The tryanids reach Terra, and destroy the Emperor's body. Now, before you grab the torches, listen.
>This kills off the high lords of terra, who are arguably the worst things to happen to the Imperium after He died. This lets the other leaders of the Imperium to think and make descisions without the high lords breathing down their neck, with a bolter to the back of their head. The majority of the Imperium's leaders make trade agreements and alligences with the Tau, Eldar, and some Orks, promising that they can fight happily for the rest of their days with things that, Yarrick says, 'Makez da biggezt boomz!'
>Excluding the 21st founding chapters, all the legions form back up. This brings the space marines closer together, allowing them to be even more combat efficient.
>Both Magnus and Alparius come to the current leaders of the Imperium and beg for pardon and forgiveness, and, along with their legions, are granted it.
>The Imperium becomes slightly less xenophobic.
>The two remaining 'whole' eldar gods revive Khaine after uniting the shattered pieces of his soul.
>Cadia becomes the new headplanet of the Imperium.
>Vulkan, Corax, a clone of Ferrus, Khan, Dorn, Russ, and Robute (who is enterned in an advanced dreagnought) return to the Imperium.
>The emperor is reborn on an Imperial fringe planet, and is given a name.
>Earth collapses and opens up another eye of terror.
>The forces of chaos are crippled, and several chaos marines and champions return and beg for forgivness.
>Malal becomes nearly ten times stronger than any of the chaos gods at their current strength.
>Farsight overthrows the ethereals with the help of the Lamenters.
>The emperor allows the mechanicus to reverse-engineer SCTs.
>The necrons are less hostile towards humans and eldar due to them giving them spiritstones and Old-One tech that imitates the funtion of a soul.
>Ciaphas Cain returns.
>The tyranids grow in number.
A story concept
too bright
I would read this story.
> Cadia becomes the new head planet of the Imperium
Have you not heard of the Eye of Terror, fucktard? It's visible from the planet's surface, and demons pour forth from it. "Let's put our HQ right there, that makes sense." It'd be somewhere in Ultramar. Although the Imperium proper would fragment without safe warp travel.
Also, alliances with the Orks, who love to fight? Or with the Eldar, who despise the Monkeigh? Or maybe the Tau, who are doing all sorts of fucked up eugenics? All those make sense.
You are a retard. Read some fluff, spastic.
Rly Daemon prince beging humans for forgivness?
fan attempts to "advance" the setting are always fucking terrible
>Emperor given a name
All of this is terrible but thats by far the worst part
Too much marinewank. Try coming up with a concept where the marines are barely present or relevant, and it'll be much more interesting.
The Tyranids aren't particularly exciting foes by themselves, "bug aliens" as the ultimate enemy is a pretty common sf trope so making them the primary foe is a non-starter.
Crippling chaos is no good. Half the fanbase already thinks they're a joke to begin with, and they seldom have significant or lasting victories.
Ciaphas Cain returning is a good idea though.
Its like you have never read any fluff about 40k other than the core rulebook.
No, because the rulebook goes on and on about Cain and Malal, as well as the old-ones, of course.
You're right, OP just has no understanding of 40k at all.
Did you forget the Astronomicon was a thing?
Honestly, the crippling Chaos thing was the only good part of it all. Hell, I'd take all that if He threw in way to destroy Chaos for good. That way the overall quality of 40k's lore would still improve. No faction that spends all it's time fucking up, being one-dimensional twats, and just generally wasting it, deserves to have an inevitable eventuality victory. Especially when, if anyone else wins, they still exist, but if they win, everyone auto dies except for chaos, who get to spend the rest of eternity fighting/plotting and giggling/having sex and doing cocaine/puking and shitting or whatever floats their boat.
The Tau and Eldar, and somehow the Orks, have FTL travel without it.
The Eldar use the webway, the Tau "skim" through the warp and the Orks use the teeth of their ships to intimidate daemons (no shit). There'd still be FTL, but it'd be even less reliable than it is now without the astronomican to guide navigators. The only way this could be solved would be if the AdMech could get their heads out of their asses.
Also, I have a nitpick with your setting - if the Tyranids reach Terra, they would've already eaten damn near half the galaxy. Which is probably what is going to happen anyways, though.
I chose Cadia because it was the second purest planet in the Imperium.
Technically there is nothing stopping them from driving driving at Terra straight "down" or "up" from outside the galactic plane and bypassing virtually the entire Imperium.
>The tryanids reach Terra, and destroy the Emperor's body. Now, before you grab the torches, listen.
You make it sound like there's more. Chaos just ate the galaxy
> Malal