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>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
What's the best foci you've seen/used? I'm tired of bullshit like boring magic rings that are just used because they're easy to say you always have them on. There's never any flavour to them, no reason why the foci is that shape or how the design helps with the magic being used.
Pic related- my current hermetic mage, who understands magic through musical theory. His earrings (made of a wide variety of bone, wood, and metal) are Spell Shaping Foci, as he uses the sound of them vibrating and rubbing together to help him get more precise with his magic. He also has a native tom-tom as a Sustaining Foci; he drums out a beat that keeps on going, the rhythm keeping his spell going subconsciously.
>What's the best foci you've seen/used? I had a flask sealed with lead. Not sure what was inside, and it was a force 3 power focus so I wasn't exactly in the mood to take it apart to check.
Lincoln Turner
Never tried some sort of future spectrography to see through it?
Jaxson Gutierrez
Living Foci Best Foci
Sebastian Sullivan
I was just reading over how Changeling characters work in "Run Faster" and i can't wrap my head around it.
Am I paying Karma for this or are the negative qualities balancing it out? Is it something completely different?
Angel Mitchell
Living Foci? What book is that in?
James Mitchell
You pay the initial karma cost of your type of SURGE (be it I, II, or III) Then you either randomly select, or select, you positive and negative SURGE traits, which must balance each other out (with 1 karma leeway so you could have 7 positive karma worth of traits and 6 negative), with a maximum karma limit on positive/negative traits equal to 30 (so at max you can have 30 karma worth of positive traits, and 30 worth of negative traits) You pay the initial cost, everything else just needs to balance out.
Isaiah Howard
I get it now. I guess I'll go for a SURGE III to make me as snowflake as possible.
Bentley Parker
That's generally what people go for considering the others are random. Make sure your GM is okay with SURGE though and understand what it entails, since you're going to be exceptionally memorable and take extreme amounts of social penalties most likely.
Ayden Parker
He's already said it's good but the more effort I put into this the less sure I am that it's a good idea for a character.
I guess there's only one way to find out though.
Landon Baker
Hey, guys, say I specced into resisting drain as an adept and spent 1.25 PP on the adrenaline boost power, could you not use the power each initiative pass to get +10 initiative and keep going forever? It does say "for the combat turn" but it says nothing about using it more than once. Obviously any GM worth their salt would tell you to fuck off, but RAW, is it possible?
Brody Scott
If you're the guy from the last thread, your fursona or whatever (even playing a furry character because you are a furry) might not be the best idea, mostly because SURGE is fucking rare as shit in SR and everyone forever is going to remember you, in addition, you're gonna have to take up to 30 karma in negative qualities for 30 karma worth of (generally iffy) positive ones, and take huge social penalties because of how the "freaks" modifier works (in short, if you take certain qualities you get -1 for every social action, period, stacking)
Blake Richardson
I want to try it and if it turns out awful I'll just make a new character. I'm really struggling to balance it all out but I can already see he's sure as shit not going to be great in a conversation.
Asher Turner
So I've got a guy in our group who's struggling with his money.
He doesn't want augmentations because his character is something of a purist, as well as he's the face so he wants his essence mechanically.
He's not magical, so he's not getting foci.
He's not a decker, so he's not saving for cyberdecks.
And lastly, he's not a rigger so he's not gonna get drones.
What else can he spend his money on?
Ethan Garcia
Being a "face" is kind of a secondary role, why not have him pick up physical infiltration as well? Faces can generally function as social infiltrators, and he can invest his extra cash into B&E gear. Pheromones are basically standard face gear, and they boost your social limit so essence isn't a big issue. A purist is a fine character concept though, and pheromones are a 3 dicepool boost at most. Worst comes to worst, just have him take resources E and pump his metatype for more edge, can never have enough edge.
Aiden Fisher
No no, you see. We've already started. I'm talking about the money we gain from jobs. He's piling on the nuyen with nothing to spend it on. So, long term wise, what sort of thing should he buy?
