Playing a sorcerer

>playing a sorcerer
>use fireball
>accidentally kill kids I didn't know about in the next room because the wall was thin and burned through

Should I feel bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Be a pilot
> Bomb terrorists
> Accidentally kill kids I didn't know about because I can't see what I'm bombing
Should I feel bad?

Only if you aren't a psycho or as said an US soldier

You should feel bad but not guilty.
Kids died and that was your fault, but you had no way to know and everyone trying to guilt you with that is an asshole.

Make it a learning experience for your character and have your rogue scout the place more/avoid big AoE if you don't know about what collateral damage you may cause.

No, but your DM should, that's not how Fireball works.

No. You killed terrorists and more terrorists. Nothing wrong with that.

Does anybody have that one "We blew up bus with school children in Shadowrun. It was the only choice." screencap?

Collateral damage is one of those weird ethical quandaries. You do everything in your power to prevent it but it is sometime unavoidable. Even if you do your due diligence and do everything you can to minimize it, some people feel you can never justify harm to innocent bystanders under any circumstances. But in the heat of the moment there is often little choice.

Should you feel remorse? Probably.
Did you do the right thing? Probably.

>No, but your DM should, that's not how Fireball works.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner

It sucks but whatever, collateral happens quite often in real life too See?
As long as you kill the bad guys you're good to go.
>inb4 american soldiers are evil
Fuck off to your safe space, faggots.

of course you should feel bad you fucking idiot, didn't they teach you to only use fireball in a sterile environment? Hodgepodge's Secondary Damage Law applies every time you use magic you dong

RIP Alan Rickman, we loved you.

That depends on how much information you were given. If you were just fireball-ing a bunch of random monsters in a dungeon, but for some reason with out any indication there were children next door, sure.

But if you were raiding a bandit outpost in close quarters and you knew hostages were around somewhere, yeah it's probably your fault.

yes, you should feel really fucking bad, you should feel bad enough to reconsider how your shitty life choices got you to this point.

>killing terrorists is evil on Veeky Forums

Dude that's the start of a redemption arc. by not doing anything with that, you're basically throwing away a huge gold mine of rp.

You do magic but using it caused something bad. You are a walking loaded shotgun. How do you live with that? are you careful when you caught a bug, worried that every sneeze will set off a megaton bomb?

And what of the Kids? do they have families? What if you have / had kids? would you want the same careless hotshot with a fireball up their sleeve out there as well?

Don't forget those kids died in Fire. That's a shitty way to go man. You can make this a defining moment in your story / game. Even if you decide to go the dark path and say fuck the world doesn't care why should I? that rich in; I used to be a nice guy villain territory.

The worst you can do with something like this is nothing.

They literally made a feature-length movie about this hypothetical situation.


>No, but your DM should, that's not how Fireball works.
>>No, but your DM should, that's not how Fireball works.
>Ding ding ding, we have a winner

>The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier if the area permits; otherwise it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does.


>believing the le mega super evil terrorists spook


collateral damage happens user, ignoring that is reckless, and why the rest of the world sees america as cowboys with nukes

>Be a drone operator
>bomb civilians
>accidentally miss kids I didn't know about so I come back to hit the first responders

Should I feel bad?

>having to make a second run because you fuck up the first one
literally kys

>C-colatera happens, it's t-the price of f-frerdom
And? shouldn't you feel bad for killing kids? what has that anything to do with what OP is asking?

>playing inferior editions
I think you'll find that's
>3rd level evocation
>Casting Time: 1 action
>Range: 150 feet
>Components: V, S, M (a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur)
>Duration: Instantaneous
>A bright streak flashes from your pointing linger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
>At Higher Levels: When you east this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.

>This is your fault god dammit.
>He wouldn't listen

>be a rail switch operator
>see some kids playing on a rail line with a trolley heading towards them
>pull lever to divert trolley to other line
>accidentally hit guy with trolley that I didn't realize was on the other line

Should I feel bad?

Yes, never use incendiaries indoors.

No, we call you cowboys not because you cause collateral, but because you literally don't care, you don't even apologize and think you're the absolute good guys.


Yes? why shouldn't you feel bad?

>unironically being a cuck
>shouldn't you feel bad for killing kids?
No, because it's literally not your fault.

I like how this is going
>Pick my rifle
>Go to a plaza
>Put on a blindfold
>Start shooting
Police can't even arrest me.

