I use to play on a RP server for a freelancer mod, but the community turned particularly foul as player numbers dropped (they haven't banned the dude that writes child rape stories because they need the players).
Apart from the dodgy players, it was pretty cool because the story and politics were shaped by the contributions hundreds of players (though ultimately came down to the whims of the most influential, such as the admiral/CEO/mob boss/governor ranked players).
I had a go at an incredibly strict gmod RP server (absolutely nothing like Dark RP style servers), but the people there were extremely cliquey and were generally pretty shitty to newcomers.
I roleplayed a chaotic stupid group on temple of elemental evil pc game.
They killed everyone (including animals) they ever saw on the map without even talking with them. It was hard as fuck. There was this kid at the start of the game that tell something to you, after some amount of time I discovered you could skip the conversation by quickly opening the map and using it to go to another place, and so I restarted my entire game just because of that.
Anthony Perry
Discovery Freelancer? I used to play there too, I didn't like how forum centered the roleplay was.
Owen Torres
Get the fuck out Kazinsal
Brody Rodriguez
Mechwarrior 4 NBT-HC had forum RP. The community could be really touchy though. I once wrote a piece where Blood Spirit warriors were arguing on Chatterweb against an alliance with the Minnesota Tribe, and the Minnesota Tribe players took this as a sign that I hated them PERSONALLY, not that I merely thought it didn't make sense on RP grounds.
The RP could extend to the game though. Major decisions were often deciding by fighting a Trial with the victor getting their way, as befits Clan custom. We'd always RP that properly in game, though not all Clans bothered.
Owen Sanders
Disco really wouldn't have worked without the forum component.
Justin Lopez
I role play on just about whatever I'm playing, even if it's just kinda to myself in my head, like on games like ARK. Actual role play games I get on RP servers like WoW or SWToR. It's not great, but it's something. Keeps the creativity going.
Carson Hall
TOR RP can either be really fun, or really REALLY REALLLY Stupid. Mary-Sueing is common place and it's more like a training ground for real RPing.
John Butler
a lot on NWN servers back in the day, yeah I found the ultra-serious RP servers were usually too cliquey and stifling, but there were so many active servers in the mid-2000s that I could pick from a selection of less serious roleplay-action hybrid type games
Carter Jones
What would you google to find such a game? If you type "role playing game", it's just gonna come up with Skyrim etc.
Jason Lewis
In Warframe I RP a guy with a ton of cosmetics and gear but is still shit at the game.
Joshua Wilson
How's it going Jayce?
Hunter Morris
I did it a little bit. Was pretty fun to be a regular smuggler among all the Jedi and craziness. Game was super dead though at the higher end of things.
Jeremiah Morales
I love Garry's Mod
Brody Miller
I kind of RP on a Gmod Spacebuild server.
Michael Morgan
Anyone ever try Stellaris RP?
Carter Lewis
>MW4 NBT-HC Oh hey, that takes me back! Spent years there, but only performed a few official drops with Clan Wolf-in-Exile. Good community on the whole; glad to hear they're doing MWO nowadays.
Leo Foster
Used to do HL2:DM RP servers years back. Actually was an admin for various communities over the years. Players eventually left, most migrating to GMod, and after that I kinda just stopped. Told the other Admins on that last server that we should make the jump since HL2DM was being eclipsed, but they didn't listen or want to bother. Was a shame, since we had someone make a great custom map for us that unfortunately saw almost no use in the end.
Juan Perry
I use ork dialect sometimes when I play Eternal Crusade, but thats about it.
Hudson Thompson
No, too many people doing it are cringeworthy, I'd rather not interact with them more than necessary.
Jaxson Phillips
MMO RP is a beast unto itself. You've got a large amount of people with varying degrees of competency and respeect for the material. It really is like a trainwreck on many occasions: it's as bad as people say it is. That said, you can occasionally find that rare diamond in the rough; if you do, you have to do everything in your power to hold onto that person and never let go.
Charles Rogers
If it's with the right crowd, it's worth a shot.
Unfortunately, that's rarely the case, and my opinion is more akin to .