I should also mention that, like you said, face is his secondary role. He's primarily the most streetsam guy in our group, with the code of honor and all.
Lincoln Fisher
The finer things in life.
Really, fuck him. Saying you don't want Augmentations because "muh essence" is like turning around to your teammates and saying "I don't fucking care about doing my job right".
Brandon Ross
Spend it on credsticks that he uses to bribe people.
Give him larger dice pools on more corrupt fucker, like post people.
Other than that, you aren't putting him in situations where he burns his SINs. Make that shit track back to him.
Christian Sanchez
>primarily the streetsam guy >has no augments I'm assuming you mean the classical definition of Street Samurai, being that you mentioned the code of honour. If that's the case, why not spent it on improving his local community/hooding? Maybe ask the GM if he can convert nuyen to karma similar to how you can convert karma to nuyen in chargen.
Daniel White
I'm the GM, and I was talking to him about that earlier. What kind of rate do you think is fair? And fixing up the hood is a great idea too, since we're playing a gang heavy session. You know what, you're right. I'm not pushing SINs hard enough. I like the bribing idea. I'm trying to convince him of this, but he just keeps resisting.
Dominic Barnes
>I'll take 'doesn't like playing characters as characters that sometimes have their motivations and views clash with what they need to do for a job, and instead min-maxes like a faggot' for 300, Alex.
Camden Allen
What book has info on shamanism? Also, is there like an index or something so I don't have to keep asking this question about every subject?
Blake Barnes
Street Grimoire, I guess.
Sebastian Rodriguez
I had an idea for a former Ork go-ganger who got set up by a rival member and sent to prison. Is having the criminal record trait pretty much unworkable?
Cameron Lewis
The Shaman Tradition is in SR5, pg. 279. Other traditions can be found in Street Grimoire, starting on pg. 41.
Liam Green
That's it? No mention of totems or things like that? Do I need to go back to 4E for more?
Dylan Murphy
That argument doesn't really work when your life, and the lives of your co-workers depends on your capacity, Omae.
At least, not beyond a little bit of character growth. Which his character seems to have had a fair chance for.
Hunter Rivera
It seems to me totems are referred to now as mentor spirits, which is a 5 karma positive quality. Things like the bear, the wolf, the dragonslayer, stuff like that right? I've never played 4E so I don't quite know what you're talking about.
You may have to go back to 4E for some totem/mentor spirits, but a good chunk can be found in SR5, pg. 320, and a few in Street Grimoire pg. 199.
Jace Barnes
Go back to 3e or earlier to really learn about sixth world shamanism.
Samuel Lopez
Also he can always buy shit for his team or nice items for bribe or "good will gifts".
Alexander Hughes
Connor Garcia
>starting a thread with your own doodle How arrogant.
I prefer Burn Notice, fwiw. Leverage just felt hammed up in the wrong way for me.
Jaxson Reyes
It doesn't matter what interesting nuances and mannerisms a dead character has.
Matthew Gray
Hey /srg/; ive been asked to run a game of shadowrun; ive played in a 5e game (as a decker) and ran other games before but my players only have experience with 4e. What things should I be aware of in terms of expectations?
Furthermore, ive been contemplating setting it as a corperate HTR team rather then runners (to begin with at least), any ideas for expanding that feeling to the mechanics (ie larger focus of licences rather then availability)
Jack Wood
I wouldn't know, never watched Leverage. I have however been banned from playing a Face as a transparent Sam Axe knockoff...
Liam Flores
How do you like your Shadowrun, /srg/? More shiny plastic and carbon fiber corporate cyber future, or more grimy 80s hell world punk future? More pink mohawk, more black trenchcoat? Overt magic-as-a-science, or subtle spooky magic? The Matrix as just a series of tubes, or foundations and resonance being spooky supernatural shit? Essence just psychology we don't understand, or people literally trading their souls away for some cool tattoos and adjustable breast implants? More distinct storylines, or more monster-of-the-week type disconnected runs?
