I'm putting together a Tsundere party. Its not like I need anyone else, though. I can do this all on my own.
I'm putting together a Tsundere party. Its not like I need anyone else, though. I can do this all on my own
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Ah, it's a shame kids. Another blatant shitty Waifufaggotry thread that doesn't even pertain to Veeky Forums.The worst part is that these threads can sometimes gain hundreds of (you)s from poor, easily-influenced weebs. Just remember Kids
"If you Take up a 2-D Waifu, You probably don't have a Life-u"!
Its not like you need a wizard or anything, baka.
This filename needs explanation
Is it actually tsundere with actual affection and love or is it just shitpieces that use "oh lel so tsun" for constant intraparty violence?
Considering what a shit you posted, I'm betting on latter and as such your not mah nigga.
I like this idea
I don't see why I should care about your party
>The party forms
>The party splits up within five minutes
>Within ten minutes the party sullenly glares at each other from separate adventure groups stupid enough to tolerate them as they walk in separate directions
>They swear never to see each other again and keep finding ways to bump into each other
OH, I get it!
It's Wheel of Time!
10/10 Perfect post my friend
Bretty gud, 10/10
Nynaeve dindu nuffin wrong
So is the party all tsundere towards one person or are they all tsundere towards each other and all they need is one big orgy between themselves to sort things out?
>They all need an orgy to sort things out.
>They're all either traps or bishonen boys.
>The yaoi subtext is as subtle as a herd of elephants but the female audience eats it up.
>Takes two seasons and a movie for the romance to actually go anywhere.
>The third season gets canceled, meaning that all the drooling girls never get to see any 'hot' boy-on-boy-on-trap-on-'boy?' action.
Best post
>They're all either traps or bishonen boys.
You went fag there fast, gayboy
What do you think Veeky Forums stands for, fagit?
Hand holding
I have never read that series. Lot of people comparing it to Tolkien. Is it any good?
Its decent, except for the fact that every single woman in it is a bitch.
So it's based on real life?
one of the best fantasy series written
It's a long ride and the final book is awesome.
If you feel like some chars are annoying teenagers in the beginning, it's because they are; and it takes half a dozen books for most of them to mature into great chars.
Yurikuma. Literally Lesbian Bears the anime. Think attack on Titan, but with literal bears that turn into underage lesbians to infiltrate a school dormitory... look, it's just as stupid as it sounds.
>starting off with worst Tsundere
What a shit thread
This. It's far from flawless, and the slog around the 10th-something book is infamous for a reason, but goddamn if I don't love some of these characters.
Chitoge is best Tsundere.
Probably doesn't deserve a screencap but, what the hell.
"One of the best"
Forsaken GET OUT
Meaningless without OP context.
>Its decent, except for the fact that every single woman in it is a tsundere
Translation: I'm putting together a kuudere party.
F-fine! Just-just don't walk so close to me, idiot! I don't want you tripping me up.
Translation: Can I join?
We must go deeper.
All-yandere party?
Yes, but only if they're yandere for the same person. Competition makes a person stronger.
>Each of them is yandere for all other members of the party.
. . .
TL: nothing, I'm literally just being silent.
yandere fembarb waifu when?
>All-yandere party?
Veeky Forums is way ahead of you
It's a blue board man, settle down.
We'd have to set down exactly what the members are yandere for
1. Harem arrangement, all the members are yandere for a single member who by default has to be the brains and the peace-keeper so that the yandere members don't cause too much destruction. hHigh probability of collapsing from the inside. (INCREDIBLY INEFFICIENT YANDERE)
2. All the members are yandere for another member in such a way that no two members are yandere for each other and the party is kept together to satisfy all yanderes. High probability of collapsing given enough time for cracks to appear. (EFFICIENT BUT NOT OPTIMIZED YANDERE)
3.All the members are yandere for all the other members and or the very concept of the party itself, such that nobody could leave or even want to leave without all the other members protesting such a move. Unlikely to ever collapse. (OPTIMAL YANDERE)
1. would require a genius-level harem lead that can stay ahead of all the murder-plots going on behind the backs and can carefully manipulate each and every yandere into inaction or only superficial action against the rest of the team while also staying unmurdered himself. Might be interesting, but all that social engineering might make the harem lead the most interesting character out of the whole lot.
2. feels like it'd be too contrived while simulataneously also being too boring.
3. sounds super-interesting and would allow for a lot of silly moments as well as romantic and psychotic ones overall. Lots of blushy murder shenanigans.
I want /d/ to leave. Have you no decency?
Is that a trick question?
Maybe they're all yandere for the same guy, but it's the result of one of those "I'm only okay with sharing you if it's with my friends" harem ends. Except of course for That Yan who secretly wants to kill the others to have him all to herself but can never succeed because she secretly likes them a little too.
