There's a correlation between video game players and bad RPG players

Am I the only one who has noticed this?

Over different groups, over different games, I've all experienced the same: The player who has the most knowledge of video games is the most likely to show shitty behavior in RPG's. They tend to hug the spotlight, do shit that's not logical for the party's motives, roll dickass thieves more often...
Best players tend to have some creative hobby, like theater or film. Groups entirely made out of diehard videogamers need a lot of special attention to get the campaign somewhat orderly.

Tell me I'm right.

Sounds like you just pick shitty people to play with.

Does it? Because I also quite often have very good people to play with. They just tend to play less video games.

First post best post.

>Tell me I'm right.


>Tell me I'm right.
Don't lie. What you really wanted was a (you).

Also you sound like a colossal faggot.

Not really. My group consists of lots of guys who play video games, and the guy who knows the most about them tends to end up being the party leader because he's the most willing to chat it out with NPCs.

In fact, the guy in our group who didn't really play that many videogames ended up making some terrible special snowflake and quitting the group out of uselessness. Another guy only plays one game and tends to make the same character each time and barely participate.

If anything, my experience is the opposite. The more games a person has played, the more engaged they seem to be.

Correlation yes. Causation no. I

find that oftentimes people that can't socialize properly for whatever reason tend to enjoy video games because of the anonymity they Grant and how loose the moral and social codes are in those online communities. Some of those people try tabletop because there is quite a bit of overlap between the communities.

Not at all. In my group the one who tends to be the least engaged in the one who is the least into video games.

Hell the most avid gamer in the group is the GM, and she's doing a great job. Best GM I've ever had.

Quentin was, is and always will be right.


Nope. Not finding any statistics backing up your claim.

Nah OP, you're just an idiot.

Nah, I'll disagree.

Maybe it's because I used to play a lot of WoD, but my worst encounters were with amateur actors and people more on the "creative" side, especially if we're talking about hogging spotlights and being a shitty bully that makes characters unfitting to the game.
I've also been pressured by such people to let them go away with ridiculous shit, only for them to storm off once they discovered that their shit shall be shot down once entering my table's no fly zone.

Bad behavior by vidya nerds I've encountered was more about expired memes and being a fucking spaz. Worst offender kept interupting us when he wasn't playing to tell random shit, stopped once he jumped in a scene where I was saving a woman that was dying so he could tell us about cookie clicker and the entire table let out a mixture of groans and fuck offs.

You aren't totally right.

Really? And does the guy who's the party leader include the rest of the party?

This seems very reasonable. I often wonder if gamers think they'd be really into RPG's because of the nerd-appeal, but are then proven wrong. But so far they've all enjoyed it.

I don't know about gamer Gm's actually, I can imagine they prepare harder and have a large background in fantasy to improvise with.

My claim is clearly incredibly subjective.

People who consume too much Anime are much, much worse.

Nope. The worst player by far is the pothead, followed by the belligerent hipster who thinks he knows better than everyone else even when he knows nothing about the subject.

They would be a bit hard to establish anyway, since pretty much 100% of RPG players would also play video games.

Worst player I've ever played with hated video games. They were below her. She spent her time on real hobbies, like reading Anne Rice books.

My two best players are both people involved with film. A lot of it has to do with the introvert/extravert thing

>do shit that's not logical for the party's motives

Team-based video games encourage the exact opposite, though. It doesn't matter if you do poorly if the team wins. If anything video games would encourage players to blindly self-sacrifice in the name of the common good of the party.

But that's only team-based video games, you're missing an entire category of non-team based games.

I'd think the problem would be with assassin creed, skyrim, bloodborne and the likes.

Nah shitty people are just shitty.

The 'professional gamer' in my group is by far better than the rest of the chucklefucks.

Yeah, there's also a correlation between number of movies starred by Nicholas Cage abd number of survivors in helicopter accidents

As a GM, I find that many of my best players from Veeky Forums and IRL have been hardcore gamers. You are conflating annoying self identified "gamers" with all gamers. These are the people who still might unironically make a portal reference in 2016, wear video game related shirts exclusively, buy any new shitty games because it's the thing to do, etc. They might have a lot of game knowledge, but these are the type of people who you want to avoid. #notallgamers

>You are conflating annoying self identified "gamers" with all gamers.
Pssh, I'm not doing that.
> people who still might unironically make a portal reference in 2016
> wear video game related shirts exclusively
>buy any new shitty games because it's the thing to do
Yeah that's what's happening here alright.

Someone or something has fucked up when a player is saying "A single-player game taught me to be a dick to my teammates!" and I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the game.

I think the OP's retarded, but if you've played any team game you would know there's a bunch of fucking morons obsessed with getting the SICKEST REPLAY

When has a player ever told you he was a dick to his teammates?
He doesn't say it, it's just a behavior.

Not really, sounds more like confirmation bias is at work here.

lol your thread is shit

I play video games, watch movies, like most genres of music, like plays (although they're far too expensive to do as a regular thing) and reads books, i'm a forever GM, my friends play video games and watch anime and apart from some stupid references twice a session they do things fine.

That's true, but also a failure of the person to learn, not the game to teach.

You've missed the point, and fantastically so. Single player games cannot teach someone how to perform in a team, poorly or otherwise, because there's no team dynamics to learn from. Playing Skyrim didn't give your player bad habits, your player developed bad habits while playing Skyrim.

How fat and bald are you exactly?