I've had people tell me Human Revolution was their ideal Shadowrun game, and I've had people go as far the other way as to tell me Saints Row 3 was their ideal Shadowrun game. Shadowrun means something different to everyone, what's it mean to you guys?
Carson Mitchell
Are there no heroes left in man?
Grimy favelas, shiny plastic corporate towers, generations of corporate orphans, lawless zones beyond the cities with roaming toxic mutants, paracritters, bandits holed up in ghost towns attacking supply trains, etc. Black trenchcoat where you have to (corporate arcologies & sanctums), pink mohawk where you can get away with it (usually industrial zones and further out). Subtle magic unless you go looking for the crazy shit, magic-as-science when you dig into the better funded corporate R&D facilities or go up against wagemages. Matrix as 'every device contains separate routing hardware to establish the matrix', technomancy as "what? gimme that damn crackpipe, nigs." Essence as the glue that binds your physical and astral forms, tats and cosmetic modification distinct from Essence damaging replacements. Storylines running in the background unless you chase them.
Sebastian Hall
Post-Cyberpunk, so less neon, nobody takes punks seriously, Corporations are more insidious threats than obvious ones. Magic should be a semi-wild force which is very hard to contain, but you shouldn't shit all over Hermetics for trying (like Shadowrun canon does). The Matrix is tech, Technomancers are fucked up bio-computers who can interface with this tech and rewrite their own biology. There's nothing mystical about their powers. Essence is biology we don't understand. I prefer connected runs for a distinct storyline.
Shadowrun to me is playing career criminals with a heart of if not Gold, then at least Silver. In a world that ideally would have been fantastic with all it has going for it, but is brought down constantly by selfishness and human greed. But which due to omnipresent surveillance, can't be as overtly assholish any more.
If there's one thing I dislike about Shadowrun, it's how Corps are always shat all over as tyrannical assholes who exist to ruin life for the everday man. It's so untrue. The fucking people over part is a byproduct of improving their own citizen's lives.
Anthony Rivera
I've always liked the evil below the surface shiny plastic future. Some dirty trash city areas where the SINless are likely to pile up add contrast to show the more obvious cost of the shiny plastic bits. Black trenchcoat is the ideal, but every once in a while it's fun to cut loose and start a riot, blow up some NeoNET building in the process of stealing something super insignificant, or end a freeway car chase with the sam jumping off her bike and onto the skids of the rigger's stolen escape helicopter. I prefer less magic, but where magic is used I like it to fit with the "feel" of the surroundings. Shiny plastic future, shiny science magic. On a run in the barrens, more shamanistic or subtle magic. As long as it's rare, I'm fine with it. I personally like the idea that Technomancers are entirely mundane and have a completely scientific explanation that we just haven't found yet, but that their interactions with the matrix (and those of the Otaku before them) have actually created a supernatural force (resonance, resonance realms, sprites) in the matrix over time. Essence can go either way. Maybe both ways. Probably both ways. A good mix of storyline runs and filler runs is good to keep people entertained without burning them out, I find.
Saints Row 3 would make a pretty good over the top pink mohawk shadowrun game if you don't take it super seriously, yeah.
Cooper Martinez
so why can Ulysses coat and Sleeping Tiger stack in chummer if they are from different maker ?
Justin Morgan
Its an Adept Power.
Mentor Spirits are the generic name. For a Shaman, a mentor spirit is their Totem. For a Catholic, their mentor spirit is their Patron Saint.
Chummer5a limitations. I assume Yekka hasn't gotten around to it.
Somewhere between Cyberpunk and Post-cyberpunk. I like to play up the distinction between the SINners and the SINless, and the punk/post-punk distinction helps. I play the setting more pink mohawk than most /srg/ folks do. I like my magic pretty commonplace. The Matrix was created as a series of tubes, but Resonance is Magic attempting to get its hands into a new world (the Matrix) it shares space with.
