How do we fix the Necrons?
How do we fix the Necrons?
Tell them to stop being lazy fucks and get the hell out of bed.
Advance the Setting.
Fire Matt Ward.
What's wrong with them?
The bunny ears.
They are too much.
>pic related
On the subject of fixing the factions in 40k here's my take on fixing the tau.
As others have said in the past, people don't like the Tau because they live by the grace of everyone else being too busy to kill them it grinds people's gears and is something that just seems childish and could easily be fixed just by making them a bigger deal in the lore.
>"Oh, tau are only avoiding chaos slaughtering them because they have WEAK souls that don't taste as good"
>"None of the big players have not wiped them out because tau are to small to bother with"
I believe that the right way to make the tau relivent would be if they actually had a tau God emperor at the wheel.
Include some lore notes about how a tau planet gets saved from aproaching tyranids by a warp storm at the last minute and suddenly the tau empire really do start looking like an actual glimmer of hope that can turn the galaxy around for the better.
What's wrong with them?
How about make it so that the Ethereals are the Tau equivalent of the shaman Psykers or are the descendants of them. It could justify their inexplicable ability to unite the not Tau races and factions Into their empire better than just "pheremones, they s nice lol" as well as better explain their wisdom and ability in leading the Tau into galactic standing so quickly.
You don't, you just let their reanimation protocols kick in and they fix themselves.
I like this.
less personalities, more protocols.
clear division in their subfactions: dynasties of the silent king, independent dynasties, flayer packs, destroyer cults, slaves of the c'tan.
less shiny shit attached to the models, more engravings and skeletal themes.
references to other killbots of media in model designs (it's become too self referential).
a dreadnought equivalent.
tone down their role/power level for the war in heaven.
return of the pariah and the plan to close the warp.
Tau are canonically non-psychic.
And quasi-canonically, the Ethereals were modified by the eldar so the tau could unite, invent civilization, and be a force for order on their end of the galaxy.
Bring back custom crypteks.
Make the Ressurection Orb back the way it was.
Improve C'tan, monoliths.
Let tesla effect overwatch again.
Remove Decurion entirely.
Nerf Canoptek Harvest and Destroyer Cult.
Fix the pylon to be able to pick if it's skyfiring or not.
Give the Transcendant C'tan a more restrained profile than it used to have, but still actually a LoW unit that hits harder than individual C'tan.
There, fixed.
I thought Tau just had very small souls and weren't straight up blanks. I belive that A tau could, if enough soul/Warp energy were gathered, have a very very pysker powers, maybe enough to pull of a much weaker version of "glamour" that fey usually have to make themselves appear more commanding and charasmatic.
And as for that Eldar creation story, what do you mean by "quasi-canonically"?
So basically the Necron could whip everyone's asses if they gave half a shit?
I offered this in another thread:
The Necrontyr inhabit a planet that is annually assaulted by radioactive waves, causing death and destruction. For this reason, they inhabit subterranean cities resembling catacombs.
They become obsessed with achieving immorality because of the precarious nature of life on their planet. When they discover the immortal star-vampires, they think them higher beings who have transcended their organic form.
In an effort to become more like these creatures, they create an inorganic shell which can house their consciousness, but by transferring into it they lose their souls, their emotions and their humanity. This is considered a small price.
The resulting Necrons are horrifying to their own kind. The Necrontyr rebel against the Necrons but are quickly destroyed. The Necrons judge that organic life is a threat to them, because all organic species that encounter them regard them as abominations. The only way to secure the cosmos for their eternal life is to rid it of all living things.
>what do you mean by "quasi-canonically"?
Different user, but he means that its hinted at, but not outright stated. A likely, but unconfirmed fan theory.
Pretty much, but as it is they probably won't start caring until its either too late, or the problem has somhow been solved itself. They're reeeeeaaaaaaaallllyyyyyy lazy. Unless you step on their tombworlds. Then they get pissed. Pic related.
Turn them back into a terminator horde instead of Tomb Kings in SPEIZ!
