/sss/ - Super Stand Sunday

For a quick Stand, use the following method-
Hit random for the name.
Same deal for the powers.
OR just use

Then, write it up

Everything you ever wanted to know about Stands, but were too afraid to ask.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dedicated Systems -

>Bizarre Adventures D6 [New]

>Bizarre Adventures D10

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - The RPG

>Expansion: Paranormal Beings and Battle Techniques [New]

>Bizarre Adventures D100

>Heroic Roleplaying
Attached File

>Fate Hack
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Other Systems

>Mutants & Masterminds
>Marvel Heroic
>FATE (Hack in this post)
>Savage Worlds
>Monsters and Other Childish Things
>Don't Rest Your Head
>Shadowrun (Adept or Mystic Adept with a Geas of POSING)
>Wild Talents (WIP houserules here: pastebin.com/bQqAMV5k)
>Monsters and other Childish Things

Thread Question: How do you build your Stand-Offs? How much of it is the enemy, how much is location, and how much is the situation?

So last thread I posited the idea of putting a government top secret research team (that occasionally resorts to shadier methods) that's attempting to discover the cause of stands, and how to replicate the process as a background organizationfor my setting that the players could potentially come to blows with.

However, I'm struggling to think of stands that would have that government feel to them.

Current two are [Queensryche], a plague doctor that's a combination of Death and Heaven's Door that can hey into people's dreams and extract information from their head and is a semi-automatic stand., and [Digital World], a stand that controls technology belonging to am AI as part off am experiential to see if non-humans can develop stands.

Should mention Queensryche's ability is themed off the Operation Mindcrime album.

I was always hoping to find something to make a Jojo based D&D, thanks dude.

Having a lot of fun in our Jojo session on the D10 system. I'd recommend anyone who thinks about trying it out to just do it. If anyone has any questions, will try to answer.

Have one based on eminent domain. Call it「This Land is Your Land.

Oh, that's not bad. Could be some space/distance manipulating stand, maybe being able to causepeople and things to swap places with each other.

As part of the eminent domain thing I mean as well. Maybe a bound stand that can't go somewhere that isn't government property or for a government task.

Stand Name: Nightcall

Stand Ability: [Spiritual Aura](powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Spiritual_Aura)

Power - E

Speed - C

Range - C

Durability - C

Precision - A

Potential - D

Description: The ability to surround oneself in a spiritual aura. Technique of Spiritual Force Manipulation, variation of Life-Force Aura. Users of this ability can surround themselves in spiritual energy, allowing them to use various offensive/defensive powers.

Or alternatively this:

Ok, bit more detail now that Im off mobile.

Still need to stat him exectly, but the general gist..

Combat stats fairly low, more mental stats decently high.

「Queensryche」 takes the appearance of a plague doctor, though his outfit is plain white, and his mask light blue, somewhat resembling the color of more modern doctors. He's fairly proper and polite, though fairly serious about his work, referring to himself mostly as "The Good Doctor." 「Queensryche」 is a semi-sentient Stand that can function by itself away from it's user. It's fairly weak and would get ripped apart by any real combat stand, but like 「Death」, it avoids this by invading dreams, where he'll never have to interact with enemy stands.

He's also accompanied by a nurse in a typical nurse outfit, completely unnotable aside from having no face. The nurse isn't sentient or a separate thing, and is just an extension of 「Queensryche」, although he still speaks to it like a normal doctor would, referring to it as 「Sister Mary」

「Queensryche」 has the ability to enter the dreams of sleepers. It's targets typically find themselves suddenly strapped to a gurney and being wheeled into an operating room. 「Queensryche」 likes to talk to his "patients", since most of them won't remember anything when they wake up, while he surgically cuts the upper part of their head off, although he does his best to make the procedure as painless as possible(he is a doctor after all) and pulling certain memories out, although he can't permanently remove or alter them in any way.

「Queensryche」's appearance and ability is based on the Operation Mindcrime album, using the medical type of "Operation", with Spreading the Disease as a basis for his plague doctor appearance. 「Sister Mary」 comes from another song of the same name.

Hi there. user who did Misplaced CHildhood in last week's thread. Still trying to flesh out some ideas until i can string 'em together in a story.

So far I have 1980's scotland, with the resident Jojo - Jock Johnstone - being a drunk depressive artist mourning his childhood's end. One day he catches a glimpse of his childhood friend Daniel, who acts like they've never met - Daniel is well-off, and has abandoned his friends.

That night, Jock is kidnapped by Vampires, and tortured by them for a week straight. During this time he believes he sees Daniel among his captors, until the obsession condences into resolve, and Jock's Stand [Heart of Lothian] awakens. Jock uses his new Stand to fight his way through the vampires, finally confirming for himself that Daniel was among them, and catching a glimpse of Daniel's own Stand.

After escaping, Daniel delves into the Edinburgh underground to find info on vampires, meeting Gino Zeppeli, Hamon user and owner of an ice cream parlour that becomes Jock's base of operations. During his investigations, Daniel meets lots of interesting characters, including a drug dealer and would-be mugger known only as Speedo, and he learns more about his Stand's abilities.

[Heart of Lothian] is a fuckstronk punchghost, with low precision and speed but high power and staying, with the added quirk that any blood shed by Jock or someone he or his Stand hits will form a Paisley Park-esque hint about the past, present or future. Blood spray on a wall might form letters, a puddle in a gutter might reflect a different time and place.

