Game Finder



>System Preferred

>Times Available (with timezone!)

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)

>Contact Info

>Additional Notes


>System Preferred
2e Adnd with the historic greece ruleset

>Times Available (with timezone!)
Thursdays, 7:30-10:30 EST

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 and Skype

>Contact Info
[email protected]

>Additional Notes
Second edition is fun and easy, so don't be worried if you've never done it before. We'll be using the 'Age of Heroes' campaign source book, which is basically ancient Greece.

We're starting a BRAND NEW GAME this Thursday. I already have a group of three solid players, and I'm looking for about three more. Don't be a weird asshole. BYOB.


>System Preferred
Pathfinder, 5e

>Times Available (with timezone!)
every day after 7PM EST, minus weekends

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, roll20, Discord (text preferred)

>Contact Info
Skype: Null_Vanguard

>Additional Notes
experienced in pathfinder, new to 5e.


>System Preferred
Pathfinder preferred, but fine with anything high fantasy like DnD as long as you can teach me

>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any day except Saturday, Friday afternoons, and some Wednesday afternoons.
Other than that, any time afternoon, evening, or night (No mornings).
EST time zone

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, Roll20, Discord, Teamspeak

>Contact Info
Skype: xxthekawaiionexx (Don't judge me)
Discord: Dog#4868

>Additional Notes
I have "decent" experience with Pathfinder as it's the only thing I know since I'm a babby.
I've played Shadowrun once but I admittedly don't like sci fi settings that much because the realism feels restrictive. I've always been a little interested in 40k but would rather not.

>System Preferred
Pathfinder or Mutants and Masterminds
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Preferably Weekends, CST. There are some weekdays I'm available, but I'd need to talk with the GM before committing to a weekday game.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I've played pretty much every way you can online. From Skype to Discord, and Roll20, to Maptools.
>Contact Info
Discord: Bender∞#9422
>Additional Notes
I'm a big fan of Path of War so I'd prefer to join a game that allows it.

tfw /slowgames/
Help me out, Veeky Forums. I've been craving a midweek game.


>System Preferred
Pathfinder: Can competently fill just about every role in this system. Particularly like casters but that's probably because I can spin them in a thousand different ways. Have a decent grounding in PoW and some PF/3.5 shenanigans. I promise to cut back on the shenanigans in this system to a level that's inline with the party's, though should we have an exceptionally able party I'm fairly confident I can keep up.
Shadowrun 4e/5e: Love me some future settings. I've got a pretty good handle on both of these, though particularly specialize in being the matrix guy. Bricking the enemy's cybereyes/contacts/etc while passed out behind a wall is too thematic to pass up. Also really love the matrix lore in 4e/some parts of 5e.
Eclipse Phase: Just played one game with this system and love the possibilities it leaves open to tell story wise, in the hands of a competent GM this system can be amazing. Tend to gravitate towards stealth/combat in this system but that's simply because that's what I know but in the h

>Times Available (with timezone!)
Timezone CST (GMT-6) US Central Time, Chicago/Houston. East Coast -1hr, West coast +2hr.
Time available: Mon-Thursday 5:00 PM - 2:00AM or 3:00AM (Student so might have papers due) Saturday 5:00PM-Sunrise.

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 and Discord. Can play via just about everything but that's what I'm most used to. Skype's become a shitshow lately so I'd rather avoid that if we could.
Voice or text, though my internet's slow as fug so we might run into some troubles.

>Contact Info
Discord: Phony Name#1142

>Additional Notes
Been described as having the wariness of a drunk bear. Leads to fun times ingame. Do not let me play the detective or things will go terribly wrong
Enjoy friendly party bantz.
Eager to help new players out with finding fun builds.

>But that's simply because that's what I know but in the h
This is why you proofread, lads. REMOVE CHARLIMIT REEEEEE

--But in the hands of a competent party I'm sure I could optimize for playing another role just fine.*

Shameless bump before bed.

