/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General

Last Thread: >pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

Latest Traveller Release, Companion PDF and the next text edition still to come.

Also does anyone know what a fucking judgment egg is?

>behlit fragments
Is this what I think it is?

Dark Souls Boss CYOA about 1/3 finished.

So, that's it, then? That's how it ends?

Funny, that.

Let's take the SAND. I dream, and the world trembles.

As for how much of myself I'll give? I shall become this world's AVATAR. Should a greater expanse take me in, I will rise to defend my home if necessary, but at no point before.


With the enhanced tensile strength of my vines, if they're stretchy enough we could probably make a huge slingshot for you. Using the Arachne's Aimbot alongside it, you might as well be a free Artillery power.

I'm more specialized at keeping the people around here alive, but waste not want not. Our facilities can probably patch your legion's damage up just as well.

Wanna ride on my slingshot?

Looks like we are all interested in the same things lol.

Friendly reminder that OG Azriel is best Azriel
but Kristel is still better

Is it possible for an incarnate to become a demiurge without killing and absorbing their other universe specific incarnates? if not can an incarnate become as powerful as a demiurge in through other means?

Reposting from last thread.

If you post this and don't want to be called a shit, post boxes and demon version as well.

Otherwise, good CYOA.



Question, does anyone know what happened to the incoming necromancer update, has there been any news or have I missed it completely?

I pick Worldly body

Boxes? You mean mickey and Big D?

Mhyrie best demon btw

Posting one of my favorites.

Those of you who chose to shadow Mickey in the archangel cyoa

>Boxes? You mean mickey and Big D?

Behlit Fragments is from the Berserk manga.

In the Manga you can become a Demon "Apostle" to five reality warping Demon Lords called the God Hand by sacrificing the thing that you love the most to them.

Apostles can do all sorts of crazy shit. Their original Human bodies look more inhuman and they can transform into their Demon bodies which are basically unstoppable by normal men.

One Apostle has supposedly unbreakable diamond scales for skin. Another couldnt die unless his head was cut off. Their powers vary widely.

Pic related is what some of the Apostles look like.

The Godhand themselves seemingly had no limitations.

Still being worked on, AFAIK.

and those of you who chose to serve Big D in the archdemon cyoa

you uh, forgot something


fucking capcha ate my image


Thanksgiving update is going to be about historical figures. Give me any input if you want to see someone specific.

Im still working on the Quest but ive been busy/tired so sorry about no updates recently.

>Is it possible for an incarnate to become a demiurge without killing and absorbing their other universe specific incarnates?

You dont have to kill them. If something else kills all of them you will become a Demiurge.

>if not can an incarnate become as powerful as a demiurge in through other means?

Yes but it would take a very long time and only very few could do it.


Is it bad that after seeing the "Mover" and "Shaker" options, I half expected the next option to be "Candlestick Maker?"


>Another couldnt die unless his head was cut off

Can you say




>still expecting a necromancer update

So the woven basically makes you god? I'll take that with living world.



And if that something else is another incarnate?

Being an artillery shell sounds like a great plan. It'll help me get into combat faster too.


Italics if you're still here do you have an estimated release date for this cyoa? Also will there be more did nothing wrong yanderes in Order? We need more yanderes.

>Kid Win Mode
>Drawbacks (6)
Shard 3
Case 53 1 (Obvious)
Enemy 2 (Protectorate)

>Minor Powers

>Major Powers

Augmented Powers (Both minors)
Ally 1 (A fellow case 53)

At first, I was excited. I got to be an elf-looking motherfucker with some of the most broken power imaginable - Superspeed + Spidey Sense + the ability to turn off the powers of anyone I get within sixty feet of. I figured as long as I stayed away from the biggest Tinkers, I would be fine.

I didn't figure on how the Shard drawback would affect me. I'm the world's biggest asshole. I've started avoiding saying anything at all, because whenever I speak, it almost always hurts someone or makes them hate me.

My interpersonal skills have made me so many friends: the entire protectorate hates me and wants me dead. They fear my abilities and have sent some of the most powerful parahumans in the world, including members of the Triumvirate, after me. I've been here three weeks and I already have a kill order. The only person even remotely sympathetic to me is a fellow case 53 I saved from some jumpy cops, but I can't spend too long near them, because they need their powers to stay alive.

