Okay so, my group has been wanting a game around WWII aerial combat. I don't know of any rulesets that'd make tit easy, but obviously it'd need to be homebrewed. Is there a game already out there that would just copy paste, or would I be better taking pages out of Only War and just making it work?
Homebrew setting based around aerial combat
Other urls found in this thread:
Check your 6 has great air combat, but I'm assuming you want more of an RPG?
I dont think anyone has really written a comprehensive WW2 airman RPG. might be a hole in the market that people would really enjoy playing.
You could potentially use Traveller as a basis, it has piloting and vehicles covered very nicely and is a simple and effective system. Many WW2 vehicles statted out, and vehicles are incredibly easy to stat yourself too.
IIRC some of the people in the Strike Witches threads that have been going on the last few weekends were thinking about adapting Dive into the Sky for regular planes, maybe ask them next weekend?
>Implying OP isn't an user from that thread
I have heard great shit about cy6, but that's a wargame. I've been doing something with savage world and a more ww1 tint to it.
Pulp toolkit for plane construction and stat blocks, 1st ed for the dog fighting rules, deluxe for everything else. Though I've not run a test through the group yet, so I can't say if it will turn out well or not.
Search for Warbirds. Its simple but i Luke it. It even has an WW2 suplement.
Warbirds, look for it.
so that is way too generic of a plane term.
Try asking here
"Warbirds RPG Caribbean" will get you in the ballpark
Have you tried Crimson Skies?
Thanks I'll check it out. Shouldn't be hard to clobber something out.
Never heard of it.
since when has that been more than vidya? (or a savage world's homebrew a friend ran a successful game in a few years back?)
Dude, it started as a board game. Then it got video games.
Oh yes, please be disappointed in my lack of knowledge about a thing I played literally a decade and a half ago when I was in my single digits as a person.
That information is freely available on the internet.
>Board game: 1998
>Computer game: 2000
>High Road to Revenge: 2003
Do you have to be spoonfed everything?
Look ya smarmy cunt. I asked a question about something that hasn't been on my mind for several years in passing, and at least a decade prior.
But by all means stay on that high horse of yours. Must be nice. Watch your head, don't want you to accidentally bump into anything.
>Expecting people to not be cunts on Veeky Forums
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Apparently /v/
Me wanna.
But I'll never have anyone to play it with.
It really depends on the kind of feel you want for that sort of game.
Air War C21 is an air combat wargame, but it is a bit too 'slow' (number crunching) for my group. If you're looking for a system that will give you a character-centric story, C21 will not offer you much mechanically.
Warbirds RPG is less mechanically intensive - more left to the imagination, though the dogfighting mechanic does a pretty good job of balancing imagination and stats while keeping messy dogfights easy to follow. It even keeps altitude and the deck in the spotlight. The system puts the spotlight on pilots in and out of combat, so if you want a system that'll let your pilots get into brawls in the bar or woo the journalists while also dogfighting in the sky, it does a decent job. You'll probably want to ignore the base setting and just lift the system, though, which means you'll probably be writing up your own planes. Bonus points for the jet-age supplement, if you want to go full Ace Combat or Mercenary Air War.
As an aside, since I saw it mentioned in the thread, but this is the system I used for Strike Witches before Veeky Forums's DitS.
Night Witches, the Apocalypse World hack, takes it to the other extreme; being very focused on the characters and a narrative-first game. It'd be pretty simple to take the system and adapt, since Apocalypse World is very hackable.
Heavy Gear's Tactical Air War supplement fleshes out a more onerous hex-based grid style, though imo if you are going for a hex-based game, you may want to consider looking at the X-Wing tabletop inspired H.A.W.X. miniatures game in the steam workshop for tabletop simulator. Check Your Six! may be the best option for a compromise between ease of play and depth in hex games, though pilots are reduced to a single crew stat bonus, so it won't give you much for roleplay outside of the battle.
Happy hunting!
Warbirds have suplements for both jet age and WW2, with stats for planes. Its really cool, but i dont like the base setting a lot. Get the system and the suplement of tour choice and be happy.
I would suggest because it does what you want it to.
It's even got jet age stuff.
So, OP, now your query has been answered, any other questions?
Check out Mercenary Air Squadron and Mercenary Air Squadron: Mediterranean Theater. The system is pretty simple and could be adapted to about any RPG system.
Anyone got the Mercs and Planes stuff?
The PDF archive is your friend.
Not really, I'll have to get the book before I could have any idea on what other questions I would have. So long as it has good list of planes, and a simple system it should be peachy keen.
It'll honestly be a hard choice between CyS or Warbirds.
Mercs and Planes is basically just a mashup of AirWar C21 and Mercenary Air Squadron, a board game. It's really rough around the edges. It also offers barely more than Check Your Six! for a 'character sheet' or character centered roleplay, and is more of a squad management simulator. If you're playing solo or with one other person, it could work, but would quickly become unmanageable if you tried to control multiple planes and instigate fights with the C21 rules.
>mfw I'm writing one at this very moment
Guess I'd better fucking hurry up and get it out there
>Night Witches
btw here's a pdf for that, OP