Can it be true? Or is it really too much to hope for?
Can it be true? Or is it really too much to hope for?
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inb4 remodeled for tumblr crowd
I honestly surprised we don't have proper female space marine, female orks, the Emperor turning into a black man, and other horrible lore raping things.
>Can it be true? Or is it really too much to hope for?
The Emperor was just elected, anything is possible.
>Drumpf being anything else than a clown
Give it another 5-ish years.
They came for comics.
TV/cartoons was next.
Video games is almost done.
Table top will be next.
I like how the Sister's right eye is fucked up in the OP pic
There have been tons of rumors since they were teased on WarhammerTV. Probably happening.
Im gonna say that it is probably happening because at this point Sisters are so old that either GW waits for the moulds to break and the entire army goes OOP or they get an update, its do or die for SoB and since GW hinted at plastic SoB in the Magnus book and has released two small armies that fans have wanted for years it all points to the fact that its very likely they'll get an update next year.
The Canoness model has a nicely fucked up eye.
>right eye
Thank you for Correcting The Record
>tfw no Sister gf
>Bitchy, fight seeking extremist cunt.
Nah man.
but user, that's incest!
They are already here
The sTrumpet will never be worthy of the Emperor's grace. How dare you compare such a lowly man to the Golden Lord on his Golden Throne!
Also knock as bestplate.
Oh fuck off with that mate.
ESSSSS JAYYYY DEUBEULUUUUS will never influence GW, for the simple reason that it's not a setting nor a game/hobby you can easily get into like a mainstream movie or video game.
We're safe. Stop shaking.
Ah yes, uniting humanity. That's what Trump's doing right now.
Kids, that's how your gf will look if she roids. Don't let her do that. Except if it's emperor-approved faith-roids.
orks are loose on the streets, we need the emperors finest asap
Suffer not the mutant to live.
Fucking disgusting leftists. Your presence is why /k/ is my home board now.
Fucking disgusting stormfag. Your presence is why I don't go to /k/ anymore.
Look at Pathfinder/Paizo. They're already here.
>Golden Lord on his Golden Throne!
To be fair, if there is one aspect of the Emperor Trump has nailed, it's the gold part. The man tastes aren't exactly subtle or restrained.
They're pretty much guaranteed at this point.
Keep your trews on, you've been waiting the best part of 20 years. I'm sure you can wait a few more month.
Hopefully he gets to the "Sit on a giant bidet in perpetual agony" part soon enough.
Jokes aside, when SoB hit the shelves again, GW is going to rake in the money like it has seldom been seen. Even the non fans will want some, by virtue of knowing it's been asked for decades.
He didn't start the riots, and he isn't responsible. Idiots who only support democracy when it gives them what they want are the ones to blame.
Get your cancer and take it to reddit
>muh triggered Trumpet
Not exactly
>uniting humanity
You can't unite those that want to remain divided. Eventually, they'll lose their energy
>implying that Trump supporters are Stormfags
>Hasty Generalization
When they start throwing around terms like 'fucking disgusting leftist', it's a pretty reasonable assumption. Unless you're suggesting that most Trump supporters are like that.
>voting for Trump is literally Nazi extremism
You know the Emperor is a shapeshifter right?
>>Love Trumps Hate
I heard these college (maybe) girls on the bus talking about this, wondering if their sign reads that love will trump hate, or if that they love Trump's hate.
No user, I'm totally oblivious to that fact.
Doesn't he just use illusions to disguise himself?
>user doesn't know left from right... hoh hoh hoh...
Yes, the RIGHT EYE! Take a closer look moron!
Sounds like 4 years of chronic butthurt.
So Trump is our Goge Vandire?
Not even American here, but with what I saw through all these things that happened with the elections, then Hilary would be a female Goge Vandire.
I do what I want, normie.
If I recall, the Emperor united humanity by starting a campaign of global conquest and killing everyone who resisted his rule.
So about them Sisters, are they finally getting an update or squatted?
Is it possible to build a Witch Hunters list that doesn't include Sisters or Arbites?
Sisters are getting updated.
Building Witch Hunters without Sisters or Arbites have been available for years with the Inquisition codex...
Things I'd like to see in the new SoB Codex:
>Buffed up units/characters as well as new units/characters
>Much more interesting artefacts and expanded wargear (GIVE THEM COMBAT AND STORM SHIELDS)
I thought Inquisition lists by definition had to include their militant arms (SoBs, GKs, Deathwatch) in some shape or form.
I'd kill for a generic living saint entry so you can make one, maybe with their own set of relics that only a living saint can have.
Indeed lad.
Agreed here. Celestine being the only one is
Especially that these ones are more common with the SoBs to the point that at least one in five very large SoB forces should have one going around being a divine sword/spear/hammer/whatever wielding Emperor-Certified proctologist that checks heretical/Chaos asses. IN THE BRUTAL MANNER LIKE DREADNOUGHTS DO IT.
Nope. You can technically build them with just henchman warbands. And you can easily include Tempestus Scions to be Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.
