why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
and is there anything official besides that one chart from a previous edition about species compatibility?
and lastly would you a halfing?
why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
and is there anything official besides that one chart from a previous edition about species compatibility?
and lastly would you a halfing?
>would you a halfing?
do i
>half halflings
That's just silly, they've be Quarterlings obviously
Also, I know it depends on the setting, but is there a specific reason why being "Half" something automatically means half human? You could always say compatibility but I feel that loses it's point when you start considering half demons, half angels or half dragons, because like, those are celestial/magical beings, compatibility shouldn't be a fucking issue (or alternatively be MORE of an issue than they clearly are)
Well a half-halfling, assuming the "half" is human, would technically be a 3/4ling.
Shortstack fever
Stoutfellow halflings are sometimes said to have dwarven blood, so there's one compatibility.
That "chart" is probably the one from the Book of Erotic Fantasy, and hell no it isn't official.
Of course.
Aren't halflings usually considered the same species as humanity?
That chart was completely unofficial. Seriously, forget that shitty chart. It was wrong on multiple parts and was so terribly laid out.
As to half halflings, dwarves, or gnomes is that they just aren't compatible with humans or their crossing just doesn't result in anything with any major difference from humanity or the the other race. Not everything is able to be cross breed with humanity either. Elves are different in that their nearness to humanity combined with their particular fey bloodline allows the ability cross with humanity. Orcs are just weird and their reason for making half orcs is different for each setting.
Dark Sun has half dwarves called Mul, but they are sterile. They are also setting specific.
I use half dwarves in my setting
feel that halflings and gnomes aren't really distinct enough for a half-gnome or half-halfing would
I tend to assume that they exist in most settings but aren't common enough or distinct enough to be noteworthy.
When I do bother to insert one as an NPC into one of my games, I tend to just describe them as a taller/shorter version of one of their parent races, for simplicity.
In my setting, the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs share a common magical ancestor, and despite their physical differences are still capable of interbreeding.
Half Elves are obvious, as are Half Orcs.
Halflings are the progeny of Humans and Dwarves, while Gnomes are the progeny of Elves and dwarves.
Half Elves exist in enough numbers to have formed an actual community, but gnomes.....well they exist too, the elves and dwarves just don't really like to talk about it. Halflings do whatever the fuck they want.
But what about Olves?
In my setting, elves, orcs, and humans are all considered a common species. Each of them has shorter variants called "halflings" in-universe. Humans have dwarves, elves have gnomes, and prcs have goblins. Its generally seen similarly to dwarfism in real life. That is, its a medical condition that leaves your body smaller and it may or may not be genetically linked.
Races can interbreed freely without any bizarre restrictions, and someone is usually just called whatever he most closely resembles. So a half-orc half human would probably be called an orc, just as IRL people refer to Obama as being black, when he's also half-white.
So, in conclusion, a dwarf could mate with an orc and produce a goblin who might be a bit predisposed to facial hair. Or just a bulky human.
Apologies for stiffness of the writing, currently on mobile.
Also no, I'm not comparing black people to orcs. This isn't /pol/
O kinda threw those under half orc. Shame really, id love to see what I could do with it as a concept. Maybe they don't exist because the elves murder them all because orc-elf baby, maybe they're never ever talked about. Maybe half orcs just take on whatever trait the other race had.
In the setting I primarily use
>Half-dwarves are a thing, but a lot less common than Half-elves
>Halflings and Gnomes got rolled into Brownies, who have minor magic-like abilities, and are essentially supernaturally inhuman entities, so no half-breeds there
>Dwarves and Elves are compatible because they have up their statuses as Earth Elemental Demons and the Angelic Heirarchy respectively to become more "human", so they're compatible
>Half-Giants exist, since giants occupy a similar situation with Dwarves
>Half Orcs do not exist, since Orcs reproduce by mixing the blood of humans/mortals with an orc's mud-blood
>Tieflings are sort of a thing, though due to demon genetics being fucky these Cambions can end up being nearly anything, so long as it resembles a human in some capacity
>Half Angels are just the evil kind of Nephilim and they don't exist anymore
>But former celestials can breed with humans/others to make Heavensired
Embers of Pyre gets friggin complicated. I haven't even started on the pre-magical-apocalypse robots yet.
dwarveness is passed down through the mother; If the mother is a dwarf the child is a dwarf.
If the mother is not a dwarf, than the child is not a dwarf
This makes me want to play a half dwarf paladin. Born into nothing, spat upon all his life, he takes up the cause of protector and righteous defender of the weak. Not to earn respect for himself, but so others can have a better life
>Why no Half-(shortstacks)?
