Alright Veeky Forums, how do you like your Space Marine proportions?
Pic related is probably my favorite out of all the representations, not retard huge but still having the trademark epic proportions.
Alright Veeky Forums, how do you like your Space Marine proportions?
Pic related is probably my favorite out of all the representations, not retard huge but still having the trademark epic proportions.
Pic related, and the proportions in the Space Marine game, since they were build with minimal-model-clipping in mind.
I still feel like Space Marine got the proportions down pretty good.
Probably this.
Stomach seems awfully uncovered
I also second the proportions shown in SM, but i also like this one.
Space Marine the game did it well, whoever draws these I like as well
This is fan art, but I think it does the proportions decently.
Why is his loincloth made of scripture?
Nothing wrong with being pure
To keep away ding-dong daemons.
Why isn't yours?
Pic related is how I imagine they should be: Fuckhuge, but not IMPOSSIBLY fuckhuge.
medium insane blanche levels
although not being too concerned with proportions lends a lot to chaos' inherent wrongness
I feel like they should have similar limb proportions to this but they should have thicker torsos and be more grossly muscled over all. Not like a body builder though just muscled in ways that is unnatural for a human.
I really like the way that this guy does space marines. I like them best when they're about 7.6 feet tall, but very, very wide and bulky. Almost like a dworf.
Whoever this artist is, he nails space marines.
Yeah, when it comes to Chaos Marines I don't even concern myself with their proportions at all.
You realize that Boykins was 5'5'', right? The average imperial guardsmen is a little taller than that.
I think he's more referring to the difference in height between the two.
>The average imperial guardsmen is a little taller than that.
Shaq is still REALLY fuckin big. People who've never met the guy don't really understand how huge he is compared to a normal person, and how he only looks not-quite-that-muscular because he's simply so goddamn tall.
Shaq height + The Rocks physique = Ideal space marine.
He doesn't even have Gargantuanism or anything. He's just fucking huge.
Being more than a foot taller on average is noticeable, alongside being like seven times as broad.
Nathan Jones might be a good reference then. He's an inch shorter than Shaq, but puts more time into looking muscular. He was Boagrius in Troy and Rictus in the new Mad Max.
I guess I'll post other real life examples of huge type guys.
This is Martyn Ford, a British bodybuilder. He's "only" 6'8" but he's fucking huge.
Mariusz Pudzianowski
>320 lbs
You can see that a lot of the depiction of unarmored space marines in this thread aren't too off the mark in terms of what ridiculously strength-oriented people can look like.
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson
The Mountain shows that you can still have that level of bulk while also being fucking massive vertically.
Jón Páll Sigmarsson
>290 lbs
Incidentally, he was at the height of his career (before his heart exploded) around the time of Rogue Trader and 1st edition. The classic 80s strongman, next to Arnie (the classic bodybuilder).
Here is the most important question:
Do their dicks and balls increase in proportion with the rest of their bodies, or do they stay the same size as normal human genitalia?
According to an Inquisitor in a recent-ish novel, yes.
Yes, they increase in size? Or yes, they stay normal?
C'mon user, you're killing me here!
They get big.
Real big.
Fucking hell that guy was big
RIP in peace Andre
Well, it might have been that they get bigger or the guy just had a big dick to begin with, but the Inquisitor comments that he would make a good bedfellow and is pretty well endowed.
Thank you anons.
I will never stop loving how Veeky Forums is the only place I can ask socially unacceptable questions derived from genuine curiosity and receive responses that take my questions seriously.
You anons are the best!
Well technically plate armor should go together with faulds. SImilar to custodes armor.
Or you need to have segmented armor a-la eldar that use smaller plates to get better coverage.
How does he move? He won't be able to bend in waist with such plate on his torso.
What novel?
Space Marine's design was spot on.
Are you new to 40k or something?
Lel that one dude looks like Frankensteins Monster.
The on thing to remember is that Arnie had to lose muscle mass in order to swing his sword properly in Conan.
