MTG Modern General

Price of Progress Lite Edition.

Taking the General Back to (the) Basics.

>What are you playing?

>What are you building?

>What are you hating?

>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?

Other urls found in this thread:

uw emeria

tron but thats an always thing

>blood moon
I think this card is fine and my deck's whole strategy revolves around a nonbasic land. making it hard for a 3 color deck to cast things like cryptic command is reasonable. come at me

Could Bant Delver work well? Assuming without Goyfs or Snaps and just at an FNM level

>What are you playing?
Infect and AN on paper
Elves and Affinity online
>>What are you building?
>>What are you hating?
>>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
They're fine, LSV is a whining cunt
It's not like blood moon works one way, it requires a setup to use

Everything works at FNM. Why would you want to go bant though? Delver works really well with red cards

Why play bant delver if you have neither goyf nor snap?

>tfw playing the only control deck in modern

I honestly can't tell what you mean at this point because there are multiple control decks that showed up in top 32

Whats that babe?

lantern control

Lantern is dank AF, plebs can't handle it
Have you tried Glint-Nest Crane at all?

testing 3 in the main. has been great so far. kaladesh really improved this deck

Eh, I wouldn't say it's the only control list in the format, though it is a cool one

Btl scapeshift online
Don't irl
>Building ?
Btl scapeshift, and that's why I don't play irl
Also, do you think chinaman cryptics are passable ?
>Hating ?
So much
Reality smasher should AT LEAST be a 6 drop
>how I feel about blood moon
It's a nice tech
I prefer playing against blood moon than agaist slaughter games, because I don't auto lose
>and how about silver bullet cards ?
I think they are fine, as long as you can still interact with them AKA counter it or destroy it with creature/artifact/enchantment removal

Dredge, Naya and Shamans on paper and Shamans and Dredge online.
Still getting the kinks out of my shaman deck and I'm working towards Lantern Control
Everything I lose too :^) it needs a ban desu
>Blood moon
I love it because it makes a lot of decks cry and having multicolor mana bases should have some downside.

>What are you playing?
>What are you building?
Rebuilding RG Tron after the last bans, and tinkering with Burn.

Trying to figure out some way to make LD or prison good without resorting to just plopping down a Bloodmoon.
>What are you hating?
The lack of decent LD in Modern.
>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
Honestly I wish there were far more punishing cards than Bloodmoon in the card pool. Let's get Sinkhole into the format.

>What are you playing?
bushwacker zoo/ tooth and nail
>What are you building?
naya burn+dredge
>What are you hating?
eldrazi, bogles, melira and coco
>How do you feel about Blood Moon
i dont mind it, i play it sideboard in tooth and nail it and can just win games

>mfw facing control matchup playing rg nail.
> t1 forest arbor elf pass
>he plays a fetch and passes
>forest >utopia sprawl choosing red, tap land 2x for GGRR cast blood moon, in response he fetches a basic island
> he serum visions
>t3 play choke. "next game"?

>posting a medium at best YouTube as a yfw
Kys F.a.m.

my reaction folder isnt that great, "hey that pretty good" seemed like the best fit T B H

Mind posting a list for reference?

Top 32 Breakdown for the lazy
Infect - 5
Naya Burn - 2
Jund - 3
Suicide Zoo - 3
Bant Eldrazi - 3
Skred - 1
Grixis Control - 1
Jeskai Control - 1
Dredge - 1
Valakut Breach - 1
BG Midrange - 1
Knightfall - 1
RG Tron - 1
Jeskai Delver - 1
Thing Ascension - 1
Lantern - 1
Suicide Bloo - 1
RG Ponza - 1
Merfolk -1
Mardu Nahiri - 1
Madcap Moon - 1

Seems insufficient to draw conclusions. I'd want to see overall day 1 to day 2 numbers and win-lose avgs for the decks

I wish I had those numbers, this is all I've got right now

Lantern and Tron keeping up the good fight.

Eh all good. Seems pretty fair all in all. All the decks not infect are capable of dealing with infect, the other top players are fair balanced decks and the frequency of singleton decks is a nice boost to the perception of modern being solved. Can't guarantee it but this looks really healthy