Preventing Bane from starting the fire is the only logical solution.

>willfully misinterpreting the scenarios

just because you can't see the people in the plaza doesn't mean you don't know they're there.

>this is what liberals actually belive

Actually I didn't, scenarios in here were inside of a house, in where is pretty common to see people inside. A city, in where is pretty common civilians live

No, really, why do you think fireballs indoors are ever a good idea? The fireball as described is at least as powerful as a gunpowder explosive.

>unironically using the word cuck as if it means anything outside the context of sex
>having a degenerate sexual idea as your only metaphorical model through which you understand ethical issues
don't tell me, you're a fucking mong.

>Implying this isn't literally "bomb city, oh man were civilians in there? shit, didn't know"
I was hunting bad people, sadly innocent people were there too, not my fault I couldn't see them

>People literally don't answering the question
It doesn't matter if it was right or wrong, if there was other choice or there wasn't, he should feel bad. You should always feel bad when you take a life nomatter the situation, it literally matters nothing it was an unavoidable situation. Fucking Americans don't undertanding this, do you lack empathy or something?

>fireballs indoors are ever a good idea?
When you're teamed up with somebody with area Protection from Fire. Fireballs are almost always good idea.

Also opening raid with a flashbang or other form of stun grenade is common practice of various task forces.

No, it isn't, fireballs indoors are a bad idea because you can't see what's in other rooms (being civilians or loot) your recklessness is stupid.

>Feeling bad about people that aren't your family or friends dying
Literally all my wuts

No shit it's not your fault, the fault lies with either
a) The people who did a shit intel job and didn't figure out there were civilians there
b) The fuckheads who knew there were civilians present and ordered a bombing run anyway

I guess theoretically if the brass is up-front about there being probable civilian casualties on the run and you do it without protesting, you get to be included in the at fault pile, but at that point you've proven to be a shitty enough person that you probably won't feel bad about it.

>libtard is triggered by the word "cuck"
Like clockwork.

This, not your fault therefore you shouldn't feel bad at all.

Regardless of the specific rules for fireball, it's the DM's fault, not the player's, for declaring a bunch of unknown NPCs to suddenly be dead.

Captcha: zone ignacio. heh.

>Feeling bad about meat bags of dying
Holy shit.

It only matters if your objective is either intel or VIP. In any other circumstances a "no survivor" strategy is a lot more beneficial for the survival of your team.

It's not a stun ball, it's like setting of a Thermobaric bomb, and your not shooting it at a building, that is perfectly reasonable, your setting it off inside a building you are also in.

You can bring the whole structure down on your team, you fucking retardo.

>implying fireball would bring a castle or a dungeon down.

>most magical items cannot be destroyed by mundane means
>gold doesn't lose value when melted down to a formless blob
>neither do most other metals
>looting mundane items is usually not worth it anyway
unless we're after McGuffin that's literally made of paper, or this is hostage standoff there's literally nothing wrong with blasting the place with fireball or three
And we had Rogue sneak in to put Rings of Protection from Fire on hostage before

Most castles had wooden internal structure so yes, making it a possibility is enough to making it a non desirable tactic. As for dungeons, pic related.

>Mundane mean
Magical fire isn't mundane, a nat1 in a save can totally destroy a magic item being worn, why not one lying on the ground or inside a chest?

Well I can say the white race is getting MUSLIMED and you'll get triggered all the same, its rather pointless and predictable when one sided idiots argue over entry-level philosophical questions, human discourse is such a bore.

In a recent Shadowrun game my team earned more for rescuing the corporate captives they found at the objective then they did for the actual objective, sure we did imply that they could damned well be un-rescued if the corp didn't pay up, but if we'd have killed them before we even figured out who they were we'd have left 30k on the table.

>Giant lich dungeon
>looks like a mine
Nah, senpai, you're mistaking irl structures for magitech structures.

>why not one lying on the ground or inside a chest?
Because chest has shitton of hitpoints.

Why would you?

>a nat1 in a save can totally destroy a magic item being worn
Literally first time I'm seeing this houserule. But yeah, if that's the conditions we're playing under, the strategy should be reconsidered.

>one sided idiots argue over entry-level philosophical questions
>"I'm gonna go into this thread and call them idiots!"

Yeah, it was an accident but it was still your doing. You should try and be more careful next time.

