Ugly Minis

A thread about the minis or models you think are the ugliest shit ever. It doesn't matter if you own it or don't, if it's old or new, what do you guys consider the ugliest mini?

I'll start with the GW servitors. I swear these fucking feet are as big as a guardsman head.

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I saw a neat conversion of the dreadknight from a guy who used it in a plague zombie mission in Necromunda so I'm fine with it. But this thing is just stupid.

The one on the right.

Every time!

I'd add the Daemonettes to that too. It seems all the newer plastic demons that aren't nurgle always look worse than their old metal counterpart.

I'm a Tau player and I can't stand this piece of shit. Not much from a mechanics PoV, though I hate the cheese potential to be sure, but the proportions and what it stands for piss me off.

Massive bulky chest and backpack.. tiny head. Toothpick legs to support itself (with extra thigh armour bolted on to aggravate the issue). Massive gun the size of a building.. baby arms.
It's just the most malproportioned abortion of a design I've ever seen (at least I saw the Stormsurge but all that needs is a closed canopy and arms so its not as bad, still hate it though). Tau were this race of sensible technological application but then they just went Full Retard with the robots instantly, which has ruined my favourite race's reputation. Now everybody thinks I'm a cheesemeister by virtue of even liking the Tau.

I hope the Ethereal that commissioned the Riptide and Stormsurge designs find himself in solo combat with a cyclonic torpedo.

This dude

>dose ankles man

The thing that annoys me about the current Tau direction is they are meant to be smarter, not harder. So that to me implies a myriad of small, highly effective weapons. Not just building bigger, badder, dumber things to keep up.

He brings a titan, you bring a dozen one shot plasma missile drones and just shoot the big lumbering shit down sort of thing.

Well, look at it user, what did you expect ?
Pic related to , the neat conversion I was talking about.

This thread is now about minis that everyone considers ugly but you love them even more for it

I'll start

That conversion is absolutely amazing.

>N E C R O M A N C Y
>it means no worries, for the rest of your death

Chaos spawn also suffers from this. THe metal one tearing his mortal coil apart in an avalanche of teeth was damn cool.

I liked 3rd editiion fluff where they sent manta destroyers against titans.

At least they could have gone full macross varitech with batllesuits converting into flyers.
Going from the jetpack equipped crisis to the abortion that are the recent giant suits is a damn disgrace.

I have a problem with the "new" plastic scouts.
I feel that the old metal ones were way more detailed and didn't have these retarded rectangular faces.

Agreed, this is the only dreadknight conversion I like. You can find it and other Necromunda goodies in thenickeninja's blog.

Yeah, and it's only made worse because you have to see them fucking everywhere.

At least wraithknights/imperial knights are sexy looking.

I kinda prefer the current Bloodletters to the 2002 sculpts. The ones we've got now were like a throwback to the Rogue Trader sculpts, but without the goofily long bodies and arms. The 2002 metal ones just looked like generic horned demon dudes, and the 1997 ones are halfway between those and the RT ones.

True for the others though. Even the Nurgle stuff looks a bit too cartoony these days.

>THe metal one tearing his mortal coil apart in an avalanche of teeth was damn cool.
You mean this one?

If so, yeah, that one was boss. Only problem was that it was really hard to customise.

I disagree.
That model isn't ugly. It just totally out of place within the 40k universe. In itself, its really nice.

That demon prince in comparison is ugly. There was a better looking version before and then they released a new one, just made it worse.

Lots of the first plastic kits which replaced the metal minis had that problem. Cadians and Catachans are the perfect example. They offer conversion options, but their details were worse than their metal predecessors

Scouts (and SM in general) never had good faces.
At least you can replace the plastic heads with better heads more easily.

>Cadians and Catachans are the perfect example.
Fuck I'm starting a guard Kill Team and got myself a bunch of Cadians and I'm feeling the pain. The conversion options are really limited, the details are okayish but I think their molds are really ageing badly at this point.


Lots of the first plastic kits which replaced the metal minis had that problem.

Problem is, when GW got the opportunity to update the blocky Scout head aesthetic with the Wolf Scout upgrades several years later, they didn't take it. They just used the same heads, only with beards and mohawks sculpted on.

Kill it. Kill it before it can create more of itself. The Hive Mind has went too far with this strand of Genestealer.

