>Lasrifle packs absorb heat energy
>Guardsmen wear thick heavy hot armor
>Generate shit ton of body heat
>Store laspacks inside armor
>Human body heat recharges lasgun

>Orks create food squigs
>Find Ork garden
>Cultivate food squigs
>Free food

>Give lasrifle to space marine
>He attaches it to the underside of his bolter
>His bolter now has a laser sight

>Find way to prepare tyranid meat
>Eat tyranids BEFORE they eat us

>Eldar and humans are genetically compatible
>Eldar dying out
>Get busay with eldar
>Save their species
>Get tons of human hybrids to upgrade the species

>Eating Orks and interbreeding with xenos

>uncomfortable for long marches which some regiments actually care about and how would this be significantly different from the heat generated in one's pack
>heresy, the xeno is useless and thus must be purged
>SM already have little cameras attached to their bolters that lets them see where they aim always and tech heresy
>enjoy your flesh eating microbacteria that infest fucking everything

>space marines have a near infinite energy supply strapped to their backs
>attach hellgun to said energy supply
>marine has now a near infinite supply of ammo in the form of flashlight from hell

>>Give lasrifle to space marine
>>He attaches it to the underside of his bolter
>>His bolter now has a laser sight
Hearty laughs were had.

This may have merit

Is it heresy to spread the gift of the glorious human race to the less fortunate xenos?
Should we not be gracing the blueberries and space elves with our superior human forms?

You would dare to mar the beauty that is the perfection of human form with the disgusting xeno?

If you want to practice charity on the filthy xenos, put a bolt in their brain so they can be free of their filthy xeno ways, and then contribute to the Empire, so that our glorious Emperor can rise again and put a bolt in their souls too.

>You would dare to mar the beauty that is the perfection of human form with the disgusting xeno?
No Inquisitor. I would make the galaxy a better, more human place by making the xenos look more similar to ourselves, and perhaps one day breed the xeno out of them completely

tender lovin' is less expensive than a boltshell

And at what point does humanity stop being human in your masterstroke eldar scum?

The tech priests actually let inventors work with human technology and advance it rather than stagnating our species with increasingly worn out and outdated tools

>Tech heresy
Isn't that just a fancy way of saying "I suck as an engineer and want to kill my competition?"

I'd say probably 4th generation or so? At that point they would have more genetic common ground with humanity than most Imperium sanction psykers

>at what point
At what point do space marines stop being human?

I already know of you Eldar, and your perverted lust for human seed shall never come to fruition. I shall not let you corrupt the wonder that is the human body as the Emperor envisioned it with your foul witchcraft.

>Isn't that just a fancy way of saying "I suck as an engineer and want to kill my competition?"
No, its a quick way of saying
>you remember the last time we made something like this and humanity was nearly exterminated yeaaah torch it already

Have fun accidentally printing a circuit board with a daemons name. You should have just enough coherent thought left as bloodthirsters eat you to notice the lights in the sky right before the exterminatus hits.

>Body heat lazgun recharging
I would bet good money the munitorium has repeatedly tried this and can't understand why the soldiers keep either disobeying orders or dying of heatstroke.

>food squigs
Imperium news alert: a mass breakout of livestock on an agri-world has left thousands dead and likely dooming a dozen worlds to starvation.

>Underslung lasrifle
The marine requests his underslung flamer back. And by "requests" I mean punches you into a bulkhead.

>Eat tyranids
Why? We have plenty of squigs.

Well shit

>dying of heatstroke.
Actually it might be the opposite
Dying of hypothermia

When something absorbs heat, it has a cooling effect on the area around it.
Ice isn't radiating cold, its absorbing heat.

Therefore if you had all of these laspacks attached to your armor, your armor would get very cold as the laspacks sucked in all your body heat attempting to recharge themselves.

>Why? We have plenty of squigs.

It would depend on how efficient the heat sinks are. Too much drain and the soldier freezes, too little, and they overheat.

Knowing the mechanicus and administratum, the armor will be controlled by a simple toggle that switches between the two.

