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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Kanons ruled a while ago if you take Blank after being a Psyker in the 40K Imperium jump you're considered a Sensei because your soul is super invisible
There's specific rules at the end of the Farscape Jump that include Talyn only showing up in space-themed Jumps. At least, that's how I interpret it.
I also have a Treeship. Her name is Ryo-Ryo-Ryo and she likes to play tag in asteroid fields.
How difficult is evolution in PM and PMD? I'm planning on grabbing a Vulpix as my starter and going Vulpix myself. The plan for both is to go Ninetales, but I'm wondering just how much a pain in the ass evolution is and whether I should buy it as an option as opposed to doing it in jump.
Firestone. In PM, it's a matter of finding or buying one.
In PMD, you need to beat the plot first.
So, people like to bitch about the Laws of Dresden magic, but I'm not that worried about them; what really puts me off is the weakness to moving water. Considering that stuff is fucking everywhere and occasionally falls from the sky, it's a pretty shitty weakness. Anyone know a way around it?
How dangerous is the plot in PMD?
Does it fizzle the magic or do they melt?
No Sell from Tsukuhime.
Damn. Does it resolve itself or do I need to get involved?
Legacy of the Samurai [100, Free for Traditionalist] – You’re no stranger to the idea of warfare. In addition to whatever sword skill you will gain in your past or your future, you are adept at the art of war and tactics and strategy. This gives you both education and experience over the common fool or large mobs who think themselves invincible.
On My Honor [200, Discount for Traditionalist] – The idea of samurai honor and chivalry is more a romantic dream than a reality. Even so, there honor among soldiers and murderers. You will find your enemies more willing to play by rules and guidelines you set – not enough that they’d stop trying to kill you or fight, but they’d be willing to make small exceptions. They will let civilians in your care pass by unharmed, the leader will duel you by themselves instead of gang up on you with all of their minions, and so forth. This plea to honor is useless if the target lacks such martial pride or care for morality, and you’ll find attempts to create obvious tactical advantages for yourself in a tight spot is less likely to work...still, if you push the right buttons…
-Either in your past or in your near future, a bandit lord is defeated by you, making you a local hero to the town they terrorized. They now follow you and seek to emulate you, wanting the praise and seeming fulfillment that comes with being a ‘hero’. In truth, they may simply be trying to find something to do with themselves, and turned to banditry out of desperation. Will you show them another way?
An umbrella or wading boots.
No, I'm being serious. Rain will still dampen your magic a bit, but so long as you're not touching moving water, you'll be firing on all cylinders.
I don't think it was ever clarified weather or not you replace the MC.
How big is the Shard from Green Lantern TAS in comparison to the Light of Terra?
The location descriptions seem to indicate you do, since they describe the starting conditions of the games.
Doesn't that only work on physiological or racial weaknesses?
Eh, being on a boat or trying to project magic over a lake or something still fucks it up.
Wasn't the protagonist of the games a kid? It can't be that hard if you use the power of friendship, can it?
Honestly, aside from Drop-In being Kenshin, the backgrounds are a various hodgepodge of various characters as opposed to just one or two. Traditionalist is getting a dash of Aoshi, though.
No plot armor for you.
Well the Light of Terra is what, 23-30km to begin with? How big is the Shard?
Yes, and your race is Practitioner.
Really? The Civilian tree looked like it was 100% Megumi.
Perk looks good and seems to make sense for the series.
Tender Heart was Kaoru, or at least the impact she had on Kenshin. Though now in hindsight...yeah, it was a lot of Megumi.
I swear to god there is a non-zero chance this jump will get a 1/1/2/2/4/4/6 expansion like Property did but TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.
Yeah, the capstone perk was pure Karou. Anyway, these look like they're moving in the right direction so far. Don't let me bog you down with meta talk about jump making theory.
Keep moving ahead and get a jumpable version before you expand it, I says. Though I'll admit that I'd love a bigger version of the jump. You're straight killing it with the perks.
Does anyone have the newest Neo Heisei? It's not showing up for me on the drive.
Ugh. I hate it when jumps stealth push you into the plot. Oh well, I'll figure out something.
Considering its on a big asteroid I'd say only a few miles long. You don't really get a good look on the size, but its not anywhere near 30km.
PMD plot isn't dangerous at all. You'd be hard set to die.
At least one of the games has your death as part of the plot so try to have a way to resolve them on your own without following the flags.
Generally the world is going to end in every game unless the protagonist fixes it. It is implied, though not stated outright, that you are replacing the protagonist, since... well, by the jump you start exactly where they started and have their waking up to the world experience, and there is no option to retain memories.
