Do you use personality types such as the Enneagram or MBTI typings for your PCs? If so, give examples...
Or use pic related and give each type a class. Extra points for using archetypes.
Do you use personality types such as the Enneagram or MBTI typings for your PCs? If so, give examples...
Or use pic related and give each type a class. Extra points for using archetypes.
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god this is my shit
but i feel it's unreasonable to expect players to already have a good sense of what whatever personality types your using measure and mean
and it'd be irresponsible and unstylish to run official and actual personality types without everybody already having a full idea what they mean, less exaggerators, untruths, and assumptions take seed.
thankfully fictional characters are not real people and we can construct them with ideas can draw inspiration from actual studies without ever being stated or implied to actually be those things. we can base archetypes on watered down psychological theory mixed with the archetypes and tropes we enjoy and relate to in fiction.
there's an issue tho: top-down or bottom-up? the decision to take the surface level characteristics of each type and fill in what's beneath with our artistic liberties, or to take the underlying psychology behind those behaviors and apply artistic license to their expression in personality IS HUGE. some people prefer one, others the other, and to each the other's seems wrong, intuitive, and off the point.
I personally love Jungian cognitive functions and HAVE made modulus for adapting myers-briggs into stat presets (give or take a few of each stat based on personal quirks and upbringing, role-played briefly between player and GM during character creation) instead of rolling for them. Tho desu morality alignments are already straight out of a Developmental Psych text book if you get a group that's fairly... socially observant.
Thanks for the contribution user, you rise some good points. Your myers-briggs stat preset sounds interesting! Do you pick a class and the MBTI score you get is the stats you get? Do classes favor a particular MBTI type?
You're right about players since most simply go for the cool or funny factor when making PCs. I feel personality types like MBTI and Enneagram are more help to the GMs who need to make quick NPCs with hopes and fears. I never Dmed so I can be wrong.
Unknown Armies asks you to describe your character's personality. You can do this with single words, phrases, or they suggest, with any number of stock personality types you might find in MBTI, Enneagram, or even star signs. This is great because how you express something tells as much about a character as what you express. Someone who says they're a "Total Virgo" has a different feel than someone who is "Meticulously Organized."
>Thanks for the contribution user, you rise some good points. Your myers-briggs stat preset sounds interesting! Do you pick a class and the MBTI score you get is the stats you get? Do classes favor a particular MBTI type?
The session we were playing was based in part on Symbaroum, where stats+abilities determine a character's "class", which is more of a play-style. Certain types did favor certain play-styles, but since stats and class were one-in-the-same and each step of their upbringing (which determined their starting skills and modified their stats a bit) took their previous step's total character into account I found it gave the player all they needed to flesh out their character. In one situation someone tried to make their an ox-like character (STR and INT wise) into mystic scholar which still worked out OK. Their considerable STR didn't contribute to their build as much as DEX would have but it still saw use, and they spent a lot of their character development overcoming their dull mindedness. The wall-like scholar with glassy eyes and a slow voice lifting a two-handed stone mallet from their billowy robes to bash in the skulls of any enemy unfortunate enough to rush the mage had a lot of character, I felt.
I allowed people to roll or hand choose as they liked, so anyone who ended up with a type they wouldn't ordinarily play was up for it and anyone with more specific tastes had their favorite flavor too. I also had them arranged into categories, so people could choose or roll their approximate type (the "Directing" type in the bottom right corner of this chart, for instance) and then read about and choose OR roll for their sub-type, so people could make fairly educated decisions about what they were going to choose without researching every single type as if it would would be what they'd be playing.
Not familiar with Symbaroum but your system sounds fun and quite spot on.
Depending on the test, I usually get either ENFP or ENFJ so what would be my stats?
I recently took a quiz on and got ISFP which surprised me so what would that stat be?
it was a while ago and i don't have the original drafts, or at least I'm not digging through three years of poorly organized PDFs but i use cognitive function stacks ((to those of you who know what that means, just say Fi=CON and a little boost to STR or DEX, Ni=WIS and a small INT boost, Ne=WIS and a small CHA boost, etc.))
without taking the care to add your upbringing or anything
ENFP: very good WIS, good CON+CHA, ok DEX+INT
ENFJ: superb WIS, very good CHA, ok INT, slightly better STR than DEX
ISFP: great STR, very good CON, good but not great CHA, WIS, and INT
fumbled around with excel for a bit
to revise, this is close to what I would have given people, i'd work on the algorithm (make all the stats a little closer to average and cut out scores like 19.5) and research types for a bit longer before running it tho
STR: 7.5 (idk how to deal with fractions rn sorry)
DEX: 10.5
CON: 12
CHA: 12
INT: 10.5
WIS: 15
STR: 9
DEX: 2
CON: 3
CHA: 18
INT: 10.5
WIS: 19.5
STR: 18
DEX: 9
CON: 15
CHA: 9
INT: 9
WIS: 9
Thanks user! No worries since I suck in math. Might use the numbers for a D&D 5e PC...