Obsessive Tolkein-mining; Tolkein didn't say they could happen, he did say half-elves and half-orcs could happen, so nobody wants there to be hybrids.
>Official species compatibility?
In AD&D, stoutheart-halflings were rumored to have dwarven ancestry, tallfellow-halflings are obviously implied to have elven ancestry, and at least in Forgotten Realms dwarves could mate with humans/halflings/gnomes, but the result would be functionally a pure dwarf.
In Dragonlance, half-dwarves, half-gnomes and half-kender (which are, technically, DL's halflings) are all viable, true-breeding races, and probably stem from the fact that gnomes/dwarves/kender are human offshoots. Long story short, Reorx (local Moradin expy) cursed a bunch of humans who pissed him off to make the first gnomes, and some of those were later mutated into the first dwarves & kender by the divine artifact, "the Graygem of Chaos".
In 3e's... Races of Destiny, I think, one of the legends for humanity's origin was that a slutty halfling girl banged both an elf and a dwarf, wed them both, and the ticked-off gods cause her kids to be related to both fathers, and that's where humans come from.
In Dark Sun, Muls are dwarf/human hybrids; sterile in 2e/3e, 4th edition removed that angle to try and make them more fitting for inclusion in other settings.
In 5e, Stout Halflings are again implied to be halfling/dwarf crossbreeds.
>Would you do a halfling?
Depends on if she's cute. Generic fat litle Hobbit-expy from AD&D? Nope. The cuter 3e and 4e versions? Definitely.
Hell, I'd love to get up a viable "Strongheart" Halfling subrace, just to mesh with the "halfling crossbreed" origins of the Stout and Tallfellow. Plus get my "Mul as general, non-grimdark half-elf" homebrew working... maybe even a Half-Gnome, if that's possible.
There are.
Also, yes, if she's cute. Bonus for being shortstack and not being able to get pregnant by humans. 10/10 mistresses.
Not quite. They'd be halfishlings. Or mostlings.
Not entirely sure about the short races crossbreeds (I always thought they could), and I haven't see anything else about that breeding chart either. But.
>would you a halfing?
Hell yeah, favorite character I ever made in CRPGs like BG and the like, is a Halfling Shadowdancer Named Rue
Literally only because there's a half-elf in LotR, and Gygax didn't know the lore reason for that so he added it because he thought it would be cool.
where's this from
>It would never had occurred to somebody that being a half-race would be neat
Not what I wrote, I'm just explaining why half-elf has been a thing for a long time but for example half-halfling hasn't.
>why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
Tolkien didn't have those. Any other explanation just justifies uncreativity and shitty world-building.
Dark Sun has müls, half-dwarfs, though.
So, anons, I'm curious; if we did get a "Strongheart" or whatever halfling subrace in 5e to represent human-blooded halflings, what would that actually look like, mechanically?
I have some rudimentary ideas for the elf-blooded "Tallfellow" subrace, but that's not relevant to this thread. But I'd like to see if we can make Stronghearts work.
Midnight setting had Dwarrows - Gnome/Dwarves, Dworgs - Dwarf/Orcs, and Elflings - Elf/Halflings
Someone has been reading alfie
Most writers are hacks, thats why
It's too bad most of this comic was about cucking
I usually say that halflings "NOPE" the fuck out at the human phallus and human women have a hard time appreciating the other way around no matter how charming he might act. There just aren't many traits to halflings that humans would find very attractive, even if Halflings are genuinely nice people demographically speaking. That isn't to say that it doesn't happen, but it's generally going to be comparatively rare.
Gnomes are magical creatures and don't breed, they manifest.
Dwarven bodily emissions are unusually acidic and can be a mild irritant to the skin of others. You don't want that in your cooch or on your dick. Again, not to say that it doesn't happen, but it is exceedingly rare.
Since the last girl I fucked as a 4'10'' chinese girl with a d rack I would say yes.
>InCase shortstacks
Uh... I'll be back in a minute...
That's suspiciously jewish
>why are there no half dwarves?
You mean a Mul?
Depending on setting, Gnomes are already a half race. Half Fey.
A little research first OP. Come on.
>You mean a Mul?
Oh yeah, if we are speaking Dark Sun. Doesn't that make every other humanoid a Half-Halfling?
Or degenerated Halflings at least.
Dwarves are obviously jewish, what with the facial hair and overwhelming lust for material wealth
>That's just silly, they've be Quarterlings obviously
>Dark Sun has half dwarves called Mul, but they are sterile.
Apparently the author was creatively sterile as well.
