Alright, we need to get one of these rolling. I'm ready to kick the ball into action!
What I Played Thread
Abusing cyborg and item modification in rules in Saga was fun.
gotta love bored fa/tg/uys drawing doodles in roll20
My shitty doodles have turned into a bit of a mandatory thing for the campaign now, as they're meant to be in-character by my character. They do repressent the sessions as a whole... more or less.
Mine's yet to be finished.
>Made Beatrice
>Made others taste hellfire
Was the pun intentional?
The campaign's scope changed about one third in, so we had to adapt our characters.
Yeah, no idea how she ended up this way!
Made a Deathking Exalt Deathknight Biker for Dungeons the Dragoning 40,000 7th Edition.
So how did that one go?
I want to touch her head-screw-thingies
Pretty well actually. It was kinda disappointing that my character's uh, character became basically irrelevant, but the shift to a political/military campaign rather than the usual murderhoboing was very satisfying, tho pathfinder isn't really that good at kingdom and army management.
Basically we started as oracle (rashemi wychlaran), warder (me, rashemi witch knight), bard (aglarondan spy), paladin (of Ilmater, slavers hater) going around Thay fucking shit up at the behest of the wychlarans of Rashemen and the kingdom of Aglarond, but then the pally died and elected not to make a new character, and the oracle had to leave the game, so we retired her character as an ally within the witches' council. Since two characters is not really enough for meaningful murderhoboing, the dm proposed to use our remarkable achievements to go the political route (and awarded us the leadership feat), so we elected to take over our respective countries. The campaign ended as the Iron Lord of Rashemen and the Lord Regent for the infant king of Aglarond (we absolutely did not murder his dad, swear to god, it was the damned red wizards' fault) lead the joint rashemi-aglarondian army into a glorious curbstomping of the thayan army in the battle of Surthay.
We stopped there because the gameplay was starting to get stale and we didn't really have any realistic opposition left anyway.
>Made: JPop Idol for Cyberpunk game
>Group Saw: A moeblob character
>Played: Still moe, but also gangsta af
You guys are shit at this.