Druid, Ranger or Monk
Some type of magic user
Different user, here.
I'd be very interesting in seeing more take on this. I feel it would be an interesting little experiment for even the most rollplayer heavy group, seeing how their characters compare and contrast to their own profiles.
>seeing how their characters compare and contrast to their own profiles.
How should one go about this? Is there an online personality test that you recommend or should anons just post their character and their own traits here?
I had meant to simply use it for my own players.
If we want to get a bit of a sample pool going, anons can look up the tests. I don't really have one that I recommend above all others. It's best to take a bunch, to get different questions and interpretations, and over a long period of time so that mood averages out.
The first few results for enngeagram typing, cognitive stack or jungian tests are usually good enough for passing curiosity.
I'll go ahead and provide a sample:
INFP, type as INFJ often, though
Enneagram 4 with 5 wing
>Character History
In recent memory:
Ranger, INFJ
Paladin, deliberately made to be ISFP
Warpriest/Clerics, all have probably been ENFP
in non-dnd clones I'll play whatever is middle of the road, able to fill any role or has access to all mechanics (combat, spells, social, etc) without really excelling in one
always high Wis (either by choice or quirk of dice gods), followed by Dex, then Int
dump Cha if necessary, or in the case of the paladins, Int
realistic and grounded when it comes to the divine side of the archetypes
idealistic when it comes to plot resolution and interaction
usually end up a well-meaning idiot or an worry-ridden moral compass
1: Paladin
2: Healer
3: Fighter
4: Bard
5: Wizard
6: Cleric
7: Rogue
8: Barbarian
9: Ranger
Bingo. Enneagram classes.
Well user...
>Enneagram 4 with 5 wing
Is also known as the Bohemian and is common among INFP, INFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ENFP, INTP. It seems the Enneagram typing covers both your own typings and that of all your characters.
>realistic and grounded when it comes to the divine side of the archetypes
Because of your 4 wing, you are a spiritual and artistic. Emotions fuel you and inspire you. Your 5 wing balances you to be concerned with your environment and are always scanning it. You are rational and analytic.
>usually end up a well-meaning idiot or an worry-ridden moral compass
Your negatives are that you suffer insecurity and alienation, sometimes feeling that you don't belong. You respond by being defensive and hide your real feelings to others. This makes you mysterious and a bit of a enigmatic loner.
>idealistic when it comes to plot resolution and interaction
Your 4 type leads you to explore and go on adventures that stimulate and bring intense emotion. This might be helping you move the story along since you are invested in it.
Both your INFP and INFJ make you an introvert feller which goes well with your reclusive 4w5 type. The N or Intuition makes you try out new ideas and rely on metaphors or symbols that strike a cord with you. Though the N often makes you appear incompetent since your rush to conclusions easily or miss important details (big picture kind of guy).
Don't worry about P or J, since I been told it switches depending on mood and situation.
I say your perfect class is a Ranger user.
An alternate possibility is
1: Paladin
2: Paladin
9: Paladin
Try and name a wizard anywhere that isn't a five, Veeky Forums.
Hard mode: no Harry Potter.
Every fantasy mary sue (Eragon is an INFP to the core)
Harlequin from Shadowrun is more of a 3
Eragon is a 3. He's also not a wizard, he's a gish.
I liked that guy a lot.
Spent the whole time expecting him to stab me in the back.
Don't tell /srg/ but I've always liked him too
ya got me to a T.
Ranger is definitely my best class, pick of my current and longest running character, and I wouldn't hesitate to make another.
Even my paladin is basically a ranger in all but name, a switch-hitting fifth wheel with a bit more team oriented power set
>but i feel it's unreasonable to expect players to already have a good sense of what whatever personality types your using measure and mean
It's done with astrology all the time.
I would even go further guess you can be a SP (Self-preservation) 4 and suggest either the hermit or outlander background if you're playing D&D 5e.
I can't take the credit since I just look up and read what smarter people have written down. Here's the website sources I used to read up on 4w5 if you like to know more about your enneagram...
I prefer to use the 5 Intelligences.
Dresden is a 4.
In the Sword of Truth, Richard is a 6/8(?) wizard.
Fate/Stay has a variety.
Even though only simplistic labels for what is to be expected in a person those 16 personality types are pretty good.
I was surprised to find ENTJ hitting the nail on the head for me.
Also I took the
I'm currently working on a project for a scifi space explorer/opera game to run for some friends of mine. This involves giving character to a very large number of crew members of all sorts of positions, roles and ranks.