Luke Morales
Short version, I couldn't think of an easy way to implement it without doing something terrible like making categories for each manufacturer.
Chase Gomez
>Alright before I start making my shitty fursona are unarmed adepts viable or will I need a weapon? I don't want to find out after making him that he's unplayable. Unarmed adepts are only really viable if you're willing to use magical brass knuckles, or if your GM is willing to let you tattoo up your meat fists as Weapon Foci. As if the damage difference wasn't a big enough problem, there's a massive, MASSIVE dice pool size difference for armed vs unarmed adepts, due to weapon foci being a thing.
On top of that, 'ware makes you objective better at unarmed combat. You're going to want to look at Bone Density Augmentation/Bone Lacing and Striking Calluses - a combination therein can get you +5 damage to your unarmed (on top of other bonuses) which is well worth the hit to Essence if you're playing an unarmed character.
Brandon Foster
>What's the best foci you've seen/used? Focus. Foci is plural, focus is singular.
Nicholas Allen
>or if your GM is willing to let you tattoo up your meat fists as Weapon Foci Which is 100% RAW as of Street Grimoire.
Angel Long
>What else can he spend his money on? Buying a permanent High or higher lifestyle.
Buying a variety of high-end outfits.
Buying a really nice car.
Offering bribes.
Making new Contacts during down time that can be tapped for useful effects in play.
Jackson Evans
>What else can he spend his money on? Slap him until he buys Tailored Pheromones.
Face isn't even a full archetype. Doubly so for a Face that won't even take social 'ware.
What an awful shit.
Lincoln Collins
I loved both. Leverage was fantastic - especially the earlier seasons - and had real character growth and change. Burn Notice was spy/criminal/vigilante MacGuyver. Both are essential shows about Shadowrun characters going Hooding.
Wyatt Thompson
Grimy 80s retrotrash, pink mohawk, with subtle spookums. A matrix where secrets/uncertainty, rather than wizard shit, define its dark corners. Essence as a game abstraction only. One or two distinct main storylines, with each player character having their own personal plot threads complicating the main plot and leading to side runs.
Bentley Morris
>Which is 100% RAW as of Street Grimoire. Oh, for sure. Street Grimoire explicitly spells out the fact that any artificer with Tattoo Magic can give you magical murder-hands.
But that doesn't mean his GM will necessarily allow it. People get an idea of how things - like foci - work in their heads, and I've known people who ban tattoo foci because it conflicts with their idea of foci too much, especially since it's a non-Core option.
Justin Nelson
If you want to be a hand to hand combat guy but not an adept is it better to go to bio route or the Cyber group?
Liam Jackson
Bone Density and Bone Lacing offer the same amount of damage bonus at maximum rating. Density has the advantage of being largely undetectable, but Bone Lacing has 2 more dice. Add Striking Callouses and Muscle 'ware for additional damage, of course.
I would also include a Shock Hand for the clean stun damage option, as well.
Zachary Martinez
A mix of both really. Titanium bone lacing is better than bone density because it gives you in addition to +3 soak dice and melee characters should be non-squishy, but for most other things you want bioware.
Elijah Turner
If you need a budget option, one "Hand of God" cyberarm to swing a machete around does nicely.
Otherwise I'd say to mix both: Bioware to boost STR and AGI while being light on the Essence, Wired Reflexes and Reaction Enhancers to boost your init and dodge, and bone lacing to give you better ability to also take a hit when one lands on your skull.
Jaxon Thompson
>If you want to be a hand to hand combat guy but not an adept is it better to go to bio route or the Cyber group? If you want to be a hand-to-hand combat guy, you want Bone Density Augmentation/Bone Lacing and Striking Calluses, regardless of whether or not you're an Adept, unless you want to have cyber-spurs.
After that, you just get initiative, Strength, and Agility boosters, and the standard Pain Editor + Platelet Factories.
Julian Johnson
Also what about Orthoskin for reach?