I live on the streets, surviving via superspeed pickpocketing. And worst of all - Jack Slash keeps calling me. I wish I was fucking dead.

Looked it up. First off it sounds like a total crapshoot in what you get, and even the good options don't warrant a price 1000 above a transfusion. Not to mention it makes you "evil" and it can't be fixed. The main character "guts" kills a ton of them and frankly his abilities are not that much above human baseline (haven't read the manga just going of some wiki info). I would expect any highclass Nisetic traveler to be able to reach his level with a bit of effort. And of course the biggest thing is that the Travelers have access to an entire multiverse of possibilities for empowerment and the cost benefit seems really bad.

I would much rather go to Bio and say "make me a spess mareen", than become some kind of demon that will go to collective unconsciousness hell when I die.

>Noikari, Red, Male
-Divine Speed
-Fleshwarpers x30
-Reclamationists x30
-Diversionists x20
-Artillery x20
-Valentina Stefoniou

Against an infectious foe, it is better not to rely on throwing bodies at them. My Fleshwarpers will take acceptable sacrifices of local wildlife or livestock and transform them into impervious horrors, then immediately sever their lives to prevent the horrors from being infected. Then our Reclamationists raise the horrors as undead, immune to the infection.

The Fleshwarpers themselves kill without bloodshed, meaning less chance of becoming infected. Our Artillery provides sniper fire against key targets such as enemy harriers, and our Diversionists make up for a lack of numbers by confusing the enemy with phantom troops.

My clones zip across the battlefield, reducing foes to quivering gelatin as they pass, and should they die Valentina can patch me right back up with no loss. I manage troop movements and vision from my command center.

And then I will make beautiful half-breed children with my bee-wife.

The powers arent random, they are a reflection of that individual.

This is basically a way to write in whatever powers or abilities you want.

You're basically a daemon prince at this point but bonded to the material plane instead of the warp

>I would expect any highclass Nisetic traveler to be able to reach his level with a bit of effort.
>i would much rather go to Bio and say "make me a spess mareen"

Kek. OK.

If you don't want take that option it's fine but let's not pretend that option that costs 3000 credits isn't going to give you an absurd power boost

>Another couldnt die unless his head was cut off
Well fuck, nobody's ever done that before.

that's what showed up when I googled it, but it didn't seem to justify the cost or fit the description.

>You dont have to kill them. If something else kills all of them you will become a Demiurge.
What happens if a foreign Demiurge collects all the Incarnates in one place, then kills them all at the exact same second?

There's no reason why you couldn't (read: this is basically mandatory) go to foreign universes and make pacts with other Incarnates: If you help me kill my guys, I'll help you with yours. There are many ways you could use such a pact: you could focus on just one of the members, get them to godhood and then just steam roll the other Incarnates. Then repeat the process but with an increasing number of Demiurges.

What's Terra D1236 referencing?

Does anybody have the latest version of No John You are the Demons? Can't seem to find it.

>woven makes you a god

Woven kills you.

You're a big guy.

>Kid Win Mode
-Asimov 2 (cannot rescind on a deal)
-Case 53 2 (huge devil horns, flaming halo, tail, red skin, think Hellboy without getting swole)
-Enemy 2 (Protectorate, because I don't discriminate with who I work with)
-Enemy 1 (Merchants, never liked drug dealers)
-Enemy 1 (Coil, for being a hole in his power)
-Enemy 1 (Haven, who think I'm actually the devil)
-Mental Fortress
-Temporal Ghost
-Major Stranger
-Major Thinker
-Minor Brute

I offer answers to life's questions, solutions to life's problems. Not for free, of course, and I only take cases that interest me.

