>Ghent Morcault was eighty-one years old, and despite a small fortune in the best rejuvenating procedures the Imperium could boast, he felt it. He could still get about and his mind was sharp as ever, but he knew his days were near an end
>Finest rejuvenating procedures the Imperium has
>Dying at typical human life expectancy
What did the Black Library author mean by this?
Ghent Morcault was eighty-one years old...
I figure he just felt like even after all that he was still going to die soon? Just because his body could still live for tons of years more, he just felt it in him that he wasn't going to last much longer.
>paul kearney
It's funny. Every black library book has a big retcon and I knew what this book's retcon was going to be before I even started reading since this event had basically only one thing to retcon.
What was the retcon?
Calgar died and was replaced by a perpetual?
No. That event begins and ends with "Calgar held a gate alone for 24 hours" so naturally he had half a tactical squad worth of marines with him including two members of the Honor Guard
The author evidently thought that a superhuman genetically engineered from a supersuperhuman made by space magic, holding a gate alone for 24 hours was far too unrealistic for a setting as grounded in reality and fact as 40k.
That he was going to die heroically at the end of the book and everyone will forget him and worse curse his name.
They didn't recton much. Calgar didn't hold the gate alone. He had help from his ultramarines and the finally sacrifice of IIRC the colony founder.
The Imperial propaganda machine wrote that Calgar held the gate alone for a day and night. Only Calgar knows the truth of that day and he honours the true hero that actually saved the day and his life.
They didn't much.
It's not realistic. The Orks would have torn him apart. They had tanks, cans, cyborgs, and loots of boyz.
Remember that Calgar couldn't take on the Swarmlord and his bodyguards alone.
>They didn't recton much. Calgar didn't hold the gate alone.
>They didn't retcon much
>Just essentially the entire thing
He did later at Ichar. If you read the Tyranid and Space Marine codices, on Maccrage, Calgar was on his last legs when the Swarmlord showed up and he still solo'd the Hive Gaurd and held his ground against the Swarmlord long enough to survive.
Calgar also punched out An'ggrath in single combat in a Warhammer World exclusive campaign
They just made the codex version into Imperial propaganda. I thought you guys believed that all codexes are written as propaganda.
Heck, this isn't the first time something like this happened.
In the Macharius novel, they had Macharius assassinated by the Imperium which later spinned a story that he died peacefully (the codex version).
In the Word of the Silent King, Dante was going to backstab the Necrons but the Necrons foresaw that and disappeared after using the Imperials as meat shields. Dante to saveface has his dudes write a report that he let the Necrons go because he didn't want to sully his hand by fighting dudes he just fought alongside with (codex version).
The Macharius retcons were heinous. Do they pay you be on Veeky Forums at all hours defending this shit?
>He did later at Ichar.
He faced the Swarmlord alone.
>Calgar also punched out An'ggrath in single combat in a Warhammer World exclusive campaign
When An'ggrath sent him flying towards a wall. The honour guard charged An'ggrath and bought time for Calgar to get up and shake it off.
>They just made the codex version into Imperial propaganda.
>They just retconned the whole thing
I never read the Macharius books other some interesting excerpts. So I don't have any opinion on them.
Both versions still exist though.
No, one is false.
>New novel released
>Space Marines are actually just regular people, but with watches that allow them to shrink. Other depictions of space marines were just propaganda.
>No, one is false.
Is it? I thought 40K canon is pick and choose.
Depends on who you ask.
The only thing i know for a fact is that it's a mess
>Is it?
Says who?