How well would your favorite video game protagonists survive in the 40K verse? Pick very related.
Video Game characters in 40K
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user who drew that pic of Doomguy and Samus holding hands during last thread's discussion about videogame badasses: this is the thread to post your completed pic, wherever you may be.
It's not completed, but it is updated. I've started laying down the basic colors and JUST started adding value to them.
If you know anyone who's better at coloring than me (I still suck at it) then here's the bw version.
Isn't it obvious?
-Lost female Primarch, never made a legion.
-Fights ultra powerful xenos and vampiric organisms on par with enslavers.
-incorporated old one(or similar) tech with her own
-basically a one woman exterminatus
-doesn't afraid of anything
>Master Chief
He's a step below Space Marine so I guess he's good. A spartan like him from Halo would probably make a good assassin.
>Ranger from Quake.
Confuses the Webway Gates with bone-made Slipgates, which leds to lots of Eldar and the occasional Warp beast dying either by explosives, literally nailed to the ground and the occasional telefrag.
I don't know, Master Chief could give an Astartes a run for their money. He kinda totes the line in terms of bulk between SM and Eldar, plus he's used to fighting things like Hunters and Brutes.
I think it would depend on the Astartes in question. Master Chief has killed some nasty bastards, as have some Astartes, but some Astartes are just mooks who get killed by Chaos, Orks, and the like for the sake of trophies.
>-Lost female Primarch, never made a legion.
Blood Ravens, user. Blood Ravens.
Depends entirely on her proximity to a casino at any given time.
He'd fit right in with the Inquisition.
>favorite video game protagonist
Does the Imperium even have defense attorneys, or is it pretty much just kangaroo courts if you even get a trial at all?
Then again Phoenix is no stranger to impossible odds.
He'd do pretty good. He already survived corruptive viruses.
And he gains powers every time he kills a necron. Or dreadnaught. Or space marine. Or anything that can be described as (anything)-man
>every time he kills a necron or a dreadnaught or a space marine
Implying he could even kill one of those to begin with.
He's got an infinite plasma gun, extra lives, and e-tanks.
So, yeah, he stands a pretty fair chance.
>implying men of iron aren't top tier
They'd be pretty accustomed to the grimdark, at least.
>implying he can even take on a single space marine before he gets any powerups
>implying his plasma gun doesn't just shoot lemons
They're PLASMA lemons. More than enough to kill anything with a hitbox.
Also, which megaman are we talking here? Some come with charge beam right out of the box.
I love both those characters and I find this insulting.
I mean, to be fair, Samus is leaps and bounds ahead of any space marine.
Well, Megaman games ARE famous for their high difficulty.
yeah, just learn the space marine's pattern.
Get good, literally.
Classic Megaman and X are both Samus-tier, Megaman.exe killed the internet once, and Star Force fought a guy inside a Black Hole. Volnutt is probably the weakest one there and he's fought shit the size of a Warhound.
actually, classic megaman is PRETTY FAR below x in terms of ability.
So he can't really be in the same tier as x.
but samus doesn't have a single melee move
Classic has shown far more physical strength than X, but his weapons are a bit lower yeah. I'll concede to him being just below that tier, then.
Rude, they should stick together.
The Screw Attack is only usable in melee and it's one of her strongest attacks.
Fuck, I forgot about screw attack.
The inaccurate cannon smash distracted me.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Dante would shit on basically anything.
I hated Other M. But I appreciated their efforts to include melee.
With any luck, the team that made Doom 2016 can convince Nintendo that they can handle a back-to-the-roots metroid game.
The screw attack is probably the most op standard move in sidescroller games.
Punches Chaos in the face.
Becomes new God Emperor of Mankind.
Puts stripper poles in the Golden Palace.
Takes a piss on a Codex Astartes. Pierce, Shaundi, Johnny, Oleg and Angel are Chapter Masters now. Zimos is in command of the Sisters of Battle.
>Becomes new God Emperor of Mankind.
>implying he wasn't already
>this game's plot sucked and neutered the main character's personality to pander to the makers' home audience
>everything about it sucked, including the gameplay
I liked most of the gameplay. The forced mixing of first- and third-person wasn't great, but if they'd stuck to third person and geared it more towards being a ranged beat-'em-up, the only complaint I'd have is the plot. And I can ignore the plot, but then again, I have a lot of practice with ignoring things and tuning out everything but the most necessary information.
