Emma has left Warhammer TV

What happened Veeky Forums?

Who left what? Context please.

She was sexually harassed

Who left Asmodeus-senpai?

She was infinitly inferior to Steady Hand Duncan, that's why she was kicked out.

guess she put a single big coat instead two thin layers or didnt give duncan a shake now and than

Is that Hugh Mungus?

Not surprised desu, you could tell right away whether a video included her or Duncan by the ratio of many more dislikes to likes.

I don't think it was anything dramatic or edgy like , I think GW just realized that people stuck around Warhammer TV for Duncan, and that Emma's painting was quite frankly not up to snuff compared to him.

He's a goddamned cringey assfuck. But thats still more true to a good 40k experience than some emo whore who needs to thin her paints for once in her goverment-allowed life

She didn't drill out her boltcasters.

Also thanks for the news Satan.


Not true.

What happened, was she and Duncan got a new boss, and on his 1st day sat with her and told her she was being made redundant.

The direction Warhammer TV was going to change (90 second videos) for the most part did not require a 2nd painter. She alluded to the fact he may not have liked her painting, but she herself said she did not know.

when did she say this?

A good thing.

Wow, that's quite some hate for someone you don't know.

She's not as good as Duncan but I doubt that there are more than three people on Veeky Forums who can paint on her level.

Anyone on WIP can unfortunately confirm this.

>you have to be personal friends with anyone on youtube you dislike
Fuck off, white knight, go jizz in a rag and say you're staying pure for shillary.

I'll take things not even pollacks would say for 100 alex
anons not even trying to 200
and anons that should kill themselves for 100

I don't know. They're just something calming about watching Duncan. Its like he's the Bob Ross of the warhammer.

>Bob Ross of the warhammer.

Oh, yeah, sure.

If one of them had to go it shouldn't be Duncan, he's the better painter.

I don't see why people seem to think Emma is bad though. She's clearly extremely proficient.

What did she paint exactly? I have watched most of those videos and never heard of her.

Mostly some AoS stuff but also some 40k stuff

She was introduced during the Advent Calendar, where she showed some pretty solid techniques, and then painted some AoS stuff like a Megaboss on Maw-Krusha.

What was interesting was that she always ONLY painted the section she wanted. Duncan, for the superiority of his end results, will just slap each layer on without giving a fuck until the details come up. When Emma went "now I'm gonna paint the skin" paint would ONLY go on the skin.

Well that explains it.

Honestly, my big takeaway from watching her was that she had this tendency to duck and weave back and forth while talking about techniques.

>What happened Veeky Forums?
Another Long war comes to the end.

A few too many laughs, interrupts the otherwise smooth flow of the video.

Who is??

In one her streams, specifically she was painting a treeman at the time.

None may dunk on the Duncan