EDH/Commander General

Creatures You'd Have Liked to be Legendary Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

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lmgtfy.com/?q=Ambassador format mtg

>Creatures You'd Have Liked to be Legendary edition

>Implying that you wouldn't want all the Nephilim to be Legendary.

Nephilims, that 3c cycle from FRF, the big creatures 3c cycle from Alara; basically a lot of stuff.

I'd really like to try and play Ambassador if my group didn't had people that minmaxed sometimes. I fear they would play the most unfun things they could.


Witch-Maw is the one nephilim I wouldn't find interesting as a commander. Glint-Eye isn't terribly interesting either.

The limit to just legendary creatures for your commander is bullshit and it's about time that the EDH committee get ride of it.
There really aren't that many would be broken non-legendary commanders, and those specifically could just be banned. But that's I guess too much work for the faggots overseeing the whole thing.

They also have the excuse of Ambassador, "If you really want to play with Hellkite Overlord or Godsire in the Command Zone convice your group to play Ambassador!", they would probably say. But I think there's no lists for banned commanders in that.

I can't find a single part of this post that isn't retarded. Groups are free to play Ambassador with or without the EDH Rules Committee's involvement; the shitstorm around the banlist WOULD be insane, and those "faggots" aren't getting paid for this.

Thinking about buying atraxa and breya, would one of those decks be an alright start? I would love to build atraxa superfriends as my first commander deck.

I am planning the same, and I found out that you are better off buying singles for Atraxa, since you won't use much of the deck if you are making a superfriends deck.

What's your buying power? Planeswalkers aren't generally cheap but if you have an income, then it sounds like that's what you're keen on, so do it.

Kill yourself. Seriously.

I haven't posted on Veeky Forums in 2 or 3 years and you made me do it. Faggot.

I see, but I already preordered the deck and I want most of the cards for other decks too.

If that's all it took, you're don't have much composure.

I should have enough money to get the planeswalkers I want, I'll see how everything goes and if it isn't possible I just play atraxa counters instead, it's supposed to be mostly for casual anyways since noone in my playgroup plays competitive.

>Creatures You'd Have Liked to be Legendary

You don't need a whole heap of planeswalkers anyway. You want a solid core of them, but you also want wraths/Propaganda effects/Silent Arbiter effects etc. to prevent your walkers from getting dogpiled, ramp/manafixing, etc. etc.

Reacting to a retarded post like that isn't really a good measure of one's composure.

I don't even know how I'd make him viable asode from steel overseer, but Pentavus used to be my favourite card. I'd also really like Stuffy doll, but it'd be goddamn ridiculous.

Also, repeating my request for critique from

I'll make sure to get some, thanks.
I already have some stuff lying around to upgrade the out of the box deck and I may try Skytherix, but I'm pretty sure people would not like me for doing that.


>Will my new list help me stand up to 3 to 5 guys, or am I still cruisin' for a bruisin'?
That's too difficult to answer just by looking at the deck and not knowing what your meta looks like. I'm inclined to say this won't keep its hand full enough, or ramp to Jin quickly enough, to fend off three people, no.

Just my opinion, but Jin is a TERRIBLE commander. He costs too much, his ability is so threatening that people will see him and immediately target you off the board.

If you wanna play mono blue that can withstand a large boardstate, try out Kira, Great Glass-Spinner or if you wanna be more fun, Sakashima the Imonster is a great commander card. A repeatable clone with a return to hand mechanic.

You need Reality Shift, Pongify, those 2CMC or less instant speed removals since putting one of them on Scepter would be extra nice.

Also you plan winning by mass bounce? Capsize up in that shit. Also some way to make infinite blue mana too.

I'm toying with an idea.

To the user who has a Yasova and City of Shadows and asked about how to build her--

I have a Yasova deck that I've been playing around with for a little while and honestly it's pretty difficult to actually get value off of her because of all the restrictions around her. I think the best cards that work with Yasova are Evolutionary Leap and Eldritch Evolution. Evolutionary Leap because it can come down before Yasova and Eldritch Evolution because it's real strong.