What the hell is that

Second generation 40k Genestealer Cult Patriarch.
Ugliest thing ever and they even made more than one mini.


>At least you can replace the plastic heads with better heads more easily.

Guy on the throne is pretty cool, the other one is just gash.

Wtih Genestealer cults being a thing again, what's the difference between a Broodlord and a Patriarch? £10?

This is a classic though.

Pretty much yeah. The point of being an advanced race is miniaturization and being able to tackle huge problems with ease. What says "Advanced" more? Having to field a massive misshapen mech to fight another mech the size of a moon, or having a guy point some supertech the size of a laser pointer and blowing a hole clean through the Princeps' braincage from 10 miles away?

I love genestealer cults, but holy fuck they have always looked retarded.

Likely an unpopular opinion, but I love the sisters of battle, but damn they are most certainly ugly af. Prove me wrong

The sculpts are showing their age, but the general aesthetic is okay. As people have been saying for some time, they really need a full plastic revamp.

You're not wrong. The semi competent sculpts coupled with the nice fluff blinds all the turbonerds.

They have so much potential in my opnion! The market for the sisters is quiet large, you redo the models, redo the roster (nothing heavier than a feather currently..) and Bob's your bloody uncle. They could make some damn good looking sisters if they wanted to. Here's for a revamp!

Genestealer Cult Patriarch model: psychic Patriarch

Tyranid Broodlord: non-psychic Patriarch

Now that I talked about it, the new Patriarch as an ugly as fuck posture, the model itself looks neat but they tried so hard to make him look like the Genestealer Cult symbol that it just ruins it for me. Gonna have to chop that model to pieces and make a new tail and maybe add a throne.

The ones with helmets look cool imo, the ones without look like Tumblr feminists.

From what I can tell, the Patriarch is basically just a Purestrain Genestealer who got old and huge, and developed psychic powers, after starting up a cult. A Broodlord is specifically bred as a Genestealer front-line commander when the Hive Fleets actually arrive.

There's enough similarities between the two types for it to be pointed out in-universe though.

I think GW ignored that, and instead decided to capitalise on the scale creep of recent years.

Considering their age, sisters hold up pretty well. They can't compete with modern sculpts, obviously, but apart from a dire need for more poses and a slight case of manface, they are still quite nice overall.
Plastics fucking when, GW?

>The ones with helmets look cool imo, the ones without look like Tumblr feminists.
hahaha This is too true. I agree with the fact that their armor's pretty damn nice still
I agree with you, but it's time for a damn well revamp. Real talk here, I think that a lot more females would be mroe inclined to the whole 40k universe when they see a revamped SOB.
I'd love to petition them.

>Sisters ask for plastics
>Sisters remade in plastic
>Cost more, uglier, probably even less conversion potential

I'll laugh so much.

I like the current Sisters sculpts anyway, god knows I don't want them to be made sexier or anything.

>They have so much potential in my opnion!
They really do, I don't understand why GW keeps ignoring them like that.

While not ugly per say, the Exorcist bother me a lot because it's quite clear that the conversion kit was meant for the old rhino model and they just stuck it on the new one pretending that it looks good.

Had to convert mine to make it look decent in my eyes, I fucking hate how GW put those cartoony looking skulls on anything chaos

I don't think stormsurge even needs arms. Why give your mech arms when you can just attach the weapons to the torso? Then again, I've always liked the armless mech designs in Battletech.
No idea why they thought the open cockpit was a good idea, though.

>Plastics fucking when, GW?

Going by their recent track record, it looks like they've finally realised that listening to their customers has some merit. So hopefully within the next year.

They did tease plastic SoB in that Magnus reveal video a few weeks ago, but it's hard to say if they were being serious or not.

good lord what happened with that right model how can you change something so little and make it so much worse in the process

the Daemon prince model that is newer does look like crap, but its so conversion-friendly that I love it for that simple reason.

ok yeah thats pretty ugly

The management needs a shakeup probably. But I went into GW to start getting back into 40k, and they were cool, and GW are releasing these collectible card things for doing things in store, clever idea. helps build a relationship with the store. So I hope they stop ignoring them..
Don't get mer started on the bloody exorsist.
>GW board meeting
>We need a new artillery for the sisters of battle, something Space Marine-y but sreligious.
>...Say sir, why don't we just stick an organ on top of a rhino?
>...Do you think they'll realize?
>Of course not sir!!
>Jenkins you've done it again!!
OR something like that

The exorcist is lovely and you should feel bad for mocking it. It fits perfectly into 40k.
Women play tyranids or some flavor of eldar, they generally don't give a shit about the bolter bitches, new sculpts or not.