David Smith
This is generally also how I feel. I did RP for a long time in City of Heroes/Villains, Champions Online, and Star Trek Online, and depending on who you surround yourself with, you can either have a great time, or be stuck with mongoloids who play the most generically edgy shit imaginable.
Star Trek was especially problematic with this, due to the propensity for these edgelord players to just not fit in at all with the environment and lore... at least with superhero games, edgelords are part of the scenery.
Cooper Jones
There's also the issue of not being able to fully influence the world around you. You can only pretend you're doing things in the grand scheme of it all.
Blake Powell
I've only ever RP'ed in games. It's really difficult to find a group where I live. That said, Lord of the Rings Online had a pretty steady roleplaying community when I used to play it. Thinking about getting back to it sometime, actually, I've been tossing a few character ideas around in my head.
Christian Clark
Oh, and as a whole, good serious roleplaying servers on gmod are 4/5 times a total joke, and in the aftermath that they aren't, become very short lived after the fact.
Nothing major but when I first started playing Battlefleet Gothic: Armada I really loved the Orks. At the start of every game I'd say something Orkish and the opponent would respond in a way that fitted their faction. It was really just a couple of short exchanges but those brief moments really got me into a WAAGH mindset which made the matches awesome for me, win or lose.
Camden Young
Yeah, but from what I've seen, that's all dark rp + equivalent. I'm talking about more HL2rp, things on Clockwork and Nutscript.
As retarded as that was, it looked like they were having fun.
Colton Cook
Used to roleplay in a lot of MMOs (EQ, WoW, SWTOR).
It can be a lot of fun playing in games but usually it's just trash.
Jayden Gutierrez
I tried it years ago when I was playing World of Warcraft. It was some of the worst shit imaginable. Just a bunch of people sitting around Orgrimar describing themselves, describing their movements, describing their emotions. It was very weird and incredibly uninteresting.
Liam Edwards
>Star Trek Online
Jacob Bailey
Military sims like Arma.
shit's cash when the other players roll with it
Liam Murphy
I used to RP as a Rogue Drone in Eve for a bit. There was a whole corp of us. It was pretty fun.
Beep boop.
Lincoln Flores
SS13 and the mod Colonial Marines can be so good for vidya role-playing. When everyone is on the same page RP wise you can end up playing for hours as mysterious cultists, enigmatic scientists, psychopathic traitors as well as a hardened Marines or sexy aliens.
Gabriel Evans
>Colonial Marines
Kidding, but seriously, I can't stand trying to roleplay on that server, because a) most people are pants-on-head retarded and b) it's the exact same shit, round after round carlos.jpg . Still fun to blast xeno scum, though.
Ryan Baker
Back in the day I was in a roleplaying clan in Warcraft 3 called Light's Dawn. We had our own in-house mappers, hosting/chat bots, and around 50 active members at our peak. I had tons of fun, met a few people there that I talked to for years.
Eventually we all ended up migrating to an Enjin website, and slowly dispersing. I still have fond memories of those times though, never found anything quite the same afterwards.
Jayden Mitchell
Well it's been nearly half a year since I last played it so a lot might have changed.
Jose Jenkins
Jeremiah Price
Im in some rpg forums.
Niw before yiu brush it off please give me some slack. Some can be really spergy and unprofessinal others are just a side hobby for writers and actual editors and stuff. I joined a SW rpg forum with like 10 actual people. One of the Moderators is an editor in publish and the other mods appreciate newbies, talk to you and direct you quite well.
They all rp through google docs and post in bulk, so every post is essentially a collaborated story/chapter rather than a string of long posts.
It all depends on who is moderating with these forums, I found another prospectful group for Fallout on jclink but they arent as professional or as friendly to newibes as the SW group. I recommemd you don't join any rp community that uses any free forum hosting. Not only are they lesser quality they are often offshoots of larger communties and spite groups.
Jace Sullivan
Sorry for the mistakes, I'm a little drowzy today and a little bit high on codeine from a sprained knee.
Parker Price
I started roleplaying in City of Heroes/Villains. Well not so much role playing as staying in character.
My favorite was a Mastermind mad scientist who lost his family in a horrible accident and put their brains into his robotic minions to save them. I had elaborate emotes out the ass.