>>What are you playing?
Sultai control/midrange
>>What are you building?
Nothing. I'm very happy with this deck. I might buy cards to tweak it but it's good now.
>>What are you hating?
Honestly Nothing. Jund might be the biggest fear for me now that Tron is gone. My deck feels like it has play against everything. It drops the game ending power of a bolt for an overall consistent balanced, matchup to the field.
>>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
I wouldn't call bloodmoon a fair police card. Relic of progenitus is a fair police card because most lists can run it and it kinda hurts the majority of decks in the format to some degree or something like stony silence. Stony silence hurts one very linear deck very linearly, it takes up space in the sideboard so it's a risk to run too many. As the user in the other thread said, bloodmoon is fairer for people playing red. It's more difficult to deal with being not in red, making it quite a one sided police card. If I get bloodmooned I need to kill it to play spells whereas a Jund player can still find only one basic for, say, kommand. That really stifles decks viability simply because of a single card in one colour.That said, I don't mind it. I do believe it desperately needs a reprint and I think other colours need to be given cards on the same powerlevel for mana hate. It'd also make other mono colour decks more viable. Kinda along the other user line I could see a white version of back to basics. Tapping down lands is a very white ability. Blue could get a 1 mana spreading seas, and black can get sinkhole. Green should Get some kind of from the ashes for triple g.

>>What are you playing?
Esper Control

>>What are you building?
UWR Flash

>>What are you hating?
It's not a horrible matchup, but there's no really good sideboard strategy against them. You just overload on wraths, 'walkers, and removal and hope something sticks, which is hardly a sure be because of Though-Knot Seer.

>>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
Blood Moon is fine, although it arguably doesn't do it's job quite right because it punishes fair decks more than Tron and Valakut. Wasteland would be too strong against fetch-shock manabases, however.

Don't you run ram in the sideboard? It's good against burn and a 5 ass creature makes it bigger than most of their bodies

>uw Emeria

I thought I was the only one...

Do I build Spirits or do I go full aggro

>Could Bant Delver work well? Assuming without Goyfs or Snaps and just at an FNM level
Bolt Snap Bolt gives tempo decks ridiculous reach, so not really.

bant spirits is a very underrated deck atm

>Skred won GP Dallas

This makes me want to play modern again. Eternal Scourge is the perfect three-drop for the deck, too, since unfortunately Reckoner just doesn't punch enough weight anymore.

Also lol @ 3 infect decks in the top 8. Looks like someone's getting the funhammer.

Skred is super fun mang

What is Skred anyway, a midrange deck?

How on earth did it even get to top 8?

creature heavy meta

Wouldn't see how Skred beats down non-creature decks though like burn.

And did no one have any basics? Its like the entire meta forgets that Blood Moon exists and one in a while a blood moon deck tops.

Anger and moon mainboard hurt burn, post board 4 dragon's claw is good

This guy? Even if I had slots I would rather run Baneslayer or even Timely Reinforcements. Walls don't play well with Supreme Verdict.

>Walls don't play well with Supreme Verdict.
Wall of omens does. Centripetal makes it so it's just a bigol' ca neutral card that's hard to get past. What's your sideboard like?

Right now I'm running
2 Engineered Explosives
3 Thoughtseize
3 Extirpate
1 Dispel
1 Condemn
2 Blessed Alliance
1 Negate
1 Gideon Jura
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

I'm interested in your Tron matchup. I used to run sower of temptation a ways back for it. I'm surprised there's no bribery in the Sb. No Tron in your meta?
I really liked running runed halo before, it has serious game to a lot of decks, bridge was also really good. It stops the big fat idiots of the meta like eldrazi, the downside being it's fragile so you'd need something to stop their explosives from taking it out, stony silence was nice for it. Dropped the deck after a I switched it to monastery mentor esper and fell out of favor with the deck

Also not saying to bring in stony silence against eldrazi but bridge was nice, especially with counter backup

The plan against Tron is to bring in Thoughtseize and Extirpate and try to extract a Tron land or Ulamog and World Breaker. They don't run Emrakul anymore so the matchup becomes easy when he can't blow up my lands with cast triggers.


>What are you playing?
Elves, Ad Nauseam, Protean Hulk combo, U Tron, Allies, GW Hatebears. Mostly just GW Hatebears at the moment.
>What are you building?
Just finishing up G/W hatebears so i don't have to borrow the missing pieces from a friend(Horizon Canopy)
>What are you hating?
>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Isit just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
Don't care, if your deck is dying outright to a 3 mana red enchantment then maybe you should fetch for basics instead or play a deck where Blood Moon is redundant even if it gets into play.

Hey I play turbofog uw, I know it isn't your deck by a country mile but our problems are the same. Our decks go to the late game where eldrazi and Tron are insane. So would ceremonious rejection be good sideboard game for Tron? You counter their early stuff, and late game stuff, and it works against eldrazi and affinity.

