Why do magic players smell so bad?
Why do magic players smell so bad?
they spend the time they could be showering and shaving on building decks and sniping rare cards off ebay
Bat guano mostly.
But just like spend 20 minutes having a shower before you go out?
and now you are the problem
I didn't know anyone made a Foul 'ol Ron mini... even has his little dog.
Haha I was looking for art of the stench but this struck my eye.
Because their fatfold continents communicate through pheromones.
honest question, where do you guys find all these shitty Magic players? I've been playing for more than a decade in New England and usually there's only like 2-3 troglodytes at once on any given day.
They are lazy
Notice how it correlates with them being fat as well
college clubs, probably. Between the engineering department and other nerd-stuff, there's probably a critical mass of failures to annoy away any decent human beings
Those 20 minutes spent by showering are 20 mins that they can't spend by browsing ebay or wanking to poorly drawn Siamese cave paintings.
I'll say it before and I'll say it again
Magic is the crystal meth of the gaming world, and degenerates already awful autists into gangrel slimy hambeasts
Intimidation tactic.
They don't. It's a retarded myth invented by memeshitters. You get stinkers in all walks of life, slightly more common in Veeky Forums and other nerd pursuits, but far from exclusively magic.
this is true, ive been around plenty of smelly DnD and 40k players. and no, half a can of body spray does not cover it up, and fabreeze is not acceptable replacement for washing clothes
If they had good hygiene, they would have no need to substitute a card game for their social life.
Thank you based LGS.
Sorry man.
Stopped my mtg ages ago, but the smell remains the same.
Went into a flgs on magic night and it was putrid.
The friends i have who play it seem to have had their noses commit suicide and dont notice.
Yeah some other nerd hobbies can have smelly players, but they congregate and reproduce through mtg.
I was just talking about this the other day. A LGS called Epic Loot on Friday night is probably the worst smell I've ever had in my nose. Luckily, my main hobby is RPGs so I'm just there for 10mins at most to get minis and books. But the smell reminds me of the nights I spent drafting there and it's like a 'Nam flashback for my nose.