Jose Allen
/shrug 2016+60 years; magitech marches on. It's also considered a "core supplement" by CGL, so fuck them.
Christian Ross
>Orthoskin for reach? Nah, fuck that. To get shark skin, you're looking at a starting Essence cost of .5 just to get +1 Armor and +1 Reach. That's a relatively minor bonus for such a steep cost.
Pick up the Kick Attack martial arts maneuver if you want more reach.
Joshua Sullivan
Well, I'm not the original guy but I'm currently making a character who I'm deliberately making skirt the essence line and also use almost exclusively bioware.
Alexander Perry
Even then, that's still a super minor bonus for a fairly major Essence cost when you could be cramming something else in there instead. Regardless of how close to Essence 0 you're willing to get, there's still the opportunity cost of not getting the other thing.
Jose Lee
What's Singapore like?
Easton Brown
Orthoskin is only worth it if you can't get better gear/more armor on cyberlimbs and you still think you need more armor. It's not that efficient Essence-wise.
Caleb Bailey
It became a reverse megacorp. The entire citystate turned itself into a sovereign corporation in 2031. Everyone with a Singaporean SIN has an automatic share in the company - just like in the PCC. It's headed by a CEO and a board of directors.
Aside from that, very little canon is known about it. Mitsuhama controls most of Singapore's heavy industry, so there must be a major Yakuza presence there.
It's part of the Pacific Prosperity Group.
It's home to the world's third largest data haven.
Jeremiah Martinez
Not my art; a drawfag in /srg/ made it for me. Same person who did this one.
Aiden White
Any suggestions where to look after air drones beside arsenal or this old drone?
I'm looking for something that able to carry a human from one building to another.
Xavier Cook
>What things should I be aware of in terms of expectations?
Rule 0 is absolutely necessary. Make a document that you keep with you at the table- whenever you make a house rule because you can't figure out what the fuck CGL thinks the actual rule is, write down the houserule. Make sure the players have access to that document, so they can build correctly (for example, with Rigger Gunnery LOG vs. AGI).
Other than that, remind the players to keep an eye on their limits. I know a 4e player who got annoyed that they couldn't cheese their way into 20 successes a roll because they didn't realise their limit was 4.
Michael Butler
so say that I'm a rigger who have awakened due some reasons. Essence is 1,83 and i get 1 point in magic for free. What now ? What can i do with max of 2 magic due to dm fiat? Adept ? Techno? Fuck it all and just keep upgrading rigger stuff?
Michael Gutierrez
Either way works. OP didn't limit people to one focus per response, they can give a list of their best ones.
Alexander Bell
Each combat turn is whenever you roll Initiative. When you subtract 10 and go around again, you are going through Initiative passes, not turns. So while you can use it every turn, you cannot chain it together for infinite passes.
Blake Flores
>Either way works. No, it doesn't. He said 'what's' not 'what're.' It should have either been 'what're the best foci' or 'what's the best focus.'
Christopher Bennett
Did you Awaken or Emerge? They're different things, the former is magic the latter is technomancy.
If you did Awaken, I'd say Adept because you can spend that one Power Point on something useful. Post the sheet and I might be able to recommend specific power(s).
Brody Cooper
There are some spells like reduce noise or Ignite that might help you in your day to day, but you might be better going adept to bump up some dice pools or to get like 1 nifty power.
Jaxson Martinez
First off: your Maximum is 1 not 2 due to having less than 2 essence Second: better save up that Karma to Initiate/Submerge or you'll stay at 1Mag/Res forever
Jaxson Evans
here it is Dont pay any attention to the absurd amount of gear and vehicles,we are playing as military grade shadowrunners in space
Lincoln Garcia
dm fiat that limit is rounded up and i can either become techno or adept
Evan Hill
In that case i'd say take Techno and just Focus on Sprites
Parker Flores
Are there any "good" spirits from the Deep Metaplanes? Not understandable or human, but benevolent or at least benign?