At least he had the power to imagine half-dwarves.
I would think dwarves and halflings are nearer to humans than elves. Elves are immortalish and can adapt into fish people. They're clearly all kinds of weird under the hood
>why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
Because there's no pedophiles in fantasy.
>Liking short girls is pedophilia
Shit taste detected
as other anons said : tolkien basically
-> no half-dwarf because they weren't created by illuvatar, but by aule, unlike men and elves
-> no quaterling because they are already a subspecies of men
>-> no quaterling because they are already a subspecies of men
But wouldn't that make intermixing more likely
i think there is some quaterling in bree, if i remenber my tolkien well, the thing is that they aren't really different from your standard men (but nothing like edain, who are ubermensch in middle-earth)
In D&D 6E, there should be a set of [Race-Mixing] feats, that can only be taken as a human's level 1 bonus feat.
Each one grants a lesser version of another race's traits, such as an elf's keen senses or a dwarf's poison resistance, and allows the human character to count as that race for magic effects that discriminate.
With such a rule, there would be no need for a dozen separate half-X races.
Daily reminder
dwarven societies that actually consider how short people who can see in the dark and live in mountains would live]>jewish dwarfs>nordic dwarfs>kender>scottish dwarfs
Or you could just say you're half whateveer and use one of the parent races' stats
America still works on the "One Drop" rule, ignore stupid people (but you can't).
>[Race-Mixing] feats
Would a half-human-orc be possible in Middle-Earth, since they're technically an offshoot of elves? Is that what Uruk-hai were?
It's not very clear where they came from besides "a wizard did it" in the movies.
>since they're technically an offshoot of elves?
This is just one of many theories, that somehow made it into the Silmarillion. Tolkien himself was never so sure about that.
But then you would still have fucktards on Veeky Forums asking WHY NO HALFHALFLING?? and other fucktards replying ITS A QUARTERLING!!!! patting themselves on the back like they're the first person to think of that.
You wouldn't have those fucktards if the book just said in plain text "use the parent race stats you retards"
It's not very clear in the books either
What if Half-Orc/Half-Elf/Half-Giant/Half-Goblin and so on were level one only feats, so you could effectively combine any races by choosing one and taking Half-X.
It's what Elder Scrolls does and what I do in all of my games where this isn't explicitly answered. The child is 80% or more of the time the race of the mother, but with some (mostly cosmetic) traits of the father. Too bad the only half breed you see in Elder Scrolls is the Gray Prince, and they didn't bother with making a less-orcy in any way model.
Besides, you know, being gray
What if players just learned to fluff things?
Bretons are an example of this, and why they are still considered human and not simply half elves. Also, in lore there are others. I belive there is a Woman in Skyrim that has a husband that's a different race, with a daughter that's her own race and looks almost nothing like the father.
That being said, the best way in my opinion would be to have the child be the race of the corresponding parent. If the Father's an Elf and the Mother's a Gnome, the son is an Elf and the daughter is a gnome. I do this in my settings just because people back in highschool wanted to play Half celestial/Half Demon October donut steels, and I stuck with it because I thought it was neat.
OC, not October. On mobile at work, literally shitposting.
>why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
Because I'm using the races in the player's handbook.
Also because there is this section in the Dark Sun setting were mothers of Muls die at childbirth.
>and is there anything official besides that one chart from a previous edition about species compatibility?
Not as far as I know
>and lastly would you a halfing?
user it's short sack what do you think the answer is?
Even if it isn't short sack it's tiny women, which I can do.
>would you a halfing?
No it wasn't. Her child was his, it was about a beard (woman a gay man marries to seem straight) realizing what she is and exploring other relationships.
Cuckolding comes from cuckoo, a burd that lays their eggs in the bests of other birds. If your children are yours, it isn't cuckolding.
In Tolkien, Halflings are the same race as humans although a different ethnic group.
So a half-Halfling is just a short but not Hobbit short human.
user, I'm pretty sure cuck means "anything I don't like"
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
I think Halfling-Oreads would be pretty cool.
you know this reminds me.
Playing an almost-epic game, the 2nd edition "A Paladin in Hell module updated for Pathfinder system a buddy wanted to run, starting at 19 and assuming we all had grand adventures before and this is us coming out of "retirement" when a friend's funeral gets crashed by some evil shit. Roll up a pistol using gunslinger custom built to be a DPS machine and overcome demon fuckery, everyone is telling their backstories, he and cleric bro were basiclly the fantasy Winchester brothers till bother was killed and he had a Fuck-Your-Demonic-Shit pistol made from his holy swords. But that was years ago and now he's settled down and married, working as the town sheriff. All good, then i mentioned his wife was the daughter of the smith who made his guns, a dwarf.