Technically, it's possible to beat the games just by wailing on things with basic lunge attacks if you grind enough, and somehow despite some of the legendaries having ridiculous superpowers, they never actually use them in battle.
Or you could be like any trainer worth their salt, go find a powerful Pokemon to join your rescue team, and have them carry you the whole way.
I took it as my fourth jump, and my only major superpower at that point was knowing clapchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist.
And Endure. Endure was an important move for me.
You can probably win with some effort, but it's not a vacation jump.
Or you could just wait ten jumps and steamroll everything. They don't even know how guns work over there. Y'know, whatever.
The perk Multiple Choice in the jump doesn't completely negate that, but it does effectively do what No Sell does for racial weaknesses. See, Sidhe magic is a lot more stable and less prone to fizzling out than mortal wizard magic. The leading theory for that is because while humans have free will they're kinda all over the place and so is there magic, whereas because their behavior is more defined the Sidhe experience less overall fizzling with their magic.
I...guess you could also use Job Offer to be pals with an aquatic deity? Those do exist, and considering demesnes are a thing mortal practitioners do, from what little we've seen of Hades it's more than reasonable for one of their blessings being the ability to do magic without worrying about water.
Though whatever you do, don't go into business with King Corb with that. The Fomor can almost certainly ignore that rule entirely but they're also all but confirmed to be in league with the Outsiders.
Minor update involving clarifying the purchasing of a few things and the following changes:
Added Thermobaric Rounds
Changed the pricing of Bloodtox Rounds
Different rounds can have the effects added to them now.
Allowed purchase of Runner Rounds without the Non-Canon Weapon purchase
Lowered the price of Hazmat Armor.
Increased Viral Detector and buffed it.
You have to defeat multiple legendaries as a first stage evolution, this is only made possible through the abuse of game mechanics. Sure you won't die if you lose and can keep trying but in most of the games the world will end before you can beat the first significant boss.
Assuming you don't have significant out of jump power to fall back on of course.
Eh. The big draw to DF magic is largely the versatility, IMO. I feel like being a fae would reduce that significantly.
Forgot my name.
Why would anyone ever go weak-sauce Chaneling?
What's a good jump to get multiple bodies? I know about shadow clones from Naruto, but I'm looking for something that actually shares my awareness between them.
My plan is to have at least one body screwing with the jump's plot and another doing SCIENCE! on my spaceship/moon base/pocket dimension.
You need to prove that you did this with RebornAnon's permission instead of just sneaking shit in like KOTOR.
Grrl Power had something like that. Unfortunately, Somefaggit is MIA.
Ok... Don't know how I can do that when he's not here but the changes are ones he made. When he shows up next he can confirm it. I'll also pass along a message to him to do so.
Wood Clones from Naruto.
If a Grrl Power jump ever happens you'll probably be able to buy Harem's power, unfortunately the guy who claimed it has been missing for quite a long time.
Fair enough, in that case Job Offer sounds more your style.
Actually, I just remembered the perk Unbound Casting from Mage: The Awakening which lets you allow to cast your spells at full effect regardless of "mystical circumstances" as long as you complete your spell properly. Up to you whether you consider the diffusion of magical energy by running water to be a mystical circumstance or a particularly bothersome mundane one, though Resolved Casting from the same jump lets you reinforce spell effectiveness with willpower.
I'd suggest Soulfire too, though it seems a bit of a copout.
A Wolf Is Always A Wolf [400, Discount for Traditionalist] – It doesn’t matter how ‘peaceful’ the current era is...there will always be war, and warriors to fight them. You are no exception. You will find any combat skills or tactical ability you acquire will not deteriorate from lack of use – you will always be in your mental and physical prime in terms of fighting and tactical skill. In addition, opportunities or occupations befitting a capable fighter or strategist will always be open to you...especially those of the criminal variety. You will find the underworld and closed doors of certain politicians always open to you...whether or not you take the job or simply steal what you needed from them, who can say?
-Sometime along the way, you will be offered a chance to become the bodyguard to a wealthy heir...who seems to have a rather large amount of people who want them dead, and you suspect members of their own family are among those. Though they act proud and spoiled in the open, inside they’re beginning to collapse from the stress of so many wanting them dead, and having nobody to trust. Will you let them confide in you, or just take what wealth you need from them…?
And what's stopping you from claiming "oh that's fake" when he does come up with proof?
He doesn't care about that, he's just trying to start shit.
Ignore him.
Forgot your Trip.
When is Hitman Reborn update
I don't know who you think I am, shitposter-kun, but it'd be my sense of justice that would "stop me".
