There are many "civilized" dark elves (drow, druchii etc)
How would "savage" dark elves look like?
There are many "civilized" dark elves (drow, druchii etc)
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Like N'wahs
When the Sindar in the Silmarillion first encountered orcs, they thought they were avari who had gone feral.
I might even have some art that could work for that.
Turns out I don't really have much.
Eberron drow.
Also, dunmer
I always liked the idea of Bedouin dark elves.
Pretty much any antagonistic depiction of wood elves.
There is no such thing as a civilized dark elf! They are all disgusting, evil, monsters that should have been wiped of the face of the Earth years ago. Just because they can work together long enough to kill others before themselves, and make horrid "laws" and "establishments" for the pure purpose of inflicting more suffering, doesn't mean they are civilized. We don't say that the Orcs are civilized because they have warchiefs and can build shitty forts and strongholds.
>INB4 "But Orcs are civilized. They're just misunderstood. Muh noble savages are gud boys who dindu muffin."
Once The motion to approve "Edict 29: The outlawing of The Existance of Dark Elf assemblies of more than 2 Dark Eld persons in any location on, or within, The Earth" is passed by the United council, every last one of you darkies better start counting down your last days. It's Already gained support in twelve of the Human Fiefdoms, and half of the Elven Confederacy is currently gearing for war.
TL:DR Remove Dark Elves, Race War Now
Post elf titties
Corellon please go.
Tiste Edur.
More noble savage than anything, but the point stands given that every Edur who appears save four or five is a massive genocidal tosser.
Well said, Brother! The only good Darkie is a dead one.
>INB4 I'm called a human /pol/ infiltrator making a masked arguement about humans with some slightly browner skin tones.
Slap on feathers, facepaint, and leather.
my dal hon
Was about to post these n'wahs.
Anima's Duk'zarist AKA Utter fucking savage retards.
>Praise literal dark-gods AS IN made of darkness
>Uses shitty dark wood because said dark gods made them with a crippling weakness to iron
>Gets into shitfling fights
>All of their inventions are military-related
>Zero machinery
>Just carried by magic and psy
Not like there are non Dunmer Dark Elves that arent lame as shit.
Dunmer single handedly save the idea of Dark Elves in fantasy.
Like Dark Eldar, minus the tech. Horses instead of jet bikes, swamps and steppes instead of alternate dimensions, same viciousness and slave society.
DEldar are pretty basic culturally compared to Druchii and Drow.
Corellon is cool with Eilistraee Drow.
But if you aren't a black nudist, into the fire you go.
My setting has savage dark elves.
They are not called dark elves. They are just elves.
In a world where medieval europe themed humans represent the pinnacle of civilization, the elves rule the dark forests. They have no empire or kingdom. They hunt in small bands. They eschew all trappings of civilization, they dont wear armor and their weapons are primitive, carved from bone. However, they strike terror into the hearts of men. They move without sound and set up cruel traps with with devilish ingenuity. They move and strike faster than should be possible. And their lithe physique belies a superhuman strength. They hunt humans mainly for sport and to satisfy their sadistic urges, enjoying the terror and confusion they cause in their victims, but they do not let good meat go to waste.
These elves are tall, thin and pale-skinned, with onyx pupil-less eyes and sharp needle-like teeth. They have high chiming voices and speak in a slightly disharmonic sing-song language. They minds are alien and their motivations ill-understood by human scholars.
Falmer from TES.
Except black.
...Can you fuck 'em?
Theoretically yes. But in theory you can also fuck an angry grizzly bear.
I like Those Odds user.
You`re best chance would probably be to somehow capture one alive and restrain it sufficiently. Capturing a life elf is not something that has been documented before, for good reason. People do their best to stay the fuck away from them.
To people living in this setting, elves are not simply dangerous, they are the thing that goes bump in the night. Which has partly to do with the fact that they come up with elaborate terror tactics just to fuck with people and drive them mad with fear.
Alright so let's do this in the name of Science (and ...research)! I'm gonna need a rundown on their terror tactics. Are we talkin hit and run Night Raids, or do they go straight up Horror movie, and stalk random groups for shits and giggles? Cause We can use that to our advantage, Advertureers make for good hair that doesn't die easily.
How skittish are they? Do they ever turn tail when the going gets tough, or do they underestimate their prey to the end?
We're going to need the Best alchemists/apothecaries around to synthesize some sort of tranquilizer, enough for the bait to coat their blades and arrowheads in, as well as to make at least 30 tranquilizer coated Blow darts. Oh, and we need a bomb, in case this whole operation goes FUBAR. Can't let the bogeyman win, now can ya.
Gentlemen, today we are going to make History!
>Eberron drow.
Came here to post this.
>Veeky Forums: Because how else can you demonstrate the complete superiority of your speicies over monsters besides coming up with elaborate plans to sexual violate them?
Falmer were the best part of Skyrim.
slav elves are best elves
>Are we talkin hit and run Night Raids, or do they go straight up Horror movie, and stalk random groups for shits and giggles?
Both. They always come during the night. They tend to stalk their victims for a period of time, snatching up individuals and leaving parts of them to find for the others. Once their victims are suitably terrified they openly approach and attack, killing some and scattering the rest to hunt down one by one.