Introduce the Outsider as a full C'tan with an a few dynasties worth of crons.
Introduce more "old cron" type dynasties and have the crons who know who they are step up their game and not be bumbling kids show bad guys.
Have some of them actively fight Chaos, Nids and other Necrons on a scale never seen before which makes other races a little worried.
Bring back their crazy FTL drives into GW fluff and not just Forge world's stuff
This isn't what i dislike about the tau. What i dislike is the fact that they're the good guys with the best tactics and the best understanding of technology.
If the tau can exist it makes the other factions go from shades of grey to absolutely evil.
Ammendment, pull back on TK in spess, maybe blend in some other cultures with pyramids and mummies to help break up the monotony
Add a C'tan shard multikit, like the chaos spawn but better
Bring back pariahs
Reference more ancient cultures then just egypt, as much as ancient Egypt gives me a boner we need to break the monotony
Give a canonical design for a female necron so the debates can be settled
This is how I would change the fluff:
Necrons where this super awesome race with short lifespan, when they discovered the ctan they taught them how to become beings of pure light, casting their flesh away.
But the necrons where too earth bound and so they found a way to turn into starlight but remain in the physical realm at the same time. casting their beings into bodies of metal.
Basically once they reached a certian age they would be turned to light and casted into a body of metal, thus their over population broke and they achieved great things.
They went to contest the stars, however after the C'tan began to fight among themselves and shatter they began to notice something, their counciusness began to vanish. They went into panic and decided to hibernate until their lesser servants "scarabs and other creatures that they liked and had the same fate as them - think of em like their pets " figured out a way to stop this shit"
when they woke up, more than half of their population had become monotone, their leaders where those that had retained their personality and counciousness the most. All of their flesh counterparts had gone extinct, so they are literally a dead race. They seek the C'tan because it's the only thing that gives them solance and comfort of their once lost past.
Rule wise, tone the fuck down their re-animation thing. And also they should not be pushing buttons nor have controls, they should be the machine itself.
>>Different user, but he means that its hinted at, but not outright stated
Hinted where?
>tone down their role/power level for the war in heaven.
No. Their entire thing is that they killed the Old Ones with their super-tech. This is stupid. They lost the first time without the C'tan to help them, but they were able to actually be a real threat regardless to a race of high-level psykers.
the old ones being the creators of the biological psykers it's pretty silly. They are more remants of the cheesy rouge trader.
I would have left them as the tutors of the eldar race.
Go back to 3rd edition but make C'tans a generic HQ. They were always supposed to be like Vampire Lords, but GW forgot that Vampire Counts players can make up their own vampires.
> Necrotyr invent super-computer called C'tan to help them achieve prosperity and ensure their survival
> C'tan decides to solve the problem of their super-cancer ridden bodies by transplanting their minds into extremely resilient mechanical bodies
> These bodies also allow the Necrotyr to connect to the C'Tan or other Necrotyr, eventually culminating in a species-wide communal awareness
> Emboldened by their practically indestructible new bodies and the unparalleled processing power of their new brains, the Necrotyr launch a campaign of absolute galactic conquest
> After witnessing the destruction wrought by the Necrotyr the Old Ones decide to take action against them (Why: The Old ones notice that all of the death and conflict caused by the Necrotyr is fucking with the balance of the Realm of souls? The Necrotyr drive the Old One's favorite species of frogmen into extinction?)
> War between the Necrotyr and the Old Ones is painfully protracted and hard-fought, both races locked in a bloody stalemate with the Necrotyr systematically exterminating every single race that the Old Ones throw at them, and the C'tan failing to devise a way to destroy the Old Ones
> Eventually the Old Ones manage to locate and destroy the Necrotyr supercomputer, C'tan
> The disruption resulting from the C'tan being violently disconnected from the network caused extensive damage to all Necrotyr minds
> The shock of this event essentially lobotomizes all Necrotyr and causing them to enter a comatose state of infinite failed self-diagnosis cycles (We could not determine what the problem is. Would you like to submit a user report to NecroSoft?)
