Mounts: >giant wheels of cheese >wargolem mechs >rocks >the internet >scooter carts
Weapons: >Indecipherable Captchas >The power of love >Chimping out >Goyim >Roofalin
Still rolling for weapons.
Nathan Morris
Jason Bailey
Impotent rage
Dylan Bell
Jaxon Thompson
Also: >White Privilege
Jonathan Barnes
Raptor Strength
Andrew Jones
Kayden Johnson
you only do new threads when yours is about to go off the board, not right when it hits the bump limit
this thread is /b/ tier anyways. Fuck off.
Cameron Bennett
Nolan Watson
Weird smells
Austin Gray
A gun
Christian Scott
Model 1911 R1
Luke Thomas
This mad
Grayson Gray
beefed-up cantrips
Jayden Lopez
Also, rolling for dildos again.
Nathan Myers
>rule 2
Leo Perry
William Thompson
We have 7 already and OP is kill.
Xavier Sanchez
Joshua Lewis
An endless can of Easy Cheese
Brody Martinez
Kevin Gomez
Sorry, was hoping to get dildos. Oh well.
Weapons: >Indecipherable Captchas >The power of love >Chimping out >Goyim >Roofalin >Death >White Privilege
Schools of Magic.(8)
Bentley Sanders
Hudson Scott
Political Discourse.
Noah Taylor
Jordan Stewart
Constantine, get out.
Wyatt Morgan
Ability to make good threads
oops guess that one must be missing from OP's repitiore.
Adam Wright
That's some weird magic.
Carson Ward
John Morris
Passive aggression
Jonathan Richardson
The Synagogue of chrysopoeia
Easton Sanchez
Nathaniel Butler
Toast Law
Mason Peterson
A-a-another one
Connor Rogers
throwing jewish stars
Leo Adams
Noah Mitchell
Alexander Young
metal guitar
Benjamin Jackson
Cooper Edwards
Levi Collins
sexual magic
Henry James
The purpose of this thread isn't to be good. You're right, We're doing something absolutely stupid but at least we're having some fun dicking around. It's just a bit of fun to run naked in the rain, as it were(actually running naked in the rain is quite overrated though)
Luke Perry
there's a board for that already, its called /b/
Jason Gray
dancing magic also this
James Murphy
Welcome to Veeky Forums you don't even need other boards.
Ethan Flores
Don't fucking turn this board into /b/ 2.0 like what happened to /v/ you fucking worthless pile of retard
Anthony Sullivan
The school of unfun board police
Lincoln Cruz
It's not like any of us actually care. Or should care. You're so focused on "Muh Quality Threads" that you're never even bother to have a little fun. Besides, back in 2008 it was even worse... but it was also the time when some of the greatest products of Veeky Forums came out. You're going to have to deal with the shit as well as the gold on here.
Brody White
all i ask for is one, just one board that isn't garbage
is that too much
Joshua Perry
Nicholas Scott
>Schools of Magic.(8) Asstronomy
Jason Harris
No, not at all. There's a place for people like you, where every thread is on topic, the mods actively listen to the community, and everyone gets along fairly well.
It's called Reddit.
Kayden Ortiz
Eli Barnes
>he says as he literally defend a reddit tier LOLRANDUMB thread
Ok t3hpenguinofd0om
Blake Davis
To kool 4 skool magik
Landon Lee
I like it
Chase Adams
Aiden Young
Have you actually been on reddit? Like, actually been to /r/rpg or /r/gurps? Everyone talks about Reddit-tier lolrandumb posts, but it's been my experience that that cancer is on the main boards, in /r/funny.
Asher Long
Owen Carter
this is literally /r/funny tier.
Austin Hernandez
These types of threads have been going on here for years, pull your head out of your ass.
Levi Kelly
and they've been garbage for years.
Noah Martin
Why are you still here then?
Charles Nguyen
Ethan Thomas
for the non-garbage threads.
Jayden Wood
That's the point. In a board where every topic related to traditional games is grouped together, and has an emphasis on Freeform discussion, and with little to no moderation you're going to deal with shit. A lot. And to be honest, that's perfectly fine, because you're also going to see some pretty awesome things as well. I mean, sure, this thread is pretty retarded, but it's also pretty fun. And then, right now, you've also got awesome threads like this: You either sacrifice freedom of discussion and quality for mediocrity, or you allow everything, and enjoy the bits of awesome that show up every now and then.