> captchas

>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sundays 7:00am GMT+8 / Saturday 3:00pm PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 and optional Discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
It's a mortals game about university students discovering and studying the supernatural

>GM or player
>Timezone/times available
Pretty much any time from 11 AM to 3 AM, EST, every day.
>Voice or Text
Text, either live or play-by-post.
Exalted 3e or 2.5e, oWoD or nWoD, Savage Worlds, GURPS, aSoIaF, Burning Wheel, Shadowrun, FFG Star Wars, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Apocalypse World, Night's Black Agents, and pretty much anything you want to run other than D&D or Pathfinder.
>Contact info
[email protected]
You can contact me by email or plug that into Skype.
Or Tzer#1352 on Discord.
>Additional info
I'm looking for someone to run a solo campaign. "Wow," you might ask. "Who could be so extraordinarily selfish and narcissistic as to request a solo game?" Well, me- because you'll never get a game if you never ask.
If you're recruiting for text-based group games for any of the titles above, I'm also interested.
>But why you?
I'm a reliable player and a decent writer who can craft characters with believable motivations and ambitions. I'm fine with whatever kind of story the GM wants to tell, but my characters always have clear goals and a desire to achieve them, so they also won't flounder in a sandbox. If there's something specific you want from a campaign, or something you wouldn't want to try with a group, I'm your Huckleberry.


>System Preferred
I've got a craving for a fantasy GURPS game, but I can do a lot of systems.
PF, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Exalted 2.5 or 3e and GURPS are my main systems, but I can learn others quickly.

>Times Available (with timezone!)
I live in the UK, but I work late, so EST evenings work best for me.

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 preferred, but I'm up for anything that doesn't need voice for IC. OOC voice is fine though.

>Contact Info
Skype: EpicPirateGuy
Discord: Mulmangcho#9156
E-mail: [email protected]

>Additional Notes
There seems to be a lot of players around right now. But here's hoping...

Someone better gm a pathfinder game with all the people that want to play it

PF is a PITA to run, it's why there's always more players than GMs.

Player, but can GM if need be.
>System Preferred
Shadowrun, 5e.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST, i'm available all the time.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I'm fine with it all.
>Contact Info
Skype's brain.overton2 , telegram's @bulldude.
>Additional Notes
I'm experienced both as as a player and as a GM. Prefers voice games, but not opposed to text.

>there are no games where you can hold the line to screen the cavalry's advance over the ridge while under howitzer fire

>System Preferred
Pathfinder or something similar
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+12, pretty much whenever, flexible schedule
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Whatever works best
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Haven't played any TTRPGs aside from Everyone is John. Have played on RP servers.

Nobody likes running pathfinder

And nobody likes playing with pathfinder players

>System Preferred
Doesn't matter
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT +2, I'm available most for most of the week
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, roll20
>Contact Info
bassbass6 on skype
>Additional Notes
I'm not that experienced but I'm willing to learn

>System Preferred
Fantasy Craft, UESRPG, Shadowrun 5e.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, afternoons and evenings (1pm to 8pm)
GMT +1
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, Discord, TS3, Roll20. S'long as it isn't PbP or video chat I can do it.
Text prefered but I can work with voice.
>Contact Info
Skype: sierrawho
Discord: Sierra#4070
>Additional Notes
I've got a large chunk of experience with Shadowrun and Fantasy Craft but not much with UESRPG, though no one really has that. I prefer character driven and roleplay focused games, a dungeon crawl can be fun once in a while.


Dude, you know that wargames exist, right?

you get a very different visceral feeling when it's roleplayed and the stuff wargames automate suddenly isn't.

GM if no one thinks he'll do better
>System Preferred
pdf related, worldbuilding game where players are gods
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+3, we'll agree on the time
>Method of Play
>Contact Info
Dirg #2235 on Discord
>Additional Notes
Fun allowed
there's already 3, 1-3 more and we get it rolling

oh shit

Player here.

Would love to play heavily modified 3.5 Failing that Pathfinder or 5e.

6.00-11.00 PM. GMT +3.

Any software is fine by me.

Contact: [email protected]

Not a lot of recruiting in these anymore, huh?

I want to recruit people but everyone that we've brought into our 5e game has been so cringy, autistic, and horrible that at this point it's not worth it to me.

That's unfortunate, I just wanna play games and have fun

>System Preferred
Warhamer 40k RPGs
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Fridays and Saturdays, pretty much whenever before midnight EST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Skype, Discord
>Contact Info
Kamikaze6714 (Skype), IronEleven#8172 (Discord)

What counts as "Cringy" "autistic" and "horrible" to you?