> Sometime during the Dark age of Technology Humans discover the remains of the C'tan supercomputer on [insert a future imperial-controlled planet] and begin to fiddle around with it
> The C'tan supercomputer momentarily reactivates and a contingency protocol initializes
> The C'tan wreck releases a single signal, before falling back into complete disrepair
>The signal gradually expands out from the derelict C'tan's position doing nothing of note until it passes over a Necrotyr Tomb World...
> The Tomb World reactivates, and begins to enact the C'tan's contingency plan...
> The Tomb world connects to all dormant Necrotyr within range, rebooting them and overwriting their mangled, heavily corrupted digitized neural networks with simplistic, yet robust AIs designed to follow a set of built-in priorities and objectives
> These priorities were: Travel to [Signal origin], Investigate [Signal origin], If [C'tan unit] is not located expand out from [Signal origin] until [C'tan unit] is located, Once the [C'tan unit] is located perform [Emergency Repair Protocols] on [C'tan unit], Destroy all resistance encountered
> Signal continues on, slowly expanding across the Galaxy, activating more Tomb Worlds as it goes
> Legions of Necrotyr rise and wordlessly move to execute their objectives, drifting towards the source of the C'tan's signal from every direction
> Note: The reprogrammed Necrotyr have no thoughts, hopes, dreams, or desires beyond executing the objectives given to them, however as time marches on some units may begin exhibiting increasing aberrant, inefficient, or illogical behaviours as the damaged software that was overwritten by the Tomb Worlds begins bleeding into their newly established programming. This phenomena will never produce any approaching a stable personality or mind nor are they signs of their original selves coming back, the original Necrotyr have either been irreparably corrupted or otherwise rendered non-operational...
>How do we fix the Necrons?
a socket wrench and some elbow grease.
Hah haa, this guy, user over here
But in all seriousness, i think we're gonna have to take him the repair shop for this one, he looks pretty banged up.
>Tau are canonically non-psychic.
That was stupid. It never made any sense in context of 40k or out. We never got an explanation for it besides "derr tau souls are tiny and weak for no reason"
>And quasi-canonically, the Ethereals were modified by the eldar
Again, that's just dumb grimderp pandering. It promotes the tau being irrelivent which is what we're trying to undo.
In the previous additions it's hinted that an outside race helped the tau unite and develop so fast while cut off from the rest of the galaxy.
This is loosely supported by ethereals just coming out of no where. They weren't leaders or shamans, hell none of the tribes had even seen them before.
Tau were just as murder happy as any other race that sharpened rocks then suddenly everyone holds hands and gets along when these guys show up.
no thanks, sounds too human.
Since when non psychic races are an issue? Why? Eldars have big soul, tau have small, where is the issue?
To be fair, human shamans have no reason to have existed in the first place too. Why does human get to have numerous superpsykers since their prehistoric age?
And Eldars could reincarnate too before Slaneesh, they never made any Emperor like being. OR DID THEY?
I don't like how the eldar are written. I just don't get it. They're the best at everything. They're smarter, faster, stronger, sexier, cooler, more advanced, can see into the future, are more psychic, etc. Etc.
They're literally that kid on the playground whose power was having all the powers. The setting would suffer absolutely none if they were just removed entirely. That includes Dark Eldar.
Hey if anyone's "that kid" on the play ground, it's chaos. At least when the Eldar take a loss, it hurts. They don't say "oh, but we're fueled by the sins and fears of mankind, so those forces we lost don't mean jack shit. Fuck you" when ever they lose because of their own incompetence.
Tone down the Egyptian/Tomb King vibe.
Tau should have been (post)humans who reverted to the "Old Ways" of scientific innovation and unrestrained cybernetic/genetic modifications.