Whipped this babby up

4x Bloodsoaked Champion
4x Viscera Seer
4x Zulaport Cutthroat
4x Blood Artist
4x Carrier Thrall
4x Cartel Aristocrat
4x Geralf's Messenger
3x Grim Haruspex
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer

4x Rally the Ancestors
3x Path to Exile

4x Concealed Courtyard
4x Marsh Flats
3x Godless Shrine
2x Westvale Abbey
8x Swamp

I am haeving fun. Just wished the 2 drop slot isnt that crowded, still lacks testing if I remove the Thralls for something like Bloodghasts or Return to the Ranks

>>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards?
Bloodmoon is the hero that not only, Modern, but all of MTG needs. Goodstuff decks are cancer.

You need to run Doomed Traveler

He is so damn good

>Wouldn't see how Skred beats down non-creature decks
it doesn't

I play UW Emeria too! Fun deck, but I did horrible at recent tournie. Considering picking up 3 Cliques to replace Pilgrim's Eye.

It's modern, the format is getting more and more focused on linear creature aggro. In a more healthy meta skred would be a terrible choice, but as it stands it's a solid pick.

I'd rather we just carpet bomb the ubiquitous good stuff cards. Get rid of Bolt, Thoughtseize, and Path.

I seriously think we can manage with Tarfire and Inquisition and a return to 2-mana as the gold-standard for unconditional removal like Terminate or Journey to Nowhere.

>make most decks worse so affinity, infect and Tron get better

Lightning Bolt isn't unconditional removal



Midrange means fuck all. It's not a "fair" goodstuff pile like Jund, a combo pile like Ascension or Ad Nauseam nor an aggro deck so control is the closest shoe that fits.
>boardwipes and sticky n-for-1 answers that are also wincons.dec
>not control
There are no devotion decks in the type.

thats tempo right?

infect is so stupid

now we'll never have any interesting and pushed combat tricks printed again

where my ad naus players at?

i'm curious if anyone has tried a sideboard of 4x gifts ungiven, 1x unburial rites, 2-3x reanimate targets, (iona, elesh norn, grisel), 1x snapcaster, 1x noxious revival.

The idea being you'd board out all your unlifes, 3 angels grace, 3 ad naus and board in all of the above + a few mana leak/negate/etc

You can use your extra permission to survive until you resolve an EoT gifts for either Unburial Rites+Creature or Snap+Noxious+Grace+AN (if you have tons of mana).

On the one hand it seems super janky but on the other hand it seems like a lot of fun to win game 2 after they boarded out all their creature removal. If they counter your gifts I guess you're just fucked, but that's life I guess.

>What are you building?
meme lantern-red

4 lantern of insight
4 codex shredder
4 mox opal
4 ensnaring bridge
4 ghoulcaller's bell
2 mind stone
2 relic of progenitus
2 feldon's cane
2 pyrite spellbomb
3 blood moon
3 outpost siege
3 norin the wary
3 chandra, torch of defiance
20 mountain
2 grafdigger's cage
2 pithing needle
1 crucible of worlds
2 surgical extraction
2 mindcrack
1 altar of the brood
3 galvanic blast
2 shattering spree

Is there any value in running Eternal Scourge in RG Tron? It's pretty difficult to remove permanently, relic lets you exile it, it's not dependent on having active tron

burn runs many creatures so it's really not bad.
i'm on reckoner skred and i've lost games to burn but can't recall losing a match to it. i don't even run lifegain effects.
you take no damage from your lands and all of their creatures die to all your removal. They can't interact favorably with your threats. Moon cuts off their most powerful cards. games can get close but i wouldn't say it's worse than 50-50

if you're expecting them to board out removal and keep in counters wouldn't it make more sense to bring in creatures than spells?
I thought some AN folks had monastery mentor in the side for this reason

for delver you need 12 efficient beaters. The bar of playability for these threats is at least 3 power for 1 drops and at least 4 power and boltproof for 2 drops. without goyf, what do you plan on playing?

Ad Nauseam can run a Glittering Wish package and can grab Sigarda Hosts of Heron or Dragonlord Dromoka for wincons as an alt plan. It's not a bad sideplan and gives the deck some resiliency against Cranial Extraction type effects that sometimes show up in lists(Slaughter Games etc.)

>if you're expecting them to board out removal and keep in counters wouldn't it make more sense to bring in creatures than spells?

I mean it's not like you're gonna hardcast any of the creatures you want...

I have toyed with this idea but it seems even more mana intensive than running gifts and if you're on the wish plan you're maindecking it since it changes your manabase so much and I feel like that makes game 1 too janky compared to having a stock game 1 with a switcheroo game 2.

>What are you playing?
Last FNM I tried Dredge. It was fun.
FNM before that, I tried Bloomless Titan and it was fun when it worked, but it usually didn't.
FNM before that, I tried Breach Titan and that was nice.

>What are you building?
I'm probably going to put Jeskai Aggro or Skred together this Friday.

>What are you hating?
Mediocre decks that sometimes catch me on a bad matchup (like Bogles). If I'm going to lose, I want to lose to something good.