My friends introduced me to WoW, and I did some RP there, but was never active enough to really get caught up in plots and was never interested in the constant hooking up.In fact, I ended up making celibate, ugly, or really old characters just so people wouldn't bother. It worked for the most part.
My favorite character was an old Troll voodoo fortunetellling lady. It allowed me to just log in, convince people to come over and give me their IC story and latest drama (which many were all too eager to do), offer my prediction/advice, get paid a couple gold/items, and then send them off.
I actually ended up being privvy to lots of gossip and quite a few secrets. There was more than one occasion where my predictions/advice was spot on because I had already spoken to someone planning on breaking up with, betraying, or pulling a fast one over on someone else.
Tyler Fisher
I role played on Natural Selection 2 one time Never again
Eli Bell
This was the reason I disliked fallout 4 (or one of them) was that you couldn't do just that.
Fallout NV - my couriers have included >The Wasteland Lawyer >The last sheriff >Slub
In BFG Armada I enormously enjoy shouting gibberish with my ork fleet or thematic things in chat.
Hell even in Total War I try and do things that are character appropriate.
It really makes me enjoy the game that much more
Dominic Walker
Second Life Pic related was the worst i ever saw that wasn't a fetishfag.
That said, so much fun was had just RPing stupid shit in other peoples regions with friends.
Kevin Edwards
>all the in character banter in BFG:A >2v2 battle, all orks >amazing bantz >amazing fight, rammin, boardin, dakkin, zappin all in a massive clusterfuck waagh in the middle of the battlefield
Xavier Rogers
Search for roleplay servers, not roleplaying games.
I used to admin some stuff on gmod, it was fun back in the day. I can't go back to it after getting into Veeky Forums though. Still some of the funnest RP I've ever had though.
Leo Perez
Wait, is there a Veeky Forums Elite group?
Ethan Perry
>Elite >group But it's a solo game, user.
Caleb Kelly
Oh I'd join that, if the game wasn't completely fucked. The Oceania-US link is down so I can't play with any of my friends.
Julian Bailey
NWN2 persistent world servers are fun. Very Veeky Forums related. The are pretty much MMOs but without a sub fee and actual roleplaying. Pic related was me running around the Planescape one.
Cameron Powell
>City of Heroes Had a lot of good memories on the Virtue Server.
Michael Wright
It makes me sad how hard it is to do this in Skyrim/Fallout 4 etc
Anthony Long
>are >not were never tried nwn2 online. is the community still active at all?
Carter Sanders
Cringy as it is I tend towards Minecraft RP when I'm desperate and between campaigns.
I've found some of it is better than WoW RP.
Ian Ortiz
>Entire corp of rogue drones
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Charles Gomez
OP pic related is a hella easy game to RP in in the rare event you establish communications with another player.
Private groups were a mistake.
Joseph Watson
I roleplayed as a monogamous Geralt in Witcher. It was hard.
Benjamin Sanchez
See for yourself nwnlist.com/ There are still a decent amount of people playing in them. It might be worth buying the NWN games during a sale to give them a shot. Despite Gamespy being dead you still need a unique serial code to be able to connect to any of the servers.
Luke Brown
I have a FAS. They made AI ships harder to kill so bounty hunting is super shitty now.
Dylan Thompson
I'm CMDR Cottonwood, haven't been playing all that long, working my way to A-Spec on my Viper IV.
Dylan Lee
Are you in Oceania or US? I'm in NZ.
Kevin James
Yeah, I RP'd in classic WoW for the first year it was out. Community pretty much sucked, so I only actually RP'd with a few guild mates, one of whom I RP'd out a great story with. In retrospect, people apparently "scripted" out what they were going to do, but I never did this, so I probably came off as weird and an ass. I mean, I never did anything actually out of character assholish (like ninja loot or other shit), but my character was an asshole. I also trolled the forums, so there's that.
Levi Kelly
Did any of you WoW RPers play on servers with evolving plot lines that affected the realm, or was the RP limited to character development?
Elijah Hernandez
Character development, for the most part. If ever there were any overarching plot lines, they were kept to the small circle of players you were a part of. Occasionally, there are regular open events that people can participate in (one that I remember was the weekly story circle in Thunder Bluff where people would sit around a bonfire in the center of the city and tell all manner of stories).