On the contrary, Tau should be essentially pre-humans who haven't yet arrived at the current ways. They should be experiencing the beginning of their own DAoT, not yet having evolved to be as psychic as humans were circa M25(?), only starting to realize the state of the galaxy. There should be notes about this 'brilliant new concept' of creating a computer that can figure out how to make any device from any material on hand. It could be called something like Standard Construct Template or SCT for short. Make 'subtle' hints that this is what the Imperium was like when mankind was only the tau's age. That the Tau must eventually follow the same path as man.
I like this. Gives a reason for individuality, while still keeping the Legions Of Undead Robots Who Want To Purge All Life theme
Kill all the old fluff and the new fluff.
Make them men of iron who were exiled to the outer reaches of space but continued to evolve on their own path.
Embittered and searching for meaning, they create a godlike AI to give them purpose, which they worship religiously (Ctan). They become a dark mirror for humanity, alien yet still recognizable as the humanitys children (Mostly through their religious nature and physical forms)
AI recpricates this devotion and under its guidance both the Necrons and the AI begin to advance exponentially. All their tech is new and cutting edge instead of being yet another race that had better shit but forgot about it.
The ancients are in decline but the vibrant machine race are advancing and have an implacable thirst for vengeance against their forbearors and those that resemble them.
Tldr: make them terminator/skynet plus Me1 geth (religious murder robots)
No. their entire thing is to be reawakening killbots, not overpowered godkillers.
It's stupid reading how incredibly OP the were, then see them going to sleep, or reawaken now and still have the superweapons but "we don't use them because reasons".
Make them extremely powerful, yes, but leave the death of the godlike beings to the godlike beings and warp spawns; the idea that whole races were created to fight them too is exaggerated when it would be way more sensible to say the old ones already had them made but then turned them against the necrons or something.
>whines it doesn't make sense
>disregards the proposed sense
>To be fair, human shamans have no reason to have existed in the first place too. Why does human get to have numerous superpsykers since their prehistoric age?
I'm going to say a wizard did it
and by wizard I mean old ones purposefully kickstarted the human-emperor project
A female overlord. Necrons need their Khalida.
>All these fanfiction tier lore replacements
>"we don't use them because reasons".
They don't use them because they don't got them. The Silent King hid the most potent weapons away because the last time they used them they near broke reality into pieces.
the lore is more or less fine. A few more dynasties would be cool though.
basically just bring back Oldcrons. Don't get me wrong, I understand why people didn't like them. But there are ways you can diversify them and make them more interesting without turning them into Newcrons, which, let's face it, are saturday-morning-cartoon-supervillain tier.
>we told you we'd be back
as for how you'd reconcile the old fluff with current fluff, pdf related.
srsly stop this ancient aliens created us...
Also we need a chamber of guf where the souls originate from. Like the counterpart of the warp, whilst the warp it's a rampant sea the guf could be like a haven, a sort of valhalla that was opened when the emperor came to be. Thus why the faithful will have their souls saved and will join the emprah.
i never really liked the oldcrons, they felt overly edgy back when they were a thing.
They fix themselves, dumbass.
The old lore about the birth of the emperor was that every shaman on earth suicided at the same time so that all their souls would converge and reincarnate into one body. The emperor is kinda a lazy cunt to be honest, he's been around since the neolithic period but only cared about humanity on a mass scale post men of iron.
I dunno about that. Necron warriors paint is worn out and the joints look rusty. Also the jerky movements of the warriors hints at internal damage.
40k is basically too edgy: the universe. I think Oldcrons were pretty suited to a universe with Dark Eldar in it.
>but "we don't use them because reasons".
The Silent King took them with him later. Most of them have gone completely insane or just been damaged due to their stasis.
>No. their entire thing is to be reawakening killbots,
That's clearly untrue considering that's only one small part of their overall lore (flayers/destroyers). Their entire thing is being a rejection of the Warp's power and in its place being Science.
> the idea that whole races were created to fight them too is exaggerated
They were made after the Necrons were put into their bodies and could easily regenerate from any damage and even "death".
