Vampire pics

I need pictures of vampires. Ugly, beautiful, badass, creepy... all of them are fine, just post 'em.

Don't have much, a lot of it is Warhammer.








The strain has good vampires.




weebshit incoming


carefully crafted servants of a vampire gifted in the flesh warping arts.




Is this art?


its an image of a vampire NOPEing out of a bad situation (a building fire) by rapidly transforming into a flight capable form inspired by bats. It's transforming so fast that its not bothering with aesthetic or lesser practical considerations like changing slow enough that its skin doesn't split open revealing shifting inside before pulling back together.

It is for the Tzimisce. Terrible taste, if you ask me.

This explanation is art to me.


Vicissitude is a very fun power since it lets you be artist, horrifying, an engineer, or crafts-person.

The problem of course is things can go wrong and their is the temptation to use it to abuse yourself or others.

Also that it is a power of the Tzimisce and their cultures tend to revolvesaround being horrible monsters so most practitioners of it don't put it to particularly productive use.

>Tzimisce cultures tend to revolve around being horrible monster

rather they tend to revolve around rejecting humanity, and that combined with the stressors and new instincts that come with being a vampire means that yes their cultures tend to also revolve around being monsters.






>tfw your lesbian girlfriend is on her period but forgot to warn you


Choo choo, in comes the delivery service.




>Ventrue Elder needed a new accountant




da fuck are those wings? they look like a retarded parachute. or like a flesh umbrella for hobbits.


They're perfectly positioned for giving you a nice, long hug.


>tfw when it's cold standing in a snow barefoot and you start jumping in place to get warm



>move over Sorin, Innistrad needs an even prettier, whiter haired, broodier edgelord to guard it now

I can't believe the guy who wrote those books changed his name to Chuck. So cringey.





>where did you learn to brood, kid?
>watch a true master at work

what is this from?!


Requiem Chevalier Vampire.



many thanks










>50+ images and not a single damn Strahd

This must be corrected.



is that Nero?

why is Strahd a villain anyway? I read "I, Strahd" and that book about golden elf vampire, and he doesn't seem that villainous, even though golden vampire elf book tried hard

I mean, yeah, he did some pretty villainous stuff to become vampire in the first place, but doesn't seem a bad ruler for Barovia.



>is that Nero?



...and I think I'm done.

Oh wait no I'm not.

Caldwell really does the "smoking hot vampire lady" well.

I think Strahd was supposed to be of the "tragic evil" sort of monster, what with his origin story and all.







Bumping, I've got nothing to dump, but I'd love to see more from this thread.

To this day, I have no idea what is going on with his face








Save this for the next "How do we make vampires interesting again?" thread.

This. This is how you do it.