If I'm in a hurry to get to work and hit someone's dog while whipping out of the driveway, I should probably feel guilty because this messed up dog was my doing. My haste was rational but a moment of extra inspection could have saved some pain. I will follow up my guilt with being more vigilant in the future.

If I was coordinating bombings I would want to avoid collateral damage as much as possible. Innocents will certainly be hurt no matter what I do and that is a grim and regrettable thing. Given the circumstances it doesn't necessarily make me evil so long as I am being attentive in my duty and making sacrifices only when they will be of use.


>Literally first time I'm seeing this houserule.
It's in the fucking manual retardo, not even a variant rule, it's the default rule.

Automatic Failures and Successes
A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a saving throw is always a failure (and may cause damage to exposed items; see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw). A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a success.

So what? You were paid unpromised money for risking your life. They could've told you to fuck off, but you got lucky.

hey it's not my fault the opinion forming process in humans is so linear, predictable and boring.


Pretty sure that's to force open not to destroy. Fireball does not force open.

Strength check is force open. Hp reaching zero breaks or destroys an object
Come on stop fishing for personal interpretation

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I'm not sure if anyone's picked on this, but... did you have a target, or were you just firing fireballs randomly into empty rooms? in that case, you should feel bad.

However, if the number of lives saved by stopping a target/ targets is >the number of children killed in the collateral, all is well.

>all is well.
You should still feel bad

You know what yeah you're right. We don't give a fck about you. We're rich and don't give a fck about you, your family or your country, feel better? or do you want more gas?


It depends, how much XP did you get for them?

Thank you, I hate hypocrites.

When I said all is well, I meant the good outweighs the bad, the fact that OP's character killed children is awful, and yes, they should feel bad.

>/pol/ in muh Veeky Forums
You should all feel bad

Fireball doesn't have ongoing damage.

If they died, it killed them instantly.

Died instantly is the best way to go.

That being said, you could totally bring back the children. Save up for it. Bring back the ones who want to come back.

But collateral damage happens.

And fireball doesn't destroy walls and keep going, even if they are thin. Your dm should feel bad, that's not how the spell works.

>And fireball doesn't destroy walls
It totally can, just because your GM homerules they don't doesn't mean they actually don't in the rest of games.

Not American, but some collateral damage happens when you're fighting a war, especially against enemies using guerilla tactics. It's unavoidable.

It was fate. If it was not to be then surely the gods would've intervened.

Underrated posts

That doesn't have anything to do with being unapologetic about it and literally don't care.

Fireball only damages creatures. Right there in the rules.

>Driving my car
>Suddenly breaks don't work
>Go straight into a nursery
>Kill 20 kids and leave 40 handicapped for life
>Lol not my fault so I shouldn't feel bad

>A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to every creature within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage
>Unattended objects also take this damage
>Unattended objects also take this damage
>Unattended objects also take this damage
>Unattended objects also take this damage

Also, if a creature rolls a nat1 on the save, roll in the "Items Surviving after a Saving Throw"

What good does beating yourself up about it do?

Was it avoidable and you fucked up?
Was it avoidable and someone else fucked up?
Was the collateral damage unavoidable to take out the target, and if so: did the collateral damage save other lives? Run the numbers.

Feel guilt if you fucked up and caused the collateral damage, sure.
Feel anger if someone else caused the collateral damage through their fuckup.

But if it was unavoidable and you saved significantly more lives than the collateral damage, beating yourself up about it doesn't help anything.

>The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier if the area permits; otherwise it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does.


What the fuck do you think this is, preschool?

Unless the breaks failed because you didn't maintain your car. Then it's your fault.

But if the manufacturer fucked up, or someone else sabotaged the car?

No, don't feel guilty. Feel angry. Be outraged.

Dunno if trolling or actually a psychopath

Emotions sometimes aren't of any help, but determine if you're fucking human

It's cause america is stupid rich and the problems of the world don't actually affect us. The rich will always fck the poor because they can. and religion will only make it even easier to do so

Nah, I'll dance over the dead bodies, why should I feel anything but happiness of surviving?

See What edition are you guys even playing?

>Feeling bad about things that aren't your fault

The fact that you have to ask tells me no, YOU shouldn't, but a normal person probably would. Just because its an accident doesn't mean you shouldnt feel bad about it.

Sure, you'll be upset. But if you can think rationally, you'll channel that in the right direction rather than inward self-destructively.

I'm trying to discern whether you're serious.