Mono green edition
>what are you playing this friday?
Mono green edition
>what are you playing this friday?
Is u/r tutelage at least decent is modern? Or do I just lose to every tier1 deck?
You lose to tier 2 decks
tooth and nail or bushwacker zoo?
Thinking about building a mono-u stomp deck. Is leather back baloth worth adding to the deck? A vanilla 4/5 seems alright, and rancor can make it pretty good
*Mono-g stompy deck
leatherneck baloth is a x4 in that deck
a 4/5 that only dies to path is great
and terminate and abrupt decay and murderous cut and doom blade and go for the throat and
Sweet. I watched a video on it (I think TCC) that didn't have it in its list. Wanted to make sure that I wasn't being a retard for putting in a bolt proof creature in.
>7 new posts
well, at least you have vines
Never. Get used to it.
.... I did.
>tfw too poor to play modern
What is your favorite budget deck lads?
how's BW Eldrazi Processor
it's shit senpai
Trump will unban twin FACT
So Trump is going to make modern great again?
No, he's going to destroy the NWO and make MAGIC great again
Trump/Garfield 2016
skred of course
well is there anything other than bant eldrazi and eldrazi taxes
there might be something to BR
Mono green stompy should automatically be /the/ gateway budget deck for any person who wants to play modern
>Quick efficient beaters that are resillient to removal
>Teaches fundamentals of proper sequencing and combat math
>Ability to pull wins out of nowhere as early as turn 3
>Mostly only 2 rares in the MB, Scavenging Ooze and Avatar of the Resolute
are there any worthwhile multicolor decks that run enough basics that they don't get super hosed by blood moon
send help
most decks can play around blood mood for the most part if they have a lot of fetches, but I don't think that many 3 color decks run more than like 5 or 6 basics
What does this do?
make goblin tokens I guess but it hasn't been going well
it's a mma draft if that wasn't clear
Oh! If that's draft it's fine
I thought you were retarded and playing that in constructed
it's going about as well as if I were playing it in constructed. I heard that you can draft storm in mma so I tried forcing it but either I was lied to or I suck at drafting or I was getting cut cause this deck is a pile.
You needed more rituals
I didn't see any. I was probably getting cut desu, but I wanted to force the deck cause storm is fun
Well, hopefully you can do better in the future desu
Gonna play my first modern night tomorrow, running 8 whack goblins, though not a full sideboard because I don't know what the meta is like at my LGS nor did I have the time or money to really flesh the sideboard out.
I dunno if I want to run fetches to help thin the deck a bit.
there's really no reason to run fetches for thinning since the effect is so marginal, you'll lose more games to the life loss from fetching than you'll win by lowering your chance to draw a land by 0.01%
for the sideboard, just jam a bunch of relic of progenitus and smelts and call it a day. blood moons if you have them.
I'll try again, is RG land destruction aka Ponza doing good right now? I've been starting ad nauseum but idk if I wanna finish that anymore.
Collected Company in mono meme stompy, yes or no? Every creature in that deck costs less than 3 CMC unless you tech something like a Surrak or two.
I prefer Harmonize personally, but either works, it depends on your build and meta.
For traditional builds, not really. You really want to end the game at turn 4-5 with rancors and Aspect of Hydras than to cast CoCo. Its better in that weird hasty forcemage offshoot featuring Uktabi Drake, Groundbreaker
What's your sideboard look like?
For a dollar you can get 2 Tormods and a playset of Smash to Smithereens (or goblins that kill artifacts, they're common too)
>Hangarback Walker and Kalitas
>on top of Eldrazi
sign me up
If you still think 20 mountauns for 4 bucks each is budget then I have news for you
yowza, didn't see that they went up
still cheaper than most every tier 1/2 deck though
Not a good idea to ride the wave. Skred Red is the new meme deck because of the current GP. Always steer clear of the hype.
Personally, play another fringe budget deck, Mono White Knights and Takin' Turns come to mind
Play bogles
Or 8whack
Or budget infect with the intention of upgrading it
Or budget burn
Or budget affinity
Or any decks budget variant
Valakut is pretty cheap
Probably not. It's hard to play LD in Modern because while you're blowing up their lands they're beating you down with cheap creatures.
Most of your dudes don't have ETB effects so no I wouldn't
what is the hangarback doing there
Valakut reclaimed / splendid valakut or whatever, looks pretty sick for a budgetish build. Anyone play it?
Should I try building lantern without mox opal? Or should I just invest in it since it's an affinity staple?
Valakut can be expensive but I can confirm the budget list is closest to the real deal out of any budget version of a competitive modern deck
Probably because it doesn't rely on staples like goyf or snappy
Well i mean you could probably get full fledged Valakut for 400 dollars
8 whack because I'm a dirty meme goblin
It's very valuable to both decks. You'll miss a lot of fast hands without it.
Does budget here mean not-Breach version? That's the only card I see that varies that also greatly changes price.
Basically titanshift not titanbreach
>he wants to interact and not just race with rocket cars past each other
Get with the times grandpa.
>Not playing a Prison strategy with Enchantress or Lantern Control
Your rocket cars are no match for my fort of pillows! I hope you're ready to got Time EVERY GAME! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm gonna try and build that version from GP Dallas that had the madcap combo maindeck. It seems like an awesome way to incidentally beat your bad matchups, like Burn and affinity. And if you play against Jund or whatever its just like lol 4 mana 8/8 under blood moon.
thanks for giving all my infect creatures flash.