Hafþór is probably about the bulkiest you could get while still being able to swing a chainsword around, so I'd say marines should look a little like him.
for you
Why was an Inquisitor looking at and commenting on a Space Marine's schlong?
Penis inspection day
>I know we should have left those fucking civilians to die, why did I listen to the nigger
Fucking manlets, when will they learn?
Did GW take inspiration? Or did reality become stranger than fiction?
Oh shit, a Space Shark.
Imperial Fist, Space Wolf, Blood Angel
Speaking of Arnie in his Conan days, and huge people
Sigmar's a perfectly normal name in Iceland and the Faroe Islands
I don't think that marines would look too much like bodybuilders: it isn't efficient to be that lean. I like the strongman look with an emphasis on real strength rather than beach muscles.
It would make a lot more sense for them to be bear mode really. Otherwise they wouldn't have the fat or whatever the fuck a marine has for endurance missions.
If I remember my early 90's spesch murine lore correctly their armor turns their shit into edible rations or some stupid shit like that.
I remember something about nutrient recyclers to help extend mission endurance but not outright converting shit into rations.
Anyone have that bloodquest comic of the armorless marine going on a rampage?
think it's on the 1d4chan space marine page
Why do the DW3 Marines look anorexic?
Sometimes you're in a communal shower and your accidentally scope out your buddies junk.
Sometimes your buddies junk is so big it demands to be seen.
The Emperor's Gift, or so I've heard (I've read that one myself, and I don't recall any dick examining in, but I could be wrong).
Had to look this up myself for a story I did a while ago.
He had the Emperor's Gift, if you know what I mean.
Do those plugs ever get clogged up from their own sweat and dead skin cells?
Do Space Marines ever suffer from ingrown hairs or body acne from spending so much time in their suits and not having the conveniences of a hot shower and soap on the battlefield?
>titan sized knight
>twin-gatling cannons
>[muffled 'reeeee' in the distance]
Who is that sexy beast on the left?!
>dat hand groping his glorious man boobs
I think their suits have nifty eviro-controls. Also those plugs wouldn't be getting clogged because they're filled by the armor-jacks that connect them to their suit.
Also space marine skin is super fancy. They have special mucus producers and shit that make it really tough and resilient. If they did get some kind of super-rash or some shit odds are the Apothecary could treat it, as long is it isn't a Nurglite infection.
Huh, interesting.
Well, ADB has Talos' skin feeling quite annoy8ng after spending 2months in armor, with the armor connection points burning him, from stuff like bacteria buildup, sweat and what have you. So as always with SM, it's something they can ignore, but it will still annoy them.
They probably have rituals of cleansing and stuff like that for the same reason they have short shaven hair, and we have the same in our army, practicality in harmonisation. Have everyone cleans their holes and helping their brothers xith theirs, and woop die doo, everyone's happy.
From the Lord Inquisitor trailer. Looks good to me.
I now have the mental image of a bunch of Space Marines all sitting in a circle popping each others back zits in the center of a sauna.
After the popping is done they scrub each others backs until their skin is nice and pink, sloughing off weeks of layers of dead skin.
Once this is over, they start rubbing each other down with special moisturizing oils. And this is when the sexually frustrated female Inquisitor steps in.
>Wilt Chamberlain
What are you, 12?
In case they run into Slaaneshi daemons
No, I'm 27.
These are perfect IMO.
Not that guy but you don't know who Wilt Chamberlain is, if you knew his history you'd know you ain't the only one who thought he was sexy. He got down.
I don't get this focus on trying to use existing humans as a basis for what a Space Marine can/should look like. A genetically altered superhuman with all kinds of additions to his physiology isn't going to look like anything alive today by definition. I can easily imagine a Space Marine crushing either
in a bear hug without too much effort, while also being able to outrun Usain Bolt easily and with reflexes that make any Nascar driver look like a sloth. That's kind of the whole point of them. Not just peak of human capability but beyond it, so far beyond it that it's nearly impossible to imagine.
It's not a competition. We're not saying THESE guys are space marine tier. Also a space marine is ENTIRELY possible to imagine. What part of "big strong dude" is "nearly impossible to imagine"?
