/40kg/ Warhammer 40K General

Sisters of Battle Edition

>Rules databases

>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the horrible nightmare of warp travel.

Is there a Knight variant that can use both the Thermal cannon and the Battle cannon at once? If so I'm going to magnetize my Avenger gatling cannon to be able to fit the Battle cannon front.

>Sisters of Battle Edition
Sisterposters pls go and stay go

Yes it's the Renegade Knight

A renegade knight has a pick and choose loadout system. Anything you want, but it's for the badys only.

What's the tankiest army?
IE - High T, High wounds, High armor, fnp IWND etc, no eldar prancy dodgy bullshit.

What will you do when the Sisters of Battle get their new codex?

Oh lol, of course it is.
Oh well. Then at least there IS a Knight that can, so I think I'll go ahead and do it anyway, since I've already broken off the Avenger gatling cannon front off the casing...

Imperial Knights.

>IE - High T, High wounds, High armor, fnp IWND etc, no eldar prancy dodgy bullshit.
Daemons running a Tetrad and nothing else will have the highest average T in the game

Nurgle, Grey Knights and NidZilla are all pretty bulky but are offset by being forced to field less models for their points

Don't hate, nigger. Appreciate. ;\


I'll be burning heretics alive for the rest of my life, and I'm a Veeky Forums addict. Better get used to me.


Next IA when? I need my fix of new AdMech goodness.

Nidzilla, or deamon prices comes to mind first. Both only work becuse flying monstrous creatures also get to hide in the sky's.

>over study of religion
It can't be heresy to focus on learning the gospel of the Emperor.

Buy it? lol.

How many Codices have they had? I wanna read the old ones, too.

>tfw no SoB gf
Why even live?


Pope shafthat the 23rd

Besides Sisters, which army has the most metal models? I'm talking shit that hasn't been updated.

I'm not gonna bother buying old shit. I'll buy plastic if that's what's on the GW site.

I wonder if in the Imperium of Man civilians exist (and I'm talking about normal words, not Cadia). This Pope militant looks far too scarred and blasted to be a regular person.

Really not many choices. Maybe Guard?

>Fineshit casts of metal minis
Probably Inquisition.

Confessors fight in battle all the time. They urge their fellow soldiers to zealotry.

Yes civilians exist in the Imperium.

>Fineshit casts of metal minis

My first models were Fineshit, and I got raped. Just fucking raped.

Oh, so he's like that IG priest model who wields a huge chainsword?

Yeah. Exactly. He's the Sisters version of that. Sisters players take that exact model all the time.

IG can be pretty damn tanky

To be utterly wrecked en masse to trigger plot lines.

>The population and pdf were killed to a man by [bad guys]
>Send in the [Imperial stuff]

>every 40k story line ever

>tfw Confessor model dead and gone

Ironically enough eldar can be tanky as fuck. Wraith anything and most of their vehicles with the shielding tank upgrades are pretty tough to kill.

There's also

>The civilians became friends with blueberries and had healthy relations with them, sharing culture and tech freely
>Imperium catches onto it, crusades against the sector, exxterminates some of the worlds

It's not even easy to find these OOP models second hand. I'm not gonna stress it too much, but I'll probably stalk eBay.

I think that AdMech could give them a run for their money, between the giant robots and the tanks with invulnerable saves.

Especially once IA14 comes out, and we finally get to use the 30k mechanicum units in 40k.

Can someone tell me what's up with the Harlequins? They a new faction?

They seem kinda cool.

There's only one reward for heresy user.

>slain to a man

Jesus fuck.

>"Embracing the role of Death in its entirety, there is no mercy in the heart of a Death Jester. His outsize shuriken cannon reaps a deadly toll on his enemies as each round, impregnated with virulent biotoxins, causes its victims’ metabolisms to spectacularly detonate."

This model makes my dick rush with blood. I'm erect.

Seconding this, Kastelans are a bitch to kill. Having an entire squad at T7 is straight up immune to anything S3 and below and even then they still have a 3+/5++ save that can reflect a shot back while being able to heal up to 2 wounds per turn if you attach your Dominus to them.

They work well as an ally for Dark Eldar, which is the only way I have seen them.

I know they are a smaller army with small codex.

Go read their 1d4chan Tactic page I suppose.

Not to mention eldar jetbikes get T4 3+ armor or 4+ jink.

FACT: If you were slain to a man if means you weren't faithful enough.

>Fresh(er) pasta
>Freshest Rules

>Stale old PDFs



>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

I play with them pretty regularly. They're a solid if finicky army, better than what most people give them credit for.

I'm not saying that's the Maugetar...but that's the Maugetar

>"Wherever the Shadowseer treads on the battlefield discipline collapses, replaced by a bedlam of screams, gibbering and panicked, aimless gunfire. Through it all strides the Shadowseer – an island of sinister calm in an ocean of madness."

Wicked. Just wicked.

I'll check out the DE models. Maybe I'll like them just as much.

Still sticking with Sisters for a long time, but it's nice to view the other armies. I can't Sisterspost 24/7. It's getting old.

I don't want to be annoying. I genuinely like these threads.

Oops. Fuck.


10/10 Would kill a million Custodes with.

>Your table isn't utterly inundated with blocks LoS cover?
>You die.
>The other guy has drop pods or is heavily mechanized?
>You die.
>You fail to cast Veil of Tears?
>You die.
>The enemy brought some Flamer squads to bubble wrap with?
>You die.

They basically eldar grey knights with even better weapons but no armour.

They basically exist to murder elite units and monsters but they die to hordes. They also have a ton of powers and special rules that revolve around fucking with leadership and pretty much every single unit has hit n run + furious charge.