Looks good.
I noticed that right after posting. You'll have to ask Reborn about that, but I think that he's doing Bleach next.
>sense of justice
Well, shitposter-kun, you'll forgive me for laughing about the possibility of that existing on Veeky Forums.
So, uh... how's that Five Nights at Freddy's Jump coming along?
First of all, that projection tho.
Also, you try this everytime, accusing everyone but yourself of being the shitposter.
Nah, Fae have the same trouble with water. Theres a point where they're being chased by Sidhe on jetskis and the Sidhe have to use guns because it grounds out tehir magic.
Everything magical does, really. It had something to do with the cleansing force of water.
The series isn't even over, they just had one about Summer Solstice Baby.
As you just tried to do the same here See the conundrum you create, shitposter?
If I took Personal Analysis in EVO: Search for Eden, which lets me perfectly know how my body works, and then went to Evangelion and became an Angel, would I be able to create other Angels or reverse engineer AT field bullshit?
That you think that I, of all people, lack a sense of justice is laughable at best.
Firstly, because right off the bat being Srs Bsns potentially gives you a host of associated abilities, rather than just being a squishy mortal. For reference, a Skinwalker changeling fucked up a Denarian so hard it let go of its' super mode and preferred to have its' bigfoot host fight the thing directly-although granted, that's a REALLY extreme example and I forgot Wild Card's ruling on that sort of lineage. Although being descended from an Elder Fetch probably means you can be empowered by fear, while the larger Gruffs would let you kick cars around.
Secondly, because-you see those pesky Laws of Magic, that stuff about hexes and that other stuff about water? Fairies don't have to worry about most of that stuff.
Thirdly, you are drastically underestimating fairy magic and overestimating wizard magic. Harry effectively had most of the Wizard perks and the strongest background by the 10th book, and still struggled to put down Magog the Denarian. Eldest Gruff /ended Magog with a single spell. Harry's fairy godmother fought more than half a dozen Lords of the Outer Night-elder Red Court vampires who did quite a convincing Mayan god impression-simultaneously after instantgibbing two, and barely broke a sweat. There's fewer feats around to guage it because Harry doesn't spend most of his time with the Fae, but there's no sign the cream of the crop there can't punch in the same weight class as the White Council. And reminder-you can BE one with Multiple Choice, all you need is to practice and study just like you'd have to anyway with wizard magic.
Finally, because Job Offer potentially puts you in contact with beings that outclass the Winter/Summer Queens, beings tasked to defend the world against an infinite, magic no-selling eldritch horde and each other. Donar's a peer to Mab in his capacity as Santa Claus. Jim has said Ferrovax is a no-bullshit Asian dragon and among the beings that could 1v1 Mab.
I think its more that water grounds magic, so projecting it over it would not work but drawing heat from the water would.
Oh yeah, like dawn. I did get the impression fairies resist it a LOT better than humans though, given one of them is Jenny Greenteeth. The water hag.
Stop samefagging.
Not without other means. Even if you perfectly understand your anatomy it doesn't assure you have the means to replicate and later it. Get soul manipulation perks, user.
>tfw no water magic in Dresden
Now that you mention it, I think the short story where Jenny tries to steal Billy on his wedding day has her weaving magic through water.
Seems a bit weak compared to the other 400 cp perks, even with the employment bonus. Maybe reword as being at your physical and mental prime in terms of combat ability period, instead of just skill.
There is water magic. Technically. It's disintegration beams.
Well... It's not exactly shared senses, but self duplication from Teen Titans could let you do what you want. They follow your commands so if you don't mind outsourcing the work you could just order a clone to "research x, y or z" other than following your orders I think they're independent.
Not exactly what you asked for but it's pretty close.
But Eldest Gruff isn't a changeling. He's a full on fae.
>You can BE one
As a brief super mode, not as an actual functioning thing.
I'll just leave this here:
>Oh not even remotely. Ramirez's gauntlet works with entropy-magic (a sub specialty of water magic--all things flowing, constantly changing and shifting, but never gone). The field it creates is essentially a screen of pure entropy which breaks down the molecular bonds of things that go through it. It projects what amounts to a disintegration screen. Not pure and perfect disintegration, but fifty percent disintegrated is generally enough to get the job done. :)
See, it's just RUNNING water that grounds stuff out. But creating water, manipulating water with magic? That's fair game.
And again, the Olympians have been confirmed to exist-which would include Poseidon. So Job Offer might well be a viable solution there.
Jumpers, when did you take a colossal shit on a BBEG who thought they were peerless and unbeatable?
