Trolley Paradox

What would a lawful good paladin do?

Other urls found in this thread:

jump on the rails,make the trolley derail and sacrifice himself to protect the people.

Fall in front of the trolley

He would walk away because throwing the lever would be violating the NAP. He shouldn't be touching railroad property.

Smite the trolley.

Lay on hands the one injures before he fails any death saves.

Kill then all and let god know his own.

Just pay for a resurrection.

Find the trolley driver and tie him to the tracks because he has no concept of justice.

What would a chaotic good crusader do?

It's cheaper to buy the diamonds for one revive dead than five.



>sacrifice himself

>Paladin so low-leveled that he can't survive taking a trolley to the face

Seriously. Just Sabin that shit.

Whatever he feels is right, I should imagine.

Alignments are utterly stupid and awful. Stop playing D&D.

>Stop liking what I don't like

Is not a paradox.


I let the one die, then revive him with ULTIMATE MERCY.


>"multi-track drifting"
>0 matches
Veeky Forums, pls

This got me.

Trolley Funk you Up.

Now 15 % more Veeky Forums related!

Be the trolley switch operator you've always wanted to be rather than expect others to step up.

He rolls to smite

Cast Turn Trolley.


Hey here, thanks for wrecking a teachable moment about being your own trolley switch operator. I'll forgive you this time.

Detect Evil.

accurate depiction

Philosophy seems like the most worthless thing to ever be worthless in terms of spending a portion of your life and income being taught in a place of higher learning.

Editing that into a trolley paradox. One moment.

that's why the only good philosophy is the one you teach yourself


Surprise, the trolley detects as evil.

Smite the trolley.

We're assuming the people on the tracks are innocent, I take it? Because the first thing to do is always detect evil.

Doesn't matter what the Paladin does, the lever does nothing but play nickel back or play green day.

The trolley will crush the group, then follow the track back and crush the single.

So do they listen to nickelback or greenday as they die?

In such a contrived situation as this there is only one logical response.

You know, I agree with you, user.
You sound like a very wise person. In fact, I'd like to hear more of your wisdom. For example, if philosophy is "worthless," what is this "worth"?

Clearly, it has something to do with being efficient with time and money, so something like philosophy, which takes a lot of time and doesn't earn very much money, would be worthless. Tell me, wise sir, what is the worth of so-called "traditional games," then, some of which also take up a great deal of money and almost all of which take up a great deal of time? Certainly those must be worthless as well to you.

Smite the trolley

Let's spice this up. Two of the 4 people on the bottom track ping as evil. Every one else does not. You do not know if they are neutral or good.

Here, I tried my hand at it.

As a wizard, you can transcend into multi dimensional trolley problems.

How would you stat CIA Veeky Forums?

More important question, would he violate the nap?

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

he would flip the switch so that it goes on the track toward the single victim them sprint over and save them because its easier to save one person than to try to release a group of people.

He would charge side of the train car in all his fuck huge armored divinely blessed glory and shoulder check it off the track saving everyone. The man fights demons, giants, and fuckin dragons, with a pointy metal bar. I think he can deal with a train.

He just killed all the innocent people on the trolley.


Quit fucking the fatty in the ass and stop the runaway trolley.

>Innocent People
>Riding a trolley

A tech-priest would throw the switch and make the trolley run over the single person. Less wear on the machines that way.