>Make them extremely powerful, yes, but leave the death of the godlike beings
The C'tan mostly fought the Old Ones & Eldar Gods. It was only after they became complacent after the war and killed each other that they were sufficiently weakened for weapons like The Celestial Orrey etc to be useful against them.
>i never really liked the oldcrons, they felt overly edgy back when they were a thing.
I doubt it, you type like a fag.
But let me explain why you're a fag: 40k is edgy. No if's, ands, or buts about it. And there are lots of different factions offering lots of different ways to die, each way that they kill fitting thematically with their faction.
Nurgle rots your guts with disease, giving you just enough time to live to regret your sins and give into despair. Khorne is the god of war, and he wants you to die gorily and messily, not caring how it's achieved. Orks are brutes, and they want to kill things in the most brutal ways they can think up. Deldar want you to suffer as much as possible, because their race was killed by a god of suffering. The tau want to kill you to make their political idealogy look superior. Everything about tyranids are made up of biomass and they only care about taking yours so they can grow. Chaos as a whole offers a really messy, soul-twisting, unorderly, and unnatural death.
And on the other end of the scale, we have necrons. Completely uncaring, they don't have any "truths" they want to show you, they don't want to loot your tech and make killy gizmos out of them, they don't want to painrapemurdertorture you or your women, they don't want your soul(well, your "bio-energy", but it's never been explained on what exactly that is), your body, or you accepting their idealogy, they don't want your dead corpse-meat(ignore the flayers, they're not sane), they simply DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about you. Every other faction wants something from the imperium, whether it's revenge, meat, souls, resources, money. What do they necrons want? Nothing. They just want you(along with every other bit of life, you're not remotely special) dead. They can travel to any galaxy they want, create contained universes, they have infinite energy at their disposal, they're masters of all things in the material universe.
It's not an exaggeration to say that they're the very pinnacle of achievement that all intelligent life can only hope to emulate. The solved every problem that could potentially wipe them out, the very goal of evolution. They're immortal, undying, unkillable! The universe is their oyster! And what do the necrons want now, in their aeon-old wisdom?
They want everything dead.
Necrons are the counterbalance to chaos. If you look to the emotional(primal) side of the alien and chaos factions, you'll see only pain, mourning, desperate scheming against fate, and indignified rage, a hellish situation where death would be preferable, and indeed, death is exactly what chaos wishes for(they just rub it in a bit more that it's happening). Meanwhile, if you look at the Orderly(rational) side of the factions, necrons being de facto orderly, you'll see that the necrons only want one thing as well: Death. They have the means to kill many in instants. They're an unstoppable force, and whenever a poking and prodding techpriest steps into their tombs and gives them even the slightest reason to care about the life that's outside because they were disturbed, an entire solar system is harvested of souls before they go back to sleep or onto more important things. All this simply because they hate the living.
That's right, it doesn't matter if it's a savage know-nothing brute that praises his god by beheading his enemies, or a product of the pinnacle of all knowledge obtainable in this mortal coil. No matter what, the end goal of every endeavor is the same: Death.
Hopefully you see why newcrons are shit now. They're not supposed to be friendly faces, they're supposed to be the inevitable, unfeeling, cold march of death. A glimpse of what happens after you die according to hard evidence: Dark, unending infinity. A total cessation of everything you knew and know. A one way trip to something more nothing that the void of space. An alien but unavoidable end to living.
Explain pic related please.
Are they running away or sitting?
Whose hand is that streching back?
Why is a guardmen seem sad?
Why do they seem to have bullet holes?
So yeah. Necrons are one on the opposite end of the Cosmic Horror spectrum. They're not all-powerful but also hate you/want to see you suffer, they're all-powerful but don't care about you one iota until your existence becomes a hindrance to whatever unknowable goals they have. That's a different kind of scary altogether.
I liked it when the necrons didnt have personalities, it made humanity the undisputed middle ground between chaos and order.
They were in no way different from Tyranids you fuckwit. Seriously, are you so stupid that you cannot see that wanting someone's biomass and someone's soul is basically the same thing?