>The tech priests actually let inventors work with human technology and advance it rather than stagnating our species with increasingly worn out and outdated tools

They've tried that. Unless painstaking and arduous steps are taken during research and design, it's going to blow up in their faces or produce an objectively inferior product. Thoroughness is required for it to work. And even then, it can be used by your enemies. In one of the Imperial Armor books, they designed a new ship, but its plans were stolen before they could be taken to shipyard. Now Chaos Pirates have been ravaging their system with those very ships.

Well, it's not like it hasn't happened before. The Red Scorpions designed a new type of Predator (or Razorback?) to break a siege, but dutifully turned over the design to the AdMech for review. Turns out it was so thoroughly well done and stable that the AdMech classified it as an approved variant and spread the info to other Space marine chapters, some of whom use that very pattern.

>Find way to prepare tyranid meat
>Eat tyranids BEFORE they eat us

This has essentially NEVER ended well. Besides, Tyranids would probably evolve to exploit such a strategy, changing their flesh to become tastier but virulent engineered viruses or even Genestealer DNA. Hell, they could just make themselves addictive so people will end up throwing themselves at them with abandon.

>Orks create food squigs
>Find Ork garden
>Cultivate food squigs
>Free food

I'd refer to the previous point. Might not even be nutritionally workable for humans, and unless you're a squig-herder you might not even have the genetic knowhow to cultivate food squigs and end up cultivating attack squigs.


Except maybe eating tyranids. That might work. It wouldn't stop the tyranids, but it would sure as hell save on food supplies.

>Well, it's not like it hasn't happened before. The Red Scorpions designed a new type of Predator (or Razorback?) to break a siege, but dutifully turned over the design to the AdMech for review. Turns out it was so thoroughly well done and stable that the AdMech classified it as an approved variant and spread the info to other Space marine chapters, some of whom use that very pattern.
This. I like this sort of stuff in the lore. It shows that sometimes the admechs can be reasonable

>Tyranids would probably evolve to exploit such a strategy, changing their flesh to become tastier but virulent engineered viruses or even Genestealer DNA. Hell, they could just make themselves addictive so people will end up throwing themselves at them with abandon.
By the Emperor how horrifying

user, Eldar souls are owned by Slaanesh. They are property of (S)he Who Thirsts.

Tell me, who would a Human/Eldar hybrid's soul belong to? I wouldn't gamble with those odds. Hybridization most likely results in damned children, and the crudeness of humanity would probably interfere with the rigidness of Eldar psychology that has so far allowed a good deal of them to stick to Life Paths and keep from becoming raving lunatics. Well, save for the raving lunatics in the webway.

Well, given the setting, it is reasonable. Not sticking to these rigid rules has led to some pretty massive disasters, and logic dictates that if you keep sticking your hand into the fire and keep getting burned, you either stop sticking your hand into the fire or you be very thorough about getting yourself some fireproof gloves.

Red Scorpions are a chapter defined by being such sticklers to rules and the Codex that the Ultramarines think they take it too literally. It would make sense that their deviancy from the established rules would merit them taking extremely thorough steps to follow the AdMech's rules at least, and as a result end up with something already thoroughly vetted by the AdMech's own design philosophy. And they turned it over to the experts for thorough review and approval.

>this thread

How is eating orks heretical? As long as you cook them to well-done the chance of the fungus spreading is nil.

thermodynamics isn't magic

you wouldn't be able to get any colder than the air outside the suit

With a powerful enough bow and at night would that be incorrect?

Honestly I think guardsmen BBQing an ork is probably an awesome victory lap

>you wouldn't be able to get any colder than the air outside the suit
The lasgun would suck heat directly from the air inside of the armor, which would get colder than the air outside of the armor which doesn't have this cooling mechanism

I think you just tried to sound smart and herped before you derped

If you've got a ballista. But the projectile itself also has to be built to be fired in that manner, or the firing might set it off. Now everyone knows where you are, you wrecked your ballista, and you're also probably dead.

