>It's a post-apocalyptic setting set in North America where savage tribes rule ravaged lands
>The tribes and their borders are loosely inspired by contemporary football team names and their regional fan concentrations.
>It's a post-apocalyptic setting set in North America where savage tribes rule ravaged lands
>The tribes and their borders are loosely inspired by contemporary football team names and their regional fan concentrations.
I can get behind that, but only because my hometown now has a Greco-Roman theme.
Broncos territory should extend to Bismarck.
>Cowboys and Broncos unite, wipe out the Chiefs and Redskins
>Alaska roots for seahawks
Intredasting, I had no idea
In other news, the 12th-year-old man is the most obnoxious fandom in existence
>jets fans right now
>seahawks control territory nobody else even remembers half the time
>the other half is when they just faintly care that thats there the seaplane pirates are ultimately coming from in the wake of an attack on the far side of the country
The Seahawks control bigfoot territory. That has to count for something.
>Each territory is loosely allied
>Each year, during the fall and winter seasons, every tribe sends a troop of their most seasoned warriors to battle against other tribes in ancient pre war colosseums
>The preformance of each warrior troop dictates the status of each tribe's political sway over the others
>Dolphins as a fallen empire dreaming of their glorious past, has berserkers dubed the "killiabees" seeking to die sweaty and Gatorade splattered so they may run forevermore on the great gridiron in the sky
does that mean than instead of constant inter-tribe war we get olimpic games where you bet territory?
The what now?
The 12th man, which is what seahawks fans like to call themselves
>part of the Browns tribe and not the Bengals
Fucking hell
>No Jets
Sucks to be a Jets fan
I see. Thanks, user.
What really knickers my knackers is that they even get television in Alaska.
Bronco Mountain country,
Cowboy desert shit
Cardinals even deasertier shit.
Vikings have the Four Great Chiefs, Chiefs salty about it.
You've never even been to texas, have you
You caught me. what are the dominating terrain features?
Rams are in the wrong spot.
>yfw DA BEARS win da Thunderd Ome.
Depends on the region
22nd for the glorious Vikings/Bears alliance
The time has come and so have I.
>Implying you wouldn't be the first Tribe wiped out with the Packers and Seahawks being the 2nd and 3rd.
We're a fourth of the country fuckboy, and our bronco big brothers would never let that happen. Get ready to drink the salty milk, you cheeky dolphin!
>We're a fourth of the country fuckboy,
And the other 3/4 hates you.
>Former Missouri area
>giving a shit about the Rams
>Not being Cardinal's Nation
Into the trash it goes.
Where are the Jets?
>*The New York Jets do not have a plurality of fans in any US county.
>Canadian hockey teams are rarely seen except when they come down south to raid during the winter.
Arizona really has that shit locked down huh? As a person who has never watched but if asked I call myself a Vikings fan, I am disappointed.
>implying the Las Vegas area wouldn't be part of The Black Hole
What about american hockey teams?
Mostly various types of Prairie and Savannah, with the East being heavily wooded (hardwoods), Central Hill Country is heavily wooded (Laurels, Pecan, and Juniper)and semi-mountainous, and the Caprock area which is rolling valleys of buffalo, brush, and red rock.
You also have some unique places like Lost Maples which, due to the elevation gradient and moisture, feels a lot like a forest in Virginia or so, and lots of Maple and Choke Cherry.
Really, you only get desert once you start heading towards El Paso and New Mexico
its essentially the difference between Norse and Swedes
>New Jersey split between Giants and Eagles
Can confirm that there are many bloody and savage wars and conflicts between those two tribes there.
>May you ride eternal, energized and quenched
Wait, nevermind. That's just regular Florida
Do you have maps like this for baseball and hockey?
Stop speaking in hypotheticals.
>trans pecos
Is that some kind of sexual LQNABTBBQ orientation?
