I have NO idea why GW let such an amazing concept just fade away. Emperor's children could have been the most creepy, genuinely disturbing, hell raiser esque shit to come to 40k. They could have been the symbol of what actual chaos was. But no. Instead GW decides to dickride the chaos space marines with anger problems and the chaos space marines who are fat NEETS who don't bathe. Emperor's children have so much potential for all kinds of amazing shit, all kinds of out of this world stuff because their gods worship is so cosmic, it could literally be anything. The demons of slaanesh are nightmare fuel and...AND bonerfuel at the same time. What else does that? They weaponized music. They are amazing duelists, like white scars on a pound of concentrated god dust. But no... "they're too mature and explicit for the young ones. They like boobs and drugs and rock." What the actual fuck.
Emperor's children missed opportunity
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...so you're basicaly saying the entire company should concentrate on a specific piece of the setting that you find cool, and forsake other that others like?
I mean, I love ECs as well, for similar reasons, but still, dude, it's a huge setting.
And I really don't believe World Eaters and especially Death Guard really have that much more coverage. The Black Legion and rengades, sure, but no single Legion other than Abaddons marry bunch really recieves much love.
GW doesn't understand that they are not a toy company that sells toys to kids, they sell a hobby to hobbyists. So they're sanitizing the whole thing. Pretty pathetic that people still continue to support them.
>talking shit about DOOMRIDER
>GW doesn't understand that they are not a toy company that sells toys to kids, they sell a hobby to hobbyists.
This is the same "Games Workshop" we're talking about here, right?
Really, the main problem is Khorne/Nurgle CSM tend to be really one note. They'd be interesting if all Khorne guys weren't mindless berserkers and all Nurgle guys weren't walking balls of vomit.
I want to see other aspects of Khorne. I mean, the whole melee obsession doesn't make sense when you consider the whole 'he cares not where the blood flows'. I want to see a Iron Warriors warband dedicated to Khorne who see their artillery as a choir to Khorne, explosions as prayers in his name and the sound of Boltor fire a hymn. I want Word Bearers who emphasis Khorne's tactical side, luring enemies into ambushes for surprise attacks, going into religious battle trances and forcing enemies to take to the glorious field of battle.
Nurgle's despair thing needs some more emphasis. I'm sick of all the diseased guys. I want some spooky marines, forcibly turned to Nurgle's will whose aura of despair brings tears to the eyes of even an Eldar Exarch.
EC are a good example of Slaanesh Hedonist CSMs, guys who are great at what they do and want to do everything. More perfectionist warbands would be cool, as well as maybe one that just worships Slaanesh because they really, really hate Eldar?
Tzeechtan's guys need to be more then sorcerers or JUST AS PLANNED. They're also leaders or deceivers, sending waves of expandable Cultists or lesser Daemons into battle while they charge up their super sorcery to swoop in and finish their foe- for his most favoured champions, swooped could be literal.
I think he means the general look of CSM in the majority of media has become a generic mix of angry, spiky and killy, with a pinch of repulsive/ancient occasionally added to them. Even the Black Legion in the Ultramarine movie and Nemeroth's chosen in Space Marine were cut from that cloth.
I think it'd be a fresh change for another Legion to take the limelight for a while, so i'm very glad the TS are getting their own codex.
You sound like a man with some ideas on your mind, care to share?
My favourite legion. Wish they would make them fully depraved and mad. Maybe they could find Fulgrim at some point...
The Blood Pact is a good take on Khorne but the Lost and Damned rarely get explored period. Chaos in general got flanderized to hell and back though, you're right about that.
Khorne is all aspects of violence and strength. Where is the EC champion with a dual-tipped chain halberd who fights bare-chested least he shame the red king with his cowardice.
Or the champion arrogant enough to claim his raw skill alone is enough and has no need of the gods blessing, and who mighty Khorne grants situational immunity to. He cannot be killed by anything less then a one-on-one duel. However during that battle he has -nothing- but his own strength. No demonic gifts, no favour, until he has claimed the skulls of 888 champions
As you said, ALL aspects of violence and strength. The problem is, GW seem to feel you can't worship Khorne without being a bloodthirsty maniac who just wants to frontal assualt everything.
Where are the guys who develop new and strange weapons in worship of war? Where are the guys who recite books of tactics as prayers to Khorne? All we get are a bunch of World Eater expys who want to try and dickslap everything.
I like exploring characters like that in the 40k TRPGs, but it's a shame GW makes Chaos so flat and shallow
>A faction has omnipotent deities that could "win" at any point in time but don'tt because ????
>People are okay with this setting.
I really want Spooky Marines now. Someone, get on it.
They are not humans, why should they think like them?