HOLY shit, the other players at the table reacted like i said he was shagging a shoggoth.
I didn't even think much of it, just that it was a funny twist on all the elf waifus out there and gave me an excuse to take the dwarven language since two other members were dwarfs.
incase would make a fine artist if he wasnt obsessed with futa
just look at the detail and the lighting on the ears
The halfling smut comic has yet to engage in futa. He can keep himself on a leash when he wants
Yeah, seems like a lot of the best artists are futafags and/or furries, and best writers are into transformation.
1 meter tall, 20-25 kg 'heavy' qt3.14us maximus? Manhandling for days! Also a big fat yes.
>First response is Alfie
I'm so proud of you Veeky Forums.
There are no half halflings or half gnomes because they wouldn't survive the dicking you retards.
They would literally split in half during the first penetration, or if they survived that, exploded like a balloon during the guy's ejaculation.
Fucking dense in here.
Idont Mind Halfings as in most dnd settings but I just fuckin hate when my player is trying that half drow, half dragon, half fey shit....most of the time ist girl that try to bring crap like this.
I dont alow any half-races at all, I dont mind having relacionship between races but Dwarfs dont have babies with orcs. Magic races like dragos and other stuff are diffrent since they can change form quite easy.
I love those Icase halfings/gobos.
what about a male halfling on a human woman
I'm sure one, day user, you too will lose your virginity.
People can take literal horsecocks up their holes without dying with the right amount of prep. And a cock going in a tight hole does not make a perfect seal.
You've never had sex before, have you?
Either way, they would probably be able to take an average size human doing, but with discomfort. Unless they're a size queen in particular, they'd probably just prefer an average to slightly above average size penis of their race.
As always, it depends on the setting.
Mine has kestrels and Dwelves
No, who the fuck told you that?
>Why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
Not sure especially since I myself would be willing to make the halves a possibility...
>Is there anything official besides that one chart from a previous edition about species compatibility?
I don't believe so but there is a cannon half-kender so half-halfling, while hard to say, is possible. From what I have heard half-dwarves are not possible while gnomes are a mystery to me...
>and lastly would you a halfing?
YES. As a human it is my duty to help facilitate "cultural exchange" among the different races and I would happily be the proud husbando to a lovely halfling lady.
Well, everybody has a right to have a kink and since Futa/Furry is kind of in high demand at the moment. It does keep them flush with commissions I guess.
>why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
Something something species compatibility, something something possible genital compatibility. That said, Muls are a thing from Dark Sun, so we technically have half-dwarves.
>and is there anything official besides that one chart from a previous edition about species compatibility?
Nope. Just the Blue Magic species chart.
>and lastly would you a halfing?
Yes I would.
Incase draws what he's paid for, for the most part. He got a ton of work from someone wanting futa, which made people seeking futa look to him for more. It's nice that Alfie's given him room to grow, since as noted here there is no futa in it. Of course, he could still use more breadth - he leans pretty heavily on the crossdresser and cuckold bits.
I'm not so sure he will.
Wouldn't a halfling with a human be larger than an average halfling? The fuck you're saying? There's no way it would be smaller.
So, seriously folks, in 5e, we got a halfling race reputed to be the result of halfling/dwarf crossbreeding; what abilities would you give a halfling subrace similarly stemming from halfling/human crossbreeding?
So threequartersling?
After the Third Age, the Hobbits eventually disappeared, or merged into Human populations. The general assumption is that they later were bred out.
Middlings: at best, average; at worst, unremarkable.
Middling males range in height from 5'1(and three eighths!)" to 5'10", while Middling females span the gap seamlessly between halfling and human females.
Only in the sense of being 'Demi humans', otherwise no.
They usually aren't don't have a independent government or language to humans. Nor have any werid racial abilities outside 'pluckiness'. So they do tend to just be seen as race of 'short humans' more then a 'fantasy' race.
It doesn't help Tolkien more more halflings up wholesale, ragther then drawing from popular mythology.
I might be remembering this wrong...or I might have made it up.
But I thought Halflings bred true if and when they mate with humans, the result is always a baby Halfling.
>ne of the legends for humanity's origin was that a slutty halfling girl banged both an elf and a dwarf, wed them both, and the ticked-off gods cause her kids to be related to both fathers, and that's where humans come from.
and thus Veeky Forums's collective shortstack fetish and obsession with cuckolding suddenly makes more sense.
The "half" in halfling doesn't come from them being half human but from them being half
as long as a human.