>How skittish are they?
Not very. They usually scout out the situation before they commit themselves to a hunt and them backing down is almost unheard of. If something unexpected like a sudden reinforcement of their victims occurs, they might slink back into the shadows only to change their tactics and egage their victims less directly for a time until they are reasonably softened up.
My players did not like Eberron drow. The elf player didn't like being called a "corpsefucker".
(Background for Eberron elves: the primary elf nation practices Necromancy and has untold millenia of their ancestors kept animated as advisors and keepers of old wisdom. I decided that drow commonly thought white-skinned elves were white-skinned because their forebears fucked the dead).
Hmmm... so they won't run, but they're very hard to get engaged without them spilling some blood first. It looks like we're going to need some Mooks and meat-shields. Maybe we could take some death row criminals for this?
Their scouting And surveillance is going to be a little bit harder to deal with. The competent bait team are going to have to learn to act scared to lull the Elves into a false sense of security, that shouldn't be too hard. The tricky part is getting the capture equipment and team there with out the creepy buggers realizing.
Hiding or disguising the equipment won't work. These guys have the stealth advantage, and they seem to be very cautious. If they think something things amiss, they will search for it and not act until they find it, and they WILL find it. That means we're going to have to keep these a reasonable distance away, and mobilize quickly once they reveal themselves to the bait team.
The bait team, if they're competent, should be able to slow and injure the elves with their share of the tranquilizer, but even then time is of the essence, everything will have to be optimized for a quick capture, sedation, and transfer.
We'll also need a quick way for the bait team to signal us without the Elves catching on. Perhaps a magically interconnected button device, where the pressing of one part, lights up the part back with us? If that's not an option, then we'll simply have to rely on conventional signals and our speed.
I Know this started as a joke about raping the bogeyman Elves, but this Is actually sounding like a fun idea now. Like a mix between a not-shitty version of Jurassic Park 2 and Predator.
>It looks like we're going to need some mooks and meat-shields. Maybe we could take some death row criminals for this?
Only the desperate and the insane are going to be willing to brave the elf-haunted forests and even those people would require some convincing argument to go there. The local aristocracy already press-gangs criminals to go there in exchange for their life (if they return) to cut rare and valuable wood.
>Perhaps a magically interconnected button device, where the pressing of one part, lights up the part back with us?
Magic is rare in the setting, difficult to employ and always dangerous. The most common sort wielded by humans is called aethercraft and taps into an extradimensional source of pure energy. The hard and dangerous part is controlling that energy. A master aethercrafter (few live long enough to call themselves that) has learned to focus these destructive energies away from himself and roughly were he needs them to go. Using aethercraft can be most closely compared to throwing around sticks of dynamite that sometimes spontaneously change course in midflight.
They are basically dark elves already.
>Taming giant poisoneus insects
>live underground
>Love the fuck out of poisons
>hate themselves and everyone else for no raisin
>they can work together long enough to kill others before themselves, and make horrid "laws" and "establishments" for the pure purpose of inflicting more suffering
Tff Dark Elfs are Arabs
I realized a few months ago that the drow in my setting are almost explicitly falmer, what with being cursed insectoid-style elves. I also, amusingly, have a snow-elves analog.
Say what you will about everything Skyrim did or did not change, but I'd play an entire game based around Falmer and the Snow Elves.
Well, the willingness of the criminals as mooks and meat shields aren't too much of a concern, they can be sufficiently pacified and cowed by the bait team long enough to get into the range of the Elves. After that, it would actually be beneficial for us if they were to start running around like headless chickens.
Their purpose is to die easily, so as to lull the Elves into a false sense of confidence and reveal themselves, without requiring the death of any of the competent bait team. While this may seem... cruel and callous, sacrifices must be made in the Science, Progress, and the Greater Good! And if those sacrifices must be made, then they might as well be made by people that we wanted dead anyways.
The problem of the signal is a greater trouble however, as it forces us to use conventional, less subtle, methods of communication. Horns and fireworks are on one hand, easy for us to notice, but on the other hand, they're even easier for the Elves to notice, and ascertain their purpose. The signal will have to be noticeable, but it would have to not look like a signal.
For this purpose, the Bait team would have to be armed with oil bombs, torches, and other such flame based weaponry. By using these once the Elves reveal themselves, they would set alight a just large enough portion of the forest for a lookout on the capture team to spot.
Although a budding forest fire is still a rather large incentive for the Elves to retreat, it is the least conspicuous option, and would facilitate in the incapacitation of at least one of the Elves for capture, dead or alive. If we are lucky enough, or the Elves are foolish enough, to remain when the capture team arrives, they will be made easy takedowns by the tranquilizer Bolts.
That`s actually a pretty decent plan. Probability is still high that everybody gets horribly murdered but I can see a chance of it succeeding if you can actually find really competent people for the capture team and as handlers for the bait team.
Oh and forest fires are unlikely because the region that has elves has a cool and wet climate, a lot like nothern England.
>The brothers all laughing together one last time
Feels bad man. Feels really bad.
So it's settled then.
Alright Boys, you heard him, lets get ourselves in gear, chop-chop.
Operation "Bag the Bogeyman" is a go.
They would expel spiders out of their vaginas.