>49er fans outnumber Raider fans in Oakland
>only Raider stronghold is in the desert wasteland
>QUILTBAGS have ruined a perfectly valid root word
It means "Across the Pecos", Pecos refering to the Pecos River.
Its literally the land on the across and on the otherside of the Pecos River watershed
I imagine Canada would be all Raptors then.
Football map works best I think. Now, what are we broncos like? Any ideas?
>Imagine a world where Canada is filled to the brim with raptors
>Live in Tennessee
>We sit in stoic fear of all the nations that border our own, but are the stopgap that keeps them all from destroying each other. At each border, a might statue of a Titan tells these nations to yeild before our lands. The statue is preferably a defensive lineman.
>The Pallas Athena inside of the Parthenon at Centennial Park has been replaced by Steve McNair
>Memphis is a constant battleground, as the Cowboys' Millennial Prairie considers it part of the Stampede.
>Every year at Thanksgiving, we sacrifice a Ram to the spirit of Jeff Fisher; in remembrance of our fall from heaven
>Our warpaint is made of oil and many don't remember why
Would Canada then be CFL teams? No one really cares about them compared to Hockey though.
The pony thing brings to mind motorcycles, or perhaps some sort of mutated mount.
As for 'imperfectly broken', I daren't imagine.
The pony thing brings to mind motorcycles, or perhaps some sort of mutated mount.
As for 'imperfectly broken', I daren't imagine.
Isn't the Raiders stronghold located around Los Angeles?
>Broncos are Mongols riding on near-feral mutant ponies
>Nuclear wasteland
>Panther tribe
>Something akin to the Aztec warriors of old, but with mohawks and mutations
Nomadic hordes with fractured decentrilized leadership that still manage to come together to some degree when we need to even though we know we're all just gonna break of and go back to infighting if or maybe even before we achieve our objective? But that's just looking at the mascots name, I was thinking more about the team and fans and their traditions ( I'm in the geographic area, but I myself don't give a damn about football, so I don't know.)
>yfw the Jets are the Jews of tribal America
Tell that to Rough Rider fans.
>Literally no one outside of Arizona gives one shit about the Cardinals
That seems about ri-wait a minute
>People INSIDE Arizona like the Cardinals
Whoa now, as a life long Arizonan, that shit ain't true.
Fair enough. I was speaking as someone from rural Southern Ontario. I don't actually know much outside of Ontario and Montreal.
It's not that Arizonans care about the Cardinals, it's that they care even less about every other team.
So its like the Eurasian steppes, huge but mostly flat and featureless?
>As for 'imperfectly broken', I daren't imagine.
Stay in your city, city boy.
Honestly I think it's that we have so many transplants here from everywhere else (Only people born in Phoenix go there for any reason other than a job or school) that the dominant fandom is the Cards by default, even if they only represent maybe 20% of the population.
Same more-or-less, from north ont, but i got friends who are from Saskatchewan and they occasionally kick down my door while wearing watermelons and green paint when sask is playing. No word of exaggeration.
Nah, the middle part, composing most of the area around the 7/8 Border, past 5 and tapers away when you hit San Antonio, is a huge hilly/semi-mountainous area that is thick with Juniper/Laurel Woodland. Plus it has unique places like Enchanted Rock and Lost Maples
But yeah, go north into the Panhandle, its a whole flat nothing until you drop off the Caprock
Steelers? Great defense, and excellent geography to ensure that anyone muscling in on our turf does so on terms favorable to us.
We devour the eagles, redskins, and ravens territory for access to the coast and it's resources, and to prepare for the inevitable incursions from the northern powers.
Ideally we open some sort of peace agreement with the giants, having them as a buffer state Inbetween us and the Patriots. Helping them conquer the Bills as a diplomatic gesture might help. The Browns? The Lord will know that which are his, if any. They will be the example to the west of what happens when you approach the iron curtain with ill intent.
Fucking Yankees fallen empire. Won't let the Mets have any fun