Perhaps if I read up more on MBTI typings I will will be able to attach a MBTI type tag next to the characters in my notes to give character to even ratings and shit like that? Seems like it would be a good idea.
Has anyone here done anything like that?
(On a side note I really ought to play a paladin some time for on that easydamus test I took I got OVERWHELMINGLY good, and not only that the scores I got for each alignment from highest to lowest were LG, NG, CG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE, CE which essentially means I IRL have the mindset of a paladin, and officially have moral authority (this is joke but I will still lord it))
Cool and congrats on your Pally user. I recommend taking the Enneagram test and see if it is similar to your ENTJ
Where's a good one?
2 is very accurate for me, Helper seems pretty paladin, and 2's description matches as well as the sexual variant. I'm a very sexual/caring/intimate person.
Wing 3 doesn't really match up with me much other that I lack sympathy and compassion for myself (only myself, otherwise I'm empathetic and compassionate with just about everyone).
Will have a look at those other tests in a bit.
Congrats on your score and dubs user. Try taking the exams a couple of times as well and notice any change, its normal if you do.
Lets work with what we got...
Is also known as the Commander or the CEO, this is because you radiate leadership and authority. The extrovert typing gives you boundless energy in which you use to present yourself as self-confident and strong-willed. This leads you to inspire others. You are a bit bossy and arrogant because of this typing though.
The thinking typing makes you efficient and great time and resource manager. You are great problem solver as you approach a problem and analyze it from every angle before and eliminate wasting any energy. Your thinking+intuition makes you a big picture person, creating elaborate plans that you make sure others follow.
You are bit cold with your logic and hate showing emotions in public or in the workplace. You are also ruthless when confronting enemies or rivals, always preferring to win at any cost. Because you have problems with emotions, you're sensitive to criticism especially from those under you.
>Sexual 2
You use either aggression or feelings to win over a person to you or your cause.
2s believe that helping others is needed for their survival. Your 3 wing is all about image, which you use to help people by presenting yourself as a good leader...
>officially have moral authority
In the end of the love to lead and use your position to help others. Either you like the praise or because you like to be followed. You can come of as trading those under you like children, making you appear as a strict parent.
Your perfect class is a Oath of Vengeance Paladin. I also suggest either a Noble or Soldier background.
Easy mode: Harry Potter is a 6
That works too, 5s do tend to be quit intelligent.
I thought he'll be a 2
I'm an ENTJ as well, I test as 8w7, or 8-2-6 if you consider tritype (which I think is a better metric for enneagram, as it gives you more information to work with).
Characters I play tend to be ENTJ, ESFP, or ISFP, with the occasional ISTP. I'm not surprised, as that's just a rearrangement of my cognitive functions in different orders for the most parts, so I'm just playing different aspects of myself.
In D&D I love playing paladins, clerics, and bards. In most games I play tanks or supports. I enjoy either playing a backline logistics game or running into fights and brawling forever.
Overall, I think it's a fitting typing.
How does an ENTJ fit into your scoring system? I'm not sure how to accurately assess my own ability scores, but I've been called the wisest among my friends, and some have commented I can be quite serene and observant.
>when you are a 6 but don't like clerics
>when you realize all your characters are essentially 6s
>but at least they are vastly different from you on a Meyers-Brigg test
Nah, he's a 6. His parents died and birth and he has abandonment issues. He keeps to his circle of friends and seeks recognition from those he respects.
If he were a 2 he would either be a lot less shy or a lot more shy. He cares deeply about as friends, but he isn't clingy or possessive. His primary struggle involves learning to face his fears, rather than learning to step away from obsequious and patronizing attitudes.
What class do you like other than clerics? What don't you like about clerics?
When I was younger, I was typed as a 9 and an INFP. Now I tend to test 6 and either ENFP or ENFJ. After reading on it years later, I think 6 fits me best as I'm always scanning the room for dangers or what I would do if this scenario happens.
In RPGs be it Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, I am always torn between playing a Paladin, Fighter or a Rogue. Regardless of who I play, I tend to have my character be noble and always willing to help others.
My fighting style has always been as a frontline fighter, getting up in the enemy's face. I would disengage and then rush back in repeating the process. Even with my rogue (swashbuckler) I would only sneak up so I can get closer to the enemy.
I never played a caster and usually have my character distrust them, "They're to busy waving their hands in the back instead of getting into the thick of it.". Archers are ok oddly enough, only played as a hunter in WoW. Never really stuck to it compared to my Pally or Warrior. I like the idea of Rangers as they seem cool and alien to me but I fill I would get bored soon with them. Never saw to it if sniping was my thing.
I took the test and posted and this what I got.
Lawful Good Human Fighter (4th Level) with a cleric and monk tied for second and ranger and sorcerer for third.
I got ENFP and ENFJ again but also ISFP and ISFJ this time around.
