Hi there. user who did Misplaced CHildhood in last week's thread. Still trying to flesh out some ideas until i can string 'em together in a story.
So far I have 1980's scotland, with the resident Jojo - Jock Johnstone - being a drunk depressive artist mourning his childhood's end. One day he catches a glimpse of his childhood friend Daniel, who acts like they've never met - Daniel is well-off, and has abandoned his friends.
That night, Jock is kidnapped by Vampires, and tortured by them for a week straight. During this time he believes he sees Daniel among his captors, until the obsession condences into resolve, and Jock's Stand [Heart of Lothian] awakens. Jock uses his new Stand to fight his way through the vampires, finally confirming for himself that Daniel was among them, and catching a glimpse of Daniel's own Stand.
After escaping, Daniel delves into the Edinburgh underground to find info on vampires, meeting Gino Zeppeli, Hamon user and owner of an ice cream parlour that becomes Jock's base of operations. During his investigations, Daniel meets lots of interesting characters, including a drug dealer and would-be mugger known only as Speedo, and he learns more about his Stand's abilities.
[Heart of Lothian] is a fuckstronk punchghost, with low precision and speed but high power and staying, with the added quirk that any blood shed by Jock or someone he or his Stand hits will form a Paisley Park-esque hint about the past, present or future. Blood spray on a wall might form letters, a puddle in a gutter might reflect a different time and place.
Daniel, the Dio of the story, has a stand named [Bitter Suite], which allows him to void anything within his (short) range. voided things can include people, but if the location where the item was voided is no longer within the Stand's range then it becomes real again and continues in its trajectory, as if no time had passed.
I need help padding out the "investigation" period and making characters. 80's music please!