Angel Diaz
I can't think of any off the top of my head that are generally "good". "Good" in this case meaning "doesn't plan to immediately kill metahumans". Doesn't mean they don't exist out there, of course.
Daniel Watson
>in space You don't want to be Awakened in space.
Jaxon Campbell
Yes, but those are the same ones who also don't give enough of a fuck about humanity to be accessible on Earth.
Jordan Campbell
Don't want to astrally perceive, at the very least.
Justin Garcia
>Don't want to astrally perceive, at the very least. No, you don't want to be Awakened either. Space - mechanically - has a Background Count of 'literally goddamn infinity.' Magic doesn't work there, full stop. Adept powers? Shut down. Foci? Deactivated. Casting spells? Impossible.
Sure, astral perception up there is even worse, in that it blasts your mind to smithereens, but being Awakened, at all, is somewhere between pointless and worthless in space.
If it's a space-based game, he should be a Technomancer, because at least Technomancy can still be used when outside of the manasphere.
Connor Hernandez
>Other than that, remind the players to keep an eye on their limits. I know a 4e player who got annoyed that they couldn't cheese their way into 20 successes a roll because they didn't realise their limit was 4. Should have told him about using pre-edge.
Ethan Flores
Wroooong. Background count only penalises you in tests which use your magic stat. Passive adept powers work, as those are innate.
Owen Wright
how to be even mildly effective though. The more I read on technomancer the more I think I wont be able to do jackshit. At least with going adept i can get +1 to 4 skills
David Sanchez
I'd go with an adept, yeah. It'll be useless until you get into a place with a manasphere, but it's less useless than essense 1 technomancy.
Austin Morris
For Nuyen to karma in 5e the rules for that is 2000 nuyen per karma up to 5 times. While "working for the people" it takes a full week of doing nothing but that. Of course you can fluff it or cange it to however you want.
Julian Gray
>Background count only penalises you in tests Since fucking WHEN? Because AFAIR it reduces your ATTRIBUTE, meaning a MAG 6 mage in a BC of 3 only has effectively MAG 3, and in a BC of 6 has MAG 0, meaning they are mundane which is why Background count rules hurt Adepts FAR more than mages Take a BC of 2 for a mage it means: two less dice in Spellcasting/Summoning tests, threshold for Physical damage two lower. But they can still cast almost as well as before for an adept it means: two whole PP less, meaning that he needs to disable two PP worth of powers. For many adepts this hurts them significantly
Charles Bennett
I can't find anywhere in 5e core where it explains BGCs, so this is from SG.
IIRC, 4e drops the MAG rating by the BGC. You might just be mixing the two.
Jonathan Sullivan
You're in a situation were either will be literally useless.
A technomancer, though, can slap a Sprite in a piece of equipment to buff it.
Adept powers, on the other hand, shut down 100% completely in space. If most of your games don't actually happen in space, then Adept is by far the better choice. But if, as you said, you're space-based mercenaries? It's just worthless.
William Murphy
Reminds me of one of my players. He wanted to be a void magician. Standard damages and all that such, but his method of initiation was to survive different distances from space.
Was pretty fun. After he was initiated twice, outer space qualified as having a compatible background count, so instead of frying him from lack of magic, it would burn him out from too much magic. His character died spectacularly later by casting a super charged Mana ball while on a shuttle carrying a special military kill squad.
Austin Hall
It says so in the first sentence of your screencap. Note the 'active adept powers', keyword 'active'.
Nathaniel Thomas
????? All I did was post the rules from SG and clarify that the guy might have mixed 4e and 5e's BGC rules, I didn't say you were wrong.
Nathan Walker
Sorry, I got confused because I though you were quoting me too. It's late.
Jaxon Russell
So... Do all devices on a PAN need to be running silent, or just the master device? Ihate this wireless shit.
Nathaniel James
All of them need to be. The only thing the master device on a PAN does is let the slaves use its Firewall.