Nicholas Thompson
If I were to set up some sort of Veeky Forums Elite Dangerous group, what would the best place to set it up?
Camden Reyes
>I found the ultra-serious RP servers were usually too cliquey and stifling, but there were so many active servers in the mid-2000s that I could pick from a selection of less serious roleplay-action hybrid type games Yeah I had the same problem with nwn unfortunately all the servers became like that after the master server died, it killed the community.
Ethan Bailey
It's really not the nwn community has gone to shit everyone moved on. The few servers that are still active, because a lot of the stuff listed on scry is empty almost 24/7 have either very small communities or very clique communities that are hard to get into, I have been basically run off a few servers for not going with the cliques.
Cooper Collins
I played WoW on Moon Guard when it was still a low-pop server. Wasn't terrible then. Then I jumped ship to Wyrmrest Accord when the free transfers opened up.
Sebastian Long
Met my wife through a WoW RP server. I should mention, private wow rp servers like Freedom or Paragon or the now defunct CoTH are far, far better than retail servers, typically because they remove the levelling/gameplay parts and are pure RP. With dedicated builders, DMs/GMs, etc.
If you're into WoW RP, I recommend Freedom over the others. It's less vitriolic than Paragon, though this being the chans you may feel more at home on the latter simply because of everyone talking shit about everyone else on the latter.
Played Freelancer on Discovery, NWN2 on Sigil - The City of Doors, CoH titan/Paragon Chat... Veeky Forumsstation... Swtor on The progenitor..
Joseph Myers
On ARK I started a tribe that roleplayed as caveman-nazis.
We built a huge castle and our MO was to capture and entrap other players in cages, of which we had a couple dozen in a field outside our castle with a sign that read "lil' Auschwitz."
We pretty much just ran around raiding other tribes yelling silly nazi stuff and breeding insane high level dinosaurs to ride into battle until the server alphas got butthurt and wiped us off the server.
Was pretty fun while it lasted though.
James Reyes
>Get game when it first came out. "Cool! I can be a super hero!" >Come back years later "Cool! I can be any fetish!"
Virtue server, Podge Hodge, Operative May, Descended Bone Daddy
Robert Johnson
I used to play on one of the NWN strict roleplaying servers, but there was a lot of drama ooc. Then I ran a gmod RP server and made a few long term friends. I never bothered with anything else, got my fix in tabletop games.
Brayden Parker
Any remnants of old Jedi Academy RP?
Angel Nguyen
I just about got into that but my net was too shitty at the time. When I finally got back into it, no one was around. It's not like the RP could progress very far when all you could do is battle.
Benjamin Thomas
I did a stint of that once, after following a WoW friend into it. That was a little kooky.
James Cox
Iunno m8 I'm having fun making the Alliance a safer place.
Charles Brown
>Ever RP in a video game? Pretty much always, but I'm more likely to do it in singleplayer. Getting in-character and adding another layer of imagination to everything just comes very naturally to me.
I try in multiplayer if it's the kind of game where one roleplays, but I usually don't play MMOs and the like, and I generally find the communities kind of shit. I get my fix of social roleplaying from the two tabletop groups I'm in, so I don't really feel like I need to roleplay with others in vidya, even if I gladly will (as long as it doesn't get too awkward). I just generally have more mediocre to bad experiences than good ones roleplaying in MMOs.
Christian Rivera
LOTRO, RP guild. It was fun at first, but turned into roleplay clusterfuck pretty fast, sometimes boring, sometimes hilariously stupid, but rarely pleasing. No character development, no story progressing, everyone is a self-insert Mary Sue, but don't you dare to run instead of walking in the town area, instant kick from the guild and lots of shaming.
Thomas Sanchez
I sometimes play Second Life just to crash parties or caper roleplays. Or I did, a few years ago. My personal favourite was that time I managed to convince a group of Attack on Titan roleplayers to accept me as a magical catgirl, and drew them with me on a highly improvisational adventure, as we crossed many lands and public places in search of mythical giants. Probably had them tailing me for well over an hour.