Daniel, the Dio of the story, has a stand named [Bitter Suite], which allows him to void anything within his (short) range. voided things can include people, but if the location where the item was voided is no longer within the Stand's range then it becomes real again and continues in its trajectory, as if no time had passed.

I need help padding out the "investigation" period and making characters. 80's music please!

In other news, I tried the random song/random power "Stand generation" technique.

There's potential. Pic related is what I got, first try both times. "Calendar Empowerment" and "I Love Myself Today". I'm too frazzled right now to figure anything out, but it's an idea, right?

『WE ARE NUMBER ONE』can use any diguise with its ability,『MASTER OF DISGUISE』 Morphing the user into whatever form they wish
The disguise is lost however, when the user is recognized by any other user.
『WE ARE NUMBER ONE』has another ability, which allows the user to temporaliy clone themselves into 4 seperate biengs
Should another user discover the true Robbie Rotten, the clones become ordinary people
『WE ARE NUMBER ONE』Has a final ability which makes it dangerous, namely 『LAZY TOWN』, which causes any opponents within its range, 50 meters, to become increasingly lazy, eventually falling asleep, unable to wake up without the users discrection, or when they leave the user's range

Alright, friends, I need a favor.

I, the creator of JJBAHRP, have totally fucked up. I have not done backups in quite a while and, as a result, when my computer went down, so too did the most current edition of JJBAHRP. The version linked in IS the most current version, but my master Word document is QUITE A WAYS behind it.

If someone could convert the PDF in to .docx for me, you'd get a SUPER SPECIAL CREDIT in the book, a free copy of one of my for-profit RPG books, maybe a character you like from Pt. 3 playable in the book or something else if you like, and my eternal gratitude. I have tried and tried but for the life of me everything I've done has fucked up the formatting. I need this help or I'll have to do it painstakingly manually, which will further delay the next version.

Furthermore, after numerous stops and starts and then almost-permanent stops regarding the Cortex Plus system that JJBAHRP runs on, I am happy to report that the rights to the system are back in the hands of its creator. He intends to release a generic version of the rules for Heroic Roleplaying (As well as its sister systems, Action and Dramatic), which I will likely be free to reference once it does come out. That will make JJBAHRP SO MUCH EASIER to navigate once it finally does come out.

Thanks for the patience all.


It might be ugly, but it's a start.

Hey, ugly's better than what I had, which was busted. Thanks user.

Stand Name: Straight Into Your Arms

Stand Ability: [Spinning Inducement](powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Spinning_Inducement)

Power - D

Speed - A

Range - C

Durability - A

Precision - E

Potential - E

Description: The power to cause anything and anyone to spin in a tornado-like manner. Variation of Inducement. The user can cause anything and anyone to spin in a cyclonic manner and control which ever direction they are to spin. For example, they can stop bullets by spinning them in the opposite direction and accelerate the healing process of themselves or others by spinning cells.
>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!

Plz no die thread



i want this thread to live

Destructive Power- E
Speed - E
Range - A
Durability - A
Precision - C
Developmental Potential - B
Abilities: “Poison Rock’n’Roll” takes the form of a simple painting on a worn scroll. The painting depicts a winter scene, with a lamp-lit sidewalk on the edge of a forest taking up the right side of the painting. The left is mostly left blank white. “Poison Rock’n’Roll” powers manifest whenever a person views it, this person is now“Poison Rock’n’Roll”’s target. Once “Poison Rock’n’Roll” is viewed, it will leave an imprint on the area is was located at when it was viewed, appearing as a color reversal of the original painting. The target will feel sudden mild paranoia and an urge to stare at “Poison Rock’n’Roll”’s imprint. If the target resists these urges and ignores “Poison Rock’n’Roll”, the target will be afflicted with a terrible, debilitating chill that slowly grows, ending when they defeat the user, keep “Poison Rock’n’Roll”’s imprint in a direct line of sight, or die of hypothermia.

「Communication Breakdown」
Power [E] / Speed [D] / Range [B] / Durability [C] / Precision [C] / Potential [E]

This Stand manifests as an older model citizens band radio (CB radio) that has techno-organic qualities. At each of its four corners「C.B.」has crustacean like legs, and scurries in a manner similar to a crab while its antenna resembles the “feelers” of a lobster. The face of the Stand still resembles the layout of a CB radio with the dial acting as its eye and the display acting as a mouth.

The signature ability of「C.B.」is to broadcast a radio frequency that causes those in its hundred meter range to speak in what is called “word salads”. This is often a symptom of psychological or neurological disorders where people speak in a confused, unintelligable or random mix of words and phrases. People affected by Talk Radio are unaware of the effects on themselves but are aware that other people in range of the ability are being affected. While Stand Users are equally effected they are sensitive enough to hear what sounds like white noise in the background, this would be their only hint that they are being affected.

「Communication Breakdown」only has a single defensive ability called “Feedback”, the Stand creates a audio feedback screech that is painful to those in a five meter radius but not lethal, allowing this feeble Stand to make its escape from more physically threatening Stands. Surprising no one, this Stand can operate just like an actual CB radio along with its more fantastical abilities.