Honorable mentions to Natural Order (the color restriction hurts a little), Birthing Pod (can be fun / great but I don't like the inconsistency and it isn't that great if you haven't built your own deck around it and you can't steal anything), Greater Good (it's just green goodstuff, but I don't like that it costs 4 and because of Yasova's power restriction it isn't consistent value), Life's Legacy (it's just ok. definitely not a bad one), Barrin / Bazaar Trader / Jalira (cute and fun but unimpressive effects in the end).

For buffing Yasova to steal more creatures, I've had a surprising amount of success with Hero's Blade. Absolutely nobody ever bats an eye when I play it and it flies under the radar. Giving Yasova +3 power for no equip cost is amazing. Wolfir Silverheart can be pretty good as well but it's significantly slower.

I wouldn't build with too much of a focus on strictly buffing Yasova's power to steal creatures. It isn't good or reliable enough in my experience.

Xenagod is a fun inclusion, but remember his ability wouldn't double Yasova's in time to have an effect on her stealing.

Also remember that you don't have to pay for Yasova's stealing until the ability resolves, when it's too late for an opponent to react. So when it comes time to steal something, call the trigger and name your target and wait for response / no response before tapping to pay for her ability. Sometimes you can force people to get rid of their own creatures or burn a protection spell for free.

No Ogre's Cleaver to boost?

>hates blue
>wants to do blue stuff outside blue
So... you hate, like, the literal color blue?

Chromanticore for gods.dec

I don't actually hate blue, but the concept is that this deck hates blue. Just the color blue.

Don't listen to , Jin can be a fine commander.

But your decklist is terrible. You have way too many counterspells. Tell me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing your plan is to try to counter everything your 3 opponents play to keep yourself safe? That's not a strategy that's going to work.

You should cut your suite of counterspells down to only the most efficient ones (counterspells that cost very little or are free, ones that replace themselves, ones that are versatile) and then in game focus on just countering the thing that will kill you.

You also need more artifact ramp. As much artifact ramp as you can stuff in there because Jin Gitaxias IS very expensive and you shouldn't be surprised when the table tries to remove him as quickly as they can. You want the mana to recast him when he gets to costing 12 or more mana.

I'm not sure what your wincon or your goal is.

The equip cost is too high.

This feller


Wizards is totally voting for Hillary, and they're probably financed by George Soros.
Cuck: The Cuckening.

As opposed to other blue commanders?

Jin costs too much, has no protection, and eats removal as soon as he hits the board. He's passable if you're play every expensive mana rock (mana Vault, Grim Monolith, ect) but he easily paints you as a target. In a meta where people go tall instead of wide, I just don't think he's decent enough to use as a commander in that environment.

I had a deck with Jin at the helm before, and I didn't get much success with him. Then I replaced him with Sakashima and the deck played a lot easier without the constant target over my head.

Have you dropped $$$ on solid tech recently?
If so, on what deck?

i haven't ordered him yet but i'm thinking of getting this guy for a friend's glissa deck for christmas

I just snorted while taking a sip of coffee

Sounds swell. I'm kinda on the edge with it though, since I have nearly finished Kraj and waiting for Yidris. Still, I'm in love with her, but really am not sure about her. I feel like I have all the relevant goodstuff staples in Kraj, besides C. Sphinx and that persist noncreature counter-er.

I might take Kraj apart at some point though, to build her, but I fear it might end up too much of a goodstuff deck, and besides, many of the Kraj staples are pretty much exclusive to his strategy, like Thornling and Morphling, which I have a judge foil of and desperately want to use it.

Still, there are cards such as Master Biomancer which work wonders with Yasova. It's just that I would like to have a creature heavy deck in those colours, since pretty much only such decks I have are Ghave and Ayli. I tend to run only a few creatures. I got a Bladewing too, but I play it once in a blue moon, since it's pretty boring.

Does this have any use???

I also have Lu Xun in my maybe-board as an alternate commander. Glass spinner would be a wet dream, but my group is pretty strict on proxies of cards you don't own, and I'm currently dishing out for my green deck. A Reliquary Tower shuts down jin's most obvious offense, which if I explain, I hope will take some heat off me, but if it still gets hated on, how big of a wimp is lu xun?

