>Krieg fans are a cancerous bunch. They don't like the Kriegs for their fluf
Projection to the extreme.
Why did you have to remind me?!
>the Emperor could have been revived centuries ago. But the Inquisition prevents it and uses his desiccated corpse as a figure head so they can remain the real power of the Imperium.
This is my least favourite Veeky Forums meme. The Emperors stuck on the Throne because hes plugging the hole Magnus tore in the webway. If he gives in for a single second Terra gets destroyed. Noone is keeping him there, duty is.
>Inquisition & Terra High Lords are secretly Chaos cultists wanting to prevent the Emperor from reincarnating
>Emperor called Tyranid Fleet so he can die & be reborn
the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced their hands.
Get off the net, Gregor.
That's the Scyllax Guardian Automata, but it's not they they replace their brains, it's that they act horrifyingly intelligent for something that never had a brain or biological parts in the first place, to the point where even a good portion of even the more crazy Magi stay away from then.
*sigh* if only I could die so pleasantly... hail Slaanesh
Gabriel, actually.
Who, what? Who uses those?
By the way, they dont have names, they are assigned numbers.
Lamenters would probably have a pretty grimdark setting
I'd say the new fluff makes them slightly less grimdark... And I don't think that is an objective statement.
The kind that requires execution.
Got a book for you: read Dead Men Walking
Do Kriegers have some special rules in the boardgame or they are same as vanilla Astra Mi... Ahem, Imperial Guard army? (Which means they can do un Kriegy things like fail morale tests and such)
Yeah, people seem to be forgetting the assassin part of the name.
Impeccable logic, he wants humanity to be crushed so he can wake up, despite all he has done.
Bu- but user that's the one i read. I mean that's, to my knowledge, the only Krieg focused book. Besides that little novella, but i read that too.
Well they have a model line from forge world. I'm uncertain if they have their own rules however.
Thank you though. Any other suggestions?
thats also the Onager Dunecrawler, they put a Skitarii in a vat of essentially battery acid to drive the thing and replace it when he wears out
That's not even the best part of the dunecrawler's lore:
>"design based on ill-tempered beasts of burden used by ancient settlers"
>"Onager" = donkey
>The AdMech thought donkeys were giant spider monsters and built a tank they thought looked like one
Siege of Vraks and Fall of Orpheus have special lists for Krieg. Has a lot less variety compared to the more versatile IG but can bring a shitload of artillery.
Shit, well thats the only one I have read about them. Only one I know that they are big in too. Sorry I couldn't help you more, most of my knowledge on the comes from other sources that I can't even remember.
You'll also notice that the amputee is way smaller than the trooper holding him, suggesting a juvenile specimen.
Maybe the scene takes place during training and the older krieger is sad that the young one will never die for the Emperor on the battlefield and expy the faultsof his people.
I'm always surprised that douchebags like the Minotaurs or Marines Malevolent are unappreciated, while more positive models are recognised.
Yeah, there is a sad dearth of material. But that one actually was really helpful to me. I feel it got enough of the characterization across that i can follow it and build on it. Right now i'm just working on getting sources to help me write the battle sequences properly. Gotta make sure i don't say something stupid about lasguns or something.
>Maybe the scene takes place during training and the older krieger is sad that the young one will never die for the Emperor on the battlefield and expy the faultsof his people.
Eh good enough i guess
fools towards the end of that thread got off track and gave information that was inaccurate and not matching a Krieger. Disappointing.
What portion do you object to? Not that i agree with everything in that screen cap, but out of curiosity what is your objection?
I dunno, Might want to check 1d4chan, but the information there can have inaccurate opinions and whatnot.
I try to stick to primary sources as much as i can. No offense to anyone who edits 1d4chan, but there is some very questionable material there to say the least.
Krieger having memorabilia such as bones from a first kill. That could be some part of their fluff that I just don't know about. Sergeant turning into a woman when it was a he in earlier post. But what I really meant was that they sort of stopped the story like path and it turned into something else.
Gotcha. Actually there is reason to believe the bones may be supported by cannon, though i don't think he would necessarily have the bones of his first kill. In Dead Men Walking a Grenadier squad is assigned a suicide mission. The entire squad bar one is killed. He collects his comrades bones and carries them with him in a box as he rides a truck filled with high explosives into the objective to complete the mission. When asked what his rational is, he states that by bringing their bones he allows them to share in the glory and redemption as they complete the mission. What i found is that while very much broken, and absolutely psychopathic, Krieg Korpsmen were depicted as having more emotion than we often attribute to them.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I actually read the book but completely forgot about that part.
So what was your favorite part of the book? I have to say its a tough one, but i think one of my favorite bits was the Colonel. I loved his passive aggression and snark.
oh, here's a quote from the bit where the Grenadier suicides, i thought it was good reference material so i kept it at hand.
May the Emperor be with you, Guardsman,’ said Costellin. He turned and, inadvertently, did something he hadn’t done in almost thirty years. He made eye contact with a soldier under his command, a soldier about to die. The grenadier must have seen the look in his eye and, remarkably, understood it, because he produced his ossuary box again. ‘I have my comrades with me,’ he said, ‘and I will be granted a more noble death than this wretched soul deserves.’ ‘Your sacrifice will not be forgotten,’ said Costellin quietly, and for once he knew he was speaking the truth.
Love how the guardsman was abandoned at the end, with the girl leaving and all. Well I guess I wouldn't call it my favorite part, but it was the part that stuck with me the most. Sorry for the late reply, was on other threads.
Not a problem. Yeah. I admit i love the moment when it went full circle from him musing about how he's no hero in the beginning to what happens in the end, but mostly i just felt bad for the guy. I'm a bit of a romantic and even though the way it ends is perfectly reasonable, honestly infinitely better than a "happier" ending, i was still pretty sad cause for a good portion of the book i had been rooting for him you know?