The elves or their equivalent in your campaign setting are replaced with protoss

The elves or their equivalent in your campaign setting are replaced with protoss.

What happens?

>trying to restart this shitty meme

They can no longer scream for help as we rape them. Elf rape skyrockets.

Ho do you rape that which has no holes?

By making one.

Fuck you, this was a great meme.

A lot of people scream in agony as I have taken off a basic race for an "special snowflake" one. The elf mage player oddly enouh will go "oh yyyyysss"

No they aren't.

Not really. Le ebin subversion mixed with le ebin elf haet maymay is pretty garbage

>replacing elves with overpowered and endlessly graceful psionic mary sues will make special snowflakes upset
You're not the brightest, are you?

Not but the left time we had an elves-are-now-protoss-what-do thread, it ran for over two weeks and resulted in over 1500 replies.

My Rogue Trader's improbable masquerade among the Commoragh highborn becomes all the more improbable.

And they were all mary sue circlejerks

Why do you hate fun?

He's hating the opposite of fun: shitty Blizz lore.

>unironically being a """"fun""""poster
Kill urself my man

So I'm pretty disappointed that you can't sex the Protoss.

Very disappointed

Not with attitude you can't. Get up and find a hole soldier, any hole at all wllill be fine! And if you can't find one, Make one!

Funposting is love.

Funposting is life.

Stick it in the eye hole?


Ah, the bed bug method.

Not exactly the most efficient way.

But then where do half protoss come from?

This is vitally important to my formerly half elven ranger.

Alright well. The Protoss take the DNA of them and their partner and combine it. And grow it so.

Your ranger is a testube baby. They probably have the nerve cord, but also have a mouth and human body with whatever coloration your parent Protoss had for you skin. And probably some glowing eyes to match.

>no holes
I'll just leave this here.

The somehow manage to lose, while making it worse for everyone else in the process.

I want to lick Selendis.

Reminder that the Protoss have zero orifices.
So no half protoss or protoss sex shenanigans, ever.

Didn't the SC2 campaign have protoss hybrids?


Zerg and Protoss hybrids that had been created in a test tube.
Not a result of sexytimes.

The goblins, orcs, and trolls get burned off the face of the planet. Don't know how the Elves would take losing their divine heritage, though.

you can't read.

That will never stop the fans to make one.

And fuck blizz canon, sexy, high leotard cladded purple aliens here i come.

So, they reproduce Asari style or something?

What is the StarCraft of video games?

Armpit pussy

I'm illiterate.

>no orifices whatsoever

So where the hell do their young come from? Mitosis?


I only every see these when I play Heroes of the Storm and don't generally don't care for their look much. I hear their giant ugly dreadlock things are telepathic brain things.

Like a psychic antenna, but yeah.

I'd say they are like Kroot in this case.

Only that when the baby is ready to get out, the female bursts the belly that was made out of a layer of skin.

The layer pops, the baby comes out and there is a lot of other layers here and there. She later regrows that layer.

Yeah, no, I'm just going to go with the non-canon explanation.

Psi pussies coming out of their gauntlets.