All of 3 possible targets for isochron exist, as far as can tell: pongify, rapid hybridisation, and reality shift. I'll have to look into my collection and what my LGS has lying around and run a couple if I can.

Pretty much. It's built around how my local meta barters in fuck huge dudes and most spells being cast being viable counterspell targets. I need a tonne of cards to do it but my only way of surviving is to meet each 8 mana expenditure for 3, which is why I focus on two card drawing commanders. I do need more ramp, I just don't have much handy, as of current, and was probably gonna pick up what I could from my lgs later.

Are they canon gay? I know that the old lady in kaladesh is canon lesbian.

it's not that great but hell if you wanna put it into your deck then do it

Yup, they're the Guardians of Meletis; which we knew were gay.

Alright I'll bite this once but I don't think anything I say will change your mind or even give you any insight into my perspective.

Yes, Jin is very expensive. 10 mana isn't that difficult to reach and 8 of that is colorless, which gives you some more freedom in its source.

No protection is hard but it can be worked with / played around. Jin at least has Flash which gives you a lot of room for when to actually cast him. Yes he will likely eat removal but that isn't much more of a weakness than any other creature has. Not everyone will be prepared 100% of the time, and you should have counter magic or something to back Jin up once you have him hit the field.

There are other mono blue commanders who are better than Jin but that was never really a point of contention. He's not (CAPSLOCK) terrible. Unless we're trying to win every GP EDH side event here, he's fine.

that hand... they're pushing it way too much

I didn't notice the hand until you said it.

It's pretty gay. Like, literally gay.

Hmmm, Soulfire Grand Master + Mana Geyser gives potentially infinite Red mana.

I'm in love with her too. To be completely honest there are plenty of games that I've won where I never cast Yasova. The deck I'm running now would probably be better helmed by Surrak Dragonclaw just for the protection he gives my creatures from counter spells, so take anything I say with that in mind, but so far I've stuck with Yasova.

I tried Master Biomancer in Yasova for a while but I was finding that he wasn't doing enough on his own and eventually I cut him. Definitely try him out yourself though and see what you think. I had Murkfiend Liege in near the start as well.

Stubborn Denial has also been an all-star. By the time I'm trying to win and people are trying to stop me, I'll certainly have a board with at the very least one creature that turns on Ferocious for Stubborn Denial.

Shaman of the Great Hunt is another great card for drawing and for making your dudes bigger. The fact that he has haste makes him that much better.

Temur is real nice for being creature heavy, but I'll say that that it does get hard justifying running Yasova over someone like Surrak or Animar, and I've won so many games using Xenagod that I've considered cutting blue and going Gruul. Still, if you like Yasova I encourage you to give it a shot yourself and see how things turn out for you.

Pathbreaker Ibex is another all star. Haste enablers are pretty important as well. I swing out for a lot of my wins. I use Temur Ascendancy, Fires of Yavimaya, and Urabrask but Anger, Boots/Greaves, maybe Sarkhan can be helpful too.

I'll just say that Jin will be very difficult to play without enough artifact ramp.

It's hard for me to give advice on your deck when you're tailoring it to counter your meta since I have no experience playing with 'em.

If you really want to stick to mono-blue and just counterspelling people, Talrand is pretty straightforward and cheap(?) and it will at least give you dudes to swing and kill people with.

Can confirm all these things about Yasova.
Hero's Blade is MVP, honorary mentions include Mask of Avacyn and Mage Bane Armor.

Yasova is weird because you want enough of a balance between Voltron, Sac Outlets, Treason Effects and Control to be useful. Your biggest problem will be keeping her on the board, but if you can keep her out and actually get value out of stealing you're in a good place.

I have mixed feeling on Evolutionary Leap
a. It only puts a creature in your hand
b. 9/10 times I flip through half my deck to find Boon Satyr

Trading Post is great for the value, Shifting Loyalties can be a godsend, Conjurers Closet is too good not to run.

who cares, I'm still gonna play them, I'm gonna use hot pink sleeves, and I'm gonna call the deck 4c Buttbuddies

I also play the morph dork and vorinclex though.

