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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So is Lunar Dial and either Omega Super Speed or Arrowverse Speedster enough to Quicksilver's Apocalypse scene?
What are some good early chain waifus?
Not sure how many folks are around right now, but I have a shiny new WIP to share. It's getting close to being done, but the item section leaves me wanting, and yes, obviously, I still need to come up with some drawbacks.
But I thought I'd remind everyone that I exist, and ask for input. Please be as harsh and thorough as you can. I need it.
Lunar Dial can do it on it's own.
Sakuya cleans so fast she doesn't even disturb the surrounding dust.
Timestop and really good timeslow can work wonders.
Man. I can't decide between being a Host with 5 or less Parasytes for Multi Parasyte... Or whether to be Cranial Parasyte with some Multi Parasytes.
Why? In first case, once I import the Parasytes and get them perks/alt forms and This is my Final Form I can completely change their configuration on my body to utilize it...
But with latter I can also serve as a limb like Gotou did, and have one of imported Parasytes be a host. This way me and other Parasytes serve as boosters or helpers with the main skill set being changed depending on leader. Yes, this means we could Open Get and Change Getter without mechas.
But I can't decide which is better, help me jc!
I still do not approve of this Jump. I believe the setting is too lewd to qualify as a Jump. Especially considering the Keidan Drawback you added.
Please stop your efforts in this direction and find a less lewd Jump to make if you're still inclined to do so.
But that won't let me maintain momentum to run up walls and shit will it?
The style is just as important as the actual effect, after all.