> I as well love the Trump shate.
>straight-passing woman
Since when.
I dislike Trump. But I agree. It's far to early for riots.
It's pretty telling of why sisters have not been updated, given this thread immediately derailed into sjew and trump hate
Just FYI Hillary would've won if we had a democratic election. Instead, Trump won because he had more electoral votes despite more citizens voting for Hillary.
They're both garbage either way. I'd rather just go without a president for 4 years or get Obama on for another 4, which for some reason is arbitrarily impossible despite this being the even worse alternative.
>implying the daughter hater is the true Emperor
The real Emperor loves his kids.
The difference is I'd follow Big E off a cliff. Would only follow Trump to the cliff so I could push him off.
Das bullshit sempai, and here is why. The electoral college ensures that each state matters. Otherwise population centers would decide the vote every time and it wouldn't be democratic because large sections of the population would cease to matter. As it is, it's still skewed in favor of major population centers, like caly or New York, and he still won. Piss off there is nothing wrong with the Electoral College. Your just bitchin cause you didn't get what you want.
>tfw you will never start 100 states & have them all have 1 person each thus entire state will support you if the one person does
Larger states SHOULD have more say. That's why it's a DEMOCRACY. If you had 10 people in a room and 9 wanted pizza why would you let the 1 faggot who wants salad make everyone eat salad?
>They're both garbage either way. I'd rather just go without a president for 4 years or get Obama on for another 4
>Your just bitchin cause you didn't get what you want.
Not only can you not read, you don't even know the difference between you're and your, so just do everyone a favor and get off Veeky Forums. Or better yet, kill yourself.
If that were the case, then candidates would spend more time in smaller states than they do big states. Problem is they don't, they all just hang around big swing states
Just FYI there's also massive voter fraud this year for the democrats. Blatant enough NC State Police started raiding democratic offices.
But go ahead and keep ignoring reality. Its very educated of you
>each state matters
As someone who lives in a swing state that is the biggest pile of bullshit. My state will recieve dramatically more importance than one that overwhelmingly supports one party. Nobody will invest the slightest bit of interest in say Cali or Alabama because their electoral votes are effectively determined before the nominees are.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch
Well without electoral college, republican votes in Cali would start mattering again.
Tomaru-based democracy is like two horny bisexual women and an attractive man deciding what to do later that night. When you have a unifier which everyone wants, suddenly everyone is pleased with the result.
If you don't like equality then say so from the beginning. Otherwise you're just a lying SJW.
>says the illiterate, dyslexic honkey-ass motherfucker to the person living in CA
Fucking hilarious.
Making wolves eat grass is inhumane. The food chain exists for a reason.
A glorious harvest.
>Can it be true? Or is it really too much to hope for?
I've been waiting for 13 years, I don't care anymore. If we get new minis, then everything is awesome. If we don't, then it's only another trial than the Emperor sent towards us.
I'm also utterly wasted and just want to see how my post will look in the morning
imo best SOB image in terms of armor design
Please tell me the new models will come with enough helmets this time
So, if the Sisters get a campaign, who do you all want them up against? Thematically, they are better foils against heretics than xenos, but I think chaos cultists, Gue'vesa, or Dark Eldar could be good.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Shutup, Mimsy.
Seriously, an Imperial civil war with th Adeptus Terra in the middle would be awesome.
>only a handful of times in a millennium
Grey Knights. Lets see if their blood is useful in purging heretics.
What is retcon?
Something unnecessary.
Noooo not my Admech, we just got models user don't do that to us.
Yeah, and Eldrad is dead. So what?
Abhumans of some sort. Maybe Squats.
That's way too skintight, there's no room for the armour plates.
Well at least the generic Living Saint wouldn't be too customisable because it would be a single-pose clamshell and GW doesn't create rules for options that aren't included with the model.
Seeing as they're to the Ordo Hereticus what the Grey kenNig'hits are to the Ordo Malleus and Death watch to the Ordo Xenos. Probably Chaos Cultists.
>way too skintight
>no room for the armour plates
I think you have the Emperor confused with someone else??
Wait... something in 40k is unrealistic?
>because Samus is a beacon of realistic armor proportions
I mean, Nintendo just keeps giving her more defined feminine hips every fucking generation to the point that now she's a damned parody anyway....
Samus is a terrible example because she's part bird alien and her armor defies physics by curling into a tiny ball.
The armor is also apparently useless because she has to constantly get upgrades to it to make it better, and the upgrades don't really add much plating after you get the first one.
If you're gonna go to the effort of making a cross section to show how a human body fits into the armour, you should probably at least make it make sense.
I'm all for fantastical armour designs until artists try to show how they're ~totally realistic~ and fuck it up.
>bird magic
>somehow makes sense of sororitas armor
I dont even dislike the design posted but Samus's armor is literally magic
>the Emperor turning into a black man
Its futuristic space armour. In a few millimeters it could be more dense than modern 'armour' is in a few inches. Alternatively explains why SoB's are so useless in the fluff.