>There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my Court, an innocent man is guilty of wasting my time
Samus would stomp on everything, because repeatedly soloing carnifex-tier threats is her day job, but the scope of how fucked everything in 40k is would stop that from making much difference. In fact, in 40k-logic she'd be even more prone to blowing up every planet she visits, and all her efforts would lead to the galaxy being even more fucked.
>the Nerevarine
Probably poorly. Bonkers cosmology aside, TES is still a setting where a simple sword is relevant. Daedric artifacts would be significant gear, but not up to the same level as power armor and power weapons.
The first three big guys he runs into (without Reflect, anyway) are going to eat Ebony Arrows of Slaying, though.
I agree. The baseline Spartan is below the baseline Astartes, but that doesn't mean an exemplary Spartan has to be under a rank-and-file marine. He's still not remotely near CM/termie level, but he'd make a vet work for it.
Anything you put in wh40k universe will be raped and murdered/converted by chaos gods instantly. Or at least, that is what 99% of these cross-shit threads end in. My favorite protag is Solid Snake. I guess he would be a bretty good guardsmen though.
Nerevarine has CHIM though
>courier six
for in the grim dark future, you still shouldn't fuck with the folks who deliver your mail
>But isn't the guilty party more guilty of wasting your time? They put up a defense claiming that they didn't do something that it's been proven that they did. All the innocent party did was prove their innocence, but the guilty party lied to you, time and again and wasted, not just your time, but the time of everyone involved in the case.
I don't know, I think the Nerevarine would stand a good chance if a good player was at the helm to cheese the fuck out of his stats and Morrowind game mechanics.
What powers would he get?
>dbz style powering up, except with drugs instead of ki
Why have I never seen this in any media ever?
I wonder how much the Eldar would pay for soul gems
probably a lot of boring guns.
most things are "gun man" in 40k. Or some variant of sword man.
The only interesting powers would be from specialist psykers and daemons.
That's literally Bane.
That's fucking small time compared to what you can do by combining drugs and enchanting so you can enchant better gear to make your enchanting better
You can stack it up so high
yeah, but he doesn't get some kind of crazy drug power aura
oh, I know. I abused the FUCK out of the magic system.
I remember I figured out a spell that just made enemies go up into the air and not come down. It was great fun.
Also, testing with high yield destruction spells may have forced me to reload after killing way too many npcs.
>selling necklaces/other jewelry specially enchanted to constantly cast soul trap on the wearer with a black soul gem as the gemstone in it to Eldar
>teaching them how to talk to the soul inside the gem
I have a feeling that your best bet would be to take an almost religious approach and open negotiations with, "how much is the wellbeing of your immortal soul worth to you?"
Don't the eldar soulstones already accomplish this without the unpleasantness that is TES soultrapping?
He could join the Tyranids. They're both about eating things to gain their powers. Part of Kirby's shtick is making friends with everything, even when it doesn't make sense, and they've got something in common.
Soul Cairn is better than Slaanesh, but I think they'd like a bunch just to examine them and their function
Yeah, but soulstones are, from what I understand, very hard to make, while soul gems are literally mined out of the ground and turned black with an infusion of necromantic magic.
If nothing else, it gives them something to work with to try and make better soulstones.
I don't think the tyranids would play nice. In fact, I feel like they are likely to steal his cake. Which is a death sentence.
Though, more importantly, kirby would WRECK THE FUCK out of the eye of terror. I mean, his MO regularly includes fighting and killing chaos gods in their home dimensions.
And wish machines. Do those count as gods?
Can I post samus fanart here?
Well the Forces of Chaos are completely fucked.
>a military-trained psyker marine with access to unlimited daemonic fusion and compendium who can go toe-to-toe with literal gods
I'd say he'd do pretty well.
Meet your new Ordo Malleus special agent.
Only way to get new soul stones is to hop in the Eye, find a Crone World, and hang around until the Warp fuck's time up hard enough that you can watch the Fall happen, at which point you grab some of Isha's tears and scamper.
They are, understandably, a bit in demand. Even a two-bit knockoff would be worth a shitload if it were reproducible.