Well, I mean you're also eating a sentient being.

And I think that's pretty messed up. Messed up enough for something somewhere to take notice.

All it takes is a little thought...
If Ork taste like that, what does Private Roberts taste like...?
And something from behind the curtain of material existence thinks he heard an invitation for temptation.

Second law of thermodynamics bruh
Entropy only increases.

You can't just magically turn heat back into low-entropy usable energy, although you can generate energy as heat flows from hot area to a cold one.

>what does Private Roberts taste like
Don't ask, don't tell, user.

A lot of people don't understand simply how much shit humans can eat and come out fine. We could totally eat orks and shit if they existed irl. How else do you think the guard stays in such great shape? The rations don't pack that much nutrients, that's for sure. Orks can eat people, and people can eat orks.

>sentient being.
Orks lost that title when they were genetically engineered by the old ones to be a single minded organism for war.
They are not a sentient soul bearing creature, they were just made to look like one. It's no different than a robot that imitates human speech patterns. Its not real. Same thing with Orks but they are made of meat instead of metal.

>you're also eating a sentient being.
We're talking about orks here.

>Entropy only increases.
Listen, I get that you are trying to sound smart, but by your logic cold packs under clothing wouldn't work.

You can cool things down.
And you can generate energy.

But you can't do both at once.

The energy that ice pack took to create was greater than the amount of energy it took away from your hot body.

Okay, let me spell it out for you

Guardsman eats food
stored chemical energy converted to kinetic energy by muscles
Some energy lost through heat
Heat absorbed by lasgun power pack (as they are stated to be able to do)
Some energy lost I'm sure

>Still following me?
lasgun put into las rifle
lasrifle fired
energy wasted through radiant heat on the barrel

I am not saying there is perpetual energy circulation with no loss. I am saying that laspacks can absorb heat (say from a fire) in order to charge themselves, and that human body heat could work as well.

Generating energy from heat works by moving heat from hot to cold.

Carnot's theorem sets a hard limit on the efficiency of a heat engine based on the temperatures of the hot and cold reservoir. If the place you are trying to take heat FROM is colder than the place you are trying to put heat INTO, your engine has negative efficiency -- it will cost more energy to run than it actually produces.

To clarify, YES you can produce energy from human body heat, unless you're in some 100-degree shithole where the air is actually hotter than human body temperature.

But NO you can never get the inside of the suit colder than the atmosphere around it. Refrigerators use up electricity instead of generating it for a reason. When you make something colder than the outside atmosphere, it costs more energy than it generates.

The human body is 98.6 F or 37 C at rest
That goes up quite a bit in exercise.

Lasgun packs generally aren't that hot

refrigerators work differently than las packs, you are comparing apples to a circuit breaker

Yeah i was arguing against You can generate some shitty amount of energy from human bodyheat. But you can't get colder than the air outside the suit. At that point, cooling the guardsman down would cost more energy than it generated.

If it is physically possible to generate energy by cooling something down, why don't refrigerators do it?

Why does my fridge need to be plugged into the wall instead of just powering itself off of the heat inside it?

Typically, Lasgun packs need much larger sources of energy to actually get any out of it. It's why they need chargers but they can be charged by putting them in a campfire, although this damages them and fucks them up. It's also an executable offense by the Minitorum.

Using the bullshit logic of 40k, you could probably charge a lasgun batter off of body heat, but it'll take far too long to get any significant benefit from it.

They do indeed have souls because they have a warp presence, the very WAAGH! field that defines them and their characteristics.

Cultivating squigs is a REALLY bad idea since it means that you'll start having orks and gretchin pop up too

>shitty amount of energy
Are you saying the energy produced by the glorious human form is "shitty?"

only half of the offspring would be damned, we purge those half in cleansing fire, the other half would belong to Emps and fortify his astronomicon with their, likely superior, psychic potential.