Of the cards you listed the only ones I don't play are, Goblin Matron, Sakashima and Man'o'War.

>Goblin Matron
I only play one goblin, and it's not worth tutoring for. So this would be awful.

Costs UU, a straight up clone isn't worth UU, it has to do much more to be worth it. If you get it for its ninjutsu, it still costs 2 mana, and you usually want to grow your board before combat so you can swing for tons of damage.

I don't play any bounce effects because it breaks Animar way too hard. I don't want infinite combos. Bounce effects go infinite really really easily. Still, for a proper Animar deck you want tons of bounce. So you can return your Peregrine Drake etc to your hand.

As for fun plays, you could possibly already know these things but some fancy stuff I like doing:
Playing Myojin of Seeing Winds, drawing 20 cards, playing a clone for U as a copy of Myojin, it comes into play with a divinity counter on it.. Draw 20 more. Clones enter with Divinity counters since you cast it from your hand.

Sometimes I also discard Myojin of Seeing Winds / Jin-Gitaxias / Vorinclex to Fauna Shaman, tutoring for Body Double or an Artisan if I have enough counters, always fun.

Generally though the deck is just "Puke entire deck onto battlefield", like most non combo Animar decks, I guess.
The deck usually wins by playing my entire library into the battlefield and sacrificing creatures through Thermopod and killing everyone through Stalking Vengeance / Rage Thrower / Purphoros triggers.

For Yasova I'm really only looking for sac outlets that give me something I can't just get more easily some other way, which is maybe a testament to how bad Yasova is.

Evolutionary Leap is cheap and gives you a creature in exchange for someone else's, but really if it cost more than 2 mana I probably wouldn't use it.

I don't like Mask of Avacyn, Mage Bane Armor, Boon Satyr, or Shifting Loyalties. I ran Conjurer's Closet for a long time but every time it would sit in my hand and just be a dead card. I might have just been obscenely unlucky with it though. I think it's a nifty card but I'm uncertain about how good it really is. My gripe with it is that you really need to run some more ETB creatures of your own so that Conjurer's Closet isn't only useful with Yasova's stealing (which is unreliable).

Trading Post is cute but I don't think it's great.

Definitely agree with you on the difficulty balancing deck out. I'm pretty light on control and treason effects outside of Yasova-- if I want to steal something I want to rely on my commander for that rather than occupying precious deckslots with it.

Yeah the hand ruins it. I wouldnt even give a fuck about them being gay, but that hand just makes it too in your face for me.

I can't help but feel the five cost hybrid "gods" of shadowmoor should have been legendary. With the RB one as an exception that would have needed aditional rules text to exclude it from the legendary rule.

>hot pink sleeves

Patrician taste.

Mono blue sucks, but damn she would make a fun artificer commander.

Thanks for the tips, I'll be posting the decklist if I ever get around building her.

Maybe I love under a rock, or maybe I'm just a faggot, but what the hell is Ambassador?

and she has great art

She is fun in modern mono U tron.
>I activate Master Transmuter, return Sundering Titan to my hand, putting Sundering Titan into play

The secret of the Closet is that it gives YOU control of the creature when it reenters, which is nifty if the opponent is running a lot of EtB.
(Also the best play I've done with it was flicker my own Zealous Conscripts to Evolutionary Leap my opponents Commander on my end step.)

Her Equipment really depends on your meta. The added toughness for the Mask and Armor is really icing on the Protection.

Shifting Loyalties I will actually insist you try again. There will be times when it's 6mana in your hand other times you'll be trading Tokens for Bombs and Manarocks for Swords

Does anyone ever talk about standard on this board or is the meta too boring?


i have no clue, ive been looking for a thread for weeks now

People on xmage saying [no control, derevi,sen triplets] in a edh game, childs if you don't know how to play, don't play

lmgtfy.com/?q=Ambassador format mtg

I'm literally brewing a Breya deck full of cute artificers, I just can't let this chance of usig Sydri, Hanna, and master Transmuter in the same deck.