Depends a lot on the metaphysics of soulgems, particularly when transplanted into the 40k universe. At least from what we see of the Soul Cairn in dawnguard, dumping eldar souls into it doesn't seem like it helps the Eldar much. Sure the Ideal Masters may be powerful enough to keep Slaanesh at bay, but the souls are still functionally lost to the Eldar, unless they come up with a way to enter the cairn.
Dude you can post anything if you make a fetish thread about it
Souls aren't sent to the Cairn until the gem is used to create or charge an item: the enchantment/charge is the power the Masters exchange for the soul. Before then, the soul is still trapped in the gem as normal. Take for instance the guy who tried to use Azura's Star as a phylactory.
Quite well.
I'm not sure I'd use the guy actively fucking with a daedric artifact as a point of reference for how soulgems work, but I guess it is true that the soul is still in there until you use it for something.
I wonder what Jiub got turned into.
It's not fetishy. I was just practicing quick-colors. I suck at coloring. So I like to practice by putting time-limits on my color jobs.
That game series was fucking amazing.
Servants would fair perfectly fine as nothing short of the best greater daemons and primarchs could hope to match them blow-for-blow. Though, only Gilgamesh has any personal means to leave the planet, so they'd have to make friends to travel.
>tfw you have no one to trade your Necrontyr & Metal Coat with for a Necron
It's almost as bad as having to level a Hive Tyrant to level 55 before it becomes a Swarmlord.
Astonishing well actually. Both Xenoverse protagonists are stronger than most of Super's cast.
At least all you have to do to catch things is throw balls at them.
This. Samus and Megaman (especially X) are both great. That artist is a faggot.
>Megaman X downloads the Codex Astartes
>starts doing no-damage runs on the Ultramarines
>implying you can easily catch a Necron overlord
Look, I got a few normal Necrons from waking their sleeping asses using the Flute but not the top tier stuff.
Have you heard the rumors though? They say that under a truck somewhere you can catch a "Squat" but I haven't seen it. I'm betting it's a hoax like that "Chaos Android" one.
>Gordon Freeman is the one taking this pic
>Tweets,"Lovebirds killing aliens. Aren't they so cute?"
I need this so badly. I need the ultra-baddass protagonists shooter club, and in it Samus and Doomguy (two of the eldest members) are going steady. Their baddass friends tease them about it. They just stay quiet and keep a straight face, because they're professionals.
I recommend the webcomic Manly Guys Doing Manly Things for a similar juxtaposition of badassery, cuteness, and pop culture characters.
Even the scrawny intern managed to level a magikarp from level 5 to 25 by beating other pokes into submission with it.
Then his Garidos started eating them.
Most recent comic is his killing the FNAF robots with a baseball bat. It's fucking great.
I concur.
I imagine that Jared meets Karl Franz and they trade pets for a day since Jared is a man worthy of both his respect and Deathclaw's.
>"Come, Mr. Fish. Let us bring swift retribution to the enemies of the Empire."
>"Yay, retribution!"
>Diamond Dogs Chapter
>Speciality: Non-Lethal takedowns, hostage rescue, stealth
>Steals supplies, weapons, even literally the enemies
I don't know much about 40k but I know Raiden is both skilled and powerful.
He's probably high tier in the 40K universe.
given that he suplexed a Metal Gear Ray, which is about the size of a knight-titan i think
Yeah he's probably primarch tier.
Already proved that's not the case. Most of the characters can cause some major damage to 40K on their own.
They are?
As a player you're expected to beat down Beerus, Super Cyan Goku and Vegetta, and every major villian ever, usually multiple at once.
And the highest you can go is SS3, and that's only if you happen to be a sayain
> And this is to snort even further beyond!
The cogboys will love his body.
would probably beat everyone, she punched god so hard her soul flew out of her body and hit the sun
>The Bhaalspawn
Depends on the build. Kensai/Mage would fuck everything around them locally though. Time Stop, instantaneous casting (Robe of Vecna + Amulet of Power + Improved Alacrity), War Crimes contingency (Chain Contingency loaded with 3x Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting targeting nearest enemy, triggers on "sees enemy"), the list goes on.
His fully upgraded battle body also suplexed Metal Gear EXCELSUS which is a bit bigger than a Warhound Titan, though it was a very slow suplex with lots of effort.