MTG feels


Icatia had to go. Because everything that is good and just must die in MTG lore.
Gideon is probably next in line.




A lot of sad stuff from new phyrexia. Ezuri was still fine last we saw them... Then commander happened...


>he's still fighting
Man of his word.

Ezuri looks pretty happy in that picture to be honest.

benalia's still around

However, like all of dominaria it's probably never going to be looked at again.

MaRo said a return to Dominaria is on their list, but don't expect Dominaria to look like it did. It's been about 100 years post mending. All the mortals are dead by now, as MtG doesn't have age-extending magic. (At least not without the help of powerful extraplanar demons.. Liliana is a special case.)

I'd rather it stay locked away than let MaRo and the modern design team mess with it.

Yeah, but he's a cunt so he deserved it.

> Who is Jhoira

They won't go back to Dominaria until they can transform the entire plane into a themepark world that you can concisely describe in five or less words.

I always loved the entire design of Koth, his stubbornness and power set.
Shame they wrote him so badly.




Wasn't it Teferi and company mucking about with time that caused the rifts in the first place?

Eldritch Moon was a great set but christ was it depressing.

What about Time of Heroes from RotE?

"No one spoke. There was no need. The threat of the Eldrazi presented a simple choice: lay down your weapons and die for nothing, or hold them fast and die for something."


I loved that this card got a reprint. I picked it up in foil.
Rise was an incredible set. The art, the flavor, the mechanics (as they interacted with flavor), there was not a lot about it that I didn't like.

Love this one.

Yeah, it seems they are really stuck on red being fast and aggressive, i.e. fire elemental, but forget that red can be slow and stubborn, i.e. earth elemental.




this one keeps getting posted but i just don't get it.

Memento mori. Everything turns into dust.

>Nobody has posted this yet


Soul's Attendant makes me sad whenever I read her flavor text.
She's trying so hard to keep the good in the world alive, even though she thinks it's hopeless.

he on dat dere celltech

Can someone explain what the fuck the point of this card is? I get the flavor, but I don't understand the mechanics

You can up to double your mana available for a turn

You sac your tapped lands for mana.

All time fave right here.
With just a couple of seconds of thinking you can piece the gist of the story together based on mechanics, art, and flavortext alone. A lot of cards give insight into a larger story. This card is it's own story. Also the mechanic is neat as fuck.

I didn't play the game back at the time (because my friends sucked at teaching), but during the few times when I tried to play, pic related always struck me as very poignant and sad.

Feels thread and no blessed spirits? What's wrong with you guys?

>ay they're tapped out, counters unlikely
>ay I got 5 lands
>ay with 10 mana I can end this game with one spell
>tap tap tap tap tap
>sac sac sac sac sac

>Let's ruin everything that made In misread unique with more fucking Eldrazi
>Great set

>muh flavor bitching
Eldritch Moon was the best set this decade nevertheless. Strong but not gamebreaking cards, fun cards, unique cards, unique mechanics, functional mechanics, the works.

goblin with a piece of the legacy. this one gets me because of all he endured.

This is one of my favorite cards flavor wise. The flavor text, the art, the effect. It gets my feels flowing.

Anguished Unmaking.

No, they kinda built up from the dozen or so apocalypse events on the world. Each rift was draining mana, so after looking away from it for a few sets (Kamigawa, Mirrodin, Ravnica, etc) we came back and the world's been bleeding out for a while.

The rifts came from:
The battle between Nicol Bolas and the planeswalking leviathan (primordial times)
the Sylex Blast (end of the Brothers' War)
the time blast at the Tolarian Academy (Urza's Saga)
the Rathi Overlay (Phyrexian Invasion)
Yawgmoth's arrival and death (Phyrexian Invasion)
the Birth and Death of Karona

I find it strange how anti-synergistic he is with his cane though.

>jacetice league meets Dominaria
Way to shit on the whole MTG legacy

they don't allow guns in art as much anymore

emrakul =/= ulamog and kozilek
cosmic horror fits right in with innistrad's motif, cry some more

Not quite. Imagine that you've got it on the field, your best creatures in the yard, and Feldon is set to go off next turn but then someone tries to get cheeky and play Rest In Peace or Tormod's Crypt. Pop it in response and you've just saved yourself some anguish and replenished your library. It comes in handy more than you think.

No, at all see Elite Inquisitor.

It's not even part of some anti-gun agenda they just don't believe firearms can ever be put in fantasy without the casuals losing their minds.

>Scars block feels

I don't think you know what casual means at this point and you're just using it as a synonym for "PEOPLE I DONT LIKE RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Its for two reasons
>keep the game within swords and sorcery, as to keep products similar to eachother, and to not confuse newer players
>don't piss of the vorthos crowd

I'm using it to refer to people who do not put substantial effort into learning about fantasy, history and all the other surrounding fields of knowledge that relate. There is nothing wrong with this.

I thought the tone of my post conveyed my frustration at the creative team restricting the causal audience's access to the wonders of gunpowder fantasy not an enmity towards the casual audience itself.

I believe it is in fact you who is jumping at shadows.

He ultimately came to terms with his wife's death after all.

Well that's a quite narrow use, sideboard worthy at best if you'd be building a Feldon deck.

OOh a MTG feels thread. Some of these already posted