Some tests I got a SX 7, SP/SX/SO 6 and SO/SP/SX 2. The enneagram I got a 6 typing followed by 1 and 2 typing. The wings test I got a 6w5 followed by 6w7 and 1w2.
Yeah, you sound like a 6. 6es can be easy to misidentify sometimes. Keep in mind that 6 is 9's shadow and 9 is 6's halo, so that may have been the source of confusion in your specific case.
what the fuck is this thread
Clerics have too much blind faith/gib spells for prayers pls.
Dnd-wise, I like playing rogues, rangers, or paladins. A lot of their arcs involve slowly learning to trust/get along with the party and whatever cause they are fighting for or totally rejecting it. Characters who start off more scummy wind up learning to believe again, while characters who start off naive wind up a little to a lot more jaded.
wizard shit
>I'm an ENTJ as well, I test as 8w7
ENTJ are common within 8w7s and are strong leaders that champion for the cause of the little guy. This fits with your Paladin and Cleric perfectly.
The 8w7 also makes you humorous and fun to be around with. You tend to talk quite loud and will be the life of the party in and social setting.
You are ambitious and materialistic, desiring to amount and gather fine items to have in your home. Your 7 wing makes you see all types of future possibilities and your main 8 typing see's it come true.
> running into fights and brawling forever.
The negatives of the 8w7 typing is that your like to court death and chaos. You can egoistical and temperamental and you might struggle with addiction.
>I enjoy either playing a backline logistics game or running into fights and brawling forever.
You're a great leader and set party goals that you make sure are fulfilled. You lead from the front and take charge in group projects. Though you might even use people to get what you to suit your goals or visions.
In the end I say your perfect class would be a Bard from the College of Valor. I would also add the Folk Hero or Entertainer background.
You can read more about ENTJ in my last post
Tell me about your childhood user...
I tend to as ISTP or INTP and 7 or 9. What class am I?
huh, so apparently i have recently done a switch from Entp to Enfp without realizing it. thank god my class isn't alignment focused
Thanks user! Good to know I'm a 6. Is there anything in my post that screams a 6 to you?
I know 6s are usually the hardest to type due to having pretty much two-sides to themselves; phobic and counter phobic.
I tend to think I might have gotten a 9 due how the questions were worded. I do feel calm and seek to mediate conflict like a 9...only because of muh security!
What's a good class for my particular 6 typing?
Your I*TP typing makes you an introverted thinker. Be theoretical researching or actually getting your hands dirty and seeing what makes an object tick, you love knowledge. Your INTP type makes you honest and full of energy when it comes to new ideas. You tend to focus on original and abstract ideas. The ISTP side makes you rational and practical, often preferring to work with your hands.
>7 or 9
Both use fantasy in their lives. Be it the 7 using his or her energy to make their visions and possibilities come true or the 9 retreating into the fantasy world to find peace within themselves. Both typings enjoy life and seek to protect their environment. Either its the 7's freedom or 9's peace. Your INTP and 9 type makes you objective and a great mediator between groups. The ISTP and 9 typing makes you relaxed but great in a crisis.
Your ISTP weakness makes you stubborn, insensitive and withdrawn from others. You're also easily bored and hate commitment much like a 7. You're prone to risky behavior which means you might have a death drive.
Your INTP side hates rules as well and withdrawn. You get upset when others don't understand your reasoning or those you deem idiots. You can be absent-minded, often forgetting basic things in your quest for knowledge.
I say your class is a Land Druid because of your intense study of the world and being a middleman between civilization and nature. I would add a Hermit or sage background and even a CG morality.
Nifty, thanks user.
INFP 6 or 9.
Any advice?
>Any advice
Just to stay golden user
You believe in the Greater Good and people are misunderstood rather than inherently evil. You work tirelessly to help others and have an unshaken faith in others. This can be a negative as being too idealistic, you will be disappointed when they do not meet your high ideas of them.
Your INFP and 9 typing will have you often changing your opinions for the sake of peace and harmony. You help others without a second thought and that will have you stretched thin and used as you usually forget about your own needs and wants. You can be impractical in your everyday life, ignoring numbers and what you deem as "cold" logic. You are instead fuel by feelings, helping you see beauty in every little thing the world offers. In essence you are a kind soul and a day dreamer.
Your 6 typing makes you worry about security either by being fearful or actively going against your fears, this is known as being phobic and counter phobic. You take things personally because of this typing, often getting upset to those you see as preventing or blocking your help.
You are faithful or rebellious depending on being phobic or counter phobic. I am going to assume due to the 9 type that you are phobic because of this you put your trust and faith to a higher power or system. The system must offer you security and calm due to both 6 and 9 typings.
I say your class is a Life domain Cleric. I would go further and suggest an acolyte background and a NG aliment.
>Valor Bard
Sorry, I don't play garbage classes.