Consider the following:
>A campaign settings where members of the Wizard Guild dip their ear lobes in bright paints
Consider the following:
>A campaign settings where members of the Wizard Guild dip their ear lobes in bright paints
Why not dip the tip of their penises in bright paints?
>A campaign settings where members of the Wizard Guild dip
I mean, sure, but that's not a setting. That's a minor detail of a setting, with no particular consequences or implications. What are we supposed to be considering?
Is color coordination required, or do they get to do their own thing?
>A campaign settings where members of the Wizard Guild dip their nips and sack in bright paints
My character tells them to thin their paints.
Was there not a childrens book like this? Where the plot twist friend who becomes a villain has long hair himself and tells the hero never trust people with long hair cause you cant see their ears? And I think the main wizard hideout was disguised as a cardboard research centre
>>A campaign settings where members of the Wizard Guild nip their ear
Aren't Elf ears erogenous?
Cutting parts of them off would be cruel.
They can't ban elves outright but they can discourage them from joining.
>"I have no imagination."
>people who have attended the magic college have part of their ear lopped off
>all 'unmarked' mages are treated as garbage and hated
This could be good.
>What if some group of people did something with no physical effects for no apparent reason
>You can't see how fucking awesome this is, I guess you don't have an imagination
What makes this any different from wearing a hood or growing a beard, it is just a thing they do to stand out with no depth being gained. It is like saying
>What if all mercenaries had a piercing left ear
Well then they have a pierced ear
>Not fleshing out an entire setting based off left ear pieced mercenaries
Casuals get out
Have a kek.
I think OP's question, if not idiotic, would be
>What if mages had an official mark or badge of office, be it a pointed hat or special tattoo or a neon cockring or some other bullshit
Well, Imaginary OP, that would imply some kind of governing agency or guild that enforces this identifier, likely at the behest of the crown or other outsiders. Perhaps because Wizards are considered to have special privileges and/or are extremely dangerous. Someone performing magic without this identifier would likely be an untrained, unauthorized wizard, often called "WIIIITCH!" and subject to apprehension and maybe summary execution. This badge may also display the wizard's specialty, or their rank in the society, so you have this whole tradition of magic-users sizing up each other's hats when they meet.
But yeah. Ear painting itself seems like a pretty limited narrative hook.
thats pretty much what I got from OPs post.
One of the most uninspired OPs I've seen on Veeky Forums for a long time.
What sort of container would you dip an ear lobe into?
Wide bottle, maybe?
>The mutilated are considered superior
That's idiotic. What prevents the 'unmarked' from copying those markings? What prevents an uncircumcised man from chopping some his own skin off in accordance to an outdated belief just to 'fit in'?
A tattoo/ paint is understandable as specific use of markings, considering magical ingredients/techniques. Removing bits of flesh? Simple.
I don't know how it would work exactly, as I've put little to no thought into it, but the concept is interesting to say the least.
Alchemical tattoo
Mystical material that stains skin.
Magical mark (from either a technique or naturally, once becoming a member of the Guild)
Symptom of a parasite/ symbiont/ benign disease
Contract with a familiar
That would be very inefficient for dipping purposes though since you'd need to fill the thing
>get earlobe cut off when you enroll for magical education
>the only way to graduate is to figure out how to grow it back out
>Consider the following:
>[meaningless setting fluff]
What about people with attached earlobes? you know, freaks.