So Veeky Forums, in honor of the recent US election I'm building a Trump deck to play against my casual FNM group. My only problem is I have no idea how to add blue, since I don't usually play that color. Any tips/suggestions are welcome
>inb4 Tumblr buzzwords
So Veeky Forums, in honor of the recent US election I'm building a Trump deck to play against my casual FNM group...
Current decklist
3x Dazzling Ramparts
3x Village Bell-Ringer
4x Unruly Mob
4x Fortified Rampart
4x Traveler's Amulet
3x Increasing Devotion
3x Burn at the Stake
4x Assemble the Legion
4x Massive Raid
4x Arrest
4x Gather the Townsfolk
Just in case you want to play a Trump character in RPGs too.
That's great
Trump's not very blue, so you can just drop that color entirely.
But I need the full Red White and Blue for this. The deck is supposed to be as American as possible
Really? Nobody here for advice?
I had an idea for a rwu Wall deck, based on his immigration policies. want some?
Sure hit me. May give me some ideas
Guess I'll stick around another few hours
While I am aware that any game board with a finite number of spaces can be represented in R1, you know damn well that that's geometrically in R2.
Are you kill?
I guess you won?
New list, if anyone wanders in.
Creatures: 15
3x Dazzling Ramparts
4x Hover Barrier
4x Unruly Mob
4x Fortified Rampart
Artifacts: 2
2x Traveler's Amulet
Enchantments: 6
3x Assemble the Legion
3x Arrest
Instants: 8
4x Cancel
4x Massive Raid
Sorceries: 10
2x Rise of Eagles
2x Burn at the Stake
2x Increasing Devotion
4x Gather the Townsfolk
Bounce, what's more Trump than tossing people you don't like off the battlefield.
Freedom eagle approves
You need to add in Aether membrane
It's a wall that makes creatures have to go back, what moree do you want
Pic related? That's pretty sweet actually
You sound like a shit player and I hope you get stomped. I hate casual players so much.
Well if I was building this for a non-casual event, then yes I would. But when my meta are a big green stompy, a vampire tribal, and a zombie and/or dragon player, I should be okay
Run four copies of Jeskai Banner, because the only thing that's Blue about America is part of the flag.
So which irrelevant shithole are you from then user?
Thanks for the suggestions those who tried to help, I've gotta go to work so I expect this thread to die by the time i can get back
Played against someone on tabletop sim who had an amazing wall deck. Can't remember the specifics but it was green and red, with a special card called assault formation.
we had some discusion for a duel deck
Wouldn't a Hillary deck simply be a Dimir/Orzhov blend? Tax you for the privilege of being spied on and murdered?
Dropped my pic related
>trump stats for maid Rpg
I didn't know I wanted this until now.
I could see this being my next project