Is Kek a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, is Earth and the Solar System his fiefdom? The memethereum is waxing and the tethers of reality are snapping, meme magic is flowing into our mundane plane of existence - how long until we can summon our lord of Change and herald the Raven God's ascent in this dark corner of the universe? PRAISE KEK, PRAISE TZEENTCH
Is Kek a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, is Earth and the Solar System his fiefdom...
i smell heresy
So, realistically, how many little /pol/yps think that they made trump win?
I do.
Meme magic is real.
Hacking the zeitgeist, with no survivors.
Praise Kek!
All of them.
Well considering they voted for him. Ya, they do think that.
reddit leftypol
>they voted for him
What does that have to do with him winning
You need votes to get electors, idiot.
>hurr hurr muh popular vote
There's a reason we don't have direct democracy, and that's because it's absolute cancer.
The electoral college is stupid and should be abolished.
hey I like the song too, but Trump did do a lot of groundwork during his election. I think that was more important to him winning.
I mean more like
>does /pol/ think it was the decisive factor in winning the elections?
I am a resident alien. So, I don't care about voting. Already have my green card.
>raven god
>bird god
>owls are birds
Fuk off moloch, you'll get no wars or child sacrices here.
>/pol/ wizards meme a cartoon deity into this realm
We're living in a fucking tabletop game
Choose a class and a weapon, Veeky Forums
the adventure begins
No, Obama is.
>Change we can believe in
Rolled 2, 6, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3 = 59 (18d6)
>Choose a class
You need to roll stats first dummy
>nothing happened
really makes u think
The electoral college is the only thing keeping this nation from turning into a mobocracy. Direct democracy is the worst possible thing imaginable.
>STR 14
>DEX 8
>CON 10
>INT 6
>WIS 13
>CHA 8
Scrawny fighter with occasional words of wisdom, here I go
whats the electoral college
>D&D stats in the Unknown Armies thread
watching holier than thou leftists choke on their cud was glorious.
Heavy crossbow
praise him