What we get from looking at these guys is an idea of the proportions of a human built entirely for strength, which a space marine essentially is, plus a little more definition and +2 feet. It's an analysis of proportions relative to size and bulk.
You are correct, but only to a certain extant. Space Marines aren't born, they are engineered. And the basic foundation of their bodies are homo sapien males.
It's like trans people. Or anyone that takes steroids/artificial hormones. No amount of estrogen is going to shrink your 6 feet down to a cute feminine petite size. And no amount of testosterone is going to take your 5'5 and grow you into a professional basketball player like Shaquille O'Neal.
It would be completely different if Space Marines were genetically engineered embryos that are gestated in test tubes. "Born" and raised with their augmentations, then such extremes as you point out would make sense.
But nothing is ever going to erase the original skeleton/brain/muscular system of the generic average joe homo sapien that all Space Marines are born and raised as. Why else spend so much time brain washing them, as well as augmenting them in the first place?
All they can do is add on to the original blueprints of the human body. Thus Space Marines will always be the human body taken to the extreme.
If the augmentations are as extreme as you say they are, then Space Marines would have two heads and four arms and three dicks, one which spits acid, the other which spits napalm, and the third for urinating.
>If the augmentations are as extreme as you say they are, then Space Marines would have two heads and four arms and three dicks, one which spits acid, the other which spits napalm, and the third for urinating.
Matter of fact they do spit acid. And they have two hearts and an extra lung.
Fused ribcage, can turn of half their brain like a dolphin, secrete mucus that protects them in outer space vacuum, turn their skin black to protect from radiation, have blood that almost instantly cpagulates and can absorb knowledge via eating brains.
Yeah. They're pretty different.
>nothing is ever going to erase the original skeleton/brain/muscular system
Except all the surgery and implanted parts and organs
Except the third image wasn't Marc Gibbons but Kev Walker.
...just sayin'...
size of that fuckers thumb!!!
Pre-Kopinski is nice. The more realistic the proportions the better. I realize it's apparently heresy but if they could reduce the sheer mass of the pauldrons I'd like the look better.
that defeats the fucking purpose of the pauldrons in the first place.
I don't really give a shit, friend.
>But nothing is ever going to erase the original skeleton/brain/muscular system of the generic average joe homo sapien that all Space Marines are born and raised as.
Completely wrong.
Firstly, potential marines are generally selected from 10~13 year old children. Their bodies and brains were never fully developed before the augmentation process begins. There are known ways of augmenting adults (such as the original Thunder Warriors used by Emps to conquer Terra, or various horrible methods used by Fabius Bile to create Chaos Marines), but they don't work as well because of the significant variance in the subject's starting baseline.
One a group of candidates has been selected they receive the first three augmentations simultaneously: the secondary heart, the Ossmodula, and the Biscopea. The Ossomodula and the Biscopea completely hijack the bone-growth and muscle growth of the neophyte, augmenting them with ceramic compounds and other esoteric methods. They start as a child just entering their teenage growth spurt, except it doesn't end until they're 10 feet tall and can bench press a car. And that's just the first three out of twenty changes.
Over the course of the next few years, they receive massive changes to their biology and brain function through multiple different methods. They are hypnotised, chemically altered, and have large portions of their original flesh/brain cut out and replaced. They are not, by any definition, still human at the end of it.
The most important thing to remember: this process takes place when normal children would be going through cultural awakening. Where a normal child is just learning what it means to be an adult, and which parts of the world they can push against and which they cannot, a marine is being torn apart and remade, praying to the Emperor everyday to survive the process. They are child soldiers, the Hitler Jugend with bolters, fear sliced out and replaced with extra hate.
Still doesn't change the fact that the dipshit proportions of fantasy authors just look shit on an aesthetic angle, as opposed to something we know from reality is a bit more viable. I'm fine if a space marine looks like someone took a World's Strongest Man champion and bulked him up EVEN more, but I want to vomit whenever I see one of these "eighteen ton body with tiny pinhead" space marine proportion sketches.