>superior, psychic potential.
Human psykers outclass the eldar psykers by a significant degree
the difference is that every eldar is a psyker whereas few humans are. A nice flip that eldar produce large amounts (relatively speaking) of low grade psykers where humans only produce a few (relatively speaking) supremely powerful ones.

and everyone knows orcs can't be cultivated because they taste like shitaki

yeah... no. Get your facts straight. Or keep jerking your dick, w/e.

>Either genetically transform most of humanity into space marines or alter the genetic manipulation process to enable marines to reproduce.
>Watch them smite the universe.

I thought it was impossible to convert waste heat back into useful work.

On the other hand, maybe you could use the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the suit to drive a heat engine? That would add more mass to the suit though.

...Lets go into what actually makes a Space Marine.

What a lot of people don't get is that you can't just grab anyone off the street and turn them into a Space Marine. The process that creates a Space Marine is complex, difficult, long, and can easily go wrong. This is not something from out of Halo where they just do a bit of gene engineering and do a surgical procedure, this is much more intensive and long than some mere Spartan manufacturing.

First, there is organ implantation; organs that simply do not exist naturally in human biology and were custom designed and grown for Space Marines. There's the mundane stuff like a second heart or a third lung, but then we go into the stranger things like hormonal glands, or a web of nerves and artificially cultivated brain matter laid over the top of the brain. This takes nearly twelve years to do, and it is a long, painful process.

Then there's the Hypno Therapy, where the aspirant is thrown into a chair and subjected to subliminal reprogramming to turn the crazed cannibal and/or vicious gang enforcer into a loyal and pious member of the Chapter. This is constantly done not only to ensure that your super human doesn't go on a murder spree, but also that the Space Marine can use the new organs properly because how many humans can close off one lung in favor of another?

This is done to teenagers because this is the optimal period to alter the human form into something more than human. But what do they look like before this is done? Well, you'd have about a hundred aspirants clumped together; badass dudes who make Arnold Schwarzenegger seem like Joe Average. Then you go through the process that weeds out the unworthy, so you end up with MAYBE six. If you have more than ten that's a minor miracle in and of itself. Then comes genetic compatibility screening.

If you aren't compatible, your body will reject the organs. Or if you're really unlucky, you'll mutate into a grotesque behemoth of meat and bone.

A Space Marine is sterile not because they're neutered in operation, but because the potent mix of super testosterone and other things we don't have names for mess with the body chemistry so bad that the reproductive organs become completely redundant and atrophy. This complex blend of hormones and chemicals is something that humans were never meant for, so don't be surprised to see those side effects. As an aside, Space Marines smell REALLY bad too.

The Space Marine also experiences other physical changes. Muscles thicken and grow massive, the bone structure widens and hardens to support the new growth, while the head kind of stays where it is to give a space marine the appearance of a grape fruit balanced on top of a fridge.

Brain chemistry too is messed with. Pain receptors are dulled and new neural growths are cultivated to allow the Space Marine to interface with his armor. Most of these neural groups will be on the torso, so yes, the Space Marine technically has a second brain. New mental disciplines are installed, and new ways of thought are encouraged.

Another thing is that this complex system isn't perfect. Some Space Marines go forwards without any issues for the rest of their lives, but most have to go back for more hormonal treatments and hypnotherapy every few hundred years because the complex biology sometimes breaks down; usually after serious injury.

Tl;DR, Space Marines are really complex and not everyone is compatible with Space Marine organs.

so the process was never fully perfected before mass-production?

Still more reliable than the primarch, custodes and thunder warrior programs since geneseed makes a neat template to work from instead of building everything from scratch.

That is the perfected version.

You don't what to know what the unperfected version is. Fucking Honsu.

You could however slap together space marines the same way chaos forces do. Sure a huge percentage of them will die, but legions of space marines is what this galaxy needs! Make the Imperium great again!

Worried about chaos heresy? Hardly matters with the size and intensity of the crusades they'll be going on! Their life-expectancy will be so low they'll die for the Emperor before they can say 'tentacles for the tentacle God!'