Tyranids are the cosmic horros of the setting, they have no objectives other than feeding themselves and they don't care about you or your opinions.
Necrons wanting to dominate things is way more unique. Hell, the Imperium can even be described as murderbots already. The IoM was basically slaughtering more or less every sentient alien race they came across, the one time they didn't it bit them in the ass. No other race wants to enslave the universe. The Dark Eldar have no grand plan of making everyone their prisoner, they just want to YOLO in the webway, they take prisoners, but not on the same scale.
>Tyranids are the cosmic horros of the setting, they have no objectives other than feeding themselves and they don't care about you or your opinions.
False. We are given the objectives of the Tyranids in 2nd. As far as I know, it hasn't been retconned. Tyranids require genetic material from the biomass in order for them to survive and survive forever. Also it's been said by a Zoat emissary of the Tyranids that the Hivemind seeks to unite all life under it so they would be safe to the danger of the enemy of all life that is Chaos.
>other race wants to enslave the universe.
Chaos. Especially the CSM.
Eldar who want to restore their empire via the Ynnead prophecy.
You are wrong.
I don't like the tau for the same reason another user posted out. Even with the castration and mind control, they're just plain good guys by 40k standards. All the other factions look ridiculously evil by comparison. Just make the tau slightly more powerful, but also make them less noblebright.
Canonically, it's a peculiar chemistry in their brain that prevents them from having a significant imprint in the Warp. It is not clear if this was result of natural evolution or trait pursued over generations.
Source? That's actually a pretty significant piece of lore. It implies that psychic powers and connection to the warp have a tangible basis on physical science rather than being some supernatural phenomena.
It's speculation by Imperials not actual fact. I believe it's in the 5th ED Main rulebook.
However, in relation, Eldar punish criminal seers by surgically removing parts of their brains. This rendered them psychically inert.
Make them four eyed, their blue krillin face annoys me, we need something more alien. 4 eyes and sharp teeth.
>It's speculation by Imperials not actual fact.
Obviously it's known that the inquisition studies warp phenomena, but it's usually portrayed in the form of ancient rituals and spooky sigils and the like. Are there ACTUAL imperial scientists dedicated to studying warp phenomena? Do you think they use the scientific method? Do imperium chemists perform super space spectroscopy on chopped up xenos brains and warp artifacts? I can only get so erect.
I like four eyes. Sharp teeth not so much, it would make them look too fierce.
>12 pages of necron fluff
You can't seriously expect anyone to read this. We do have lives you know.
Also, you could have included something about the Void Dragon and the other C'tan
>the original lore was good
>the existing lore is good
well there is also the fact that life with souls has a tendency to empower/invite the warp, and they freaking HATE the warp. Humans and Eldar need the Warp, but they don't. As far as they are concerned, if they were able to create a universe with no ensouled life left (or maybe nothing with a soul bigger than the Tau,) that would be objectively a better place.
It's hinted that the Cadian Pylons were created by the Necrons when they were still slaves to the Ctan, and they could still largely consider the long-term goal of cutting off the physical world from the warp to be a splendid idea, despite the fact that it will kill everything with a soul.
>saturday-morning-cartoon-supervillain tier.
you say that like it isn't an awesome thing. God forbid we have some tongue-in-cheek levity from the universe that brought us Goff-Rockaz and Doomrider
>They were in no way different from Tyranids you fuckwit.
Have you ever actually read the old fluff?
Anyone who says the Oldcrons were just mindless killing machines with no personality obviously never actually read the 3rd edition codex or related literature. Go read Deus Ex Mechanicus and then try to tell me that the necrons behave in exactly the same way as the Tyrannids.
>but by transferring into it they lose their souls, their emotions and their humanity.
Necrontyr were never Human. They were around aeons before the precursors to Humans.
No, user, it's just that the vast majority were mindless killing machines, and 99% of the ones that weren't were entirely the playthings of the C'tan.