>Not Taiga.
Your taste is absolute shit.
Short is justice.
I need them to be or I can't get off.
Do all yanfags have this shit of taste or just you?
You got some shit taste mate.
>All the members are yandere for all the other members and or the very concept of the party itself
They'll spent some time being the baddest motherfuckers ever as absolutely nothing can stop a yandere let alone a group of them from obtaining what they want which in this case would be successful adventures.
But soon, maybe after a particularly close call, they will realize that adventuring is too dangerous and that a group wipe would go against everything they believe in so they will probably collectively decide to settle down and do something more low risk, maybe a bakery or something.
On the flipside, a business led by such a group would probably be really efficient too so they got that going for them.
On another note, I like to imagine that at least one member of that group isn't in on the yandere and just believes that their teammates are really enthusiastic about whatever they do, they never realize because they never even get the thought to leave.
Best tsun (no dere) coming through.
>this is what yanfags actually believe
This hurt me a lot more than I thought it would.
So Sevens?
I doubt they'd retire. The true power of yandere would keep them going for pretty much forever as none of them would ever even think about not adventurering and if they did think about it they'd never think about suggesting it because they love the group too much to want to deprive them of the adventure.
Any casualties will simply be healed or rezed. Possibly at the expense of others if that is what it takes.
Endgame probably is them all being completely immortal and finding some alternate hellish deminsion to adventure in as their collective apabilities, enhanced as they are by their yandereness, would eventually conqure all challenge in their home deminsion.
>The true power of yandere
The power to be an obsessive retard living in their own delusional reality?
I was thinking more along the lines of the sort of thing you hear aobut on occassion like mothers lifting cars off their kids. Just scaled up to adventurer levels and being something that can be achieved all the time.
So. Something that has literally nothing to do with yanderes?
Yanfags are even worse than tsunfags.
Not the guy you responded to but what exactly is hard to grasp about the concept of people achieving crazy and unlikely things if they 100% set their mind to it because they care that much to an unhealthy degree?
Because yanderes aren't just lovesick beserkers, they're too obsessive and calculating for that. They're sociopaths with a crush, nor ME BIGTIME STRONGYAN, ME SAVE SENPAI WITH BIGTIME MUSSEL RAGE
At least learn about the cliché you're gonna wax romantic over you pathetic faggot.
Isn't the typical cliche yandere though a girl that gets away with murder way more often than she should because her love is that strong it makes her a genius at killing and covering it up?
Not to forget the typical "all according to keikaku" that yanderes constantly pull off which is also powered by their obsession.
>literally nothing to do with yanderes
Depends on your take on yanderes and what sort of material you consume. If there is no other readily avaialbe explanation for why a yandere can do what they can to achieve their goals, it's pretty much the only other thing that makes sense.
The dude who is making Yandere simulator has pretty much named that phenomenon as the reason why a regular ass highschool girl can do all the thing you can do in the game.
Also you need only look at various instances of drug use and all the tales of bersekers and such for such and someone who is just so obsessed with someone being capable of extrodinary feats purely due to being so set on their goal seems pretty fucking reasonable.
Being a lovesick berserker doesn't exclude one from being obsessive and calculating. Hell it might just be the fallback state of mind. When all else fails and their plans fall through and every last attrocity they've commited for the sake of their love seems to have been for naught, what else do they have left but whatever weapons they've got on hand and strength born of rage and obsession?
It's probably for the best. Gay tension is like, 300% times hotter than actual gay sex/romance, narrative wise.
>If you feel like some chars are annoying teenagers in the beginning, it's because they are; and it takes half a dozen books
Not worth it. I can never get into the long-ass book series. Not even Diskworld. I always get sick of them.
I read that in scruff mcgruff's voice in my head
the more time you invest in those books, the more emotionally invested you will become, and the final books will make you feel things you thought a book couldn't achieve.
it's really good in the end. and if some books have slower plots, it's because you cannot have constant clash-bang-clash happening around the clock.
crying because of certain events is completely okay ;_;
>two stage sage
>all the sage
A thread died to make this one. We literally moved someone's world to suptg just to make another one of these.
Join FunnyMama.com to be a Funker now!
There's only one really good Tsundere.
>A thread died to make this one.
It was probably a que...
Wait, never mind.
General. It was probably a general.
Rin was just a bitch, user.
wait, i thought tsundere was just bitch+wanting the D
>wanting the D
Rin wants the V as well.
Bro, it is anime. A cute girl with a chopstick can kung-fu past 10000 trained chink fighters.
Whole party is soon durae for each other. Start off bickering, but later develop bonds of loyalty, trust, affection and yuri hidden beneath their prickly, self sufficient outer layers.
I would pay to see that.