Do the Sisters of Battle accept transgendered women?

Do the Sisters of Battle accept transgendered women?

based on the faces


pick one.

It depends on the order, like almost literally everything else in 40k. This question is stupid and you're only asking it to stir up shit.

People in the 40k universe have real things to worry about, like survival. They don't have time for made-up illnesses.

I want /lgbt/ to leave.

They desecrate the Purity of Humanity. They are iMPURE.

Honestly though that raises some interesting questions on how the Imperium sees cosmetic surgery.
As always the answer is "sure whatever it's a big galaxy where space marines eat brains to absorb memories do whatever the fuck you want you weeaboo"

I mean, probably? It's so far in the future that they've probably gotten over that sort of thing or come up with an easy solution for it. There's shit like xenos and chaos demons to deal with.

Mental cases are weened out of the schola fairly quickly, and the schola is where the sisterhood gets 100% of their recruits.

You conform, or you die.

Depends on the order i guess.

1. said surgeries and actions are not only expensive but time consuming remember life is the currency of the empire, and the inflation rate sucks so wasting your time on patients who are not in critical condition is waste.
2. while the sisters are generally celibate reproduction is necessary inorder to maintain the levels of humans, genital mutilation for one's own self benefit is beyond selfish and would thus be banned.
3.most sisters are orhpans and from what i remember scholera sends boys to the kommisarate and storm troopers and females generally end up in the sistershood. though i might be wrong about that i don't care to read the new storm trooper book.



>WH40K is probably more open-minded than modern Earth
What. No. The opposite of that.

honestly I can't see the imperium giving a fucking shit whether you consider yourself a boy or a girl or a fucking civil attack helicopter so long as you hate the witch, abhor the xeno and despise the traitor

now that being said a transgender person could never become a member of the SOB because the degree passive specifically forbids men under arms and the existence of the SOB is a fucking generous interpretation of the decree as is so the administratum would probably throw a shitfit if the eclesiarchy tried to stretch it any further

Sisters are mostly orphans from noble houses which can afford to have a sex change for their children.

>making excuses for this shit

exactly what i came here to post

Peobably depends on the order/planet in question.

They're more open-minded about the things modern society is prickly about.

The Imperium has no real discrimination between races and shades of humanity because everybody has holy common ground in hating filthy xenos. Black, white, red, and yellow join hands to kick the shit out of green and blue.

And you think this makes them more tolerant of mental illnesses other than zealotry?

>Sisters are mostly orphans from noble houses which can afford to have a sex change for their children.
Do you honestly believe that bullshit.
look man, orphans are children.
Children ought not to be having sex changes their shit isn't even finished developing and their minds have not either.
Then the parents have to okay it and pay for it, and find a doctor who can do it and has the chemicals . since it's a difficult procedure only it would either require a specialist.
Though if you do believe that there would be docters who specialize in sex changes, that carter only to the rich and have enough of a market that could sustain them or allow them to specialize. Waste precious resources that could be used saving lives or prolonging noble lives to preform a meaningless action on a person that is insignificant with their parent consent.
Literally the only world that should allow this is a slaaneshi world. In which case the child is tainted and will die.
that's how they became orphans.

I've never heard of a trans person who wasn't vehemently opposed to anyone healthy outside of occasional Veeky Forums posts that apologise on their behalf.

I honestly think gene stealer cults and chaos cultists as being made up entirely or mostly by trans and mentally ill humans.

I don't think accepting trans people is a progressive thing. I think it's a degenerate thing. I know degenerate is overused but it's what I see. They all have identity issues and act like extremists and fanatics. They suffer a genetic mistake so it's all in variations, but the most vocal are all fucking nuts
Considering the imperium isn't a stranger to altering the human genome (knowing it's a sin and unwanted to change the form of man but it's different when trying to MAINTAIN and fix humans) I'm positive the imperium has solutions in place to prevent transgender citizens.

I don't think they care.

No, as they do purity tests. If the ecclesiarchy could just process a ton of people in order to qualify for the loop hole then things would not be going so will within the Imperium.

>The Imperium has no real discrimination between races
i think you characterize the entire state.
They do not care about race or planet or what have you because humanity has too many enemies.
That being said every trans person is a biological dead end and likely from noble houses.
trans people also have a great deal of trouble reproducing naturally and it's inefficient to waste a great deal of resources for them to ensure that the trans person could.
Furthermore since they are coming from noble families nob's don't like bloodline dead ends. Likewise children are political tools for the nobility having a child that up and changes their sex is a liability because they cannot reproduce and very few nobles would want to marry one that did.
and many marriages happen before legal age at that point they are screwed.
the likely hood of someone actually getting to together to do such a thing ... well it's impossible but that special kind of impossible that has some possibility it's just not significant because you have uncountable lives on countless thousands of planets and of that you have such a small percentage of the population that would do it (noble and trans) and an even smaller number which has the environment to actually allow it to go through.
We've got soul eating space daemons the last thing i think someone should be worried about is changing their dick to what the thing they are inside.

>nob's don't like bloodline dead ends.

Um yeah they do - do you really want 3rd, 4th, 5th in line heirs squabbling and possibly killing your firstborn? There's a reason you'd send your extra sons to the priesthood and it sure as hell wasn't to make jeebus happy

Okay, nice bait guy. But you actually got me thinking. How does ban against 'men at arms' for the church affect eunuchs? Do they count as men under Imperial Law? This is one of those things you can't handwave away on a planet-by-planet basis. The whole Imperium takes that seriously.

>people in the Imperium
>being able to get the required surgeries

I'd assume if you had a dick at one point or another you were unfit for the position.

A rare female in the Schola gets send to the Commissariat. Doesn't happen often but when they have the personality for it that's the way they go.

As a guy who wishes he was a girl, the last thing I'd want to do was be in the Sisters of Battle. Infact, I'd probably fall to Chaos, in hopes of getting my wish. I could care less about most of the world and its people, since if I ever admitted to this shit outside of a Vietnamese Finger Puppet fourm, nobody would ever look at me, or respect me ever again, and with good reason. But it just sucks that I have this stupid want, that is always lurking in the back of my head. But, assuming that I can actually get ahead in the cult, Chaos would let me have my cake, and snort cocaine while eating it too.

Actually, being a Commissar is not gender-limited. There are female Commissars, the way there are occasionally female guardsmen. (Or is that guardswoman?)

>How does ban against 'men at arms' for the church affect eunuchs?
it largely depends on what they do, rather than what sort of junk they have.

For example Crusaders are """bodyguards""", not soldiers, so they get a tentative pass.

/lgbt/ is a containment board just like /pol/ and hasn't built as bad a reputation. I would suggest that you don't ask worthless questions like this if you want it to stay that way.

>sending them away
>not pitting them against each other so only the best reach the top

Middle class inferior detected.

Oh, great, this thread again. Here comes the dudebro science, I guess.

Actually they kind of are. Mostly because it's so huge as an individual, you just don't fucking matter. At all. The Imperium trades in millions of lives and megatonnes of resources every day, what one individual does or identifies as is likely to pass unnoticed as long as it doesn't upset the system.
A far bigger issue for being trans in the 40k universe would be access to the required surgery, much of the Imperium's citizenry live in medieval squalor, access to even basic medical care is uncommon, advanced stuff like plastic surgery or gene therapy would be a lottery.
As to whether the sisters would accept them, their novices are generally trained from a young age so it would be unlikely that. The individual in question would have to prove really piously devoted to the Emperor to get accepted.