>You could however slap together space marines the same way chaos forces do.
Go ask Corvus Corax how well that plan worked out for him.
Spoiler: Not well.

>>Lasrifle packs absorb heat energy
>>Guardsmen wear thick heavy hot armor
>>Generate shit ton of body heat
>>Store laspacks inside armor
>>Human body heat recharges lasgun

Might work, but you can already recharge laspacks by throwing them in a fire or recharging them from a chimera.

>Well, I mean you're also eating a sentient being.
Like people do all the time IRL?

>OP sucks dicks
>OP stops sucking dicks
>OP is no longer a faggot

So this may not be the ideal thread for it but may as well bring it up here.

>Give lasrifle to space marine
>He attaches it to the underside of his bolter
>His bolter now has a laser sight

Space marines don't usually have a 'renewable' attack option do they? I never hear about marines using a gun that does not require fuel or ammo, meaning eventually they will run out. Do SM ever use lasguns? Or their bigger versions like lascannons? Just anything you could strap to a functionally infinite power source like a marines suit or a stationary power source and fire forever with?

space marines use combat knives

>Or their bigger versions like lascannons?
Devastators and vehicles pack them, yes. And las weapons aren't technically "renewable." While the ammunition is functionally infinite, parts will still wear out, especially barrels, if Gaunt's Ghosts is any indication. Coolant is also probably a finite resource that they need to keep track of.

Lasguns need coolant? Huh, and here I thought they were space ak-47's. Damn near immortal and functional in the worse case scenarios.

Lasguns need coolant? Just strap energy packs on to absorb the heat!

You're just fantasizing about a female guardsman warming a power pack between her thighs, aren't you? Maybe having her compatriots shove their powerpacks into her cleavage and hands because she's so much better at doing it than they are.

It's purely conjecture on my part. Gaunt's Ghosts has snipers needing frequent barrel changes, so coolant presumably helps a ton. It's probably also a hell of a lot lighter than a bag of spare cannon barrels.

Gaunt's Ghosts also has Merrt struggling with frequent weapon malfunctions due to wielding a shitty, poorly maintained gun, as well as Ghosts taking measures to protect their guns from dust storms. I'd also imagine that las weapon quality would vary greatly in-universe depending on the place of manufacture and the conditions of the planet in question.

Corpses are recycled on most/all Hive and Forge worlds.

Enjoy your Corpstarch/Soylens Viridens.

I hate calfs of Space Marines, they always look retarded to me, too heavy, too THICK..., I would love more "anatomical shape". I tried clumsily to show it. Wonder if anyone feel the same.

>not liking the bell bottoms

You mean it was concious fashion choice to replicate bell bottoms? That would be hilarious.

>Fighting Orks
>Paint your own vehicles and soldiers Red to go faster, Black to be badass, Purple to be sneaky.
>Use their WAAAAGH! reality bending against them

>Red to go faster, Black to be badass
Space Marines already do that.

Guardsmen, user.

>"I fear we are going to run out of ammunition long before we run out of Tyranids to kill."
>"One of the many reasons why I prefer using a chainsword, Tarkus. They never run out of ammunition."
>"It has been a few centuries since I wielded a chainsword in battle, but I may take your advice on that."

As far as laser weapons are concerned, Mehreens evidently can't use anything below lascannons (digi-weapons aside) lest they be memed to oblivion.

The meaning of black - rather, whether it has a specific meaning at all - is debatable (same with yellow, for the same reason), and purple camouflage has never been a thing.

...for Orks.

this is wrong on so many levels it frights me.

it looks worse without it imo. makes them look less imposing as well

Amusingly, that might just work.

Some RPG-7 grenades could probably at least prime the impact charge if you had a strong bow.

>Space Marine armor is heavy
>Guardsmen are very light
>Replace space marine armor with a number of guardsmen of equivalent weight for added fire support

Go home Tink.

>purple camouflage has never been a thing.
>...for Orks.
Purple is the ultimate camouflage for Orks! Think about it: have you ever seen a purple Ork?