> fucking heaps of them
> no social stigma to play
> new players have a considerable buy in
> buys everything straight from Games Workshop
> really good at recruiting friends into the hobby
> buys up mass-produced space marine starter boxes like hotcakes
> small community
> hard to find new recruits
> most players have already spent most of what they're going to spend on the hobby
> much less likely to buy directly from GW
> needs complicated new stuff released constantly to stay interested
If anything, you should be happy that GW hasn't done *more* to child-proof the game.
>no money
I'd say that GW has always gunned for that weird philosophical "absolute freedom" theme with Khorne, and that's why his true devotees have no attachments to literally anything and anyone (save spilling blood), or codes of conduct, and tend to be melee guys.
Still, there's too much of it and not enough of everything else.
Dude, u cannot into market. Kids are always the best reciever. They have no judgement and they get hooked easily, they don't ask questions. Money? Kids of poor parents are not a target, kids of middle-to-rich parents are.
kids of middle rich parents have better stuff to waste their time and money on than painting gay little models and play with them.
they already have good pcs / consoles and those minifigures (TOTALLY not toy soldiers mom!) are so badass
what else could they spend it on when they're raging nerds with no social skills
Mobas and CSGO crates
user, 40k is toys. Yes, maybe toys for 'grown ups' but still toys.
Yeah but the 7 deities all fight each other as well, so its a stalemate.
Always felt the daemons on the ship in the film Event Horizon were Slannesh in nature. There was a weird mix of horror and joy that came with the way the crewe was torn apart. That's how I imagine the worst end of Slannesh to be.
But what about a Slaaneshi worshiper who tries to achieve ultimate consensual missionary position sex?
toys don't cost 700$ to play.
The Executives that manage these companies ALWAYS have a background in toys. Just look at WoTC and Hasbro. It's the nearest analogue in traditional industry, and a lot of people made a fucking shitload of money in toys.
Executives are chosen for their ability to reliably turn profit, not for their passion, vision, or admiration for the project.
GW has been a 'toy' company since December 1991 when Brian Ansell bought out the management. This represents GW's highpoint and it's been a downward slide, creatively and financially, since. Some of the old guard (Chalk and Bailey) tried to break away and establish their own company because they didn't like the new more commercial direction, but they went bust in just two years - ironically this was partially because their system, Fantasy Warlord, was actually too well balanced and tuned and that killed drama and some of the fun for less skilled players.
Man, the grinding wheels of capitalism just has to ruin fun and creativity
I love how people always say "Slaanesh is the deepest god" but they always mean "I love dicks on my women, my tanks, and everywhere else"
CSGO is for the poor kids
I like the emperors children because they are a bit more 3 dimensional than the others, they can be dualists. They can be psycho rapists that take a ton of drugs, they can be musicians who kill those in their way with their music. I want to so the perfectionists who are obsessed with making the best weaponry, with killing every enemy with a headshot. With crafting the perfect Symphony.
Needs more Slannesh artwork.
How would one go about creating a backstory for about the perfection side of Slannesh set in the AoS universe?
There was an user who had a really neat concept for a Slaaneshi champion some time ago. Basically the champion was an artist that had tattooed his body to mind bending levels but he hid it all under thew blandest armor because on he and his patron were allowed to see his art.
I've been asked by my group to not include Emperors Children in my Deathwatch game any more exactly because I played up the Hellraiser-esque themes around them. The can slog through rivers of Tyranid goo all day every day but one story arc involving the sons of Fulgrim made them vow No Chaos Ever Again.
That's pretty cool. And in battle, if his armour is split, the sight of the art can drive lesser men to madness. Seems like it would fit a low-power Black Crusade game (or WFRP) perfectly.
Finding things like that with each player group is fun.
My Dark Heresy PCs will never, ever, ever return to Baraspine. They hate that place. Even the /players/ hate Baraspine, or "fucking Baraspine" as they call it. I'm not sure if it was the wind, the cannibalism, the hunger, or the creepy NPCs, but they /loathe/ the place.
And now, they're going back...
Time isn't linear to the Chaos gods.
>What is LEGO.
>Lost and Damned
Speaking of wasted potential. On top of just being horribly underexplored, why are they their own army? I hate how sharp the divide is between Chaos forces in fluff and what their codex actually supports. They shouldn't be loyalists with spikes and the occasional daemon. The default should really be hoards of cultists and traitor guard backed up by marines who'd be more powerful but more expensive than their loyalist counterparts.
these guys were pretty cool
Who is that in the picture?
I think it has more to do with both 40K and Fantasy have 3 Chaos armies- Daemons, Warriors/Marines and Beastman/Lost and Damned.
Like Beastmen, the List and Damned seem to be something of chewtoy for others and aren't likely to get good rules.
They did cadians and catachans IG box, two entire lines of models for the same army.
They should do it again: one loyalist IG line (cadians or not) and some Blood pact line.
seven ?
even counting malal ...
maybe adding the great horned rat and archaon ?