I like it but how about changing knights gift? A shield kind of locks them into that choice, stopping them from using a 2-handed weapon. How about the gift is some sort of armor, or something that keeps your weapons and armors in pristine condition?
I like the oc anyway

Noikari (Red)




Foot Soldier x5 (500)
Bowmen x5 (500)
Knight x10 (100)
Artillery x10 (100)
Strategist x5 (5)
Harrier x10 (100)
Fleshweaver x20 (40)
Cavalry x5 (150)
Blade Dancer x5 (150)
Reclamationists x10 (10)
Diversionist x5 (25)
Assassin x5 (15)

Set up my army into 5 units, with every unit being
Foot Soldier (100)
Bowmen (100)
Knight (20)
Artillery (20)
Strategist (1)
Harrier (20)
Fleshweaver (8)
Cavalry (30)
Blade Dancer (30)
Reclamationists (2)
Diversionist (5)

Assassins are for different missions.


if you can

sheeeit forgot allies

Inugami Taikan
>noikari bro
Tegyd Erdudvyl
>magical waifu

Operation: 2 Comfy Too: Electric Boogaloo is a go, gentlemen.

Log Cabin
Power Gem

Auto-Veeky Forums
Jam Session
200% Comfy
The Rest
Stronk Gear
Fully Loaded
/diy/ zone
Ocean Man
Thrill Ride

Companions Purchased

Lasting Effects
Reality Convert
Last Resort
Never Let Go
2 Birds, 1 Soul

2 Instances of Min-Max to get the points for companions.

I'm a little miffed that I had to miss out on gravity powers, a L-Lewd room, AI bots, understanding buddies, music and lighting, but if I really REALLY feel bad about it, I can eat a shotgun shell from my armory and re-do the whole thing.
Either way, I can grab my buddies and my wife whenever it's time to chill, and just go have fun. If no one's down for some shit when I am, I can split myself up and have some crazy Veeky Forums, /v/, /k/, /diy/ or /mu/ times with a couple knuckleheads that could probably figure out what my game plan is for this game, project, or jam session.

I was born too early for an AI world where this is possible. ;_;7

Drink Blue, drestroy green, save red.

Obtain wizard powers.
Git gud.
Hand off the red drink to a non-disciple that does some seriously heroic or helpful shit.

I am not pretending that it does not give a power boost. But all things considered I don't think it is worth 3000 credits compared to say paying 2000 to become an actual minor God or the terminator.

>>material plane instead of the warp
That is a very bad deal long term. The amount of opportunities closed off to a traveler that goes this route is not worth it. Granted the boost may be larger initially.

I won't argue too much about the power level of a male manga/anime protag, except to say that all travelers already have the kernel of determination/conviction/will that is the true power of such characters. Would it be unfair to assume Guts does a lot of yelling? The point is he is able to fight these things as a human.

Alright I finished reading it.

>that all travelers already have the kernel of determination/conviction/will that is the true power of such characters.

I am pretty sure a good portion of travelers are also motivated by insanity.

Oh, so the other great source of power in anime.

And in real life!

>Also does anyone know what a fucking judgment egg is?

The only time I ever saw it mentioned was Sunless Sea. It was a special kind of soul you could get, the description said something about the spore of an elder god or some shit.

If I recall correctly, you needed one for a few endgame quests. Like one for some kind of eldritch cannon, another to escape from an ice citadel that made you face all the terrors of the world.

I really wish I knew what the "transformation" was.

>that is a very bad deal long term. The amount of opportunities closed off to a traveler that goes this route is not worth it. Granted the boost may be larger initially.

Why would it be closed off to you? I only meant that you can stay indefinitely on the material plane as opposed to various entities that can only access the physical world under special conditions

As for the rest, you can easily infer that if an infusion is 2000 cr and the shards cost 3000, then the later is the more powerful option by a large margin. Also, the shards are essentially power amplifiers, so a more powerful individual would in turn become a more powerful demon

I'm not going to argue power levels either since this is also speculative, but to put it in context individuals in Warhammer have killed daemon princes and avatars of Khaine. That dosent mean they suck.

Really though if you think an infusion or bio/cybernetics is a better fit for your character though it's all good.

Anyone know what the Token of the Dawn is?

The new Five Nights at Freddy's cartoon.

Gravity Falls, I think?

So can we agree this is the most 'shit's about to break the fuck down' update thus far?

Those paths at the end, even if you don't take any red point buys shit is mega fucked.

I'm not sure. You use it in a room of pure darkness to brighten it. I'll see if I can find the description the game gives you if you use it.


>The Egg cracks. The dark withers. For a moment, you see a reflection in the Frostfound wall - a shining shape of many limbs, crowned with law and masked with light, a seed-fragment of a greater whole. YES, the voice you heard intones. YES.