>Mono White Knights
I've just been lurking about Modern threads without actually having entered the format, and if Cavern of Souls drops in price this deck looks right up my alley and fun as fuck
>if Cavern of Souls drops in price
I'd love that to happen, but I don't think it's ever going to unless they reprint it at a lower rarity, or reprint it into the dirt over several sets. It's a staple in a ton of decks.
UTron is my favorite tron deck even if it's difficult to pilot and not great against burn
Mono-white versions of hatebears/dnt can also run you under 300
Utron is just not great in any aggro meta. Errr, any tron is not good in an aggro meta. But they're fun!
It's true
At least though with GRTron you can board in pyroclasm effects to help you out a bit. There just any good cards that Mono blue has access to as sideboard against aggro. In a lot of situations yo're just left slumming it with dragon's claw or maybe now filigree familiar
Propaganda reprint when
I'm playing a mono red burn deck right now pretty fun and get to feel smug when I beat a expensive deck.
>difficult to pilot
It really isn't. It's just bad
It is difficult to play correctly by Modern's standards, which is generally limited to the super tough decisions like "do I play the Hierarch... or the Glistner elf first turn...?! SO DIFFICULT!"
Or you could be playing burn which an actual special needs person won with at a tournament, thanks to their mom.
You're talking about this guy whose mom holds the cards for him right? What's his name? I think I watched he beat a g/u emerge once.
Yeah, the reprint part was sort of implied. I'd love to break into a non-rotating format that isn't pauper, but on the current budget that I'm running that just isn't feasible.
Cavern of Souls would be the only card I'd need to get into modern, though. Tribal is my favourite type of deck across all formats.
Brandon Burton. He's a super cool guy, and no he's not special needs. He just has his mom hold his cards for him, a table judge watches them to make sure there's no communication other than brandon telling her which cards to play. Dude is super good at the game.
Right, but what I'm saying is it would have to be reprinted into the DIRT, like no other card has ever been reprinted before. Like, for example, Blood moon is still a $40 card and it was reprinted in The Dark, in Chronicles, in 8th Edition, in 9th Edition, and in Modern Masters. This was all at rare. There should theoretically be millions of these fucking cards just out and about, but it still commands a high price because everyone knows you HAVE to have it for a deck.
Cavern of Souls has only been printed once, in Avacyn Restored. But people know it's a powerful effect for tribe strategies, so I don't see the price lowering even with a reprint.
Not him but I'm interested in getting some whit deck going and I like knights. I'm an ultra budget guy though. Can I play without muh caverns or will it suffer too much?
I stumbled across 3 copies of Noble Hierarch for 35 dollars each, should I buy? I want to make a infect deck but don't have any other staple for it.
Sure, infect is cheap as shit. I helped a friend make a deck for like 20 bucks and while it's not top tier he can still pull out wins in turn 3 with is fucking depressing.
T3 wins are glistener (cheap as fuck) and common pumps. Ultra budget infect is totally doable but it's not super competitive without inkmoth which allows them really easy incrementing damage, evasion, dodges sorcery speed removal (Lili) etc
I'm actually worried about fetches. How much of a necessity it is?
just a value creature I suppose? I checked on mtggoldfish for B/R Eldrazi and both decklists I found ran Hangarback
>everyone knows you HAVE to have it for a deck.
This is basically what keeps me out of constructed
it's not like you NEED to have them unless your local meta is very heavy on counterspells
Mono green infect is a solid option for a budget, so fetches aren't the most critical part of the deck. Just replace the blighted agents with additional protection spells and it's pretty solid
Inkmoth nexus is far and away the most important part of the landbase
there is no reason for it being there, i assume those guys were just playtesting
seems to me like a good way for a colorless heavy deck to get some more resiliency to spot removal, especially in RB
I'd say an ability to blink, regenerate, or give indestructible to all your creatures to avoid mass removal would be more useful, unless you have a particularly counterspell heavy meta.
Absolutely. But check the card condition and examine for authenticity
planning on playing this pile tonight, boys. wish me luck.
Thropter-Sword? Nice. Let us know how it goes. Also think up of a cool deck name so I don't have to call it "Thropter-Sword."
>Jeskai Thopter-Sword
What's your SB look like?
Is B/R Eldrazi a meme or is it real? I'm thinking about putting it together, it has two solid finishes but not much else going for it.
Honestly you could run any eldrazi colors at this point and it'd probably do fine
It's such a stupidly efficient package, all that shit is so cost efficient and powerful
Jeskai blade.
not really sure what'll be in the room. last week I played against tokens, infect, and budget-ish grixis delver. I know there are a few jund and jeskai nahiri players, too.
I feel like "blade" somehow implies stoneforge (which I would play the shit out of if it was legal)
should try electrolyze
>spend less than $60 to get pieces for a RW Sisters deck for shits & giggles
>it performs better in my local meta than the Abzan deck I've spend hundreds on
Granted I've only been playing it a couple weeks, but still...
>mfw Quest for Ula's Temple
I want to play this card NOW
Deck is shit. Please stop samefagging it up
Wanted to run an all monk melee in a P&P campaign and I've realized it would turn into some fighting game with fatalities.
>literally no mention of either deck in this thread
Although if someone else here is playing Sisters I wouldn't mind comparing lists