Name a fun chapter i could make a 200pt Kill Team out of. Preferably a chapter with any kind of relation to the Black Templars, good or bad.

Imperial Fists.

This is useful as fuck. Thank you.

This fucker is awesome.

I'd paint his hair red, though. I'd run all my Harlequins black and red.

Well that rules out Imperial Fists.

Emperor's Warbringers. They're IF who like to scout out and plan their battles before their enemy can even arrive, thereby becoming tactical geniuses, and gives an extra fluffy reason to use scouts.

>Bolters actually useful
>Can have Tank Hunters infantry priced exactly the same as Tacs

Nigger you take that back.

>painting yellow
I will give you this.

Crimson Fists. 200pts is like half the chapter, right? :^)

wow, 2015 and 2013 were great years for 40k

Also gives you an excuse to paint camo on their vehicles and scout cloaks, as well as having an olive drab color scheme.

You sound pathetic

Thanks. Can you run them without DE, or is that suicide?

Your opinion means less to me than garbage on the ground. Less than dog shit.

None of that is fun, just realiable.

Rators may be reasonable marines, but IF are are sensible marines with all the excitement an flavour of fortified oatmeal porridge.

Hordes are a hard counter to them and they lack real long range shooting or anti-tank so I wouldn't say pure harlies are good but... they're not 'Orks' if you know what I mean.

2nd edition
3rd edition rulebook
3rd edition Chapter Approved
3rd edition Witch Hunters
6-7ed two Adeptus Sororitas lists.

Keep up. I already mentioned that you'd have to play with the numbers from the current system.

As a general rule, I'd probably just drop AP6 and make most AP5 and AP4 weapons just +1 AP. The higher pen AP4 as well as AP3 and some AP2 would become +2 AP. AP2 and AP1 would get divided into +2 and +3 AP, with some crazy powerful shit going to +4 or +5.

It was 5th and 6th

>Adeptus Sororitas
Oh I see you're just a bandwagoner

>6-7ed two Adeptus Sororitas lists.


Thanks. I love how they look. I'd paint them dark as fuck. Black and red. I'm gonna go through all the Dark Eldar models next.

In 30k you hear a testimony of an Imperial Commander who served in a campaign alongside a IF commander. He swears he never saw him smile once. Also, Dorn is described as "shaking hands is like an outburst of joy coming from the Imperial fist himself" by Sanguinius, which makes Horus laugh.

Why are they fun to shoot? I know they're big on their BRAKKA BRAKKA
Olive drab is gay
Are they fun to play?

Also, are Blood Angels fun? I have a jizzload of Assault dudes who i have no use for because they're worthless in a BT army.

I've run dual masques pretty often and do pretty well, top 5 at more than a few regional events. They is really mech MSU so you don't need to rely on veil

Harlequins are cool as fuck. Also, they must be new. They're customizable as fuck.

Mexican mariiineeeeees! Arriba arriba

>customizable as fuck
>posts one of the most monopose models in their entire range

>I'm gonna go through all the Dark Eldar models next.

Well you don't have to share the whole gallery with us.

Where can I find old fluff sources?

I want to read Oldcron lore.

>"None, even amongst the Harlequins, know the limits of the Solitaire’s abilities. Tales exist of these supernatural killers running up sheer fortress walls, spilling from the shadows inside locked bunkers, even slowing time itself. For any who stand in the Solitaire’s way, death is destined."

[ E L I T E ]

I won't.

Thanks for sharing.

>tfw you bring your DE and Harlies against a Ravenwing Army and they out Eldar you

It was a decent game but it went super quick because we were both playing fast and eliteish armies. However the 2+/3+ rerollable Jink and tons of AP2 with Grav and Plas even made my Harlequins jealous.

>They're customizable as fuck
I'm sorry but... most of their shit is basically monopose.

One of the MEGA links has old codices in pdf format.

Oldcrons are fucking boring though. Here, I'll summarize:

>Newcrons, except the C'tan made them their bitches
>Same as Newcrons, except even more devoid of any personality whatsoever
>fluff is about Necrons mysteriously showing up and killing shit in random places in the galaxy
>one interesting bit featuring Abby in a sidebar

Really the only interesting thing about them was the concept of Pariahs.
Oh yeah
>The Deceiver is implied to have seeded the pariah gene in humanity and is therefore responsible for blanks

What even is the reason for their existence these days?


I'm gonna stop sharing soon. Tired of people bitching at me. I don't really give a fuck, but I don't want to shit up these threads.

It's gonna take me five years to be good enough to play that kinda army. I'm scrubby at tabletop games.

>I'm gonna stop sharing soon
user, all of us here know what GW's model line looks like. There is no need to post pics from their webstore incessantly.

And Newcrons lore is embarrassing to read through for anyone above 12.

Considering that this is 40K, that's saying something.

The vehicles are insane, though.

>what is an opinion?

Yeah, I'm building my way up to a Masque, but theae lower point level games with Death Masque plus Shadowseers have been hell.

Alright. I'll stop.

It's implied that he's sharing his opinion, you colossal faggot. People should have to explicitly explain that shit.

Grow up.

>power of friendship saves the day.

Really? Why are the marines such homosex, Veeky Forums?


That was an opinion in response to your opinion.

>People should have to explicitly explain that shit

I don't see an explanation in bronado.

They've got flaccid dicks. They're not sex anything.

Is there a template/program(?) I could use to build armies, count points etc. for learning purposes.

Thank you in advance


Google 40k Army Builder

Battlescribe is good but I hear their newest version has been having problems.

Battlescribe. A bit funky, and right now it's a bit busted since they just updated it to 2.0, but it does the job.