>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards?
Fine by me.


If you take a meme deck and make it collide full force with another meme deck then that makes it twice as spicy, right?

>What are you playing?
>What are you building?
Skred Red
>What are you hating?
>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?
Fuck "the meta."

latern control is a refined deck that actually works. you took that deck and made it shit

I'm not the guy who posted that deck list but Lantern control is a meme deck

how is it a meme deck

>Odd-ball flavor-of-the-month deck that falls out of favor as quickly as it appeared
How is it not a meme deck?

the guy who posted the lantern-red here
>hurr durr you must pilot prepackaged lists
second: defined "refined deck"

>What are you playing?

Blood Moon Jund

>What are you building?


>What are you hating?

Asides from Tron, which will always be the devil's work, there's three UW Control players at my LGS and it's close to unwinnable for me.

>How do you feel about Blood Moon and other format police cards? Is it just a Silver Bullet for decks that are overreliant on nonbasic lands, an integral part of a healthy meta, or is it a boogeyman stealing wins for low-Tier decks?

Blood Moon is fine, it's easy enough to play around and gets much worse when the meta is prepared for it.

It does change your manabase but you get a better toolbox suite for answering narrow hate cards. Not that Blood Moon hurts AN that much really due to Bloom and Pentad Prism. It almost plays somewhat like TES in Legacy in where the deck can use Burning Wish to get answer cards, you can use Glittering Wish to even grab stuff like Abrupt Decay, Fracturing Gust or even Bring to Light fetching into AN itself.

>Odd-ball flavor-of-the-month deck that falls out of favor as quickly as it appeared

The only thing true in this statement is that it's an odd deck.

Good luck reinventing the wheel and playing sub optimal decks.
By refined I meant that several hunderds of people including professional players have been testing all kinds of cards and strategies and decided that the current core list is the way to go for latern control.

>The only thing true in this statement is that it's an odd deck.
Then where are the results

MODO leagues are hardly indicative of anything. The deck hasn't shown up in any real capacity in the tournaments that matter in a long ass time

it topped 32 at dallas. it doesn't show up in any real capacity because not a lot of people play it, not because the deck is bad.

>>What are you playing?
Eldrazi Taxes

>>What are you building?
Feeling like I want to show up with meme goblins and bushwhack some nerds next week.

>>What are you hating?
drawing air against uw midrange.
>4 vial
>4 thalia
>1 resto
>1 Path
>15 lands
opening hand was vial, path, thalia, angel, cavern, plains, godless shrine.
i had enough thalias to eat two geists and eventually die to a lone snapcaster mage.

>I-it's not a m-m-meme!
>People just don't play it!
Sure, junior

This is bait

You fucking admitted people don't play the deck anymore, how is that b8

What does Bant get you that splashing black going Esper doesn't get you?

Noble Hierarch and Collected Company

I'm not the user claiming people don't play it. Im just a simple user that likes simple futa after a hard days work and I called like I see em. And you sir, are bait

it never got played in large amounts. and that's not even me you're replying to

is that a serious question?

>It does change your manabase but you get a better toolbox suite for answering narrow hate cards. Not that Blood Moon hurts AN that much really due to Bloom and Pentad Prism. It almost plays somewhat like TES in Legacy in where the deck can use Burning Wish to get answer cards, you can use Glittering Wish to even grab stuff like Abrupt Decay, Fracturing Gust or even Bring to Light fetching into AN itself.

Right, but since blooms and pentads are "one time only" how are you using 7 mana for your wish+answer and then having 6 mana up next turn for the combo?

At least gifts can be done end of turn 4 and gets you the kill on your next turn. I think it's reasonable to have 4 lands in play, especially if you have permission, but I am usually dead before I have 7 lands. Maybe I'd see it if we could run 8 blooms or something, but I just don't understand how wish works manawise as is.

Have you played the wish build a lot yourself? I never have so I could just be wrong here.

Scratch half that I guess. I didn't realize you got a free cast off bring to light.

How's Naya burn doing right now? I was thinking of finishing a build since I only need Goblin Guides and a few other cards.

It's still a top tier deck, you're probably safe
Hell if infect eats a ban burn is probably the next best deck to be on

What could they possibly ban to cripple infect? The fucking blighted agent?

Honestly? Yes
I can see infect as something they really want to get rid of but they lack a good reason to do so

Become Immense has been bandied about.
Any of the main creatures are options.
Personally, I'd ban Mutagenic Growth. It's the real enabler for cheesing out wins with free pumps and feeding Immense.

Nah death's Shadow is a cool deck to keep around
It basically does infect but fairer and I can see wizards being fine with keeping that deck unchanged