Every time I see that shit I hear "In A Gadda Da Vida" payed on the organ like in that simpsons episode.

They basically just turned it into a Saturday morning cartoon caricature of the previous version. It's kind of hard to avoid, since the plastic casting process forces the sculptors to using loads of flat surfaces and sharp, chunky details. It's getting better, but getting truly organic-looking details in plastic is still really difficult.

Also, why did I just have to solve six Captchas in a row?

The Exorcist is amazing. Its a battle nun playing an organ mounted on an armoured vehicle that shoot missiles.

Its so perfectly suited to 40k and it sums up the SoB quite well.

>Also, why did I just have to solve six Captchas in a row?
You're a robot user.

No, that metal kit (which was an absolute joke to fit together) was made for the current Rhino kit.

Forge World made a more basic one too.

But that one misses the whole point.

I didn't realise it was still on sale though. By modern GW pricing £36 isn't actually horrific.

As long as it doesn't miss the target.

Disagree... mostly.
A bigger head would have been utterly stupid, actually you could argue for no head at all.
The weapon aren't too big, it's all the shit around the weapon that make it overstuffed. They should have completely remove the arms, it doesn't need pseudo hands holding the weapon.
The big chest and backpack with small leg is what make it look like it move with its jetpack. It IS good design (aesthetically I mean, of course it's retarded otherwise, it's a big robot).

I however agree with you that the tau should have kept their... "sensible technological application" as you said it. However I doubt we could have avoid it, GW is selling toys after all, they need to sell new kits and big impressive kits are a selling points.
As much as I want new weird aliens auxiliaries, tau needed a tau central piece from GW perspective.

Maybe the next codex will focus on auxiliaries? Like I hoped the two last one would be.

I really hate the new broadside design, it just looks like a mess

the old design was so easy to identify and looked like a big lumbering gun platform. this new one just looks like something out of the new transformers movies

Especially at nearly £50 a squad, jesus.

That is one of the best models in the range.

The old crisis suits were fucking awful without huge amounts of conversion work, and the basically mono pose broadsides were awkward as fuck.

well I disagree, to each his own i suppose

can the old models still be used in game? I'd rather not spend heaps on units that are useful but I dont like the look of (never getting a stormsurge, UGLY)

Yeah, especially with the Seeker Missile stuck on it just looks ridiculous.

I used to play Tau, I think the suits peaked with the original Forge World ones. The XV9 isn't too horrific, but the later GW suits are awful for being the same size.

The numbering doesn't make sense anymore either, no way it's an XV8 class anymore.

that's the original exorcist, though

Been posting in this thread on and off for a few hours, but didn't post a pic before now. Some of the early Eldar guardians were just plain bad, even at the time. Not sure who thought the coneheaded Space Marine heads were a good idea.

To be fair, the FW one came out a few years earlier.

Maybe someone at GW wanted KKK marines but no one sold the right bits and he needed an excuse

The only thing the bother me with this one is the mace-tail.

> Chaos shit bits box/10

Nah, I'm even being nice and choosing a fairly well painted and uncluttered take on them, they're poor.

The original GW plastics were too, they're moderately better now, but the first line of FW XV8 stuff was great.

its mostly the weapons that ruin it for me

something about two big shoulder mounted railguns was so much better

>setting stabilizers. ready to fire.

This is the must gundamy looking suit ever.
Not saying it's bad, but I find it strange it's among the most love suit when the tau are decried for being a gundam rip-of.

I'm just wondering why that big, load-bearing robot has to hold its gun like a rifle.

>I'm just wondering why that big, load-bearing robot has to hold its gun like a rifle.

It wants to be in a band

>Not sure who thought the coneheaded Space Marine heads were a good idea.
Kevin O'Neill, I guess.

>the Exorcist bother me a lot because it's quite clear that the conversion kit was meant for the old rhino model and they just stuck it on the new one pretending that it looks good.