2 players looking for group or GM

>System Preferred

>Times Available (with timezone!)
Wednesdays 18:00 GMT+1 would be highly preferable, however we can discuss this

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype for OOC chatter, Roll20 for IC text and rolls

>Contact Info
Drop me a line through skype, my ID is: Minorass

>Additional Notes
We enjoy text based games the most, however voice is not off the table. Main thing is we'd like a game that doesn't die after the first two sessions.

Messaged you with a friend request.

You just have to be diligent and keep trying. It took my group a year to find its bearing, and I made sure to get rid of anyone that was a shitty asshole.

So far we've been a solid group for the past two years, and not a sperg among us.

The abyss stares back into you.
If you keep attracting cringy/autistic/horrible people, you're probably cringy/autistic/horrible too.

Have you thought about looking for people to play IRL?

I really want to know what qualifies as cringy, autistic, or horrible so I don't do any of it. I could see how someone could be autistic and horrible but how do you even avoid being cringy in your rp games?

Just things that make people uncomfortable in your games, I guess.

One thing I've noticed that makes people cringey (including me) is when sex is introduced into a game, especially when it's unexpected, inappropriate for the setting, or is composed of terrible fetish crap... like the fleshcrafting Tzimisce in your game of Vampire: the Masquerade, who decides to suddenly sprout a second dick just to double-penetration the club girl he intends to drink from.

That actually happened, by the way. I felt bad for the GM... they were relatively inexperienced, and had no idea how to process that sort of thing.

Honestly, that doesn't sound as bad as what people could do. I always thought magical realming was just a joke like someone going around stabbing butts. Then you find out people actually do it and you wonder why.

It does sound a bit over the top and probably was cringy, but you can't say you didn't expect something like that from someone with the ability to "fleshcraft". Shit, if I was there I'd be laughing at it. I like jokes like that as long as they're not trying to derail the train. I'm there to have fun after all.

>like the fleshcrafting Tzimisce in your game of Vampire: the Masquerade, who decides to suddenly sprout a second dick just to double-penetration the club girl he intends to drink from.
>Vampire: the Masquerade

There's part of the problem right there.
V:TM has a habit of attracting edgelords, and even worse, of encouraging edginess in otherwise perfectly good players.

Anyone running Apocalypse World? I've been MCing it, but I really want to try it out as a player.

To be honest, this is from the "That Guy" of the group, who was always doing shit that everyone hated. We had all played V:tM now or again, but he was the only one doing shit like this.

Well, Fleshcrafting in-setting is just something they have to make themselves fit the mould of some kind. They decorate themselves with hideous appearances, armor-like skin, impossibly thin waists, bony spiked knuckles, that sort of thing.
The Tzimisce revel in being monsters, and their ability makes them look like that.

daily bump





Hackmaster 5E

>Times Available
Wednesday 7PM GMT
Sessions usually last between 3-4 hours.

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for play, Discord for call

>Contact Info
Discord: Metal Meme Machine, MeteorD#6163
Skype: crackostbiten

>Additional Notes
The campaign has been running for quite some time, but the characters aren't overlevelled or such. You'll be starting at Level 5, and I'll go through character creation + level up with you.

In-game setting is basically the fantasy equivalent of Scandinavia, it's a bit hard to describe everything so if you're interested just message me. I'll be glad to explain everything about the system and link the books and all that.

Current party is 2 Fighters and 1 Assassin if that matters.

Bumpin for the people


>System Preferred
Shadowrun 5, DND 5E, 3.PF.
Any system really, I'm just looking to play a game I've been without one for awhile.

>Times Available (with timezone!)
I'm in California so PST. I'm free any time except for Tuesday 5-9 (Class); and Fri/Sat 6-10 (I raid in WoW at that time)

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I'm up for anything.

>Contact Info
Discord: E1#7971
Skype: ExaltedXOne

>Additional Notes
I've been looking for a game for awhile, I'm looking for something long term or short term I don't really care too much. I'm always on time, and I don't stir shit in games.

2 Players

>System Preferred
Shadowrun, 40k, WoD, Exalted

>Times Available
Any time on sunday EST/EDT

>Method of Play
Prefer roll20 but can use anything most familiar with Skype

>Contact Info
[email protected]

>Additional Notes
I'm a rules lawyer who's tired of lawyering so we're looking for rulesets I'm somewhat unfamiliar with. I'm really interested in good, collaborative storytelling over all else.

(Pic: was posted on /an/)