Are you ASA? You seem like ASA.
Hardly watery. Doesn't sound related at all except through the author flipping through hoops.
He is GarlockAnon, ASA reborn!
Any Changeling can make the Choice to become a permanent Fae, though frankly you're getting the FAR better bargain via Multiple Choice because you effectively untether yourself from their own idiosyncratic flaws. Also, note:
>Normally, once you make the Choice, that's all she wrote. You, though? Youn have the possibly-unique ability to pull yourself back to Mortality without giving up your Faerie nature
By default, it's the other way around. Your mortal form is the "super mode", and in fact it's the way you're describing that's the alternative.
Yep. Stuff happened, and I'm using different avatar pics.
>take a colossal shit
I resent the implication I haven't perfected my digestion system by now to not produce waste.
There's a capstone in Libromancer that makes you a hive mind, and another user mentioned Wood Clones from Naruto.
There's also a mostly useless extra body available in Sburb via the Dreamself game mechanic. It's just another body you wake up in when your real body falls asleep, and vice versa. I don't know if you're even allowed to take it out of the jump, most people don't bother since you lose it if you godtier.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. You can only be fae temporarily. It's not consistent. Otherwise, wizards are all more powerful and regardless they're more versatile.
That's a bit unfair. A more accurate comparison to Leah/Eldest Brother Gruff would be Eb or Langtry, whose feats are much more in line with them than Harry's.
Um, sorry if that wasn't clear: For multiple choice you have the option of being a fae permanently and being a mortal temporarily, rather than the other way around given the wording.
True, I just thought of Harry as a very good representation of someone with all those wizard perks. Whereas the Council tend to have all kinds of outliers and outside-context advantages like the Blackstaff or Rashid's eye, though I admit Langtry does just seem to be a wizard who got gud.
I was the one who wrote the changes user, its okay.
The perk does say you can go over the edge, however, so it seems more like you need to stay mortal most of the time or get stuck as the faerie.
And now, did he coerce you or bribe you?
That's fair. I actually think I remember a quote from Jim that all the powerful old wizards are actually cheaters with equivalents to Harry's mantle.
Though I don't think you're likely to end up going toe-to-toe with Leah within the time frame of the jump with just the Changeling perks, either. Seems like, at most, you'd end up around on-par with the Ladies, and Maeve tuckered herself out trying to control her own Knight. Though she was even sloppier than Harry.
Question to BLADE, rather stupid one actually but as I can't find a note in-jump I want to get it squared:
If a Companion's imported as a Guardian Ghost and they join together with Jumper or another Companion, are they considered an active Companion and thus still taking up one of the 8 active slots? Or are they 'inactive' like a Tailed Beast is when sealed into a jinchuuriki?
Show us on the doll where he touched you.
Keep up the nice work! You too, TopHatAlthalus!
I know I'm biting the bait, but what?
>Accusing someone of accepting bribes for jump changes
I have no fucking reaction image in my folder for this one, boys.
Yo Reborn, did you say you're planning to get to Bleach eventually?
Like and I am concerned and am in no way either shitposting or attempting to bait an argument. Please verify, via third party, that your name and trip are correct and that you are who you say you are. Then, after your person has been reasonably established, provide a notarized polygraph stating that you were neither coerced nor threatened into allowing this imaging to happen. Finally, provide a sworn affidavit, blessed off on by an Apophatic priest, that states that even though there are no changes to the wording nothing is unduly nerfed or buffed.
If you do all that, then we may begin to take seriously your claim that this is a legit jump. Please address all of my completely honest legitimate concerns that are in no way an attempt to cause problems, you nerfwhoring bitch of a coward.
Yeah, if anyone wants to bribe me for jump changes, feel free.
Y'all need to stop taking bait.
Probably Pacific Rim which KotOR changed in a bunch of ways when he imaged it without speaking to Wakfu about it.
There was at least one thread of shouting at him till he changed it back.
Ages ago now KOTOR imaged Pacific Rim for Wakfu, and changed a lot. It was not a popular move.
>Apophatic priest
>Not a Discordian Pope
Huh. That doesn't sound like KOTOR.
Surprised he hasn't been crucified.
Neither. He posted questions he had about wording and I made changes for the grammar to flow better.
Working on it right now actually.
It will probably take some time, it's ~15 pages with just the outline and some memos for things.
I can give you a penny and a smiley face user, it's the best I can do.
Were you the one who was doing the DC Occult and Mythinc jumps? If so how is that going?
It was a long time ago, and people eventually stopped bringing it up because he did fix it. But he did get crap for it for a while.