How is it clear at all? Have you even assembled an Exorcist or seen an old style Rhino? You have no idea what you're talking about.

Even the tyranids cannot stand the mutative powers of the tyberium.

Actually, while I dislike the Riptide and Stormsurge, I actually think the Broadside is amazing. It's meant to be a heavily customized Crisis Suit with shitloads of extra armour and no jetpack and it does look the part. It looks like it deserves that 2+ armour and 2W. An big boxy entrenchable railgun turret on legs.

I also love the Ghostkeel for its amazing proportions and modest appearance.

I was a fan of the Tau until they went full retard with the suits.

The Hammerhead should be their heavy front line combat unit, the Broadside should have been the biggest suit.

>quoting the whole post

>broadsides deserve +2 armor
>but fucking carnifexes don't



kek, infallible logic.

All of their early eldar and also fantasy elves heads were terrible.

I don't see the fuckin' problem



>I also love the Ghostkeel for its amazing proportions and modest appearance.
It's kind of funny how it was released within a week or two of the Stormsurge, which is the exact opposite. That one arguably has more in common with the Onager Dunecrawler than a lot of the other Tau stuff, aesthetically.

Apparently that one happened because the sculptor wanted to make him a dessicated corpse, but was forced to go with a skeleton. He didn't like it, so he made it as goofy as possible.

The first nids generally were ugly as hell.

>the story on the Nagash, model... is this;

>It was my first big Multi-part mini I had ever attempted. and it certainly went through many versions in sculpting. (In those days concept drawing were very sketchy and I had very little input.) But only one version ever made it to the moulds. However, there are two head versions the original head was based on the design that i was given, a more Zombie looking type. And that was the one that my design manager and I (at the time) prefered. But at that time all miniatures had to be approved not only by the design studio, but also by the sales management.

>This is where it came un-stuck! They did'nt like it, and prefered to have a Skull,...? Much to my dislike. Now because of release dates and schedules I had one day to put it 'right'. So preffering the original I went ahead and made the alternative. Now, I never thought for one moment thought that they would approve the (laughing clown) skull and would revert back to the original. The Joke back-fired. And to my horror it was approved and they released it!

>Throughout my time at GW I know i made some sculpts that I was not that happy with. But, Nagash has been the one model that Haunted me all through my time there (AND IT STILL DOES!). And vowed that I would re-make before I left. However, that was never to be.

>I am working on my own version but will prolly not see the light of day until next year. Stands approx 70mm tall and will be cast in around 20 parts.

>Blood Bowl was my favorite game at GW. Shame they never wanted to push it further. I would have love to have seen a Necromunda version.

you know when I finally read nemesis recently it did strike me that biel tan's insignia looked an awful lot like the terminators badge

Nah, the Screamer-Killer is a classic.

The old Screamer-Killer Carnifex looks like it was originally meant to be some sort of bio-Dreadnought, before they just decided to say it was a bigger, badder Tyranid. Just look at the hip joints.

I'm a sucker for that old Carnifex model. It's retardedly unique.

It's like a compilation of old miniature goofiness.

I never said they didn't, friend. Tyranids deserve a LOT of love and I'll be superhappy when they receive it.

I remember I was terrified of them because of my friend who played them really well back in 5th. The idea of playing him legit made me feel like it was inevitable. It was awesome because every battle was desperate, so It was like facing actual Tyranids in the setting.

I long for the moment when that happens again.

Imagineable, considering Nids at the time had (bio-)mechanical weapons seperate to their bodies.

I didn't realise Tyrant Guard had been overhauled again. I don't mind the first version of these, very chunky. Better than the Warrior-style ones with shields.

The Eldar got decentish by 1993 though, when Jes Goodwin managed to really make them shine. Some of those sculpts (e.g. Maugan Ra) still hold up today.



Believe it or not, the prototype for those go on ebay for a lot of money, like £200+

Weird how Nids have gone from near-dinosaurs, to smooth stuff like the Screamer-Killer, back to insect-dinosaurs for the 3rd ed stuff, and now all basically sinewy big plated monsters. I'm not exactly up-to-date but there's all sorts of stuff now like the Maleceptor that they've pulled out of their arse.

You know, that model actually doesn't look bad with an up-to-date paint job.

What was with the crummy paint jobs back in the day, by the way? Seems like Eavy Metal's standards were really low circa 1988.