>The reflection is gone, and so is the Egg. You are alone in an empty cell of softly glowing ice.

Not very helpful, but nothing in SS is straightforward.


I'm looking forward to A Champion in the Flesh, Strike Down the Horns and That Rare Frown.

I really find it interesting that the anti-Gadraki coalition decided to ignore the Fighter you, while Gadraki himself is requesting a parley. Like this shit is really strange.

That is what we are really arguing about is the price. It might be worth it but I do feel there is already a steep price inherent in the choice that HL is not considering. Of course many players don't care about such costs anyway. Being stuck to the physical (and a tainted humanity) is quite a price IMO.

>Also, the shards are essentially power amplifiers, so a more powerful >individual would in turn become a more powerful demon

That could be what makes it worth it I guess.

I didn't make the space marine comparison on accident. I know a daemon prince is better than one, while in raw power a apostle is perhaps better than Guts. Thing is Guts seems to have killed a lot of them.

The summer mission is what gave it away for me. Also triangles have 3 sides and 3 angles hence 3 in 3. Have fun fighting Bill travelers.

> TFW Gadraki turns out to be a cool guy who's just trying to keep things quiet for Igra.
> TFW He takes you out for pizza to discuss postponing until Duwall comes back.
The Chain boxes are the neatest shit so far.


I haven't really read Berserk, but I could have sworn Guts had a Behlit too, based on the picture. Or does that not affect him?


That seriously intrigued me as well. It shows that the conspiracy could be two pronged. I really did just think it was Igra but the opposition may have a dark agenda as well.


He did not use it according to the wiki.

Bad guy did and became a god or something.

It seems obvious that he may be choosing us as his successor in opposition to the other group. That he would give a fledgling that chance is disconcerting because it means he does not trust established people.

>not "choose your own bizarre adventure"

Question for highlander, how many user created characters are going to be put into the cyoa. Like are you just going to put a few through the ranks like before, or are you just gonna make a Mage pdf as a testament to a few years work.


Hmm... I guess Highlander will have to divulge a bit more about it then. I know they accept a lot, but personifications of evil might be pushing it a little.

I should mention that that one was "special" most just turn you into a demon.

Could it be, assuming Igra is corrupted, that Gadraki has either had a falling out with Igra? Or perhaps those meetings between them haven't been buddy-buddy talks.

Guts COULD have used a Behelit, but he never did, and ever since getting the Brand of the Sacrifice, he is no longer able to. Not that he would knowing how they work.

>Game Mode
Kid Win Mode
>Minor Powers
Power Immunity
Temporal Ghost
Mental Fortress
Asimov (3): I must save innocent bystanders from cape & endbringer attacks.
Case 53 (2): I look like a tentacle rape monster
Enemy (2): Jack Slash and the Slaughterhouse Nine want to recruit me and have me act like an archetypal tentacle monster.
Enemy (3): Endbringers seem to target me once I join the battle. This is good for civilians to escape while I distract them but not good for me.
Shard Influence (-1): I don't know why but I feel like I'm being guided into events against my control every once in a while. I always kick myself in hindsight but I just don't know why I act like this sometimes.

Traditional style superhero that speaks just like a golden age cape from the comic books. I really want to be the best I can be for the Protectorate and use my powers for the best. It's just that my appearance makes people think otherwise.

"Citizens of Seattle have no fear for... Wait I'm not an endbringer. People stay calm I'm here to help against the..."

Everyone panics and runs away from him except the villains who turn and stare at me in weird mix of revulsion and anticipation.

"Well at least the civilians are safe. Now prepare for punishment you dastardly villains."

>>Not that he would knowing how they work.
That's my issue with the price is it only considers the power we get. Of course it may be our punishment for power-gaming without regards to anything else. The wiki said that when apostles die their spirit goes to the abyss where the evil godhand is. NO THANK YOU.

I love how we all pretty much agree Igra is corrupted.

you can only replace him if you beat him in a fight, though. That's why he's usually in hiding.

Actually, I'm more leaning towards Igra being innocent and stressed the fuck out. I'm only entertaining the idea, without accepting it yet.

I think Highlander has hinted that Igra isn't really so bad. He might just be rationalizing, but he thinks his holding onto power is for the best interests of the Travellers.