>no control
What is this shit supposed to mean? No control at all? Like, no removal either?

The entire Fate Reforged mythic creature cycle.

Brutal Hordechief would've been the most fucking fun commander.

Oh, this is easy, arch fiend of depravity or body snatcher would be hilarious. I think Deathrite shaman would be amazing too.

I know what Conjurer's Closet does, it's just that it costs 5 and there have tended to be other things I want to be doing with that 5 mana. It doesn't help that much if you're behind on the board which is where I was seeing it dead in my hand most of the time.

I really don't like Mask and Armor. I'll concede that if they work in your meta they're fine. To the op, I wouldn't start out with them in your starting decklist. See if you need them first.

Shifting Loyalties just costs too much, it's slow (sorcery speed), and requires two targets to use. I don't think it can be consistently useful, and I don't think it can consistently turn the game in our favor.

Yes people talk about standard, but this isn't the place to do it. Just search the pasta in the archives and make your own thread before you trigger resident shitposters.

Is Alesha, Who Smiles at Death any good? I'm just worried about playing a deck without blue or green. I'm guessing that the recursion she provides is enough to make it work though.

I saw an Alesha hatebears list that seemed fun a while back.

What would you want to do with her?

The thing is, his flash ability isn't even good on him. Your opponent is going to know when youre going to pass turn with 10 mana available that you're gonna play Jin.

His whole thing is that he is a surprise factor. Being a commander takes that away.

I'm not saying Jin is a bad card, but he's much better in the 99 than at the helm.

I'm stewie.

I really wish I could afford to play a deck that isn't blue or isn't loaded with excessive hate effects. I wish I could play politik decks, but my group always misuses politik effects.

I wanted to make my first edh deck around this duderino before I knew your commander HAD to be legendurry

>laughing ruinations.dek
Oh what could have been

>Omg gay characters! gege guys its over
I bet the next commander will be a literal cuck.

Yeah, but when your playgroup is retarded enough to pick the "additional turn" option expropriate, no amount deckbuilding can fix it.

Ask Peter to take out politics cards that get abused by opponents being bad decisionmakers (Like Tempt with Discovery and Expropriate), since those become disproportionately strong when you can count on your opponents picking the wrong option.
I had to stop playing Tempt with Discovery after always getting to tutor for Cabal Coffer + Urborg + Gaea's Cradle etc just so that the two idiots at the table can fetch a Temple of the False Gods or a Karoo land or something. It really ruins for the other players actually trying to play properly.
Maybe cards like Fact or Fiction or Intuition as well.

Do any of the precons (specifically ogre) have any achievable win cons?

it pisses off your opponents and gets you killed generally.

So, new Zurgo?

I keep talking to Peter, but it keeps on becoming a conversation akin to the nice parent and the strict parent trying to deal with a 13 year old that wont stop smoking weed. There comes a point where the answer isn't for the strict parent to lighten up, the nice one needs to get firm. Peter has tried really hard to pull back, but I can't stop blaming him for what happens.

Zurgo isn't a cuck, he's Kola- samas little bitch. There's a huge difference.

Wasn't that red guy who makes token copies of shit in the GY some kind of cuck?

It just gives you more information on how to spend your resources, for example you can't be baited into spending your counterspell on a worse choice.


shut the fuck up faggot

Where can I buy/preorder the new commander decks for the cheapest?
I want to buy the sasika deck and I saw a cap floating around where you can get one for $23.

But if you have 9 mana and 5 of it is red you probably don't really need it and aren't likely running a combo deck that could utilize it.

Shut the fuck up, please, Jesus Christ. I hate you people so much. Feldon was a widower who loved his wife very much; she was loyal to him until she died. Can you go back to wherever you came from now, please?

the artificer?

What are some good phallic cards for these guys?
Pic related seems perfect


Hard for Feldon to be a cuck what with the dead wife and all.


Today we remind them.

I picked up promo Mystic and Batterskull for Marath Boros Goodstuff.

So he was cucked by death then