There was no room for anything approaching uniqueness, because their lore spoke against it, for kitbashing and conversions, because their lore spoke against it, or even to being defeated, because of course they had perfect defenses against the Warp and they were the only thing the Nids feared and humanity was their pet project and a whole bunch of other shit that if presented now, would be derided for the trash it was and is.
Their new lore allows for all of the above, giving them as a faction actual stakes to their battles and lets the player decide what their army represents.
If I want a game that tells me what I can do with my own models, I'd play Warmachine.
That sounds extremely stupid.
I was not saying that the old ones made the emperor, but that the old ones uplifted the old shamans.
There's also old one tech on earth in the form of a connection with the webway, why would it be so strange if humans were intended as another uplifted race by the old ones? they are in fantasy after all.
>That's clearly untrue considering that's only one small part of their overall lore
It may be small, but it's the basis behind their themes and the main characterization given to their depictions as a force.
For the last time the whole point of the tau is that they're different for the other races!
stop trying to "fix" them by making them just blue imps
Running away
The Tau one i think
He got a pretty bad hole in his helmet and less hair
Ya know its pretty hard to walk by Necron swamps wihtout getting shot a few times.
this but keep the Decurion that's kinda the norm now
should be noted the old Transcendant C'tan is still legal
They are running as fast as the can.
The outstretched had is the tau's on the far right.
The guardsman is looking as his helmet that now has a space for him to grow a Mohawk like "holy shit I almost died".
The have holes because of the Gauss gun in the Necrons hand.
So, they need a paintjob?
> On one lost tombworld, all the dynasty higher up were destroyed or lost their consciousness.
> Automatic defences were lost too, leaving only a legion of brainless automatons.
> Mortals (humans or not) have since come/appeared on the surface, discovered the tomb and its inhabitants and pimp the shit out of it.
Nothing that you can't fix, little Xeno.
Purge them
> and 99% of the ones that weren't were entirely the playthings of the C'tan.
...and? How does that make them like the Tyranids? The C'tan are individuals with their own personality quirks. The Hive Mind is just the Hive Mind.
also, you're still wrong. The Oldcron lore specifically stated that the Lords retained at least some of their personality after the transfer. It also said that styles vary from tombworld to tombworld, so you can customise your army. The 3rd edition codex had several pages dedicated to different customisations. If you had a little imagination you could easily run your army with plenty of vairiations both in terms of look and background fluff
you clearly have never read the old lore, so I don't know why you're even trying to argue about it.
>or even to being defeated, because of course they had perfect defenses against the Warp and they were the only thing the Nids feared and humanity was their pet project and a whole bunch of other shit that if presented now, would be derided for the trash it was and is.
yeah, because none of the other factions' fluff contains anything Mary-Sue-ish. Also, in what sense are they undefeatable?
You can't.
Unless you build a time machine and kill Matt Ward preventing him to write the 5th edition codex
Fucking this, i'll take Trazyn and Captain alzhimers over the edge fest that was the nightbringer and the depressing dullness of old cron lore
Not him but I read it back in the day and most of it could be summed up as "the ctan did everthing of importaince, necrons will kill you all, something something darkness, something something void, muahahaha Deceiver already won"
Squat them. Necrons, no matter the version, add nothing to the fluff. They actually detract from it significantly. We don't need a second "most ancient" faction. We don't need another "highest tech" faction. We don't need another faction that are pawns to their own dark gods. We don't need another faction that has reason to harvest all life.
Necrons were a mistake and GW should have realized that. They should have left them as a relic of 3rd edition.
Tyranids don't play on the same fear though.
Necrons are about the primal fear of inevitable death.
Tyranids, on the other hand, are about the primal fear of predators, things that might eat you.
Just take them to the mechanic.
Of course, it's not just enough to fix them. Regular maintenance, check-up and part replacement is essential for the longevity of any machine.
>Necrons, no matter the version, add nothing to the fluff.
I believe you didn't read the fluff user.