Stat os!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Poorly-trained peasants 3
>Quarrelling Nobles 4
>Decent Codebreakers 4
>Drunk 2
>> +10 to toilet repair
>Into Space: cannot
Dies during character creation. Nevers into space.
>Poorly-trained peasants
>First Constitution in Europe (before France!) and second Constitution in the world after the USA
>Napoleon's most loyal and fierce troops, even during his days as a mere Brigadier-General in Italy
>Their very existence upsets the tyrannical Kraut, the backwards Austrian and the subhuman Russian
I think it's safe to say they're Our Guys.
Type: Electric
Height: 1'08" 0.5 m
Weight: 22.9 lbs. 10.4 kg
Abilities: Soundproof or Static
Hidden Ability: Aftermath
>Surrounded by enemies, North, East, South and West.
>Ability: Flight, with detachable wings
Came here to post this
Slavs are a peaceful people
Siege of Vienna
Poland is Rohan with all the dials turned up past full.
I think this was the Turkish expression when 20,000+ angry Polish winged cavalry crested the hill.
HP 40
Attack 30
Defense 50
Special Attack 55
Special Defense 55
Speed 100
Someone post the death counts for that one french crusade where they, literally, turned on God-mode.
Or just the name, I've seriously been looking for it and I can't remember which crusade it was.
>Someone post the death counts for that one french crusade where they, literally, turned on God-mode.
I got you senpai.
What the actual fuck
Worlds largest cavalry charge
>Cathar heresy afoot in Southern France/Catalonia, nobles eventually join in
>French monarchy launches a "crusade" because stamping out heresy aligns well with tightening the kings grip on that region
>The crusader army is led by Simon de Montfort, a veteran of the Fourth Crusade
>Peter II, King of Aragon, decides it's a good idea to lead his men personally in battle
>On top of that he forsakes his royal armour for a regular suit of armor because it'd make him look badass and there's no way he could lose, right?
>He leads the initial charge into the French ranks, is almost instantly dehorsed and surrounded
>Shouts out "I am the king!" hoping to be merely captured for a ransom
>He didn't count on the French being fresh out of fucks to give
>The Aragonese and Toulonese, seeing their king killed before them, rout
>The battle ends, the slaughter begins
Pretty much my guess here, entire thing was one big rout.
Just as God willed it against those pseudo Bhuddist weirdos
> Pictured: The average french peasants of time period.
+Wings of the Hussar
What makes Poles smoking hot?
That's a funny joke! Wanna hear another one?
Daily reminder that Poland is one of the only NATO countries meeting the 2%+ military spending mark and, fittingly, has some of the best military personnel in the world.
>Crusader Casualty Count: 8
What the actual fuck?!?
>Based GROM/Formoza, one of the only Tier-1 SOFs outside of the Anglosphere.
friendly fire
Meanwhile in Kek Republic - Five APCs disabled after crashing with a housewife riding through countryside, 11 soldiers injured.
And here I thought it was not possible to have a fire 0, shock 0, maneuver 0 commander.
Polish military is hard as fuck and can bro it with us Murrican armed forces any day. I've never had any doubts training and working with them.
I get on with the Polish. They have a very devil-may-care attitude about them which I can respect.
Shit, a real soldier here on tg? Tell us more.
There's more of us than you think komrade
There's a decent amount of military personnel into "nerdy" things. I occasionally watch anime and play videogames now and have been considering roleplaying games in the interest of trying different things.
What kind of RPGs do soldiers play? I heard Rifts was very popular in the US armed forces.
They also have more tanks then Germany, even though they never use them (yet)
>Humour 0
>Accurate 0
>/pol/ tier garbage 55673890199205561/10
I'm not really sure I can give a fair answer there and I wouldn't want to force one. I've only really just gotten interested in this during a break from over a decade of constant re-enlistment, as an experiment and something to try to deal with the boredom.
They also came up with the coolest stealth tank design in the world. Hopefully they'll build it. Most of Poland's tanks are T-72s and second-hand German Leopards.
That's a fucking sci-fi tank
After centuries of being the first casualty in any mainland European war, you can't really fault them for bracing themselves. Everyone knows that the next war will find a bullshit reason to begin in Poland.
Having a better military than Germany isn't exactly an achievement these days, though. I've heard a German general officer explain that scientists should develop failsafes for high-explosive armor-piercing bullets. You know, so the bullet can be deactivated in flight if the soldier changes his mind in the time between firing and hiting the target.
No matter how hard /pol/ may want it, we're not seeing the Fourth Reich anytime soon.
Yeah, the German military is basically defunct. They can barely deploy a batallion overseas. Training is still good, but equipment and morale are terrible.
There's a reason why it's called the Bundeswehr and not the Bundesheer.
>"Hitler took Germany from the most powerful country in Europe to the fifth most powerful in Germany."
>fight dudes with spears with your modern weaponry
This country once had an empire
They were outnumbered around 10-1
There are a bunch of notally-not-buffer-states between Poland and every country trying to start shit right now, but if Poland got screwed first, no one would be surprised.
fuck, beat me to it
topkek user
>1,837 vs 10,000 (minimum)
Yeah, how pathetic.
With guns wielded by the supposed best army on the planet while fighting guys with spears...
Yeah it is pretty damn pathetic.
They were outnumbered 10 to 1. And the guns back then weren't particularly rapid fire. You get a gun from the time period and try to fight of 10 pissed off dudes with spears and see how it works out for you
Restricted Class: Astronaut
they may have lost the battle,me but they won the war
they just rolled a critical failure, they win on average
>And the guns back then weren't particularly rapid fire.
Oh and,
A mere 550 rounds per minute. Clearly inferior weapon to a spear.
>What is the maxim gun?
STR 20
The British were never seen as the best army.
They had the best fleet, but the army was mediocre.
At the outset of WW1 they had arguably the most highly trained infantry due to full profesionalisation. It was comparatively few in numbers though.
Yeah, because literally everybody else had conscript armies, and that professional part of the BEF, though more effective than any other army, was quickly grinded down by hordes of German troops. This is why it had to be supplemented by "volunteers" until 1917 (look up the whole white feather campaign. It's very... interesting to see what approach the very first feminists took to the war), only implementing conscription in the last two-three years of the war.
By the time the war ended, many considered the French army to be the best army in the world at the time (books.google.nl
Well, few months is more than 'never'.
thats not fair i'd give them a huge con for being fucking stronk people, their luck is flushed down the damn toilet though, and bullets give exactly zero fucks about con.
True, but the comparison is inherrently unfair. It's like comparing one country's average soldier across all branches to another country's special forces.
I can see your point, but for the first few months this 'special force' was what German conscripts faced. I guess French helped a little bit
Excuses, excuses...
This will be why we invent time travel. To see shit like this.
also this.
What is this meme? I don't get it.
>Nevers into space